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Hi everybody !

Today I present to you one of my latest and biggest creation : Plum Creek (the Ingalls' house) from the famous TV show : Little House on the Prairie.

-The TV show relates us the story of a pionneer family : the Ingalls. Charles and Caroline have three daughters, Mary, Laura and Carrie. Charles builds their house at Plum Creek, a place not far from the village Walnut Grove. The family settle here and live many different adventures through 9 seasons and more...-

I started this project one year and a half ago.

The first stage was to find how to do the walls of the house. I wanted to get something strong and with a "planks effect". The way I did it is not very complicated : some SNOT did the job :sweet:

Then I had not many troubles to finished the house, and build the rest of the farm (such as the barn). I wanted to have on this MOC some elements that I judged amblematic of the show : the stream, the carriage, a big tree...

I really wanted to do the house and the barn as close as possible to the real ones, and I'm quite pleased with the result :blush:

The final stage was to "design" the minifigs. What would be the house without great minifigs of the family members to go with :grin: Except for Charles (thanks to the Hobbit :laugh: ), I didn't find torsos which suit the pioneer girls. Therefore, I had to draw it myself :devil: For that, I used the tutorial on EB (I don't find it anymore...), but I agree with you to say that it isn't great art :laugh:

I create a Lego Ideas project. It would be really nice from you to support and share it :blush: : Link

Well, enough talking, hee are the pictures :

First some pictures of the real buildings :


Some general pics :

19502877986_c3df44dc76_c.jpgPlum Creek - The Little House on the Prairie by SeigneurFett, sur Flickr

Thanks to TheBrickAvenger for this picture editoring :classic:

19533204301_691312cc60_z.jpgPlum Creek - The Little House on the Prairie by SeigneurFett, sur Flickr

18906452354_64681249a8_z.jpgPlum Creek - The Little House on the Prairie by SeigneurFett, sur Flickr

19342456799_c3f8483323_z.jpgPlum Creek - The Little House on the Prairie by SeigneurFett, sur Flickr

18908126873_4ab97e87cc.jpgPlum Creek - The Little House on the Prairie by SeigneurFett, sur Flickr

More details (and inside the house) in spoiler :

The carriage (one of the element that I had a lot of fun to build ^^) :

18973156199_5c46760a90.jpgThe Ingalls are coming soon ! by SeigneurFett, sur Flickr

19341081130_2f0465f07f.jpgPlum Creek - The Little House on the Prairie by SeigneurFett, sur Flickr

And finally the figs : from left to right : Jack (the dog), Charles, Caroline, Mary, Laura and Carrie :

18908089663_e240d285aa_c.jpgPlum Creek - The Little House on the Prairie by SeigneurFett, sur Flickr

19522277162_e0960e805b_c.jpgPlum Creek - The Little House on the Prairie by SeigneurFett, sur Flickr

Hope you'll like it :sweet: :sweet:

Comments and critics are welcome :wink:



I'm not familiar with the series, but I've read the entire nonfiction book collection (this would be based on "On the Banks of Plum Creek") and I think you've captured the feel very well. The build itself is terrific with the smooth building designs, detailed interiors, and nice landscaping. The tree and covered wagon are really nice, too. I don't think the minifigs look bad at all. Overall this is a neat project.


Great build, love all the details on both exterior and interior. Covered wagon design is clever. I like how you captured all the different heights of the children.


When I was a kid in the UK this used to be TV Sunday's I can remember this well and I think the house and the figs are great. Charles is very good and really captures the original character well. Will you keep this or will it be torn down to allow more building? I think general store would be nice build as well


Thank you all !

Will you keep this or will it be torn down to allow more building?

Yes I will not (for the moment) destroy this creation, that was a dream for me to have the Little House un Lego ;) I will tried to show it in many exhibitions if I have the occasion ;)

I think general store would be nice build as well

Yes I think so. Actually I had this project before I finished the Ingalls' farm, and when I finished it, I just wanted to do something else :D

But I will may be do the Olesons minifigs soon!

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