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Just as Skrall readies to release his bolt at the hulking dragon a pink letter smacks the hunter in the face. "Why do these things always seem to happen at the wrong moments." Skrall quickly scribbles his name and regrets his decision as his stomach is nearly removed.


Boris lounges lazily at the bar and after acquiring an entry form signs his name.

Walking along with the rest of quest mates he spotted a pink note. Wondering now what the heck. Oh, the lottery again. Thinking what the heck I might win some thing again. And puts his name one one of the pink papers.

While waiting for Pretzel to check the chest for traps Namyrra notices a strange pink note. Recognising it as a lottery ticket she quickly signs her name.

Nerwen, seeing Namyrra sign a lottery ticket muses about the passing of time, and signs her name on a ticket also.

Edited by Chromeknight

A stained, torn lottery ticket lands on the table bearing the name of Avalanche. How it came to be there was a mystery...

OOC: I hope I'm not being rude here by participating in the lottery after leaving a quest and being inactive for a year or so. I have plans to reintroduce my character soon...

Calamity sees a pink puff of smoke, and grabs the enveloppe that just appeared. "A lottery? Don't mind if I do." She says, as she signs up.


Guts smirks as he receives his invitation to the lottery. He'd not had much luck, but he signs up anyway.

Edited by Scubacarrot

Alexander was in the Hall as the veterans announced the Lottery, so he just came and signed up his name.

Still treking through the wastes of Spelesia to reach the ruined city of Vallahau, Na'im suddenly recieves a magical pink letter out of thin air. He has to squint and put on his spectacles to read the writing but he deduced it was about some sort of lotterey, back at the hall. Grinning he signs his name on the parchment "Hmph...never could resist a game of chance anyway..might as well give it a try" he msues, but still a small part of him remembers that was how he lost most of the riches he bought with him from Fenario in the first place.

As Hybros works on crowd control in Dastan, a pink letter poofs into existence in front of him. Not paying much mind to it, he signs it and dismisses it.


Jinnipher, also fighting citizens in unrest, receives a letter in Moone. "Donations, huh? Well I won't say no." She signs up for the lottery as well.

The Z-Mail doesn't even interrupt Matthias' focus on the story of Sir Poletad; he signs up and speeds the reply on its way.

En Sabah Nur signed his name then continued to walk towards the Eastern Depot.

Barty hovers around a corner as Boomingham yanks on his new suit of armor and swiftly signs the piece of paper that has materialized.

Bobby, meanwhile, in mild confusion, signs a piece of paper as he absent-mindly stares at a wall that may or may not be there.

As Nerwyn recounts a tale of Vikings, Thormanil's attention is broken by a *poof* in front of him. Had another year passed already? He signs the paper and it vanishes back into thin air.

  • Author


"This is your last chance to join the raffle, so don't delay!"

  • Author

The heroes were eager to hear the results of the lottery, and some even started to push and shove others to get closer. The oncoming tickets with the names of the participants soon filled a glass bowl .


"Order! Young Master Ziegfried will now start sending the prizes of the lottery to their respective winners as they are revealed. Look sharp!"


"Alright, here goes nothing..."

Noel reached into the bowl and started announcing names.

heroica-greaterpotion.jpgGreater Potion (Restores 50 health to the target.) "Kiray Nastayo (KingoftheZempk)!"

heroica-greatertonic.jpgGreater Tonic (Restores 30 ether to the target.) "Jinnipher Buchaire (JimBee)!"

heroica-firstaidkit_zpsa1f5ce9b.jpgFirst Aid Kit (Completely restores health and removes all negative effects for the entire party once.) "Warlen Melimane (The Chosen Minifigure)!"

heroica-neutralizer.jpgNeutralizer (Removes all temporary effects from all allies and all opponents.) "Dyric Rone (The Legonater)!"

heroica-tigerbalm.jpgTiger Balm (Grants immunity to all effects - positive and negative - for one battle.) "Torald Waruelf (Alfadas)!"

heroica-phoenixessence.jpgPhoenix Essence (Revives a fallen ally with full health during a battle.) "Mortimer “Em” Mahzan (Emjajoas)!"

heroica-fenghuangessence.jpgFenghuang Essence (After being consumed, automatically revives the target with full health once when knocked out; cannot revive targets that are already knocked out) "Vindsval Half-born (Asphalt)!"

heroica-aeolusbomb.jpgAeolus Bomb (Deals 100 wind-elemental damage to all opponents when used.) "Guts Holla (Scubacarrot)!"

heroica-agnibomb.jpgAgni Bomb (Deals 100 fire-elemental damage to all opponents when used.) "Eric (Khorne)!"

heroica-baldurbomb.jpgBaldur Bomb (Deals 100 light-elemental damage to all opponents when used.) "Nerwen Calmcacil (Chromeknight)!"

heroica-demeterbomb.jpgDemeter Bomb (Deals 100 wood-elemental damage to all opponents when used.) "Keliim (Mencot)!"

heroica-gaiabomb.jpgGaia Bomb (Deals 100 earth-elemental damage to all opponents when used.) "Na’im Thamir (Enceladus)!"

heroica-neptunebomb.jpgNeptune Bomb (Deals 100 water-elemental damage to all opponents when used.) "Darksten (Comrade Commander)!"

heroica-rudrabomb.jpgRudra Bomb (Deals 100 lightning-elemental damage to all opponents when used.) "Namyrra Uq (Quarryman)!"

heroica-sethbomb.jpgSeth Bomb (Deals 100 darkness-elemental damage to all opponents when used.) "Lawrence Boomingham (Zepher)!"

heroica-skadibomb.jpgSkadi Bomb (Deals 100 ice-elemental damage to all opponents when used.) "Demon Germ (samuraiturtle)!"

heroica-minimizingdust_zpse6123e7f.jpgMinimizing Dust (Deals the minimized-effect to the target, reducing maximum power/level, HP, and ether to 10% of the normal.) "Hybros (JimBee)!"

heroica-everlastingvenom.jpgEverlasting Venom (Adds the poisoned by 10-effect to one weapon permanently) "Althior Emorith (K-Nut)!"

heroica-lastwishpowder.jpgLast Wish Powder (The targeted enemy will turn into an undead that will join a necromancer’s army automatically after being defeated; if there is no necromancer present, the enemy will be fully revived as an undead type and will have to be fought again, but it won’t drop anything; cannot be used on demon, holy, ethereal or mechanical enemies.) "Lind Whisperer (Lind Whisperer)!"

heroica-gratingstone.jpgGrating Stone (WP +1 to one weapon upon use.) "Boris Bruhalv (Waterbrick Down)!"

heroica-brightpolish_zpsb717c4c4.jpgBright Polish (SP +1 to one shield or armor upon use.) "Heckz Brutenhal (Cutcobra)!"

heroica-levelupmushroom.jpgLevel-Up Mushroom (Raises level by one full level upon use.) "En Sabah Nur (Jebediahs)!"

heroica-mythrilshard.jpgMythril Shard (One quarter of a full Mythril ore, used for mythrilizing weapons.) "Annienal Anavir (Kintobor)!"

heroica-adamantiteshard.jpgAdamantite Shard (One quarter of a full Adamantite ore, used for adamantizing weapons.) "Matthias (StickFig)!"

heroica-shieldofinvisibility.jpgShield of Invisibility (SP:0, the user is impervious to Free Hits unless they are the last hero standing.) "Throlar Wineghilm (Lord Duvors)!"

heroica-axpeord.jpgGreat Axpeord (WP:40, cannot be wielded with a shield; greatsword/axe/spear) "Hoke Ablesword (UsernameMDM)!"

heroica-letterofrecommendation.jpgLetter of Recommendation (Increases reputation with one of the seven main factions depending on the user's choice.) "Bobby Bucks Jr. (Zepher)!"

heroica-letterofrecommendation.jpgLetter of Recommendation (Increases reputation with one of the seven main factions depending on the user's choice.) "Erik Tyrvarr (Myrddyn)!"

heroica-letterofrecommendation.jpgLetter of Recommendation (Increases reputation with one of the seven main factions depending on the user's choice.) "Calamity (Scubacarrot)!"

heroica-anniversarymedal.jpgAnniversary Medal (Power +4, SP +4, Max. Health +4, Max. Ether +4. The values will increase by 1 with each passing year; accessory.) "Mhinak (Goliath)!"


"There ya go! Now, what do I get out of this?"

The Dragonlord patted the young wizard on the shoulder.


"That's all, folks! Over and out!"

QM Note: Congratulations, winners! It felt good to give out so many prizes this year! Feel free to add the spoils of the lottery to your inventories immediately.

The Letter of Recommendation can only be used on the character that won it, and it cannot be saved for later, so Zepher, Myrddyn and Scubacarrot, please post in this topic which faction your characters want increased reputations with.

Out of thin air, a giant sword/axe/spear thing drops at Hoke's feet as he prepares to spar with his new colleague.

"Hmm. Interesting..."

The green bomb suddenly pops up in mid air, infront of Keliim when he is trying to figure out what is going on. He takes it an places it in his bag of holding.

Thanks for the price and lottery. :sweet:

Mortimer hastily plucks the Phoenix Essence out of the air, pocketing it.

Thanks, Sandy!

"Those Wolfgang seem like good people. I'll have some reputation with them, please." Calamity says as she receives the letter of recommendation.

Dang, I won something again maybe my luck is turning around.

OoC: Thanks for the hard work you do Sandy. :thumbup:

OoC: Thanks for the lotto, and the work that went into it! Not sure what I'm going to do with the Powder, but, well, figuring it out's half the fun, right? :sweet::thumbup:

heroica-adamantiteshard.jpgAdamantite Shard (One quarter of a full Adamantite ore, used for adamantizing weapons.) "Matthias (StickFig)!"

As he stands before the gates of Duplovia, Matthias' bag suddenly feels heavier...

Edited by StickFig

As Torald is sobering up in the Hall, suddenly a Tiger Balm appears in front of him. He gladly accepts the prize.

OoC: Thanks for doing this!

As Na'im confronts Oswians men at the Penitentiary, a strange orange bomb appears at his feet. Feeling a tiny bit more confident against the star elves, he picks it up and slides it into his cloak

OOC: Thanks for the lottery Sandy and all the work you do to keep heroica going-keep up the good work! :classic:

Bobby, before stepping into the wrong door, gets some letter about getting in good with one of the houses, and while he himself doesn't really needs in with any of them, he remembers fondly his father's love of alchemy and decides that getting at like the Bucks family name on the Guild's radar might do his pa some good. The letter disappears just as oddly as it had appeared.

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