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Day Ten: Ouroboros

The einherjar rowed the longship with renewed vigour. They sailed through the night...


... And continued to sail until the sun came up again...


... Until they finally came to a rest. After ten days on a desperate and treacherous voyage, the einherjar were exhausted. Petrus Fire-Starter was so tired, his shield was beginning to flake. Kára looked up, noticing a structure on the horizon...


"Valhalla!" Kára gasped. Everyone could only look on in awe, never having expected to see their home again.

"I do not believe my eyes!" Harald said.


With their remaining strength, the einherjar picked up their oars once more and rowed towards the riverbank.


Kára and Harald leaped ashore and beckoned the others to follow.

"Our journey is over, my friends!" Kára announced, "at last, we can reclaim our homeland.

Now that they had reached land, the einherjar could get a better look at the mighty hall of Odin. Harald trembled, unable to take another step.


Harald and Kára looked above them. Valhalla was in ruins, desolate after of years and years of battle.


"This is my doing," Harald lamented, "had I not strayed from the course Odin had laid out for me, this place would have endured."

"Ragnarok is coming to an end," Kára answered, "what was may still come again. Now is the time to rebuild world, and start our lives anew!"


Kára led the others through the once mighty gateway of Valhalla.


The einherjar followed her into the hall, startled at the extent of the destruction. They mourned the loss of friends they hadn't seen in years,


"All of this can be rebuilt in time," Kára turned to her comrades, "but for the moment, I believe we may still have a traitor or two to take care of..."


Non-Playable Characters

IMG_1976_zpsvbvdyz9e.png Kára

IMG_1979_zpsf2fb8va7.jpg Harald

IMG_1980_zpsoatw8uto.jpg Ragnar

Characters (5)

IMG_1946_zpsx2dcvaj8.png Canute Grey-Bush (CallMePie)

IMG_1949_zpsw4ro0e01.png Pudding-Head (Hinckley)

IMG_1966_zpsysaqwjio.png Cranebeinn the Redder (Chromeknight)

IMG_1961_zpsgxcqurdi.png Petrus Fire-Starter (Pandora)

IMG_1948_zpsq5i1jvvy.png Agnar Skull-Smasher (Adam)

The Dead

1_zpszhk3sxez.jpg Brand (Brickelodeon) - Loyal - voted out, Day One

2_zpsj6otvry9.jpg Patrekr the Red (Palathadric) - Loyal - murdered, Night One

3_zpsl8ymhll8.jpg Lambi (TheLazyChicken) - Corrupted - murdered, Night One

4_zpsvlm95tgu.jpg Jarl Name-Loser (jluck) - Corrupted - voted out, Day Two

5_zpsztemwwwn.jpg Dagstyrr the Fool (Darkdragon) - Loyal - murdered, Night Two

6_zpspd491alc.jpg Mist (Mencot) - Corrupted - voted out, Day Three

7_zpsox8bp617.jpg Tarben the Wise (Tamamono) - Loyal - murdered, Night Three

8_zps80phlabk.jpg Munud the Strange (mostlytechnic) - Loyal - murdered, Night Three

9_zps16qdnyml.jpg Lodmund the Dwarf (Lord Duvors) - Loyal - voted out, Day Four

10_zpsqhskz0xe.jpg Kaupmad (KingoftheZempk) - Loyal - murdered, Night Four

11_zpsg2yqprdy.jpg Dar (Dragonfire) - Corrupted - voted out, Day Five

12_zpslad2d9u5.jpg Danr the Dragon-Slayer (Dannylonglegs) - Loyal - murdered, Night Four

13_zpssdlqebw8.jpg Ragnvald the Troll (Ranger of the Forest) - Loyal - voted out, Day Six

14_zpsumjdezle.jpg Tarr Egg-Chaser (Tariq j) - Loyal - voted out, Day Seven

15_zpss8tilyqs.jpg Jafri (Jackjonespaw) - Loyal - murdered, Day Seven

16_zpsu9ciqevs.jpg Lauga (Lady K) - Loyal - murdered, Night Seven

17_zpsjvhdn2jr.jpg Petr Half-Troll (Piratedave84) - Corrupted - voted out, Day Eight

18_zpszmzldpyv.jpg Toki (TrumpetKing) - Corrupted - voted out, Day Nine




1. Each player will be given a character to play, who will be aligned with either the Loyal or the Corrupted. To win the game, the Loyal must kill all enemy factions, while the Corrupted must outnumber all rival factions. Neutral characters will have their victory conditions outlined in their role.

2. Each day you will be able to vote to lynch a player. Voting should be done in the following format; Vote: Character (Player). Similarly, unvoting is to be done in the format; Unvote: Character (Player). No other format will be accepted. A majority vote is required to lynch a player.

2b. You may give your proxy vote to a player in the following format: Proxy: Character (Player). Doing so will gift your vote to the player of your choice, effectively giving them an extra vote. You may retract your proxy in the following format: Unproxy: Character (Player).

3. A game day will last for 72 hours. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. After the day has concluded, a night stage will commence, which will last a maximum of 48 hours. Night actions must be sent to the host in the first 24 hours of the night stage.

4. The alignment of lynched players, as well as those that died during the night, will be revealed at the beginning of the next day.

5. You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to or from you in PM with the game host. This includes all the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage.

5b. Similarly, you may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent by another player via PM. Please paraphrase instead.

6. Do not play the game outside the thread. Similarly, do not post out of character inside the thread; you must always play the role given to you. Game tactics and roles may only be discussed in the game thread or via PM with other players. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game.

7. If you are dead, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any of the players. Any information you had becomes void and may not be passed on.

8. You may not edit your posts.

9. Violation of any of the above rules will result in a vote penalty (1 for every 4 players alive) on the first two occasions and a mod-kill on the third.

10. You must post in every day thread. Failure to do so will result in a mod-kill or a replacement.

11. If you encounter a problem or have any further questions, feel free to contact me via PM.

Scummy scummy Toki.

And yet we're still plagued by traitors.

The good news is that there can be at most one left, since if there were two left they would have seized control yesterday.

We didn't see a kill last night from the scum. again. Honestly, they had a shocker.

Let's have it all on the table.

I'm the 'blocker' I targeted Pandora. There was no kill from her last night.

Pandora is the 'vig'. She said the was going to stay home, hence no kill.

Adam is the bomb. The bomb is passive, he should've targeted no one. No one tried to kill him last night.

Hink is the 'tracker'. He said he was going to target Adam, who may or may not have targeted anyone.

CMP is the 'protector'. He hasn't said who he protected.

One of these people is lying.

Agnar didn't target anyone.

Shall we lynch Canute?

I, of course, suspect everyone. But I'll post a little more after I wake up.

What the Helheim are the Scum doing if they aren't killing? And if Canute is Scum, what's the joy of targeting Toki? I'm confused. Are they recruiting? One or two left? Did Canute recruit (little poem) Agnar last night?

If Canute was Scum, as I demonstrated yesterday, it would explain why he so badly wanted me to be lynched. If he, Petr and Toki were all Scum, getting me lynched would've won them the game. We know he does something at night. We know he nonsensically targeted Toki. I wish I would've tracked him. We know that, more than anything, he keeps trying to throw in our faces that we haven't seen the Scum kill and he negates every dumb theory I come up with. ... :look: ... Maybe that's not entirely Scummy, but everything else is. Toki WIFOM accused him and voted for him. I need to stop thinking about all of this so I can go back to sleep.

But... I may as well put this all on the table.

Agnar...claims Bomb. Scummy claim, we've seen it before. Nobody wants to night–kill someone who claims bomb. Is he not killing because we have seemed to believe him and in case he is tracked we can't see?

Is this the seventh day without a Scum kill??? :wacko: I was really hoping this would be the conclusion... :sceptic:

Petrus...Serial Killer? Kara says we need to look for traitors but the name of the Scum is Corrupted. Would Kara mislead us? Is she not saying "we still have a serial killer" because that would just give away Petrus's game? If Canute is Scum, could we have lost the protector and vigilante without one being able to counterclaim? Was there either of those roles to start with? Somehow I feel like we should lynch some other people first, but this is an obvious concern that's been lingering. Sorry, Petrus. :blush:

Cranebeinn...claims blocker but we've never seen another blocker. No Townie has reported being blocked by anyone except him. On the writeboard the blabby Scum said "Your misleading comments blocked our kill". Again, I can't quote directly but that's closer than what I said before. If it was over–acting on Blabby's part then they wanted us to believe that the blocked player had tried to kill so that would be setting Cranebeinn up as bringing down Mist. Like Agnar or Canute, he could choosing not to kill so as not to be caught by me.

I'll put it this way. He said "Your misleading comments got our murder stopped."

I'm been very suspect of Canute and to a lesser extent Agnar, because of the bomb claim. Which makes me question Petrus and Cranebeinn because I get anxious when I start putting trust in people in a Mafia game. This all begs the question, if the Scum are choosing not to kill so I won't catch them, why aren't they just killing me and moving on? What the megablok are they doing otherwise? What? :wall:

Converting? Is this Cultafia? But we saw kills. Were they given the option to switch? If so did Canute convert Agnar last night? Or if it is Canute, was I right that Toki had to be targeted twice and Petr did it one night and he had to continue it the next? megabluck, it's 6:30 am and now that I'm thinking about all of this will I be able to fall back asleep?

And hooray! We finally got Toki who survived way too long for how Scummy he was acting. :wacko:

After writing that all out and reading over it again, I feel Canute is the Scummiest.

I protected Cranebeinn.

Six scum is a lot. Have there ever been seven?

  On 8/15/2015 at 11:44 AM, Hinckley said:

This all begs the question, if the Scum are choosing not to kill so I won't catch them, why aren't they just killing me and moving on? What the megablok are they doing otherwise? What? :wall:

Maybe it actually was just me protecting your stupid face from Night Five to Night Seven. :facepalm: I really don't know anymore.

Hink's analysis covers most things.

He understandably leaves his own name off the list.

The claim of tracker is, by his own admission, scummy. He's been the loudest to talk about conversions and theories of lack of kills. All of which, arguably, muddy the waters. Is he bold enough to stage a late game bus of a lame duck teammate to cement his position as a towniest of town? Or was it a legitimate scum hunt? Early on he said, "one of the scum is clever", was that boasting or just wishful thinking?

I will point out that, as I said above, one of these people is lying.

Four of us have made claims with lists of actions with the exception of Petrus, whose effects are obvious, we need to look at the actions and see who did what and why.

One of the bigger questions to ask is,why would PetrDave, a scum, target TokiKing, another scum? Unless it was part of a conversion.

In which case, you have a hat to eat Puddinghead.

  On 8/15/2015 at 12:41 PM, Chromeknight said:

you have a hat to eat Puddinghead.

It's made of licorice. And this is what Dar said to me via PM before the end of Day...whenever Dar was lynched.

My money is split between Petrus being a serial killer and Canute being scum. What bothers me is that if there was a scum inside the town block, then I don't see why they would not have targeted Pudding Head. With the investigator dead, the only two advantages we had in rooting out scum were the tracker (who found what looks to have been the scum converter and his converted target) and the hope that they might try to kill me. Clearly the latter has yet to happen, but if there was scum in the town block, then how did they not try to kill Pudding Head?

Canute is scummy to me simply because protector and investigator are the easiest roles for scum to impersonate. But I personally think it's more likely that Petrus is a serial killer. However, I want to get my facts straight here: Pudding Head, when did you learn the roles of each player still standing? When did each player claim to you, if they did so at a different time from when you learned? Before the investigator died, who had town results? And if possible, can we get a compilation of all the night results we know of from the first night to last night?

  On 8/15/2015 at 12:13 PM, CallMePie said:

Maybe it actually was just me protecting your stupid face from Night Five to Night Seven. :facepalm: I really don't know anymore.

But besides my rambling theories, you seem to be the only one actually concerned with what they could be doing. I mean we're all concerned, but it seems to be your only focus. Your absolute insistence that I was Scum and needed to be lynched is glaringly Scummy in retrospect. Especially considering that if you, Petr and Toki are all Scum you could've won that night (or had parity) if Toki had been converted and I was lynched. You stuck to your theory like a dog to raw meat until I proved your numbers weren't right. And for some reason, you have let your concern that Petrus is the Serial Killer evaporate since that day. Is that because you only needed that theory to prove I could end the game that night? You should be the one saying "Maybe we're still here because Petrus is the Serial Killer and now the Scum are gone". You should be saying that after the way you behaved. You should be screaming it the same way you spammed up Day Eight's thread with it.

And you are the only person who has said repeatedly "Well if (X) was Scum, then what have they been doing at night? I need a theory." Why do you need a damn theory? All I need is to see how much your behavior contradicts itself. I don't care what the hell you've actually been doing at night. I would just like it to stop whatever it is so we can end this game. It is certainly weird that you inexplicably "changed your mind" about me going into Night Eight. Whenever you left your vote on me and kept insisting I was Scum until the end of the day, picking apart and questioning everyone one of my posts.

  On 8/10/2015 at 1:14 AM, CallMePie said:

Well, I'm assuming the game ends tonight, but things are definitely gonna be interesting if it doesn't.

And that's what you said right before the day ended. And yet, if you assumed the game was going to end why were you talking to Cranebeinn about me being the tracker and assuming that I was Town and trying to kill Toki. Why were you afraid that Town me would ask Petrus to kill Toki? Targeting Toki still makes no sense. Why would both you and Petr need to target Toki? Who knows but it's weird.

As I mentioned, in Raganrok I we had an Action that converted any player to neutral. Then, later in the game when we hit trouble, we were allowed to use it twice on the same person for a conversion. So, why wouldn't that person report being reported to Neutral? In Ragnarok I, there were two (or maybe it was pretending to be two) Scum left so they contacted the convertee on the first night and said, basically, "We're converting you to neutral so we can convert you to Scum the following night. Don't bother telling anyone because there are two of us left and even if I'm lynched, my partner will still convert you on the following night and you'll only be causing yourself to lose the game."

Anyway, I think Canute is a liar. I don't care what his actual Night Action is. I assume when I caught him targeting Cranebeinn he was actually framing him.

Since Cranebeinn has asked for a list of Actions and reasons, here is mine:

Night One: Track Petrus, successful. Targeted Lambi

Reason: She's a IRL friend and very smart so naturally I wanted to know what side she was on.

Night Two: Track Canute, successful. Targeted Cranebeinn

Reason: I had started with my target as Dagstyrr who is also a IRL friend and hard to read. I wanted to know about him as well. But then, we saw the trashed comment on the writeboard that says "DD says" and decided it was best to just have the vigilante target him. So, I had been talking to Canute about Cranebeinn's obvious blocker claim and I wanted to know if I could trust him so I targeted him. This was also a night I had said I would track Cranebeinn or at least implied it. But I wanted to target him the following night because if he was Scum, I thought it would keep him in check in fear that I was targeting him.

Night Three: Track Danr, successful. Targeted Lauga

Reason: Tarben contacted me on Day Three and said that he and I had both been investigated as Town. Since Tarben and Danr were both kind of Scummy, I targeted Danr to find out if he was up to anything.

Night Four: Track Cranebeinn, successful. Targeted Kapmaud

Reason: It was finally time to check on Cranebeinn.

Night Five: Track Agnar, successful. Targeted nobody.

Reason: He claimed bomb so if he was targeting anyone he was a liar.

Night Six: Track Toki, successful. Targeted nobody.

Reason: Toki was the Scummiest guy in the game. We even clarified that I would have seen him had he targeted a protected target but not if he was blocked.

Night Seven: Track Petr, successful. Targeted Toki.

Reason: Must I repeat it? :hmpf:

Night Eight: Track Canute, successful. Targeted Toki.

Reason: Canute is painfully Scummy when he tries to get me lynched and I'm telling the truth and he's desperately trying to refute everything I say, no matter how innocuous it is. Jerk.

Night Nine: Track Aganr, successful. Targeted nobody.

Reason: He could've been vanilla goon and at this point, being the only Scum would've had to target someone.

:sceptic: There we have it.

  On 8/15/2015 at 4:13 PM, Adam said:

My money is split between Petrus being a serial killer and Canute being scum. What bothers me is that if there was a scum inside the town block, then I don't see why they would not have targeted Pudding Head.

Can they even kill at this point??? :wacko: But they hit targets like Tarben who was vanilla and nobody else who Canute knew was in the Town block. But at that point, Canute only knew who the blocker was. I didn't let everyone in on each other's identities until Night Six. Perhaps they thought I was the bomb or they wanted to hang onto me hoping I'd eventually reveal the other PR identities.

  On 8/15/2015 at 4:13 PM, Adam said:

Canute is scummy to me simply because protector and investigator are the easiest roles for scum to impersonate.

Or bomb or blocker or tracker...

  On 8/15/2015 at 4:13 PM, Adam said:

But I personally think it's more likely that Petrus is a serial killer.

If Canute weren't so painfully Scummy, I'd agree.

  On 8/15/2015 at 4:13 PM, Adam said:

However, I want to get my facts straight here: Pudding Head, when did you learn the roles of each player still standing? When did each player claim to you, if they did so at a different time from when you learned? Before the investigator died, who had town results? And if possible, can we get a compilation of all the night results we know of from the first night to last night?

:hmpf: I have a lot of assignments today.

Petrus claimed to me on Day Two after I tracked him targeting Lambi.

Cranebeinn claimed to me on Day Two because he was going to be lynched.

Canute claimed to me on Day Three after I tracked him targeting Cranebeinn.

Danr claimed to me on Day Three after Tarben told me I had been cleared by him. I asked Tarben to have the investigator contact me if he felt I could be trusted.

You, Agnar, claimed to me on July 13 2015 (so, Night Two) when we were trying to run the gambit with the Scum on anonymous writeboards.

Reading back over our PM conversation...I'm really paranoid about you now. You claimed bomb, you came up with the traitor sting. Your writeboard has the shortest conversation. They made your writeboard after they made mine yet you claimed to jluck long before I did. :sceptic:

This game makes me insane. Why do I play it? :wacko:

  On 8/15/2015 at 10:49 AM, Chromeknight said:

I'm the 'blocker' I targeted Pandora. There was no kill from her last night.

Pandora is the 'vig'. She said the was going to stay home, hence no kill.

This may or may not be attributable to both reasons.

As far as the other PRs go, I'll let everyone else explain what they did and here are Danr's results:

Night One: Tarben-Town

Night Two: PuddingHead-Town

Night Three: Lauga-Town

Night Four: Dar-Scum

Night Five: Toki-got killed


Day One: Each player will be given a character to play, who will be aligned with either the Loyal or the Corrupted. To win the game, the Loyal must kill off all of the Corrupted, while the Corrupted must outnumber the Loyal. Neutral characters will have their victory conditions outlined in their role.

Day Ten: Each player will be given a character to play, who will be aligned with either the Loyal or the Corrupted. To win the game, the Loyal must kill all enemy factions, while the Corrupted must outnumber all rival factions. Neutral characters will have their victory conditions outlined in their role.

When did this change?????

Day megablocking Seven was the first day we had that rule. With these players left in the game, how did we never notice that?

And if I can cry foul for a second, if our win condition were to change, I would hope the host would do a little more to draw our attention to it. :hmpf_bad:

What is the difference? Or was this just to show that Town will not win if there's a ... what's that one role called? ... oh right, Serial Killer... in the game? :facepalm:

What is happening?

This would make sense out of everything if there were two Scum factions and the blocker of one team had figured out the killer of the other and just blocked them every night while they tried to take them out. Am I the only Townie left with two Scum teams and a Serial Killer??? :cry3:

If Canute and Petr were a Scum team and had somehow figured out that Toki was the killer on the other team. :wacko:

Then...Petrus is the killer for the second team? That would explain why we've only seen one kill knowing it's his and the game continues. Was there two factions all along and the one team killed one of the second team on the first night??

:cry2: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2: :cry2::cry3: :cry3: :cry3: :cry3: :cry3: :cry3: :cry3: :cry3:

That would be why I'm not dead. The kill for the one team keeps getting blocked and the other team's killer is my confidant. :cry_sad:

Is that what is happening???

As Marge Simpson would say: Nutty Fudgkins.

That would make my weaponizing theory work too because one side's killer would constantly be transferring.

Mr. Hosty,

I think it's a fair question to ask when our win conditions changed did it signify a shift in the game mechanics or was it a correction and that is how our win condition should've read all along?

  On 8/15/2015 at 12:41 PM, Chromeknight said:

One of the bigger questions to ask is,why would PetrDave, a scum, target TokiKing, another scum? Unless it was part of a conversion.

I think the likeliest answer is indeed that it was part of a conversion. A secondary answer might be that he was protecting him.

  On 8/15/2015 at 4:13 PM, Adam said:

But I personally think it's more likely that Petrus is a serial killer.

Because why? :wacko: I don't understand where this is coming from, and you give absolutely no reasoning whatsoever.

  On 8/15/2015 at 4:34 PM, Hinckley said:

And for some reason, you have let your concern that Petrus is the Serial Killer evaporate since that day. Is that because you only needed that theory to prove I could end the game that night? You should be the one saying "Maybe we're still here because Petrus is the Serial Killer and now the Scum are gone". You should be saying that after the way you behaved. You should be screaming it the same way you spammed up Day Eight's thread with it.

The only reason Canute thought I was the a serial killer is because he needed to to make the numbers work to insist you should be lynched or the game would end. Two days ago.

  On 8/15/2015 at 4:34 PM, Hinckley said:

As I mentioned, in Raganrok I we had an Action that converted any player to neutral. Then, later in the game when we hit trouble, we were allowed to use it twice on the same person for a conversion. So, why wouldn't that person report being reported to Neutral?

I'm sensing this is a rhetorical question, but if someone were converted to neutral, do you think they're going to say "Hey guys, something weird happened, I'm neutral now!"? Even Toki?

So here's my list of actions:

Night one: Kill Lambi - for being a scummy scumster. He was a scummy scumster.

Night two: Kill Dagstyyr - Pudding had been trying to convince me to kill Dagstyyr, and then the post on the scummy writeboard was pointed out, so it was worth testing.

Night three: Kill Munud - the scummiest person in the game at that point, despite being shown to be loyal in the morning. The kill did, however, save us all a day of just lynching Munud.

Night four: Kill Kaupmad - generally agreed to be scummy and his kill was discussed with Pudding and, through him, Canute and Cranebeinn apparently. Again, surprised to see him show up as loyal.

Night five: Kill Danr - I've already gone over this, but it's evident I found him scummy from my posts in the thread (as did other people), and I thought Pudding was trying to 'hide' a scummy teammate. Unfortunately he was the investigator.

Night six: Kill Toki - except I didn't because the "town block" decided to block me that night, after I had told them of my intention to kill Toki.

Night seven: Kill Lauga - after full discussion with the "town block" the decision was made for me and I complied.

Night eight: Stay home.

Night nine: Stay home.

  On 8/15/2015 at 4:34 PM, Hinckley said:

Night Six: Track Toki, successful. Targeted nobody.

Reason: Toki was the Scummiest guy in the game. We even clarified that I would have seen him had he targeted a protected target but not if he was blocked.

Yes, he was the scummiest guy in the game at that point, and I told you I was going to kill him and I ended up blocked. Funny that. You say it was Canute's idea, Cranebeinn says that you suggested it and that Canute was a strong supporter. So whose idea was it?

  On 8/15/2015 at 7:15 PM, Hinckley said:

Day megablocking Seven was the first day we had that rule.

Which strongly implies that something happened night six; that somebody (i.e. Toki) was converted to neutral. And if that's true then if my kill had gone through on night six he would have died and shown up as neutral, exposing what was happening. Night seven Petr completes the conversion and night eight for reasons best known only to himself, Canute 'protects' Toki.

  On 8/15/2015 at 8:44 PM, Pandora said:

Night two: Kill Dagstyyr - Pudding had been trying to convince me to kill Dagstyyr, and then the post on the scummy writeboard was pointed out, so it was worth testing.

That's not how I remember it. I had Dagstyrr as my tracking target until we saw the trashed comment.

  On 8/15/2015 at 8:44 PM, Pandora said:

Yes, he was the scummiest guy in the game at that point, and I told you I was going to kill him and I ended up blocked. Funny that. You say it was Canute's idea, Cranebeinn says that you suggested it and that Canute was a strong supporter. So whose idea was it?

I'm on my phone at a bbq so I will check later. To the best of my recollection, if I mentioned it first in my message with Canute and Cranebeinn then Canute brought it up with me in our private one.

I don't have time to quote each point directly. But no, it wasn't rhetorical. I answered it myself right after if you had bothered to read it you wouldn't have needed to make that comment.

And thank you for repeating my point about Canute suspecting you and then not suspecting you. You explained exactly what I was saying. Why so defensive?

I think it is likely there are two Scum factions, Toki was the last member of a faction that could kill and Petr and Canute were blocking him. Who knows what else they can do though.

Claiming protector and not telling us who he plans to target is a great way to ensure that he doesn't tell us he will protect someone who ends up dead, which would hypothesize that he's not a protector at all

  On 8/15/2015 at 4:13 PM, Adam said:

My money is split between Petrus being a serial killer and Canute being scum. What bothers me is that if there was a scum inside the town block, then I don't see why they would not have targeted Pudding Head. With the investigator dead, the only two advantages we had in rooting out scum were the tracker (who found what looks to have been the scum converter and his converted target) and the hope that they might try to kill me. Clearly the latter has yet to happen, but if there was scum in the town block, then how did they not try to kill Pudding Head?

Canute is scummy to me simply because protector and investigator are the easiest roles for scum to impersonate. But I personally think it's more likely that Petrus is a serial killer. However, I want to get my facts straight here: Pudding Head, when did you learn the roles of each player still standing? When did each player claim to you, if they did so at a different time from when you learned? Before the investigator died, who had town results? And if possible, can we get a compilation of all the night results we know of from the first night to last night?

That's true, but we haven't any counterclaims the entire game, for any of our roles. Even if the scum had a day rolecop, they haven't exactly been able killing anyone with a role they found.

I never claimed to Pudding-Head, and I never had any intention to. He tracked me targetting Crane after he had to claim to Pudding in private to keep from being lynched.

That's the thing that bothers me. Why am I protector if the scum have been doing next to nothing with their kill? Would there really be a protector if they could go crazy with conversions? :sceptic: I think they were just been scared of being tracked and haven't been out killing.

I have several suggestions for how we might proceed. I'm operating under the assumption that both Cranebeinn and Pudding Head are town. If this isn't true, then I honestly think we're screwed. At the very least, we know that Cranebeinn is the blocker because he was able to stop Petrus from killing Toki on Night Six, and we know that Pudding Head is the tracker, because how else would he have known to contact Petrus? I know that either of these roles can belong to scum (more likely blocker than tracker in my experience, but what the hell), but we haven't had any counterclaims.

That leaves us with the likelihood that either Canute is scum or Petrus is the serial killer. I understand that you all have concerns about me, and I'll address those in a moment. As for why I think Petrus is the serial killer... it goes along with the thought that the scum might have or have had a day cop, and that they took out Patrekr because he had a role. It would explain why we've seen no neutrals and no third kill (I understand that not all games have neutral parties, but I think it's reasonable to say that most games do). While I doubt Petrus knew that Danr was the investigator (though Danr could've claimed to Petrus, since Petrus is a well-known and well-established player), if I were a serial killer I would want to go after targets that I had not discussed with Pudding Head in an effort to take out someone on the town block.

Before I go into my suggestions, where I factor in suspicions of me, I'd like to address those suspicions. Pudding Head, I first messaged Jarl on July 12 at 8:49 PM. He sent me a Writeboard link at 9:36 PM of the same night. I don't know how that timing compares to your timing, but there you have it. You've tracked me twice, and on both nights I haven't done anything. In fact, on every night this game, I haven't done anything. Because I'm the bomb. When I made that claim to you, did you have any reason at all to suspect me? Did I have any reason to worry about getting killed in the night? If I were scum, and if I had a passive scum role, why would I claim anything other than vanilla, knowing that a bomb claim would only draw attention to myself?

The following two suggestions only work if you believe that I'm town.

  1. Today, lynch Canute. If there's a tomorrow, lynch Petrus. I would advise blocking Petrus at night, but I don't think it would matter if he kills anyone. It would just expose him.
  2. Today, lynch Petrus and block Canute at night. If there's a tomorrow, lynch Canute.

None of that makes sense if you think that I'm scum, however. So here is an alternative.

  1. Today, lynch me and tonight, have Petrus kill Canute. If there's a tomorrow, lynch Petrus. Even if Petrus kills someone other than Canute, he will be exposed as a serial killer, and there will be a majority of two available to lynch him.

I'm town, and I would prefer to stick around, if only because having one more townie improves our numbers. However, I will win with the town regardless of whether I'm alive or dead. If lynching me today will put us on a path to rooting out the last non-townie or non-townies (though my guess is that there is only one), then I encourage you all to lynch me. Looking at the numbers, I'm fairly confident that any of these plans will work, but only if both Cranebeinn and Pudding Head are town. If they're not, then like I said before, we are straight donkey-f*cked. If we had more townies alive, we could entertain the notion of Cranebeinn or Pudding Head being scum, but I think it's too late for that.

  On 8/15/2015 at 7:53 PM, Hinckley said:

Mr. Hosty,

I think it's a fair question to ask when our win conditions changed did it signify a shift in the game mechanics or was it a correction and that is how our win condition should've read all along?

All that said, if TPRU responds to this and tells us that our win conditions changed because of a shirt in game mechanics, then I think it is absolutely necessary for us to lynch Canute.

God damn it. A wrinkle in time, a wrench in the machine, and a shirt in the game mechanics. I'll wear that typo proudly.

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No game mechanics have been changed. The win conditions were just reworded for greater clarity.

Thanks, Hosty.

Cranebeinn, who did you block on Night Eight. We have conflicting reports.

I think that he implied to me that he had blocked you....after the day went up. I didn't notice the implication until I looked back just now.

Yet you claimed to have tracked me targeting Toki...but only claimed as much after I had said so in public.

There is something weird there. :wacko:

I told Cranebeinn and Petrus I had tracked you targeting Toki before you confessed it. I've already expressed my concern with that.

He told me that he talked to you about blocking Petrus and you mentioned I should track you. If you were telling him to have me track you then why would you be under the impression he was blocking me?

I have been told that he targeted neither me nor Petrus.

  On 8/16/2015 at 5:53 AM, CallMePie said:

There is something weird there. :wacko:

You're still weirder.

I have no idea why. It was right after I told him if you were concerned my actions you should track me. He said that you couldn't track if you were blocked. :wacko: It's possible he was just trying to mislead me into claiming I targeted someone else.

What's the conflicting claim? If Petrus didn't do anything then he wouldn't know whether he'd've been blocked or not. Agnar obviously wouldn't know either.

He told me he targeted Toki.

Makes sense. Can I assume you now think there have to be two scum targeting one guy in the same night to actually convert him? That seems like the kind of line of thinking you'd go for. :tongue:

Nah, I'm hoping you're the last one.

  On 8/15/2015 at 8:44 PM, Pandora said:

So whose idea was it?

Canute brought up the idea to me on July 29th at 2:49 PM in our game pm which is entitled "Pie and Pudding".

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You may now vote. With 5 players remaining, 3 votes are required to lynch. 48 hours remain in the day.

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