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wow, some really neat ideas 4j, especially the purification system. Just one thing, the engine cluster could be more detailed, are you planning on greebing it up? I also see a fenris wolf, some gold slopes and a crystal ball, what are they doing in there?

I think I mentioned that I planned on adding a lot more to the engines...and yeah, that stuff's there because it's just clutter. I would've removed it, but there's nothing it's really blocking...the wolf, for example, I cannibalized for it's pneumatic T parts, and droid arms.

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This looks indeed very promising.... and really huge.... :'-)

I like your way of integrating some cool details like that water storage and purification

system. And that dome.... wow. *y*


Cool, tks Justin for the update ;-)

That engine room is really promissing !! But what the heck is that Bionicle part doing there :-P

I love the side greebles !! I will reuse that idea ;-) I also love the water storage in different colours !! Really well thougt through ;-)

I really want to see that dome coming along faster loool

I love to witness a project like that coming along in phases !! Its really sweet, I can't wait to see more.

WIP On !!



Asuka and Lt. Col. Thok: Thanks! *sweet*

I really want to see that dome coming along faster loool

Me too |-/ Sadly they try to charge me for parts on BL! Can you believe that? :-P Basically I need to put out a large order for a few hundred more double-sided click hinges, not to mention the various bley plate sizes!

On top of that I need to order several hundred more 6x6 bley plates, several hundred bley 2x2 tiles...basically right now I'm trying to get the basic shape down. After that I'll add the greebs, cannons, etc. Which really sucks since that's the most fun to do! It really didn't look great in the pic, but the dome is looking pretty nice in person! Just really weak, I need to heavily reinforce that thing!! Should provide a fun chance to include a decent amount of very low, body-hugging greebs along the dome though.


Nice new title! :-D Sorry for taking so long to reply seeing I am one of the ones that was nagging you. :-$ I had to reply today to the two polls that are running; you know, the needs of the many outweighs the needs of the few... or the one. :-P Either way, I am here!

It is going to be big! 8-

When you say that you need to make more "complex support pillars" are you refering to the gear pillars or the big floor hatch? I'm assuming the floor hatch as the pillars as they are won't take much weight... or am I missing something?

I mean the gear pillars. Large square pillars doesn't look very realistic :-/ As for the floor hatch pillars, they're more or less place holders. I plan on interconnecting all four of those at the top, as well as connecting them to the walls closest to them for support.

Why did you pick those gears to transmit power around the corned instead of the newer beveled ones?

What beveled ones? :'-( Damnit, is there a new part? This works just as well though, I'd guess. I mean it gets the job done :-D But if there's a part that does it easier I don't see why not...

Is that end going to be the back? I am surprised that you are making the engine so internal but I suppose it is early days.

Yup, the end is the back. The thrusters are going in the back wall of the engine room, I figured it would make the most sense to have the power generators near the engines, no? The fins will connect to the back of the engine room as well, to provide cover for the thrusters.

I look forward to seeing your finished water system. I do though find that an odd choice of detail as water isn't needed in most of a ship.

I need to pipe water to the bunks on the second deck, as well as to the command room and galley :'-( Not to mention the bathrooms...

It's only a small part, though. There will be a waste disposal unit, as well as a maze of pipes and whatnot.

Are you going to make power cables obvious as well? I like how you have allowed for space at the sides for pipes and wires.

Of course! The pipes and cables won't be that exposed, they'll be in the crawlspace on the sides, but they will be filled with pipes and cables *sweet* I may also have a couple running along the hallways...

That dome is very impressive. Especially since it isn't even finished yet. How much bigger will it be?

Well, it's the full size it will be. However as you can see there's barely half the skeleton done, not to mention the plate layer on top, and then a layer of tiles, greebs, and guns X-D

Ultimately though Sir Dillon is right that it is hard to say much at this stage as you are more working on the basic structure at this stage. Thanks for the update. I look forward to part III. *sweet*

Well I wasn't going to show it until it was much more done ;-) But thanks for the comments!

What beveled ones? :'-( Damnit, is there a new part? This works just as well though, I'd guess. I mean it gets the job done :-D But if there's a part that does it easier I don't see why not...

I mean these:


I think they work much better for 90 degree power transfers.

Yup, the end is the back. The thrusters are going in the back wall of the engine room, I figured it would make the most sense to have the power generators near the engines, no?

I've never agreed much with the idea of having an engine room on a space craft as, "Sci-fi" TV aside, there isn't any real need to have them accessible inside. But that's just an opinion. I look forward to the galley.

I need to pipe water to the bunks on the second deck, as well as to the command room and galley :'-( Not to mention the bathrooms...

You're so kind to your crew. :-P The ships I served on only had running water to the captains cabin, the galley and the heads (bathroom). To go to the heads meant leaving the mess deck and then going up to the next level....

Well I wasn't going to show it until it was much more done ;-) But thanks for the comments!

OK Ok. I get the hint. :-$ How long to you think it will take until the ship will be ready to be launched? ;-)

I mean these:


I think they work much better for 90 degree power transfers.

I've never agreed much with the idea of having an engine room on a space craft as, "Sci-fi" TV aside, there isn't any real need to have them accessible inside. But that's just an opinion. I look forward to the galley.

I ended up using some of those to finish the mechanism off since they're shorter in width than the normal gears, and the normal gears couldn't fit. As for the internal engine room, the most exposed it is, the most likely it is to be damaged in a fight. And access is always good, the more mobility you have while fixing things, the better. Spacewalks would interfere in that.

Anyway I updated the middle section, and figured you might like the gear mechanism or something :-P






I also cleaned out the parts since everyone was so pissed off about it :-D See? I said those central pillars were temporary...

As for the internal engine room, the most exposed it is, the most likely it is to be damaged in a fight. And access is always good, the more mobility you have while fixing things, the better. Spacewalks would interfere in that.

My thought on that is that unless you have a long thin engine there is no way to get access to most of it anyway. My old Radar was designed so there was just enough room between cabinets to open doors..


...but it is harder to design engines this way. (Sorry I couldn't resist! :-$ ) In todays ships engines, and often Radars and guns are designed to be removed completely for any major maintainence (and often for routine work as well) and I can't see this changing. Most aircraft, the ISS and the shuttle work the same way. My preference has always been for external engines for safety reasons and (oddly) easy of maintainence. The way I see it is that it would be easier to fix an external engine as there would be less size/shape constraints and you could then design it in a modular fashion so there was duplication of parts and thus you could then use parts from several engines to get one working. Most military equipment is designed so parts can be swapped for ease of testing and repairs. Small modules you could even bring inside for more delicate work. But this is just the way I prefer things! :-P

Anyway I updated the middle section, and figured you might like the gear mechanism or something :-P

I do! Are you going to put a worm gear in there to lock it in place, or do you have something else in mind?

I also cleaned out the parts since everyone was so pissed off about it :-D See? I said those central pillars were temporary...

Well I wasn't complaining. :-P


You look so happy in all those machine pics :-P

As for the engine room, you mean make it modular? I thought it would look realistic with pipes going everywhere and whatnot. Would it probably be mainly stacks and stacks of boxes? *wacko*

As for the worm gear, where are you suggesting I use it? I can't see where one goes... 8-|



But I think I get it now. When I said the engines were going to be enclosed, I just meant in the ship. They're going to be exposed to the extent that they need to be accessed in case of damage. Similarly, the two thrusters should be removable through the back of the ship, in case they need to be swapped out. I just meant they'd be internal to the ship, you don't see submarines with their power generators on the outside of the ship afterall, right? :-D

This baby of yours is growing nicely *y*

It's looks like it's gonna be a big boy. Keep the pics coming!


I agree, more pics please? :'-) This is looking most excelent StarWars4J, I apoligise for not checking up on it as much as I should, it really is turning out as a work of art! *y*

And that gear mechanism is superb! *wub*

Can't wait for more updates!

Batbrick Away! >:-)

You look so happy in all those machine pics :-P

Is this better?


As for the engine room, you mean make it modular? I thought it would look realistic with pipes going everywhere and whatnot. Would it probably be mainly stacks and stacks of boxes? *wacko*

Sorry, I should have been clearer. That was just me ranting about why I think the engines should be outside, it was not meant to be seen as advice on engine details. (I'm not that good on engine details anyway!) I don't think you should make your engines look like a featureless box as that would be boring. Finding a balance between reality and interestiness is something that I need to work on... :-/

As for the worm gear, where are you suggesting I use it? I can't see where one goes... 8-|

Not sure at this stage. I spent a while looking at the way it is, but I couldn't find any obvious places. Do you have a plan for restraining it in place, or is it going to be either up or down?

Sinner, stop your wanking! You're confusing SW4J. I've been translating for you over MSN for 20 minutes :-D :-D :-D

Sorry. :-$ It would have been a fun conversation to watch though;

S: Sinner is ranting again!

H: What about, ships?

S: Yes :-| I have no idea what he is on about and I don't think he does either!

H: Does he ever? Just vagually agree with him and he will go away...

Am I close? X-D


But I think I get it now. When I said the engines were going to be enclosed, I just meant in the ship. They're going to be exposed to the extent that they need to be accessed in case of damage. Similarly, the two thrusters should be removable through the back of the ship, in case they need to be swapped out. I just meant they'd be internal to the ship, you don't see submarines with their power generators on the outside of the ship afterall, right? :-D

Back on the ranting, submarines are a special example, but the much of the mechanics are still "outside" the pressure hull. You're a smarty pants. :-P I'm really looking forward to seeing this completed. *sweet*

Sorry, I should have been clearer. That was just me ranting about why I think the engines should be outside, it was not meant to be seen as advice on engine details. (I'm not that good on engine details anyway!) I don't think you should make your engines look like a featureless box as that would be boring. Finding a balance between reality and interestiness is something that I need to work on... :-/

I think it's also the words I used that really threw everyone (including me) off :-D

When I say the engines are internal, I mean the power generators. The "engines" (what I call the thrusters) are on the outside, and protected somewhat by large flaps on either side of the ship.

Not sure at this stage. I spent a while looking at the way it is, but I couldn't find any obvious places. Do you have a plan for restraining it in place, or is it going to be either up or down?

Well, originally I was, however due to the sheer number of gears that are connected, I feel it should be able to hold a decent amount of weight on it's own. Unless I specifically turn the knob in the back, it shouldn't move on it's own, even with some figs or a tank on there.

Did I mention how much I appreciate you? *wub*

Is this better?


Is it all right that I like this picture? :-$ Can you tell me what's happening...slowly...in great detail? Maybe you should PM me...

Sorry. :-$ It would have been a fun conversation to watch though;

S: Sinner is ranting again!

H: What about, ships?

S: Yes :-| I have no idea what he is on about and I don't think he does either!

H: Does he ever? Just vagually agree with him and he will go away...

Am I close? X-D

Verbatim! :-P Actually, it was some heavy Sinner to English translation going on. I'm surprised I knew it. SW4J kept saying "How do you know this if he's not on MSN" and I'd say "I'm just reading what he wrote" or "I'm assuming he meant this..."

It was a fun time...

Well, originally I was, however due to the sheer number of gears that are connected, I feel it should be able to hold a decent amount of weight on it's own. Unless I specifically turn the knob in the back, it shouldn't move on it's own, even with some figs or a tank on there.

Time will tell I suppose! I am a bit concerned thought that with all those gears there might be too much resistance and the teeth will jump. While making my windmill I tried to gear it up as much as possible, but I found that since I didn't have enough room to secure the gears on both sides they wiggled too much under load.

Did I mention how much I appreciate you? *wub*

:-$ I think you have... thanks! *sweet* I'll try to be more helpfull and less confusing in future. :-P

Is it all right that I like this picture? :-$ Can you tell me what's happening...slowly...in great detail? Maybe you should PM me...

:-P I like the picture too; I can send you a bigger version if you want. It's from my Crossing the Line Ceremony about ten years ago. (Gee, was it that long ago... 8-| ) When sailors cross the equator for the first time they are initiated. In that picture I was covered with something repulsive while showing respect to "King Neptune". We never were told what it was, but I suspect it was rotting food, puke... that kind of stuff. We were then made to stand in a bin of the stuff, then we were permitted to jump over the side. The overalls that I was wearing were thown out afterwards! :-P

Verbatim! :-P Actually, it was some heavy Sinner to English translation going on. I'm surprised I knew it. SW4J kept saying "How do you know this if he's not on MSN" and I'd say "I'm just reading what he wrote" or "I'm assuming he meant this..."

It was a fun time...

I wasn't aware you have picked up so much Sinnerish! 8-

Is the bottom of it going to just cut off and be flat like a semicircle, or will it be rounded off into a complete circle/oval shape?

It's going to be flat, but with 4 fins (one at each corner), giving a front-profile of:


EDIT:I just noticed my "punishment"! :-P I think I look like I'm enjoying it...

Well, I'm exceptionally good at it, so I should hope so. ;-) I think it fits very well with your new title! :-P

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