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Posted (edited)

Here is the progress on my first entry on Eurobricks, a transformer helicopter truck. It is powered by a large motor for wheels and rotors (that disengage and fold in via levers when not in use), with a medium motor for the front canon. The canon shoots Zamor balls from a large container, that is hidden by (and can be reloaded via) the cabin. Only the canon nozzle is visible, the rest is hidden. The construction will be remote controlled.

Entry name: Kill Bill, the bandit truck

Functions summary: Large motor remote controlled 4wd drive train, twin front and back saw blades linked to the same large motor, manual extracting and retracting top/tail rotor, connected to the large motor when extracted. Front Zamor canon hidden behind a sliding door, sliding cabin roof to reload, driven to shoot by a medium motor.

Link to forum topic: http://www.eurobrick...opic=113163&hl=

Video: https://vimeo.com/135776967

<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/135776967" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> <p><a href="

TC7, Kill Bill by bedstefan</a> from <a href="https://vimeo.com/user41522999">Stefan Bedreag</a> on <a href="https://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>

Photos image of the current stage (almost finished i'd say):



Build process photos:








Edited by bedstefan
Posted (edited)

I think you should gear up the main rotor for helicopter like look and rotate 90 degrees the beams on the top (same position from side to side only don't showing the pin holes in them) for a better and more solid look. One question : do you have more motors , because if yes you should be able to make the wheels go down as a landing gear.

Edited by LXF

I will think at that after we are done doing a second build. I have an xl motor, but my son wants to create something for the competition also :)

I can try and think at a changeover mechanics from the medium (canon) motor towards the wheels. I should also use cardan joints for all the wheels so i can rotate them 90 degrees. I can also create helicopter skids that lower from the chassis.


The slowness is due to the PF train remote, we conducted a test with the large motor connected directly to the battery. The propeller rotates quite fast on direct connection. I think we need a real technic remote.

Video: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8ry67ovl2ii7e57/2015-08-10%2010.16.12.mov?dl=0

Regarding the 90deg rotation of the propeller beams, it would make it look bider, but also bulkier, since you need to connect the axel in some form to it. The current propeller design is very slim. Still looking into the wheels pivoting, but i'm not sure when i can tackle that think due to unexpected stuff popping up.

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