September 13, 200717 yr Bilges are not a clean place Capt'n. Greasy engines, leaky sewage, lazy workers, rats... need I go on Capt'n? If you got out of your white palace for once you would see what us real workers have to deal with..... oh sorry Capt'n :-$ I got a bit carried away there. Stress of this monster and all probably. 8-| Would you like me to clean the deck with sea water? :'-( Yes, I'm sorry I made you upset. Sometimes I don't know if I'm a good captain or not. Sometimes I feel like I'm a bad captain. Did I ever tell you I like to sleep in the engine room sometimes? I have been down there...I don't want to sleep in my nice cabin when you and Jack have to sleep on the cots. Sometimes I can't fall asleep on my nice bed knowing you guys are on the stiff and creaky cots. So I curl up behind the main drive shaft on the floor and sleep like a baby... :'-( ...and sometimes I take pictures of you while you're sleeping. :-$
September 13, 200717 yr So I curl up behind the main drive shaft on the floor and sleep like a baby... :'-( Yes, you have said that before, and I am sorry for going off at you Capt'n. I'm not sure what came over me. :'-) ...and sometimes I take pictures of you while you're sleeping. :-$ Err.. I thought we had an agreement about that sort of thing Capt'n. :-$
September 13, 200717 yr Yes, you have said that before, and I am sorry for going off at you Capt'n. I'm not sure what came over me. :'-) No, no. It was my fault. I insisted you put the bilge in the hold. I should know what bilge is by now. I'm forgetful sometimes. Sorry I used this face: >:-( at you... :-$ Err.. I thought we had an agreement about that sort of thing Capt'n. :-$ We do, we do. I'll fulfill my end of the bargain after everyone else falls asleep, okay? Hey Gopher, if I don't make it though this and you do, promise me you'll tell stories about me to future crews? At least the good times, okay? I've always wanted to be a legend of the name carried on for generations through stories :'-) Could you do that for me?
September 13, 200717 yr Hey Gopher, if I don't make it though this and you do, promise me you'll tell stories about me to future crews? At least the good times, okay? I've always wanted to be a legend of the name carried on for generations through stories :'-) Could you do that for me? I've already started recording your many adventures as I keep a journal while at sea. Most entries I write are about you. But please don't talk like that; no one has died for hours! :-P
September 13, 200717 yr I've already started recording your many adventures as I keep a journal while at sea. Most entries I write are about you. But please don't talk like that; no one has died for hours! :-P :'-) Really? *wub* I'm sorry to bring up something so morbid, but I got really scared when you were shot. So, it got me thinking...Stinky was the first crew member I ever lost. I really liked him. He was in my care and I failed him. I couldn't bare to lose any more crew members. That would really break my heart...again. *fart* But then, that got me thinking, what if I were to die on this :-/ :'-( Let's play The Love Boat and get our minds off of this!
September 13, 200717 yr Let's play The Love Boat and get our minds off of this! Well the "pool" should be full by now Capt'n! :-D
September 13, 200717 yr Well the "pool" should be full by now Capt'n! :-D So, here's the deal. We'll play The Captain and the Lady which was the first episode. So, I'm Captain Stubing played by Gavin MacLeod, no relation (or is there? 8-| ) and I just found out my ex-wife is a passenger on this cruise! 8-| You're gopher and you are trying to help a politicians wife hide all the copies of a certain magazine where she appears nude, so her husband won't discover her shady past, okay? Everyone else join in as the see fit, ready? "Hello Gopher! ;-) " That's you Scotty, you're Gopher. :-D "What are you doing running around with a stack of dirty magazines? Are you going to service yourself?" :-D :-D :-D
September 13, 200717 yr "Hello Gopher! ;-) " That's you Scotty, you're Gopher. :-D "What are you doing running around with a stack of dirty magazines? Are you going to service yourself?" :-D :-D :-D Oh, Capt'n oh, ah, well, I really can't say. It's a private matter for a pasenger...
September 13, 200717 yr Oh, Capt'n oh, ah, well, I really can't say. It's a private matter for a pasenger... "I'll say it's private! Your privates and you're planning on wanking them. This is the Love Boat, Gopher, not the Smutty-whack-your-pee-pee boat! Not get rid of that trash and don't let me see you with it again! You'll be in some sort of trouble if I do!" "On an unrelated matter, my ex-wife is on this cruise and I don't like that. Thats sucks, doesn't it?" X-D This is fun!
September 13, 200717 yr "I'll say it's private! Your privates and you're planning on wanking them. This is the Love Boat, Gopher, not the Smutty-whack-your-pee-pee boat! Not get rid of that trash and don't let me see you with it again! You'll be in some sort of trouble if I do!""On an unrelated matter, my ex-wife is on this cruise and I don't like that. Thats sucks, doesn't it?" "Yes Capt'n. Sorry Capt'n. Right away Capt't. I will be incinerating these right away Capt'n. Sorry to hear about your wife Capt'n. Anything I can do to help you with that?"
September 13, 200717 yr "Yes Capt'n. Sorry Capt'n. Right away Capt't. I will be incinerating these right away Capt'n. Sorry to hear about your wife Capt'n. Anything I can do to help you with that?" "Perhaps you could find her a beau to intrigue her during the cruise. She's very beautiful and quite easy! Any man would enjoy to spend some time with her. Did I mention she's easy? One might not need so many smut magazines if they had her to spend some time with on this cruise. A guy wouldn't need to service himself if he had her around, she would do the servicing. Do you know what I mean yet? Yes, it sure would be nice if someone just kept her in her cabin, knocking boots for the rest of this cruise..."
September 13, 200717 yr Author The crew has returned to the Captain's cabin. It is very opulent and much different from the other parts of the ship. On top of a small oak writing desk is a large black leather bound book that must obviously be the Captain's log. Pete picks up the log, looks at the Captain, and states, "providing you don't object captain, I will do the honors". He begins reading: August 31, 6:35 AM: We boarded the Sea Ghost and have started loading the cargo. I have placed Handy in charge of the load despite his egotistical and some time argumentative manner. I know that he often times lies and offends most of the crewmen, but he is able to get things done. He's like a bulldog on a chain, but I pull it when I need to reel him in. Perhaps I'll start the day off with a drink. August 31, 12:50 PM: Over lunch, I received a special visit from the Harbor Master who emphasized the importance of getting container #6 safely to Europe. It's contents was not shared with me, but I've been told that Corporate will be sending Internal Security to assist in providing adequate safeguarding. Between the two of us, we must have drank a 12 pack. August 31, 3:30 PM: Bennie has returned from his leave. The accident required him to have a metal plate placed in his head. His speach is a bit slurred at times, and he drools on occasion, but for the most part, he can continue about his normal duties. This one's for Bennie! August 31, 6:20 PM: Oh ya, it's been one hell of a day! Otto is firing up the ovens for a special dinner. I hope he has some of that good schnapps he brought on board last time. This one's for Otto. Prost! I'm not sure about Jack. I found him sleeping on the job again. I hope that engine doesn't conk out this time. August 31, 9:15 PM: Strangely, I saw something outside my cabin this evening. I must have had one too many. I thought I saw a... no, there's no way. Green? No way. I gave the manifest to one of them. I just wish I could remember who. Wondering what the mysterious cargo is. The fog has gotten worse. August 31, 12:45 AM: My insomnia has returned. I took two of the pills, but they don't seem to work. Wide awake. I'll think I'll have a nightcap to help me sleep... Still wondering what that cargo is. Saw Wagonberry sneaking around earlier. September 1, 10:40 AM: What a night. I've got a headache from hell. I need a drink. It's too early to think about steering this ship. Manny is still convinced that the Sea Ghost is cursed, ever since last month when the container fell on Bennie. That had to hurt! Poor boy. I'm not sure if I trust Frank. Hell, I can't even understand him. He's like a character out of Moby Dick. I think the sea swallowed him up, and spit him out on the deck of the Sea Ghost. September 1, 6:00 PM: We've left port. The sea is choppy and I don't like this fog. Visibility is very poor. Stillman is an interesting character. He tells me that he has a brother that's a treasure hunter around these parts. September 1, 9:20 PM: I've decided to try to get some shut eye. Jim is noticing a lot of issues with the mechanics. I hope he can get things up to par. The Harbor Master notified me today on the short wave, says he dropped something on the ship before departure, but wouldn't tell me what. He's a mysterious fellow. September 2, 10:15 AM: Frank has been sneaking around my cabin again. I know he was in here because I can smell the scent of Old Spice. He's been looking for something, perhaps it's one of Otto's collectibles. I think Otto forgets where he hides them, and Frank keeps them for safe keeping. Thief! September 2, 2:45 PM: The engine is knocking again. We may have trouble. I'm going to have Jim check the engine. Should know more this evening. September 2, 8............ page ripped out. The rest of the log is empty.
September 13, 200717 yr Who wrote all of this? Oh, right! :-$ I forgot about seeing the monster, Geno poking around and corporate sending Geno specifically for that mysterious cargo. Must be the drinkingScotty more whiskey please! Thanks X-D Geno, if you know what's in that container, please tell us.
September 13, 200717 yr A pack of bats are batteries. Uhm, no luck finding them, though, I managed to find 2 nearly dead ones, may help.
September 14, 200717 yr Scotty more whiskey please! Here's another almost full bottle. Do you remember more now? I wonder if the container falling on Bennie is relevant? Geno must know something. How can you gaurd something if you have no idea what it was? I wonder if he was given any guidelines... A pack of bats are batteries. I've never heard of that abbreviation.... 8-|
September 14, 200717 yr I wonder if the container falling on Bennie is relevant? Huh? Wha...? Well, there are some things that are important! The doctor did tell me to stay away from magnets and electrical storms...
September 14, 200717 yr I've never heard of that abbreviation.... 8-| Well, that's just my way of saying it, all to their own. So, uh, what are you guys gonna do now?
September 14, 200717 yr Well, that's just my way of saying it, all to their own. So, uh, what are you guys gonna do now? Well, can we borrow your radio?
September 14, 200717 yr Well, can we borrow your radio? and your boat? I promise to come right back...
September 14, 200717 yr and your boat? I promise to come right back... ...and some new porn if you have some...
September 14, 200717 yr I'm sorry, but nobody is allowed on my boat except me or Dan. The thought of it in other hands... Uhm...Star Trek guy, you said my radio is broken? Can't be, it was working when we came to you.
September 14, 200717 yr I'm sorry, but nobody is allowed on my boat except me or Dan. The thought of it in other hands... Can we use the radio if you are there too?
September 14, 200717 yr Can we use the radio if you are there too? I'm waiting for Star Trek guy to answer my question.
September 14, 200717 yr Author Two mysterious men have joined the crew of the Sea Ghost. They say that they have come to answer a distress call. A skeptical Captain is not sure if his distress call was ever heard. The crew has asked to use the radio of the Minnow, but the plea has gone unanswered. Can the Skipper and Diver Dan be trusted, or is there a sinister ploy at hand? And what clues does the Captain's log provide? These questions remain unanswered aboard the Mystery Ship. -------------- End Part 6
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