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One of Bionicle's biggest selling points over the years has been masks. From the collectible Kanohi of 2001 and beyond, to the Comic Con exclusives from this and last year, masks are one of the things that make Bionicle Bionicle.

But some masks are more special than others - maybe for story reasons, for being part of a special set, or due to them being a limited release.

This thread is your space for boasting about your hoard of precious, face-bound relics! Have at it!

My list of special Kanohi/Masks is as follows, in order of release:

  • 1x Golden Hau
  • 1x Silver Hau
  • 1x Infected Hau
  • 1x Silver Miru
  • 1x Trans-lime Miru
  • 1x Copper Noble Huna
  • 1x Krahkaan
  • 1x Gold Avohkii
  • 2x Glittery Avohkii
  • 3x Silver Avohkii
  • 1x Infected Hau Nuva
  • 1x Orange Vahi
  • 1x Keetorange Ignika Helmet
  • 2x Golden Mask of Fire (One has been painted white for my self-MOC)
  • 1x Golden Mask of Earth
  • 1x Golden Mask of Stone
  • 1x Golden Mask of Ice
  • 1x Golden Mask of Jungle
  • 2x Golden Mask of Water
  • 1x Golden Skull Spider
  • 1x Trans-Orange Mask of Fire
  • 1x Blended Golden Mask of Earth
  • 1x Blended Golden Mask of Stone
  • 1x Blended Golden Mask of Jungle
  • 2x Blended Golden Mask of Ice
  • 1x Golden Protector Mask
  • 1x Golden Mask of Creation
  • 2x Trans-lime Skull Scorpio/Skull Basher mask (Currently waiting on the second one to be sent my way from the states - paid £29.48 for it incl. postage)

Edited by LewiMOC

1x Golden Miru

1x Golden Kakama

1x Golden Akaku

1x Silver Kakama

1x Orange Vahi

2x Black Kraahkan

1x Golden Kraahkan

1x Black Kraahkan (Ultimate Dume version)

1x Golden Avohkii

3x Silver Avohkii

1x Glitter Avohkii

1x Silver Ignika

1x Keetorange Ignika helmet

6x Golden Masks of Power (1 from each Toa)

1x Golden Skull Spider Mask

Edited by Voxovan

1x Golden Hau

1x Golden Miru

1x Silver Akaku

1x silver Pakari

1x Silver Kaukau Nuva

1x Infected Hau Nuva

1x Golden Vahi

1x Golden Avohkii

5x Silver Avohkii

2x Glitter Avohkii

2x Black Kraahkan

2x Golden Kualsi

1x Silver Ignika

1x Keetonrange Ignika.

6x Golden Masks of power

1x Trans-orange Mask of Fire

1x Golden skull spider mask.

4x Drained Golden Masks of Power

1x Golden Protector mask

1x Golden Mask of Creation (I consider owning these since I already have paid for them).

Edited by GK733

I don't normally list as many masks as this (I usually omit ones that come in regular sets), but since everyone else is doing it, I'm gonna go for it. Combined, my brother and I have:

  • A bunch of gold and silver Toa masks (not sure if either collection is complete)
  • A couple of silver Kanohi Nuva (DEFINITELY not a complete collection)
  • Two infected Hau
  • One chrome Hau
  • A bunch of copper Huna
  • Two prototype Bohrok faceplates (not masks, but still rare)
  • One or two gold Avohkii
  • One or two sparkly Avohkii
  • Two silver Avohkii
  • One prototype Reddish Gold Avohkii
  • Two black Kraakhan (one old version from 2003 Makuta, one newer version from Icarax)
  • One Sand Yellow Metallic (old gold) Kraakhan
  • One prototype Dark Gray Metallic Kraakhan
  • Two gold Vahi
  • Two Ultimate Dume Kraakhan (great for MOCing)
  • One gold Kualsi
  • One silver Pehkui/Kiril
  • One silver Ignika
  • One gold Ignika
  • One "Glatorian helmet" Ignika (not that special, but listing for the heck of it)
  • One gold "Stars" Hau
  • Two gold Masks of Fire
  • Three transparent orange Masks of Fire
  • Three transparent Masks of Fire (two in Lego Store Event packaging)
  • Two gold Masks of Ice
  • One blended Mask of Ice
  • Three gold Masks of Water
  • Two transparent blue Masks of Water
  • One gold Mask of Air
  • One blended Mask of Air
  • One gold Mask of Earth
  • One blended Mask of Earth
  • Two gold Masks of Stone
  • One blended Mask of Stone
  • One Mask of Creation
  • One gold Skull Spider mask
  • One transparent neon green Bull Skull Mask (ordered, has not yet arrived)

I think that's just about everything anyone might consider noteworthy. I've left out masks from sets my little brother technically owns (like the silver and gunmetal Vezon helmets), since he's not always as forthright about sharing his collection as the two of us are.

  • One prototype Dark Gray Metallic Kraakhan

I'm curious about this one, do you have any picture ?

I'm not a huge Kanohi collector, my only really noteworthy / unusual masks are :

-My four chrome gold (custom) Kanohi (I'm planning on getting more, especially this year's golden masks) :


-A glitter Avohkii

-A pearl gold Kraahkan

1x Copper Huna

9x Trans green Miru

2x Kraakhan

5x Gold Avohkii

1x Glitter Avohkii

8x Silver Avohkii

2x Gold Vahi

2x Metru Hau

1x Gold Kualsi

1x Silver Pehkui

2x Vezon Ignika Masks

1x Silver Ignika

3x Gold Stars Hau

1x Golden Mask of Skull Spiders

2x Golden Mask of Earth

2x Trans Mask of Fire

I don't own much in terms of rare and special Kanohi, especially since I am more into collecting Kraata, the vast majority of Kanohi I have are from regular sets which I don't really consider rare or special so I'm not going to list them. My rare masks that fall into my criteria include:

Trans-neon green Miru

Infected Hau

Red forehead Infected Hau Nuva

Green stripe infected Hau Nuva

Protodermic Kaukau Nuva

Protodermic Miru Nuva

If this one counts, I have a rather unique mismoulded Gresh mask

If it makes up for my rather pitiful list, while not a Kanohi in any shape or form, I also own a Trans-Orange Kraata. I like to brag about that one :tongue:

I'm curious about this one, do you have any picture ?

I don't have a picture, unfortunately. Imagine the 2003 Makuta if his mask had matched his gunmetal armor. That's this mask.

I'm not counting or including any mask that was available in a mass-market release, or in a randomly assorted collectors mask box. So while I have most of (or all of?) the golden kanohi from G1 and all the current golden masks from G2, they were available to most folks, and nothing about them screams special or rare to me.

That said, I've got a pretty solid list of stuff that either myself or my girlfriend (Nukaya from BZPower) own that is rare and special!

1x Silver Great Huna

2x Copper Huna

2x Dark Blue Noble Matatu

2x Dark Blue Miru with white swirl

1x White Miru with dark blue swirl

1x Silver 2008 Avohkii

1x Silver 2008 Axalara T9 Miru Nuva with clear spiked visor

1x Silver Berix/Ackar helmet

1x Carapar coloured Strakk helmet

1x Gunmetal Kraakhan

1x Silver 2008 Kaukau Nuva (still ugly)

3x Pearl Gold Kraakhan

1x Reddish Gold Avohkii

4x TNG Miru

8x Orange Vahi

6x Old Gold Vahi


2x Light blue Kaukau

2x Yellow Kaukau

1x Brown Noble Ruru

1x Blue Noble Ruru

2x Red Noble Ruru

1x White Noble Ruru

1x Green Noble Ruru

2x Blue Noble Matatu

2x Green Noble Matatu

1x Red Noble Matatu

3x Brown Noble Matatu

4x Chrome Hau

1x Each of the Poisoned Hau Nuvas

2x G2 SDCC TNG Skull Scorpio mask in blister pack

2x G2 NYCC General in blister pack Clear Mask of Fire

2x G2 NYCC VIP LEGO Store Event X/100 Clear Mask of Fire in blister pack

32x G2 Trans-Orange Mask of Fire

1x G2 Trans-Orange Mask of Fire with solid center

80x G2 Clear Mask of Fire loose

I also own a prototype Lehvak (complete with prototype black Krana) and a prototype Tohunga Matoro.

And various other random prototype non-masks, but those are whatever, really.

1x infected Hau

1x Avohkii (Mask of Light)

1x Kraahkan (Mask of Shadow)

1x glittery Avohkii

1x Golden Mask of Earth

1x Golden Mask of Jungle

1x Blended Mask of Earth

1x Blended Mask of Jungle

1x Mask of Creation

I'm not counting or including any mask that was available in a mass-market release, or in a randomly assorted collectors mask box. So while I have most of (or all of?) the golden kanohi from G1 and all the current golden masks from G2, they were available to most folks, and nothing about them screams special or rare to me.

That said, I've got a pretty solid list of stuff that either myself or my girlfriend (Nukaya from BZPower) own that is rare and special!

2x Copper Huna

2x Dark Blue Noble Matatu

2x Dark Blue Miru with white swirl

1x White Miru with dark blue swirl

1x Silver 2008 Avohkii

1x Silver 2008 Axalara T9 Miru Nuva with clear spiked visor

1x Silver Berix/Ackar helmet

1x Carapar coloured Strakk helmet

1x Gunmetal Kraakhan

1x Silver 2008 Kaukau Nuva (still ugly)

3x Pearl Gold Kraakhan

1x Reddish Gold Avohkii

4x TNG Miru

8x Orange Vahi

6x Old Gold Vahi


2x Light blue Kaukau

2x Yellow Kaukau

1x Brown Noble Ruru

1x Blue Noble Ruru

2x Red Noble Ruru

1x White Noble Ruru

1x Green Noble Ruru

2x Blue Noble Matatu

2x Green Noble Matatu

1x Red Noble Matatu

3x Brown Noble Matatu

4x Chrome Hau

1x Each of the Poisoned Hau Nuvas

2x G2 SDCC TNG Skull Scorpio mask in blister pack

2x G2 NYCC General in blister pack Clear Mask of Fire

2x G2 NYCC VIP LEGO Store Event X/100 Clear Mask of Fire in blister pack

32x G2 Trans-Orange Mask of Fire

1x G2 Trans-Orange Mask of Fire with solid center

80x G2 Clear Mask of Fire loose

I also own a prototype Lehvak (complete with prototype black Krana) and a prototype Tohunga Matoro.

And various other random prototype non-masks, but those are whatever, really.

That's it, it's not going to get any better from here on out. Everyone else can go home. :tongue:

I normally don't list mass-market masks among my rarities either, but I figured I'd list them since everyone else was doing it. Plus, I can count my actual rare masks on one hand—it's a fraction of the size of this list.

Well after I downsized I really don't have a whole lot left other than my chrome 2001 Hau.

I have a bunch of red test shot system pieces though, so, there's that.

32x G2 Trans-Orange Mask of Fire

I am outrageously jealous.

Edited by BBBeavarr

That's it, it's not going to get any better from here on out. Everyone else can go home.

I mean, I'll trade you ten clear masks of fire for one trans blue mask of water! :P

The funny part is that I've never really tried to get exclusives or rarities? If I find them for cheap online, yeah, I'll pick them up, but the prototypes are all just because of Brickfair, and a lot of that is either stuff I won or was gifted. I just sort of accumulated a lot of it. I never fancied myself a collector, I never sought out to own a lot of these things! I don't even have a complete G1 2001 mask collection.

I've got the exclusive mask from the ultimate dume combo set, and the golden ignika from 2009 if that counts. That's about it for me.

I haven't pulled out my collection in a while, but I know I have:

1x Golden Avohkii

2x Silver Avohkii

1x Glitter Avohkii

1x Kraahkan

2x Gold Vahi

2x Orange Vahi

1x Silver Akaku

1x Gold Miru

1x Gold Pakari

1x Purple Kraata

2x Golden Kualsi

2x Metru Hau

And a few others I haven't looked at in years (I'll try to find them).

Hmmm, without looking at my collection the only ones I have that I think are special are:

One Mask of Time

One silver Hau

One gold Hau

Don't think it counts but a purple Kraata

One Mask of Shadows

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by 'special' since some of the masks on your list aren't that rare. Anyway, I've got Trans. Neon Green Miru, Copper Huna, Copper Komau, Silver Kakama and Black Matatu. Well, there are also the Golden Mask of Water and the Golden Jungle Mask from Gali and Lewa but I don't consider them rare or special.

Been collecting for maybe 4 years now, and currently have a full set of 48 Great Kanohi, 36 Noble masks + matoran/rahi masks, as well as a half-completed set of Nuva masks I'm currently working on. I think I have a flat gold kraahkan and a sparkly avohkii around somewhere too. But as for "special" masks, this would have to be my collection:


I also have a custom Gold Mask of Stone, much like Leewan (although I don't know if they're from the same person):


If it makes up for my rather pitiful list, while not a Kanohi in any shape or form, I also own a Trans-Orange Kraata. I like to brag about that one :tongue:

Nice, always thought that was one of the more interesting collectibles. How many limbs did you have to sacrifice for that?

3x Pearl Gold Kraakhan

Very nice, ever considered parting with one? :u

Nice, always thought that was one of the more interesting collectibles. How many limbs did you have to sacrifice for that?

I got it as part of a trade with somebody on BZPower recently, so it didn't cost me an arm and a leg really. All the exclusive Gen 2 masks that I still need to get, the Skull Scorpio mask, the trans-clear Hau, maybe even the trans-dark blue Gali mask - that's another story altogether. My limbs are not safe yet :tongue:

1x Green Noble Ruru

1x White Noble Ruru

1x Black Noble Matatu

1x Flat Silver Noble Matatu

1x Transparent neon orange Mask of Fire

2x Clear Mask of Fire

That should be it, but I didn't really count all the stuff that was widely available through retail. I have no idea where the silver Matatu came from but it matches the color Lego themselves use perfectly.

Edited by WARHEAD

I also have a custom Gold Mask of Stone, much like Leewan (although I don't know if they're from the same person):

Mine come from Chrome Block City. (:

  • Author

I suppose I should edit my list, as I ordered a second Skull Scorpio mask.

I mean, I got a raise, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Edited by LewiMOC

Raise ur trans neon green masks ?

1x Copper Huna

1x Silver Hau

1x Silver Kakama

1x Gold Kakama

1x Gold Pakari

1x Poisoned Hau Nuva

1x Silver Ignika

1x Clear Mask of Fire

1x Trans Neon Orange Mask of Fire

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