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"This was not my plan at the start. Lord Chauncey fears for what the world will become without my brother. When he approached with the plan, however, it was difficult to say no."

"Oh, so this whole bad deal is Lord Chauncey's idea? That makes me feel sooooo much better," the gnome quips as darkly as he can manage.

"The Master of Regret never makes anyone do anything. We had our chance to guide history, and we did poorly. Worse than poorly."

"Ooooh, this is a strong argument," Matthias says, now seething and red in the face, full sarcasm mode engaged. "'We did really bad the first time, now bring us back!'"

"It's true. Aventine and I sought him out, not the other way around."

"Yes, and it's worked soooooooo well for both of you. No regrets, right?"

"But because there is a clear and present danger, and without him, we don't know what it is, and don't know how to prepare for it."

"We don't know what it is, or how to prepare for it, because it is of course so very clear and present." Matthias attempt at imitating Chauncey fails miserably.

"You don't have to convince the whole council. You just have to be ready for what they throw at you."

Matthias, completely ignorant of how the Etheria Council works despite player knowledge drops the sarcasm and seizes on another line of argument. "Oh, so we're going to do this thing that we all know we really shouldn't be doing and we have no idea why we're doing it or what the results and repercussions might be, but we're prepared to defy the authorities now to do it?" If anything, this last seems to get more under Matthias' skin than anything else.

"You all act like there's only repercussions if you act. Don't you know that inaction is just as much an action as anything else?"

"Repercussions if we don't act? Oh, you mean like the world continuing to peacefully go its merry way? Or do you mean you not having quite as much power as you could? Because still no one has mentioned any actual reason why we're doing this except the darkness that is apparently long defeated, and something about witches."

"This is my dying wish, for a friend. Lord Chauncey has convinced me of the importance of this mission, and of the exploration that we can garner from it. From the adventure of it, if we're going to boil down."

"If 'for the lulz' is the best argument you have for doing this, that's a poor dying wish. Forgive me for preferring the status quo, but I say no until someone at least gives the real reason you want so badly to bring Passion back."

"Besides, to back down now would render all our earlier trials and struggles a colossal waste of time."

"Yes, it would be much better to simply put the lives of the innocent people of this world at risk." Matthias' sarcasm has returned.

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"If you had ever met Passion, you would know how ludicrous it would be to consider him a threat to the world. He was a Hero, for gods' sakes, and one of the better ones Heroica has had. He never asked for anything, only gave. He was kind, generous, courageous, and willing to step up and help others when no one else would. He could have sided with Wren, and her passion for Chaos could have fed him for generations, but instead he chose to stand by our side and help us take her down. These aren't the acts of some power-hungry monster, they're the acts of a good man. Passion is nothing like Regret. I hope when you meet him, you come to realize that."


You're overstating his generosity, brother. He was a good man, yes, but he kept his secrets tight and his motives to himself. Even so, we can't be sure that he will come back as you remember him.



"I will come to his defense there. The Master of Regret never makes anyone do anything. We had our chance to guide history, and we did poorly. Worse than poorly. Upon surviving, we all swore to never again attempt to shape the fate of mortals, to act only within the confines of what would be achievable by our brothers and sisters on Olegaia. And though The Master of Regret perhaps offers more than he should, he has never coerced anyone into taking him up on his offer."

"And yet here we are, determining whether or not we should resurrect your brother on account of his presence and actions effecting the entirety of the world."


"When our people fell, we had to tamper the flow of certain emotions. The one we are responsible for is the one that we feed on, and it has shaped us. With Hope, I cannot help but look towards the future... and forget, often, the past. Perhaps that is why my answers are not as helpful as my brothers' would be. But no, Matthias does not bare the same shame we do, nor the same responsibility. I'm sure he will find his own purpose one day as well, though."

"So why not search for a LIVING being that is suitable to fulfill your brother's role in all of this?"


"This isn't a vote. You can try to stop us, or choose to wash your hands of this. But I'm going to try to bring Passion back. If anything this talk has confirmed what I feared. There is something lurking out there. When Passion died, The Master of Regret fled Uland for a while. And the Witches have returned in more force than ever. And someone else knows, for the first time in a long time, something about the Old Gods. We need to get ourselves up to speed."

Hoke eyes the man disdainfully. He places his hand on Torc to calm her as she turns her gaze to Chauncey, a bit more threatening than Hoke wants it to be. He doesn't trust Chauncey, at all. He reeked of desperation for power. Hoke resolves in himself that if anything went awry in this, that perhaps Lord Chauncey would have to join Passion on the other side of mortality.

And he still hates witches.


"That I actually can answer. We have done research as far as the artifacts and resurrection go - they are not so lost to time. This is not some measly necromancy. That is a body without it's former soul. Here we will simply be anchoring a soul to a new body. That is what these artifacts together can do. Create and destroy a mortal."

"Have you taken into account the possibility that Passion does NOT want to come back? Or that just because it can be done, it doesn't necessarily mean that it SHOULD be done?"


"I can see this bothers you, all of you, greatly. Perhaps it is the mantle of hero that weighs so heavily on you. But don't think for a moment that I have forgotten my friends, and my city. This is a risk, sure. And there is a danger, as Chauncey speaks of. I'd like to avenge the death of Lord Hughes, a friend and colleague much younger than I, and to protect those who I leave behind. But as the others have said, it's also a bit of a whim. Everyone else is pretending it's some master plan, and it is, but it's also an adventure. Every time you set out from port you risk the weather, but without the weather it's hardly a noteworthy journey."

"Vengence, on a whim..." Hoke begins to doubt the integrity and wisdom of the famous Lord Guffington.


"You don't have to convince the whole council. You just have to be ready for what they throw at you." Amarcolm grins. "I'm Amarcolm. Chaomancer, member of the Council, bored participant of this meeting. You all have a shit ton of morals for murderers and thieves."

"It would be a chaomancer that mistakes common sense and prudence for morals."


"You all act like there's only repercussions if you act. Don't you know that inaction is just as much an action as anything else?"

"You've disqualified yourself to speak about logic once you stated you are a chaomancer. Seen your kind before, and I am still unimpressed."


"Chauncey." Guffington turns to Guts, and then the rest of the heroes. "This is my dying wish, for a friend. Lord Chauncey has convinced me of the importance of this mission, and of the exploration that we can garner from it. From the adventure of it, if we're going to boil down. And Doc Daneeka stands behind him. Neither of them has lead me wrong before, but neither have you. So we will put it to a vote. There are already two yeses. So where do you fall?"

Hoke steps forward of the group, directly in front of Guffington. He looks the man directly in his eyes.

"We have fulfilled your contract: We have delivered the artefacts here to Etheria. Anything else from here on out is extra, and compensation should match, especially if something goes wrong."

Hoke looks back to the group, then back to Guffington.

"Torc and I will see this through. But know this, if Passion comes back as something that shouldn't be," Hoke pauses as Zoot's Folly spasms almost uncontrollably in his gauntlet, causing his hand to shake. He calms it with a clenched fist and continues,"If Passion comes back as something that shouldn't be, I will send him back from where he came. If not, then congratulations will be in order."

Hoke extends his hand to Lord Guffington to seal the deal.


"Sod it. I'm with you, Gerald. If this thing turns bad and results in us needing to put it down, I'd rather have it happen now, and save us another trip."

Hybros sighed, and nodded. "I suppose there is no better option. Amarcolm is right, inaction would be as much of an action as any. And I have been with you all of the way, Guffington. I am in."


You're overstating his generosity, brother. He was a good man, yes, but he kept his secrets tight and his motives to himself. Even so, we can't be sure that he will come back as you remember him.

Arthur shakes his head. "I keep forgetting you weren't there with us in the Valley of Ennon. He had been petrified for seven years, low on health and Ether, too weak to even swing a staff, and yet he stood by us, risking life and limb on the off chance he could be of help. When Haldor and I were both idiots, he spoke wisdom to try to heal the rift. Triad and Sasha and Bal, they all held Passion in the utmost respect. He may have had his secrets, maybe even his own motives, but to be frank so do we. None of us came on this journey by mere chance, we all have secrets and pasts and motives that have led us to this point, whether it be to seek ancestral wisdom or reunite with loved ones or revisit old Questing grounds or just help out a friend in need. Passion was just like us, for better or for worse."

"And as far as the ritual working--I've put my life in Doc Daneeka's hands before, and I'd do it again. If he says it will work, it will work. Period."

Arthur sighs. "I know I probably sound overly hopeful, even naive. Believe me, I'm not. I know there'll be challenges. But I am confident that we will be more than able to handle whatever Etheria has to throw at us. And I'm just as confident that if we don't revive Passion, we'll come to regret it." Arthur looks to Matthias and Dyric, hopeful that his impassioned plea would be enough to sway them.


...that may be, I suppose. That's just not what I saw. He barely acknowledged me when I came to fight Wren, and I'm not sure he spoke a direct word to me after that. I - I just saw a very different man than you, brother. I think for a long moment. Arthur, I know what you've been through - especially on that day. So I know you wouldn't throw your trust wantonly to a man with such power without truly believing he deserved it. Perhaps you're right. I guess we'll have to see. Still, I would like to hear more of these witches before casting a final vote.


"And I'm just as confident that if we don't revive Passion, we'll come to regret it."

"Lovely choice of words there, Master Arthur."

I would like to hear more of these witches before casting a final vote.

"Yes, more about the witches, and any other actual reasons we have for bringing this Passion person back. Preferably something more substantial than, 'Lord Chauncey talked me into it.'"


OoC: Purpearl has voiced an interest in also getting a say in things. So I will wait about 8 hours before updating, and then move forward. If she wants to retro-actively have her say, that'd be fine as well, though I imagine that won't be quite as fun.


What witches? You folks keep mentioning them. but I haven't heard anyone explaining who are what they are. Is Thothwick back? Did Atramor's Special Mirror go wrong again? I'm not voting until I see some solid explanation.


"Simply put, we don't know much about them except that they predate the Old Gods and offer people questionable deals."


"From what I've gathered, from what Chauncey and Daneeka have said, they're sort of the movers and shakers of the whole high old magical world. That's the way I've found easiest to think about them, at least."

"I can wait. All equally important."

Purpearl requests the following gems to be forged into ethereal gems.

  • 1x Aquamarine
  • 1x Opal
  • 1x Emerald
  • 2x Amethyst


"Aquamarine first? Okay then. We can figure out payment once you're done creating it." He takes out the gem and holds it out to her. "Okay then. Aquamarines can wield, as well as water, the power of confusion. You will have t master this power while also mastering the gem. It can be an arduous task - if you have allies, they may be able to help."

Forging an Etherial Gem:

The hero(es) must fight the gem while under the effect they are trying to give the gem. This cannot be remedied and ignores immunity.

The hero takes damage/loses ether equal to the number of rounds they've spent forging etherial gems. (Round 1, -1 health/ether, Round 2, -2 health/ether). This will carry over between forging gems, so the more gems you forge the more difficult it will become.



"Sod it. I'm with you, Gerald. If this thing turns bad and results in us needing to put it down, I'd rather have it happen now, and save us another trip."


"Practical as always, Guts." Guffington chuckles. "Glad to have you with us."

"Oh, so this whole bad deal is Lord Chauncey's idea? That makes me feel sooooo much better," the gnome quips as darkly as he can manage.

"Ooooh, this is a strong argument," Matthias says, now seething and red in the face, full sarcasm mode engaged. "'We did really bad the first time, now bring us back!'"

"Yes, and it's worked soooooooo well for both of you. No regrets, right?"

"We don't know what it is, or how to prepare for it, because it is of course so very clear and present." Matthias attempt at imitating Chauncey fails miserably.

Matthias, completely ignorant of how the Etheria Council works despite player knowledge drops the sarcasm and seizes on another line of argument. "Oh, so we're going to do this thing that we all know we really shouldn't be doing and we have no idea why we're doing it or what the results and repercussions might be, but we're prepared to defy the authorities now to do it?" If anything, this last seems to get more under Matthias' skin than anything else.

"Repercussions if we don't act? Oh, you mean like the world continuing to peacefully go its merry way? Or do you mean you not having quite as much power as you could? Because still no one has mentioned any actual reason why we're doing this except the darkness that is apparently long defeated, and something about witches."

"If 'for the lulz' is the best argument you have for doing this, that's a poor dying wish. Forgive me for preferring the status quo, but I say no until someone at least gives the real reason you want so badly to bring Passion back."

"Yes, it would be much better to simply put the lives of the innocent people of this world at risk." Matthias' sarcasm has returned.


"So that's one no."


"There's no need to be so brusque, Chauncey."


"The gnome and I have settled where we will, I suppose. The elf was more than willing to give me a chance at a conversation. This gnome cannot do the same, and so I feel no need to it to him either. He grows angry swiftly without any sort of internal searching. It's all reactionary. Look how red he's gotten in the face."


"Yes, and you're a model of control," says Amarcolm with a teasing grin. "Just because you talk slowly and quietly doesn't make you any better. He's got just fine points. We have no idea what we're doing. Which, as always, is a fun little trip for me, but I can understand why it'd be a bit tough for those who are still in the school of Order." Amarcolm turns to the gnome. "You've got at least two of the five council members in the room, so don't worry too much about pissing us all off. Me and Hope are with you, or at least out of your hair. All you've got to do is convince one of the other three to not interfere, and you'll be fine."

"So why not search for a LIVING being that is suitable to fulfill your brother's role in all of this?"

"Have you taken into account the possibility that Passion does NOT want to come back? Or that just because it can be done, it doesn't necessarily mean that it SHOULD be done?"

"It would be a chaomancer that mistakes common sense and prudence for morals."

"You've disqualified yourself to speak about logic once you stated you are a chaomancer. Seen your kind before, and I am still unimpressed."

"We have fulfilled your contract: We have delivered the artefacts here to Etheria. Anything else from here on out is extra, and compensation should match, especially if something goes wrong."


"Would you like his job? You may have it." Hope bows to the dragoon, clearly not poking fun at him.


"But the knowledge he holds would still be lost."


"Did you consider that just because you can ride a dragon doesn't mean you should?" asks Amarcolm sardonically. "You're one of Wren's enemies, huh? She really did a number on your organization. Shame I never got to meet her, and teach her a bit of this and that. She wasn't a bad chaomancer in theory, but she wasn't quite able to let go of herself. Such a waste."

Guffington takes Hoke's hand, laughing.


"You should have told me you just needed more money." But he laughs again, making it clear he understands that's not what this is really about. "I'll be gone sooner or later- well, sooner. I'll do some thinking the next few hours, but I've got more than one treasure in my manor. Let's say I bequeath something to each of you heroes, as a special extra thank you. You're right, this wasn't in the job description. We can call this quest a success right now too, if that'll help."

"As for if things go south, obviously I won't be around to know it, but please assume that U'Or will make sure you're properly compensated for my stupidity as well."

Hybros sighed, and nodded. "I suppose there is no better option. Amarcolm is right, inaction would be as much of an action as any. And I have been with you all of the way, Guffington. I am in."


"Thank you."

...that may be, I suppose. That's just not what I saw. He barely acknowledged me when I came to fight Wren, and I'm not sure he spoke a direct word to me after that. I - I just saw a very different man than you, brother. I think for a long moment. Arthur, I know what you've been through - especially on that day. So I know you wouldn't throw your trust wantonly to a man with such power without truly believing he deserved it. Perhaps you're right. I guess we'll have to see. Still, I would like to hear more of these witches before casting a final vote.


"As we said, if you have the interest, you'd do well to go with us and find the person who has the answers."

OoC: That's technically a majority! BUT Matthias/Dyric/Purpearl, remember there are other members of the council who may feel differently if you're looking for allies. :wink: A note also on the side quests - they will only marginally effect the ending (and they obviously have their own rewards). If you want to skip them because of how long this quest has been, that's totally your prerogative! Once you meet all the members of the council, we can move onto the next (and final!) phase.

And finally, thanks again for your patience, and stats will be coming TOMORROW!


If they're older than the Old Gods they must know something about the Darkness. They're either using it or allied with it... Or at least know more about it than we do. There's... there's too many unknowns here. Forgive me, Guffington - you seem a decent fellow but I simply don't trust you. I don't trust Passion, and I don't trust the Old Gods.

However, I do trust my friends, and they seem to believe you can pull this off. Don't think I like this - I don't, but I'd rather die by my friends than sit back and watch. Do what you feel you must.

Posted (edited)


"Simply put, we don't know much about them except that they predate the Old Gods and offer people questionable deals."

"Ah, so basically proto-Regret, then," Arthur interjects sardonically.

"Oh, so this whole bad deal is Lord Chauncey's idea? That makes me feel sooooo much better," the gnome quips as darkly as he can manage.

"Ooooh, this is a strong argument," Matthias says, now seething and red in the face, full sarcasm mode engaged. "'We did really bad the first time, now bring us back!'"

"Yes, and it's worked soooooooo well for both of you. No regrets, right?"

"We don't know what it is, or how to prepare for it, because it is of course so very clear and present." Matthias attempt at imitating Chauncey fails miserably.

Matthias, completely ignorant of how the Etheria Council works despite player knowledge drops the sarcasm and seizes on another line of argument. "Oh, so we're going to do this thing that we all know we really shouldn't be doing and we have no idea why we're doing it or what the results and repercussions might be, but we're prepared to defy the authorities now to do it?" If anything, this last seems to get more under Matthias' skin than anything else.

"Repercussions if we don't act? Oh, you mean like the world continuing to peacefully go its merry way? Or do you mean you not having quite as much power as you could? Because still no one has mentioned any actual reason why we're doing this except the darkness that is apparently long defeated, and something about witches."

"If 'for the lulz' is the best argument you have for doing this, that's a poor dying wish. Forgive me for preferring the status quo, but I say no until someone at least gives the real reason you want so badly to bring Passion back."

"Yes, it would be much better to simply put the lives of the innocent people of this world at risk." Matthias' sarcasm has returned.

"Yes, more about the witches, and any other actual reasons we have for bringing this Passion person back. Preferably something more substantial than, 'Lord Chauncey talked me into it.'"


"So that's one no."


"There's no need to be so brusque, Chauncey."


"The gnome and I have settled where we will, I suppose. The elf was more than willing to give me a chance at a conversation. This gnome cannot do the same, and so I feel no need to it to him either. He grows angry swiftly without any sort of internal searching. It's all reactionary. Look how red he's gotten in the face."


"Yes, and you're a model of control," says Amarcolm with a teasing grin. "Just because you talk slowly and quietly doesn't make you any better. He's got just fine points. We have no idea what we're doing. Which, as always, is a fun little trip for me, but I can understand why it'd be a bit tough for those who are still in the school of Order." Amarcolm turns to the gnome. "You've got at least two of the five council members in the room, so don't worry too much about pissing us all off. Me and Hope are with you, or at least out of your hair. All you've got to do is convince one of the other three to not interfere, and you'll be fine."

"Okay, time out here. What exactly happened between you, Purpearl, and Chauncey? When Purpearl mentioned it, she mentioned a betrayal, but that hardly matches what I've seen of the man I've gotten to know these past weeks. Lord Chauncey seems to me to be thoughtful and respectful--well, respectful to everyone but you, it seems--and not at all the monster you two and Hoke seem to believe him to be. What am I missing here?"

OoC - Will the other PCs have a chance at forging etherial gems?

OOC: I second this query.

Edited by Flipz
Posted (edited)


"Would you like his job? You may have it." Hope bows to the dragoon, clearly not poking fun at him.

"My lady, the job seems to already be taken," Hoke says as he looks at Guffington,"I would think he would find this objectionable, and I am not sure exactly what qualities you see in me that I may successfully fulfill this role."

Guffington takes Hoke's hand, laughing.


"You should have told me you just needed more money." But he laughs again, making it clear he understands that's not what this is really about. "I'll be gone sooner or later- well, sooner. I'll do some thinking the next few hours, but I've got more than one treasure in my manor. Let's say I bequeath something to each of you heroes, as a special extra thank you. You're right, this wasn't in the job description. We can call this quest a success right now too, if that'll help."

"As for if things go south, obviously I won't be around to know it, but please assume that U'Or will make sure you're properly compensated for my stupidity as well."

Hoke shakes Guffington's hand.

"This may be utter foolishness, but tis true we will not know until we find out.

"and not at all the monster you two and Hoke seem to believe him to be. What am I missing here?"

"Again, Arthur, will the extremes. I do not think Chauncey is a monter," Hoke says eyeing the man,"I just do not trust him or his motives."


"Did you consider that just because you can ride a dragon doesn't mean you should?" asks Amarcolm sardonically. "You're one of Wren's enemies, huh? She really did a number on your organization. Shame I never got to meet her, and teach her a bit of this and that. She wasn't a bad chaomancer in theory, but she wasn't quite able to let go of herself. Such a waste."

Hoke moves to respond, but Torc steps toward the chaomancer, her eyes letting him know that he spoke foolishness, especially when mentioning her.

Edited by UsernameMDM

Hybros nods. "Then it is settled. We will continue our quest immediately. Guts, Hoke, Torc, Dyric, would you like to visit Iceborn with me? We do not all need to go, but I think with what happened on The Magpie you all might have some interest in picking his brain, heheh..."

"Melquiadas, Iceborn's Office."

Posted (edited)

"Simply put, we don't know much about them except that they predate the Old Gods and offer people questionable deals."

"Ah, so basically proto-Regret, then," Arthur interjects sardonically.

"You took the words right out of my mouth, Master Arthur," the gnome adds.

"Would you like his job? You may have it." Hope bows to the dragoon, clearly not poking fun at him.

"But the knowledge he holds would still be lost."

"My lady, the job seems to already be taken," Hoke says as he looks at Guffington,"I would think he would find this objectionable, and I am not sure exactly what qualities you see in me that I may successfully fulfill this role."

Matthias comports himself with as much calm as he can muster, which isn't a ton, but whatever. "So Passion's knowledge will be lost? Or Master Hoke's? If Passion's knowledge will not return, why bring him back at all?"

"Okay, time out here. What exactly happened between you, Purpearl, and Chauncey? When Purpearl mentioned it, she mentioned a betrayal, but that hardly matches what I've seen of the man I've gotten to know these past weeks. Lord Chauncey seems to me to be thoughtful and respectful--well, respectful to everyone but you, it seems--and not at all the monster you two and Hoke seem to believe him to be. What am I missing here?"

"Lord Chauncey believes that only might makes right. That the weak and the defenseless are rightly at the mercy of those who wield power. And he is willing to kill, plunder, and destroy anyone and anything who does not believe as he does, in order to gain and hold that power."

"I am not proud of my own actions in our last meeting, but there, as here, I was lied to at all levels of our mission. In any case there is no right course of action but to oppose those who have no regard for the humble."

"Melquiadas, Iceborn's Office."

Indeed, and I'm very curious to see what he knows about the Fountain. If he got there, he might have seen the same vision Matthias did.

Letting his curiosity and desire to be anywhere but here overcome him, the tiny druid sidles next to Hybros and Rone. "I'd like to go as well."

Edited by StickFig

OoC: Yes, you can all go visit the Forge Master. You're all free to travel anywhere on the island. Purpearl does get first pick though, since she pursued that quest instead of going to the meeting.

Also sorry for the wait Photobucket is such a wildly unreliable site. Pictures will come in a little bit.

Hoke moves to respond, but Torc steps toward the chaomancer, her eyes letting him know that he spoke foolishness, especially when mentioning her.

Amarcolm's eyes blaze with excitement and even respect, but he does not break Torc's gaze.


<Try me,> he says to her. <When your human speaks ignorantly, I will try to educate him. You'll get no apologies from me.>

Hybros nods. "Then it is settled. We will continue our quest immediately. Guts, Hoke, Torc, Dyric, would you like to visit Iceborn with me? We do not all need to go, but I think with what happened on The Magpie you all might have some interest in picking his brain, heheh..."

"Melquiadas, Iceborn's Office."

Matthias comports himself with as much calm as he can muster, which isn't a ton, but whatever. "So Passion's knowledge will be lost? Or Master Hoke's? If Passion's knowledge will not return, why bring him back at all?"

"Lord Chauncey believes that only might makes right. That the weak and the defenseless are rightly at the mercy of those who wield power. And he is willing to kill, plunder, and destroy anyone and anything who does not believe as he does, in order to gain and hold that power."

"I am not proud of my own actions in our last meeting, but there, as here, I was lied to at all levels of our mission. In any case there is no right course of action but to oppose those who have no regard for the humble."

Letting his curiosity and desire to be anywhere but here overcome him, the tiny druid sidles next to Hybros and Rone. "I'd like to go as well."


"As I explained, even if someone else were to step up and assume Passion's role, as Master Hoke suggested, his knowledge would be lost. Only by resurrecting him can we successfully regain his knowledge."

"And as I've explained, time and again, that is the way of nature, Matthias. Who are we to stand in the way of that? Though I must say, alternate beliefs don't irk me as much as you seem to think. You are free to believe whatever you want. Perhaps you will be right and I will be wrong, and in that case you will have rightfully swept me out."

Guts follows Hybros.

Rone, Matthias, Hybros and Guts are swept away by Melquiades, and deposited in a small office. As always, the Font is visible in a small window.


"I don't want to hear it!" growls Iceborn to the two etherial figures of Hope and Amarcolm. "We were supposed to never intervene! You never let me assist the Cold Circles when the time was right. And now you want the whole island galavanting off to some new battle."


"This is different than petty Circles of Magic. And it's sort of internal affairs, considering what we've learned-"


"I said I don't want to hear it! You've meddled enough. If you ask me, if what you say is true, if it is honestly true and total Order, then maybe that's what we need. Besides, this is as much your fault as anyone's-" he points an accusing finger at Amarcolm. "Chaomancers!"


"I tried to fix it." Amarcolm turns to look at the heroes as he begins to dissolve. "Hurry."

And then the ghosts are gone.


"Humph. What can I do for you? Who are you?" asks Iceborn.


"Heroes of Heroica, Captain."


"No. Not from you. Out."

The Selkreeth bows, and winks out of the room. Iceborn turns to the heroes.

"What do you want? Here to make some trouble? Always trouble with your type."


"Same goes for your type... Captain Iceborn. The resemblance with your crew is uncanny. I'll cut to the chase. We're here for the upcoming vote for our cause. I am sure you're a well informed skeletal.. Man.. Councillor, so I won't bore you with an explanation of something magical to a magician. So where do you stand?"


Hybros nods. "Then it is settled. We will continue our quest immediately. Guts, Hoke, Torc, Dyric, would you like to visit Iceborn with me? We do not all need to go, but I think with what happened on The Magpie you all might have some interest in picking his brain, heheh..."

"Melquiadas, Iceborn's Office."

Indeed, and I'm very curious to see what he knows about the Fountain. If he got there, he might have seen the same vision Matthias did.

"You took the words right out of my mouth, Master Arthur," the gnome adds.

"Lord Chauncey believes that only might makes right. That the weak and the defenseless are rightly at the mercy of those who wield power. And he is willing to kill, plunder, and destroy anyone and anything who does not believe as he does, in order to gain and hold that power."

"I am not proud of my own actions in our last meeting, but there, as here, I was lied to at all levels of our mission. In any case there is no right course of action but to oppose those who have no regard for the humble."

Letting his curiosity and desire to be anywhere but here overcome him, the tiny druid sidles next to Hybros and Rone. "I'd like to go as well."

Guts follows Hybros.

"Wait, on the what--?!" But they were already gone. Drat. It's been far too long since I've caught up on current affairs in Heroica Hall. I'm out of the loop. Perhaps...

"<Such a philosophy is not without truth.>" Miirym observes.

"Yes, but not as Matthias sees it. There is might beyond mere force, Miirym. Wars may be won with words over wounds. Even where violence is unavoidable, it may still be minimized, as it was in my fight with Sven's champion. Restraint is what separates a boss from a bully."

Miirym dips her head in consideration.

Arthur sighs. "Well, I was hoping to glean more information from this meeting, but at least we're all mostly on the same page now." Arthur nods respectfully to the others. "I think I'll go meet with Bombast, but first I think I'll stop by the Forge Master, see about having some equipment improved. Melquiades, to the Forge Master, please."


Posted (edited)

Amarcolm's eyes blaze with excitement and even respect, but he does not break Torc's gaze.


<Try me,> he says to her. <When your human speaks ignorantly, I will try to educate him. You'll get no apologies from me.>

The tip of Torc's tail flit side-to-side, like a cat's would before pouncing on a pitiful mouse. But she pulls back, and curls her lip in what would be considered a haughty smirk.

"Melquiades, the Forge Master," Hoke says, eyes locked with that Chaomancer.

Edited by UsernameMDM

OoC: Believe this should be up to date. Matthias, we have a deal with Zeus we never concluded (it was my fault) so if you want to return to do that, don't forget! Grogmas gifts added as well! Dyric, you got an offer for your crystal ball but never denied/accepted.

The Party


Justus Regulus VII
, a Hero Who Is Actually Worth Something (played by Flipz), Level 42.2 Dragoon, 23-year-old male Human
*Immune to
, and
Defense Reduction
* *Immune to Magic and Healing*

Power Bonus:



(Owed 128 gold by Boomingham)

Dauntlet Index
(WP: 20, doubled against humanoids,
-elemental; spear), Blue Hand Shield (SP:15, Immune to Hexed, Petrified, Minimized, Jinxed, and Stunned; shield),
Tin Armor
(SP:6, multiplied by the number of “tin” artifacts equipped; suitable to knights, dragoons, skirmishers and vindicators; bodywear),
Shadeaux Cape
(SP:11, Immune to
, and
Defense Reduction
, suitable to those with reputation among the Shadeaux only; if reputation is great, SP is doubled; if reputation is outstanding, SP is tripled; backwear),
Tin Greaves
(Immunity to
-, and
-effects; footwear), Duplovian Helmet of the Guard (SP:2, Immune to Magic and Healing; headwear, suitable for anyone),
Mail of the Renegade Commander
(Free hits deal half damage),
r (Allows for a second body wear, accessory),

First Breath
(Arthur may sacrifice a turn of combat to focus and gain +3 power. Power resets at the end of a battle or when the hero is KO'd).


Zoot's Rebel (WP:20 "halberd", suitable to Arthur only), Clockwork Lance (WP:12,
-elemental, has 1/3 chance to cause
-effect on the target; lance), Gladiator Trident (WP: 11, Spear, causes
effect), Stag Antlers (WP:10, grants
; halberd), Metasimian Dory (WP:10, pierces defense; spear), Spider Leg (WP:10, doubled against flying enemies,
- and
-elemental; spear), Duplovian Swift Halberd (WP:3, halberd,
on successful hits, Hollow [Phoenix Incense]), Hollow Flagpole(WP:11, +3 SP to the whole party whenever equipped, Hollow (Empty), lance), Sven's Dagger (WP: 14, Fire-Earth Elemental)

Sylvania's Cowl (Permits Animal Talk, Headwear),
Stingy Gloves (Prevents enemies from ever stealing gold from you; handwear, wearable by everybody), Overkill Gloves (Grants Overkill gold on kills; handwear, suitable for anyone)
(currently loaned indefinitely to Namyrra), Winged Sandals (Protects from bound- and slowed-effects; footwear), Fur Leggings (SP: 1, Beast enemies do not deal free hits to the wearer; footwear, suitable for anyone), Shackles of War (Prevents anyone from fleeing battles; Accessory, suitable for anyone), Macabre Collar (Provides immunity to Insta-Kill and Doomed; Accessory, suitable for anyone), Scarf of Misfortune (Wearer deals the
effect on every third round; Accessory, suitable for anyone), Trickster's Mask of the Elf (changes the wearer into an elf of the same gender when worn; Accessory, suitable for anyone), Sandman’s Parasol (Protects from asleep- and fast asleep –effects; accessory),
Enchanted Bracelet (Protects from sealed-effect; accessory)
, Comfy Pillow (If the user is inflicted by asleep- or fast asleep-effect, they regain full health and ether; accessory.), Unicorn Helmet (SP:1; the wearer can only receive one negative effect at a time, with a new effect replacing the old one; headwear, usable by barbarians, knights, dragoons, infiltrators, regulators, skirmishers, and winged warriors), Tin Gloves (Power +1, multiplied by the number of “tin” artifacts equipped; suitable to knights, dragoons, skirmishers and vindicators; handwear),

Unsuitable Weapons/Artifacts:
Weatherfax Broom (WP:25; makes weather forecasts instant instead of being applied at the end of the round; suitable to weather mages; broomstick), Sword of the Vampir (WP:17, user is
), Sir Roderick's Sword (WP:12, Longsword), Staff of the Cultist Battlemage (WP: 7, staff, 50% chance of Fleeing upon being KO'd),
Staff of Ennon - (WP: 5,
-Elemental, staff, Restores 2 ether on a roll of 2, 3, or 4)
, Pointy Hat (+2 Max Ether), White Ninja Cowl (The wearer can choose to hide for up to three rounds, avoiding Free Hits; the effect ends if the user targets an enemy; suitable to rogues, beast warriors, chi monks and infiltrators; headwear),

Spell Items
Opal (
), Garnet (
), Ruby (Fire), Scroll of Elemental Aura x2, Etherial Topaz (Lighting+Stunned)

Bedroll, Telescope, Shovel, Magnifying Glass, Pickaxe, Magic Compass, Of Power and Mortals

Potion, 15x Grand Potion, Tonic, Grand Tonic, 10x Remedy, 12x Mead, 8x Nostrum, Fenghuang Incense, Hurricane, 3x Neutralizer, Exterlate, Noxious Venom (When used on a weapon, the weapon deals the
effect for the duration of the battle and the
effect for the next three rounds, for the duration of one battle.), Crumbling Venom (-3 HP/-1 SP per round), Blind Fury, Love Potion, Grating Stone, Ella's Pie (Permanently boosts max. ether by 5 but permanently decreases max. health by 5 when consumed.), 3x Stun Bomb, 5x Smoke Bomb, 3x Bone, Negative Nelly (Causes 30 damage and jinxed but has 1/6 chance to break whenever used), 2x Silver Ore, Trial Brew, Henry Award, Shining Polish (SP +2 to one shield or artifact that has SP when consumed.)


, 8-month-old Dragon hatchling (dragon companion controlled by Flipz), Level 42.2 Dragon

Power Bonus:




Ability: May pay 10 health for a 2/6 chance to make a party member Lucky.


Hoke Ablesword - Champion of the Northern Kingdoms, Kraken Whacker, Titan Smiter, Serpent Skinner, and Rock Champion of Decamon


Human Male Dragoon

Level 54.4
*Immune: Fragile, Confused, Sealed, Dark, Earth, Fire, Wind / Absorbs Poison / Deals Poison +3 and SP -1,
, Light,
Ice, Lightning

Power Bonus: 0, +7 WP

Defense: 41

Health: 93/93 (+10 Knight, +15 Dragoon, +53 Level, +2 Chicken Drumsticks, +10 Raw Meats, +1 Warrior's Tread)

Gold: 588

Zoot's Order
(WP:40; Darkness, Light, Ice, permanently Poisoned-by-3, hits reduce enemy SP by 1; spear, suitable for Hoke only),
Steel Buckler
(SP:31, Darkness-elemental),
Sven's Heavy Armor
(SP:6, Immune to Fire, Earth, Wind and Fragile),
Hydra Skin
(SP: 2, wearer gains HP when poisoned instead of losing it, backwear),
Warrior's Treads
(SP:2, Health +1),
Samurai Helmet
(WP:+4, immune Confused, Sealed suitable to knights, dragoons, regulators, winged warriors),
Medal of Glory
(Wearer gains triple experience, accessory),
Bone Claws
(+3 WP, 2 SP, hand wear),


(WP: 16; greatsword),
Gladiator Trident
(WP: 11, causes the Bleeding-by-5 effect; spear),
Wasabi Blade
(WP: 4, Fire-elemental long-sword),
Glistening Halberd
WP:10 (1/2; chance to caused stunned effect, lance),
Blue Steel Shield
(SP:5, Immune to Blind),
Fang Dagger
(WP:5, double damage to beasts, dagger),
Hollow Flagpole
(WP:11, +3 SP to the whole party whenever equipped, Hollow (Empty), lance),
Great Axpeord
(WP:40, cannot be wielded with a shield; greatsword/axe/spear)

Sharkskin Gloves
(Accessory, provides immunity from water elemental attacks),
Helm of Prestige
(SP: 5, +10 Max HP, Wearer is Permanently Blessed, Headwear, suitable for Paragons),
Sterile Gloves
(Immune to poisoned and bleeding, handwear, suitable for anyone),
Cultist Hat
(damage vs undead),
Sigil of the Cold Circle
- (Raise an Army costs twice as much ether, but raised undead are three times as powerful, accessory, suitable for necromancers),
Heavy Armo
r (SP: 5, Immune to Fragile),
Electro Gear
(Adds lightning-element to physical attacks and protects from lightning-elemental damage, accessory),
Coat Hanger
(Allows for a second body wear, Accessory),
Pugilist Gloves
(+2 to power, immune Weakened),
Shadeaux Cape
(SP:1; suitable to those with reputation among the Shadeaux only; if reputation is great, SP is doubled; if reputation is outstanding, SP is tripled; backwear.)

- Ruby (Fire), Sapphire (Wind), Emerald (Wood), Aquamarine (Water), Topaz (Lightning), Garnet ( Earth), Etherial Topaz (Lighting+Stunned)

- Scroll of Frailty, Scroll of Weakening, Scroll of Blindness, Scroll of Confusion, Scroll of Sealing, Scroll of Sleep

- Bedroll, Pickaxe, Shovel 3x Smoke Bomb, Lightning Bomb, Water Bomb, Air Bomb, 2x Dirt Bomb, Confuse Bomb, Blind Bomb, Seal Bomb, x2 Stun Bombs, Skadi Bomb

- 4x Phoenix Essence, 6x Grand Potion, Health Core, 2x Grand Tonic, 5x Ether Core, Elixir, Neutralizer, 2x Ambrosia, Soma, 5x Mead, 2x Smelling Salts, 2x Nostrum, Mulled Wine, 2x Dragon Scale (Grants lucky- and blessed-effects when consumed), 2x Titan Heart (Grants encouraged- and inspired-effects when consumed), 2x Flame-Distilled Brandy (Encouraged & Immune to Ice), 6x Venom, 2x Deadly Venom, 2x Feather of Flight (Allows the user to flee from the battle when used), Mythril, Bone, Crystal Ball (Worth 50 gold, 100 in magic shops), Used Summoning Amulet (Worth 25 gold), Gold Bar, Henry Award (Can be sold for 200 Gold or to give +1 HP or +1 Power to a character, Consumable, Soul-bound), Phoenix Insence

Decamon Deck
- Nixie (Water 7), Reaper (Dark 8), Stone Golem (Rock 8), Carcinos (Aquatic 8), Storm Elemental (Electric 8)


Torc the Adult Brown Dragon

Female Dragon Adult

Level 55.2

Health: 85/85

Element: Fire

Ability: May pay 10 health for a 3/6 chance to make a party member Lucky.


(played by JimButcher)

54-year-old male imp Marauder
*Permanently Hastened*
*Immune to
all elements*
*Gains triple XP* *Party Leader*

44 1/5

Power Bonus:
, +8 in front row





Zoot's Reaper
(WP:30, permanently deals
longsword, suitable to Hybros),
Sword of Ancestral Hatred
-elemental, gains 1/4 WP every kill made with it; longsword)
Golden Armor
(user is permanently
-elemental, immune to
, and
; bodywear),
The Black Hat
, immune to
Medal of Glory
(Wearer gains triple experience; accessory),
Crystal Shoes
(Immunity becomes Absorption, Footwear)

First Breath
(Hybros may sacrifice a turn of combat to focus and gain +3 power. Power resets at the end of a battle or when the hero is KO'd)


(WP:12, causes
-elemental dagger), Heavy Flail (WP:5, deals
on successful hits; mace), Twin Kunai (WP:6, dual strike;
-elemental daggers), Hollow Dagger (WP:6, hollow [Phoenix Incense]; dagger),
Clock Cog (WP:14; throwing weapon),
Banana Bladerang (WP:9, damage all; throwing weapon)
Spinning Bolas (WP: 5 deals the Slowed effect, but the effect is removed when retrieved; throwing weapon), Skirmisher's Shield (SP:1
0; shield), Blade of Tranquility (WP: 2, deals the Sealed effect, Long-sword),

• Sticky Gloves (gains 50% more gold, suitable for Rogues, handwear),
Metal Claw
(Unarmed attacks drain health from the enemy equal to 50% of the strength of the attack (rounded up); handwear),
Baron's Epaulets (Suitable for short heroes, grants Command over short NPCs), Cloak of the Blue Assassin (SP:1, suitable to Rogues; backwear),
Cloak of the Red Assassin (Chance of Assassination is 1/3, suitable for Assassins; backwear)
Pugilist's Gloves (Power +2, protects from
-effect; handwear),
Alchemist's Cheatsheet
(1/3 chance to make two of the same Mixture on rolls of Shield, accessory, suitable to Alchemists),
Lichen Armor (The wearer’s ether is counted as additional health if health is depleted; suitable to classes with ether; bodywear), Marauder’s Mantle (Grants permanent reinforced-effect, doubling defense; suitable to marauders; backwear), Sterile Gloves
(immune to
Dastan Helmet (SP: 4, Immune to Earth), Dastan Greatsword (WP: 10, +2 WP for all other Dastan Equipment), Dastan Armor (SP: 3 Bodywear, Immune to Earth and Fire, +2 SP for all other Dastan Equipment, Suitable for Knights, Regulators, Winged Warriors, Dragoons, and Vindicators), Gloves of the Dragon Mother (Handwear, Allows the Wearer to Handle the Dragon's Heart Flame), Coat Hanger (Allows for a second body wear, accessory), Fighting Boots
(Power +5 on the front row; suitable to barbarians, knights, rogues, beast warriors, chi monks, dragoons, harlots, infiltrators, marauders, skirmishers, regulators and winged warriors),
Phoenix Emblem (Automatically revives the wearer with 1 health once per battle if they get knocked out; accessory.)

• Garnet, Scroll of Sloth, Scroll of Minimizing

20x Potion,
21x Grand Potion, 13x Health Core,
Diluted Arc Tonic,
Hyper Arc Tonic, 3
x Elixir, 2x
Arc Elixir,
10x Remedy, 3x Neutralizer,
2x Purging Water,
Tiger Balm,
Phoenix Incense, Fenghuang Essence (After being consumed, automatically revives the target with full health once when knocked out; cannot revive targets that are already knocked out),
2x Last Resort,
Nostrum, 8x Mead,
Soma, 6x Mulled Wine,
2x Cloud of Celerity,
2x Bravado Brew, Smile of the Gods, Earthwyrm Fang (Grants the encouraged-, lucky-, reinforced-, and blinded- effects for the duration of one battle), 2x
Minimizing Dust,
Bad Breath,
2x Wyvern's Breath,
Gold Ring (Worth 15 gold; can be given to someone to make them enamored with the giver),
4 Smoke Bombs, 2 Holy Bombs,
Demeter Bomb (100
-elemental damage), Rudra Bomb (100
-elemental damage), Pumpkin Bomb (causes stunned-, poisoned-, asleep-, blinded-, sealed- and confused-effects to all opponents when used),
2x Fog Bomb,
Mystic Bomb,
Baffle Bomb, 2x
Skeleton Decoy, 4x
Feather of White (Allows the user to hide for up to three rounds, avoiding Free Hits. The effect ends if the user targets an enemy)

• Bedroll, Shovel, Pickaxe


Purpearl Berthadhiell, the Carnival Crusader (Purpearljellyblob)

180 Years Old Female Elven
Mystic Knight

Level 24.66
*Immune to
* *Nimble*

Power Bonus:

(15 + 4 + 5)

(Base 5 + 24 Levels + 7 Health Bonus - 2 Penalty #102, + 4 Tunic)

(Base 5 + 22 Levels + 4 Bonus #102)



Zelphie's Staff (WP: 21, cannot be imbued with elements, damages undead), Arm Shield (SP:15, shield), Heavy Armour (SP: 5, immune to
suitable for suitable for barbarians, knights, dragoons, skirmishers and regulators)
Dastan Helmet (SP: 4, Immune to Earth),
Coathanger (Allows for a second body wear, accessory), Tunic of Elven Acrobat (+4 HP, Provides
Effect with 1/3 chance to completely avoid rolls of COUNTER, DAMAGE and Free Hits, torso wear),


Lullaby Wand (WP:8,
effect), Crimson Arcanon (Wand WP:3), Chaotic Whip (WP: 5,
Elemental), Thorny Rose (WP: 17,
-elemental, deals the
by 3 effect, mace), Crescent Shield (SP: 7, halved damage from elemental attacks, shield), Crocodile Handbag (Max Ether +2; accessory), Aventine's Tricorne (SP: 3, Immunity to
Dastan Greatsword (WP: 10, +2 WP for all other Dastan Equipment), Dastan Armor (SP: 3 Bodywear, Immune to Earth and Fire, +2 SP for all other Dastan Equipment, Suitable for Knights, Regulators, Winged Warriors, Dragoons, and Vindicators),
Enchanted Braclet (Protects from Sealed Effect,
hand wear),
Stingy Gloves (Prevents the wearer from having gold stolen,
hand wear), Cloak of the Grand Vizier (SP: 1, multiplied by the number of party members,
back wear),
Prismatic Focus (Wearer can cast two spells in one round; suitable to mages, necromancers and weather mages; accessory.)

Spell Items:
Ruby (
), Topaz (
), Amethyst (
), Sapphire (
), Diamond (
), Garnet (Earth), Scroll of Confusion, Scroll of Electrical Warding (1/2 chance to make the target immune to electric for the duration of one battle at the cost of 1 ether)

Potion, 8 Grand Tonics, Remedy, Tiger Balm, 4 Mead, Ambrosia, 5 Venoms, Deadly Venom, Raw Sushi (Restores 5 Health and 5 Ether when consumed), 2 Tasty Pretzels (1/3 chance each of granting lucky, hastened and encouraged-effects upon consumption), Tinyshroom, 2 Level Up Mushroom, 3 Bone, Skeleton Decoy, Ice Bomb,

Decamon Deck:
Lucky Rabbit (Icy 1), Scarab (Rock 1), Barghest (Electric 2), Automaton (Electric 5)

Bedroll, Shovel, Magnifying Glass


Lady Felix
(Controlled by Hybros)

Level 29.66 Rogue *Genetic Regrowth* *Immune to Instant Kill* *Causes Bleeding -10* *Regains 20 health at top of Rounds that are multiples of 3*

Power Bonus: 0

Health: 36/36

Gold: ???

Equipment: Lady Felix's Very Precise Mace (WP: 14, Causes bleeding -10, Suitable to Lady Felix), Eye of the Beholder Amulet (Accessory, Once per quest the hero may re-roll the last round), Hereditary Genetics (Non-artifact, Immune to Instant Kill, Genetic Regrowth [hero regain 20 health on rounds that are multiples of three], usable by Selkreeths only), Notes of the Master Thief (Starts battles Hastened & Lucky)

Inventory: ???


Dyric Rone
(The Legonater)

Human male, Assassin *Immune to All Elements and Blinded* *Steals 50% more gold* *Permanently Lucky*

Level 32.25

Power Bonus: 0

Defense: 6

Health: 44/44

Gold: 286

Equipment: Crossbow of Incessant Warmongerers (WP: 26; Darkness-elemental, on non-AoE rolls, also deals Damage to the enemies above and below the target upon a successful hit; Crossbow), Lucky Die (User is permanently *Lucky*; suitable for anyone; Accessory), Night's Helmet (SP: 6; immune to Water, Wood, Earth, Ice, Fire, Wind, Lightning, Light, Darkness, and Blinded; suitable for anyone; Headwear), Sticky Gloves (increases amount of Gold stolen by 50%; suitable for Rogues and Beast Warriors; Handwear)


• Mockthril Longbow (WP: 27; Ice-elemental; Longbow), Requiem (WP: 20; Wood- and Light-elemental; Longbow), Tarok's Wrath (WP: 20, 1/2; chance to Instantly Kill orcs; Dagger), Double Chain Whip (WP: 10; Whip), Throwing Knife (WP: 4; Throwing Weapon), Pongcanis Dagger (WP: 8; Dagger),, Double-Barreled Handcannon (WP: 15, fire-elemental, dual-strike, hand cannon), Unlucky Horseshoe (WP:13, retrievable throwing weapon, causes Jinxed-effect), Banana Bladerang (WP:9, damage all; throwing weapon),

• Winged Sandals (immune to Bound and Slowed; suitable for anyone; Footwear), Ambrose's Heart (Artifact, suitable to Evokers, Accessory, +5 power), Sigil of the Cold Circle - (Raise an Army costs twice as much ether, but raised undead are three times as powerful, accessory, suitable for necromancers), Cloak of the Red Assassin (Chance of Assassination is 1/3, suitable for Assassins; back wear), Cabin Boy's Rags (All other party members +3 power, body wear), Crystal Shoes (Immunities become Absorption), Quiver of Blinding Light (Attacks become light-elemental and cause blinded; can only be used with a bow or a crossbow; backwear)

• Diamond, Opal, 3 Silver Ore (Worth 60 gold)

• Bedroll, Shovel, Magic Compass

• Potions (4), Grand Potions (5), Tonic, Remedies (2), Banana (restores full HP to target), Elixir (2), Cosmic Essence, Meads (2), Nostrum, Soma, Venom (2), Crimson Venom (Causes a weapon to deal the Poisoned by 7 and Cursed effects for the duration of one battle), Mythril Shards (4/4 Mythril), Military Grade Light Bomb, Military Grade Darkness Bomb, Fire Bomb, Smoke Bomb (2), Diamond Lamp of Summoning (1/3 uses left), Bones (2), Skeleton Decoy, Demon Repellent (Makes the user impervious to direct attacks from demons during one battle unless the user is the only hero left standing; consumable), Feather of White (Allows the user to hide for up to three rounds, avoiding Free Hits. The effect ends if the user targets an enemy.), Crystal Ball (Worth 50 gold, 100 in magic shops), Earthwyrm Fang (Grants the encouraged-, lucky-, reinforced-, and blinded- effects for the duration of one battle), Phoenix Essence (3), Raw Meat (+5 health), Ancient Bone


the Carnival Crusader (StickFig)

Level 26 Druid
*Gains 10 gold for each Humanoid killed* *Immune to

Power Bonus
: 20 (+2 WP)

: 4

: 36/36

: 26/26


: Restored Fireball Extraordinaire (WP:9, also hits enemies listed above and below the target,
- and
-elemental, user is
, hand cannon, poisoned -10), Hunter's Plate (SP:4, wearer gains 10 gold for each Humanoid killed, suitable for rogues, rangers, barbarians, beast warriors, infiltrators, regulators, and winged warriors) (Dreyrugr), Winged Sandals (Protects from
effects, footwear), DDSSA (+2 health, +2 WP, +10 power)

: Peashooter (WP:2, deals Burning -2, hand cannon), Pongcanis Crossbow (WP:8, crossbow), XX Handcannon Replica (WP:12, pierces defense, hand cannon), Ruby (
), 4x Bone, Deadly Venom, 2x Elixir, Grand Potion, Grating Stone, Potion, 2x Red Death Blood, 4x Remedy, 4x Tonic, Doomsday Bomb (Deals 99 damage, bomb), 2x Smoke Bomb, Bedroll, Magic Compass, Dapper Hat (This amazingly dapper hat gives the wearer a ⅙ chance of being
at the start of any battle, headwear), Crocodile Handbag (Max. ether +2, immunity to water; accessory), 2x Phoenix Essence, Opal, Anvil of Oleg (Quest Item), Garnet, Bone x4, Grand Tonic


Guts Holla (Scubacarrot)
*Immune to all

45 year old male human Marauder


Power Bonus:




Balanced Rapier
(WP: 20, ignores defense, second weapon ignores defense, Longsword, suitable for Marauders) &
Mythril Edge
(WP: 64,
, attacks restore 3 health, dagger),
Dancing Shoes
(Wearer dances well, in the turn after a miss is rolled, the wearer can act twice. +Immunity to
, + Immunity to
, and
Elemental Damage, footwear),
Crocodile Armour
(+4 Defense +Immunity to
Magic, bodywear),
Pugilist's Gloves
(2+ Power, Immune to
, handwear)
Orange Mask of Z
(Headwear, if an attack would KO a foe the remaining damage is applied to only the next enemy),
Marauder’s Mantle
(Grants permanent reinforced-effect, doubling defense; suitable to marauders; back wear),


• Pronged Gauntlet (WP:6, dagger), M.U.C.A (WP: 12, bleeding 3, Axe)
Giant Axe (WP:10, dual-strike, axe),

• Jester's Hat (Wearer may choose to gain one immunity from targeted enemy, suitable for anyone), Rubber Gloves, Blessed Amulet
(Immunity to
, accessory),
Bomber's Belt (Craft Bomb creates Potent bombs, doubling the damage output of all bombs created, does not stack, accessory, suitable for cannoneers), Magnar's Smaller Axe
(Grants Dual Strike to classes wielding axes, can't wear shield. handwear),
Blue Guardian Mask (Shield, SP: 2, Protects against Weakened, Fragile and Afraid), Grimmeau's Clothespin (Grants Immunity to first negative effect each battle. Headwear), Mail of the Renegade Commander (Free hits deal half damage, body wear),
Golden Sceptre (Power +5; grants the Diplomacy job trait; suitable for Guts; accessory.)

Beholder's Eye
, Shovel x2, Telescope, Magnifying Glass, Pickaxe, Bedroll, Decamodifier, Magic Compass

92x Potion
12x Grand Potion, 3x Health Core, 3x Diluted Arc Potion, 2x Arc Potion, 6x Elixir, 5x Phoenix Essence, 28x Remedy, Crimson Serum (Grants
Effect for one battle.), x2 Arc Elixir, Hyper Arc Tonic (Restores All ether to allies, consumable), 2x Ambrosia, 15x
, 7x
Smelling Salts
, 4x
, x4
Bad Breath, 2x Tonic, Grand Tonic, 3x Smile of the Gods, 3x Fortune Flush,
5x Venom, 4
x Bone,
Soma, S
ilver Ore (worth 60 gold), x2
Feather of White (Allows the user to hide for up to three rounds, avoiding Free Hits. The effect ends if the user targets an enemy.),
Ether Core, Last Resort, 2x Bravado Brew, 12x Rum, x3 Grating Stone,

• 5
x Smoke Bomb, Dirt Bomb, 2x Water Bomb,
Blind Bomb, Confuse Bomb, 2x Poison Bomb, 2x Seal Bomb, Sleep Bomb, 5x Mystic Bomb
, Sand Bomb (Deals 30 earth-elemental damage and the blinded-effect to all enemies), x5 Level-Up Mushrooms

Crystal Ball (Worth 200 gold, 400 in magic shops), Gold Ring
(Worth 15 gold; can be given to someone to make them enamored with the giver),
Scroll of Disenchantment, Scroll of Poisoning, Scroll of Minimizing

Half of Iceborn's Map (Quest Item), Guanette's Map (Quest Item)

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