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Location - Jurin II - E02

Tags - Building, Vehicle, Spaceship, Land Vehicle, Exploration

After dropping a ship off on F02, Hannibal volunteers to run a delivery to E02. This beautiful planet has become extremely important to Octan and trade throughout the system. While Octan has maintained a strong presence on the planet, it has come to house a contingent of M.A.N.T.I.S. and many traders looking to capitalize on the border region. In fact, it is looking to become the nexus of the entire galaxy, being the linking point between Kawshita, M.A.N.T.I.S., and Octan (or at least the most hospitable one).


Such a planet is a thing of beauty, where everything interconnects, civilizations may rise, and commerce can enlighten all. One difficulty in the development of this planet has been the vigorous growth of the local flora. The ocean, woven through the forests of the many islands, was early considered a ideal place for landing ships and cargo, as it is on Earth. However, every attempt at cutting runways or docks led to the forest "taking back" the land. Octan did have much success in the tree tops, building platforms well above ground.


This practice was so successful and prevalent that many visitors to the planet had not even seen the ground below. After unloading their cargo, Hannibal calls in his busy droid, Dora, that he had left behind to explore the planet. Together, they head for the secret sectors of Jurin only surveyed by his faithful droid.


To be continued...

C&C greatly appreciated.


That platform is really nice, but I think I like the mid platform even better. There is a real sense of the overgrown vegetation on the ground. I am not sold on the color changes on the tree, especially the dark orange, it kinda draws my eye to a blank area in the scene. Otherwise, nice work man!


I shouldn't say this but it is really cool how you have the MANTIS corpses around the base of the tree. :laugh:

Can't be. Must have been some Octan soldiers trying to infiltrate our ranks. :laugh: Although I must say, very nice detail and cool build!


Thanks everybody. I did have fun piecing together a MANTIS squad to kill off (i might make it a theme on future E02 builds).

@shmails - i think you're right about the dark orange, part of this was getting a last minute BL shipment of brown bricks to work in between the dark brown and reddish brown, so i was carefully adding to the middle of an already build tree. do you find the dark brown - brown - reddish brown transition to be distracting as well?


The browns work well together and make sense from the standpoint of different conditions as the tree grows higher. It was the orange color, my eye was drawn to it, but there was nothing there of interest other than that little spot. I think part of it is that it is in the center of the scene, which is a natural resting spot for the human eye. It was only a small critique, and really did not take away from the overall scene at all. :wink:


Great platform in the tree! And what a beautiful little ship; it has such wonderful angles! And a fantastically greebly little loader!

It's interesting to read what adventures John Hannibal has now that he's left the Axle.

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