July 29, 20168 yr Okay, so I just sneakily watched the last two episodes of JtO (thank you subtitles), and I can’t help but feel that a lot of the doomsaying going on is way too preemptive. Izotor very clearly says that the Toa will return in a time of need. That’s a very open ending. Why is everybody jumping to the conclusion that, now the Toa have gone back into the stars, Bionicle as a whole has ended? What’s to say next year’s story isn’t a few/many years ahead of the events of JtO, or is maybe even a prequel story? Makuta and his chums are still mulling about in the Shadow Realm, so what’s to say they won’t all find another way to escape in the future? I can’t help but feel that the whole sky-is-falling atmosphere that’s been rampant in the Bionicle fandom as of late has just really put people on edge, and has lead too many to interpret the conclusion to the Netflix series to be the conclusion to whole franchise. This, on top of there very clearly being an actual plastic MoUP, leads me to feel that G2 will most likely continue into next year, or maybe return after a hiatus. Edited July 29, 20168 yr by Logan McOwen
July 29, 20168 yr Okay, so I just sneakily watched the last two episodes of JtO (thank you subtitles), and I can’t help but feel that a lot of the doomsaying going on is way too preemptive. Izotor very clearly says that the Toa will return in a time of need. That’s a very open ending. Why is everybody jumping to the conclusion that, now the Toa have gone back into the stars, Bionicle as a whole has ended? What’s to say next year’s story isn’t a few/many years ahead of the events of JtO, or is maybe even a prequel story? Makuta and his chums are still mulling about in the Shadow Realm, so what’s to say they won’t all find another way to escape in the future? I can’t help but feel that the whole sky-is-falling atmosphere that’s been rampant in the Bionicle fandom as of late has just really put people on edge, and has lead too many to interpret the conclusion to the Netflix series to be the conclusion to whole franchise. This, on top of there very clearly being an actual plastic MoUP, leads me to feel that G2 will most likely continue into next year, or maybe return after a hiatus. thanks m8. needed that. =)
July 29, 20168 yr Oh shoot. Must avoid spoilers... Don't know when I'll get around to watching the new episodes, but now I'm curious. Looks like I'm going to be avoiding this topic until I see for myself!
July 29, 20168 yr Okay, so I just sneakily watched the last two episodes of JtO (thank you subtitles), and I can’t help but feel that a lot of the doomsaying going on is way too preemptive. Izotor very clearly says that the Toa will return in a time of need. That’s a very open ending. Why is everybody jumping to the conclusion that, now the Toa have gone back into the stars, Bionicle as a whole has ended? What’s to say next year’s story isn’t a few/many years ahead of the events of JtO, or is maybe even a prequel story? Makuta and his chums are still mulling about in the Shadow Realm, so what’s to say they won’t all find another way to escape in the future? I can’t help but feel that the whole sky-is-falling atmosphere that’s been rampant in the Bionicle fandom as of late has just really put people on edge, and has lead too many to interpret the conclusion to the Netflix series to be the conclusion to whole franchise. This, on top of there very clearly being an actual plastic MoUP, leads me to feel that G2 will most likely continue into next year, or maybe return after a hiatus. I wish this post turned out to be true. I really, really do.
July 29, 20168 yr It is over fellas just look at the Lego bionicle Facebook page announcement, it ended prematurely and there will be NO MORE SETS they have even been very open to answering specifically that question. No makuta set no mask polybag no nothing. The ship has sailed. I'm glad they stopped playing with bionicle's corpse for once
July 29, 20168 yr Official statement coming Saturday, just so nobody has a panic attack. Is this still happening? Or was the cancellation annoucement the statement but they just released it earlier?
July 29, 20168 yr Is this still happening? Or was the cancellation annoucement the statement but they just released it earlier? That was the announcement. There were a few mixups in communicating the date.
July 29, 20168 yr So no MoUP AT ALL? (Anyone good with shapeways?) Regardless, this has been a great reboot. Awesome sets, great story, and great characters. Thank you Lego, and I look forward to what is next in constraction.
July 29, 20168 yr So while G2 finished the main story arch in JtO; there are a lot of loose ends that I think are worth note. JtO spoilers ahead: *MASK OF TIME: No really, a very blatant G1 reference that is used as a McGuffin a few times in the story but never really explained or elaborated on. As far as we know in the G2 story, the bottom half is still very much missing. *Toa Origins, the end of JtO made it clear what the destiny of the Toa was, but where did they come from? Are we supposed to believe the Toa are just star-comet spirit things that only take on a corporeal form only when Okoto calls them? Gali said in the end of JtO "We are the elements," so are the Toa an embodiment of the elements? With this it basically makes me wonder if the Toa are some sort of God's in the G2 world. Very mysterious. *Makuta and The Shadow Realm: So the Toa stopped him from returning to reality, but he still exists in the Shadow Realm I presume. So can he still communicate with minions on Okoto? Is he really defeated or just, trapped for the time being? *Ekimu Power Up: Why? It lasted so brief and then Ekimu was back to normal so soon. And on top of that in the epilogue of JtO it looked like Ekimu not only was back to normal, but he was back to wearing his Protector mask. (Some people said it was Izotor in the epilogue, but it looked like Ekimu to me...). So why did Ekimu ditch wearing his Mask of Creation?
July 29, 20168 yr So while G2 finished the main story arch in JtO; there are a lot of loose ends that I think are worth note. JtO spoilers ahead: *MASK OF TIME: No really, a very blatant G1 reference that is used as a McGuffin a few times in the story but never really explained or elaborated on. As far as we know in the G2 story, the bottom half is still very much missing. *Toa Origins, the end of JtO made it clear what the destiny of the Toa was, but where did they come from? Are we supposed to believe the Toa are just star-comet spirit things that only take on a corporeal form only when Okoto calls them? Gali said in the end of JtO "We are the elements," so are the Toa an embodiment of the elements? With this it basically makes me wonder if the Toa are some sort of God's in the G2 world. Very mysterious. *Makuta and The Shadow Realm: So the Toa stopped him from returning to reality, but he still exists in the Shadow Realm I presume. So can he still communicate with minions on Okoto? Is he really defeated or just, trapped for the time being? *Ekimu Power Up: Why? It lasted so brief and then Ekimu was back to normal so soon. And on top of that in the epilogue of JtO it looked like Ekimu not only was back to normal, but he was back to wearing his Protector mask. (Some people said it was Izotor in the epilogue, but it looked like Ekimu to me...). So why did Ekimu ditch wearing his Mask of Creation? Lol it was obviously Izotor in the last scene ._. How can anyone confuse a white and blue character with the exact same armor placement as Izotor with gold and blue Ekimu?
July 29, 20168 yr I thought he looked gold and blue but I wasn't paying to much attention by then, more focused on processing that it was "the end" again.
July 29, 20168 yr So I just saw the new episodes and they were pretty alright. I enjoyed aspects of them. It's just really sad that Bionicle really is ending now. It was pretty much the only theme of LEGO I was interested in. It's super sad.
August 2, 20168 yr I just watched the last 2 episodes. The dialog was as terrible as before but the animation and character design were fantastic. One of the most eye-catching things is watching Gali "water-bend" like in Avatar. I was very happy to see Onua be the MVP in Episode 3! Powered up Ekimu was almost celestial in appearance, which looked fantastic, I also enjoyed the parallels to Takanuva. I'm also going to HAVE to Bricklink Agil, he looks fantastic on Ekimu's arm and he had some interesting and important backstory. The ending felt rushed of course and it was so bittersweet. Just as things started to get good, they pulled the plug! It's so sad things didn't turn out the way we all hoped. Unity, Duty, Destiny. Hearing Izator speak at the end almost made me cry, it certainly made me very happy. I really hope someday, maybe years from now LEGO will attempt a gen 3 and realize that the story is truly one of the most important things about gen1's success and attempt to focus on that and an overall greater media presence. I feel like the sets might have done somewhat better if kids had an actual story to follow with characters who had unique names, that's the stuff that drew me in when I was a kid. The first thing I remember about Bionicle was getting the first comic in the Club magazine way back in 2001 promoting the new theme that would come out that summer. I read through that comic over and over again, it pulled me in and I wanted to learn more. I wanted to know more about these Toa and the world they inhabit with all these unique names for everyone and everything, it felt like a fully fleshed out world. I wanted to jump into the pages and explore the jungles of Le-Koro and climb Mt. Ihu. It's a different world we live in now and it's too bad that kids today didn't really get to experience what we did. The sense of mystery and more serious tone really kept me hooked over the years as the story continued to expand. I always thirsted for more lore and backstory, I really wanted to be apart of this wonderful world. I would often daydream about exploring the Island of Mata Nui, and later Metru Nui and started mocing and drawing more to fill in parts of the story and locations that weren't covered by the comics, books, movies or all of the extended web content and games. Having all of those peripherals was really important to making it all feel cohesive yet larger than life. It gave us many avenues with which we could expand our horizons and flex our creative muscles. I did a lot of fan art and made more movie accurate versions of all of my sets. I know others were inspired to create videos and animations, some even games. When I think back to all of the wonderful memories I have of Bionicle, half of it came from fellow fans through creativity and kindred passion. I hope going forward, this community continues to thrive and I hope we can look back on all of it with reverence. Let's not focus so much on the bad. Since Bionicle ended 2010, I've seen a drastic increase in cynicism and negativity that extend long after Bionicle's return. It really has made it more difficult to enjoy the reboot and even harder to keep coming back to the forums knowing I'll be reading walls of text from 'fans' who are nitpicking and complaining about this or that. It's just been depressing and I guarantee it's turned away a number of potential new fans. That's not LEGO's fault, that's ours. We've done a terrible job as a fan community in being welcoming and optimistic. I know it was prevalent in gen1 but maybe there was just so much more to talk about that it was easier to ignore with certainly far more topics open to discuss various facets of the Bionicle Universe. Perhaps we're all at the age and have seen enough of the world to be cynical and bitter but the younger generation is still so full of hope and wonder. We should try to remember what that was like and nourish our inner innocence to find what made us fans to begin with. Regardless I will keep coming back and trying to do my part in ensuring Bionicle survives through us, the fans. Unity, Duty, Destiny.
August 6, 20168 yr Just finished the last two episodes of JtO. Well that rewrite was painfully obvious. And pretty lame. Makuta himself can't even knock the toa down once?
August 7, 20168 yr Not mine, but we share the ideas. As a Transformers fan, I have to disagree with his biased shot at that franchise. In fact, by his definition of what gives a toyline "soul", Transformers should be great. But this is a LEGO forum, so I won't expand on it. I actually liked episode 3... but that may be just by comparison, because episode 4 was awful!!! The heroes were in a tight deadline, yet they just had to stop and discuss things we already know! Seriously, until the first battle .Also, the ritual to open the portal just kept getting more and more complicated and contrived: first Umarak needs the fragments of the MoUP to use the six elements (that's fine), then he can use the light he absorbed from Ekimu and Agil's attack (uh, okay I guess? Also, this means Ekimu actually helped the bad guys; not so "Wise Master" now, are you?), then he uses that light to levitate and throw the Toa's weapons into the portal (wait, what?! Since when does light give telekinesis? Also, weren't the Toa's masks that were linked to their elements). And the male Toa's fight with him basically amounted to nothing; they could've just waited for the portal to open and Gali to come out and it wouldn't change a thing. Speaking of Gali; apparently, Makuta knows about the prophecy, he even has it engraved in a nearby wall... and he doesn't try to, I don't know, destroy the wall and not discuss the prophecy out loud so she wouldn't know about it? What, did he just forget the part where a Toa eavesdrops on his "victory before actually winning" speech and ruins everything? And, of course, there's the ending. In the words of another critic: "flat and inane beyond belief". Edited August 7, 20168 yr by The Outsider
August 7, 20168 yr I think honestly the most frustrating thing about this whole ordeal is that we have a lot of unnecessary guff, as well as content that was clearly cut. Oh, and for the record Ekimu is the worst character I've ever known in Bionicle. Absolute waste.
August 8, 20168 yr As a Transformers fan, I have to disagree with his biased shot at that franchise. In fact, by his definition of what gives a toyline "soul", Transformers should be great. But this is a LEGO forum, so I won't expand on it. Yeah, it's very much a layman's opinion of Transformers, thinking every facet of the thrity-year-old brand is of the same consistent low quality of the films. Doesn't make him sound very informed, when things like Beast Wars, Animated or the comics exist. Oh, and for the record Ekimu is the worst character I've ever known in Bionicle. Absolute waste. I agree, a very frustratingly simple and ineffective mentor figure. Claims to be wise, really just a mong who causes more problems than he solves.
August 9, 20168 yr One big thing that dawned on me while watching the JtO finale is that Bionicle G2 was pretty much just LEGO's take on JJBA.
August 11, 20168 yr One big thing that dawned on me while watching the JtO finale is that Bionicle G2 was pretty much just LEGO's take on JJBA. Can you mind demonstrating the resemblance? I don't see it at all.
August 11, 20168 yr Well, the story starts with two brothers, one wearing blue and another wearing gold and purple. The purple brother then uses a special mask in an attempt to ascend to godhood and reshape the world in his own image, forcing the blue brother to sacrifice himself to stop the other one. (Phantom Blood) Fast forward a long period of time and the evil brother has resurfaced and has assembled an army to try and take over the world, causing a group of quirky characters with unique colors and powers to then start a globetrotting quest to try and stop him. (Stardust Crusaders) Doesn't hurt that they have similar powers either. E.I. Tahu=Avdol, Lewa=Kakyoin/Joseph, Onua=Jotaro, Kopaka=Poleneraff/Jotaro, Pohatu=Iggy. Now do you see my drift?
August 11, 20168 yr They get about as little development as the Stardust Crusaders, that sounds about right to me. So G3 Battle Tendency and Duwang when? Edited August 11, 20168 yr by Toa of Gallifrey
August 11, 20168 yr They get about as little development as the Stardust Crusaders, that sounds about right to me. So G3 Battle Tendency and Duwang when? Yes please. One of the catalysts for the comparisons was surprising amount of JoJokes people have made with G2. Like this beauty for example:
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