May 11, 2024May 11 5 hours ago, CloneCommando99 said: Needs another Lantern or 2. Add blue pieces and Saint Walker then. Loving the Wayne Tower and Arkham ideas. @Agent Kallus I need all of these. Right now.
May 11, 2024May 11 6 hours ago, Agent Kallus said: Robin (Dick) That's mean. Robin's a very nice guy! Great ideas by @ARC2149Nova, @Agent Kallus, and @CloneCommando99. I've done a few batman wishlists before- made three of them into MOC set waves, in fact- but I thought it'd be interesting to do one with some of the star wars "gimmick" sets, like microfighters and battle packs. This is another pretty batman-focused one, to try and be more realistic. (For the microfighters, I think they do need to be movie-based to really have that collectability, but also how has lego not done this yet. You're telling me a line of batmobiles with their respective Batman wouldn't sell like hotcakes?) Microfighter: The Tumbler ($9.99): Batman (TDK Trilogy suit) Microfighter: The Batmobile ($9.99): Batman (Burton suit) "Battle Pack": Joker's Goons ($14.99): 4x joker goons (2x standard greenshirts with pistols, knit caps, and no face paint, 1x clown makeup goon in a reddish suit, and 1x heavy goon in a gas mask with clown paint and a bulletproof vest). Build is a forklift with a pallet of laughing gas canisters, and a wall that the forklift can smash through. "Battle Pack": GCPD ($14.99): 2x GCPD officer, 1x GCPD detective (modeled after Renee Montoya), 1x GCPD SWAT team member. Build is the Bat-signal and a police motorbike System sets: Catwoman's Diamond Heist ($14.99): A small room with a diamond under glass and a rooftop skylight for catwoman to sneak in through. Comes with Batman (Wave standard suit unless otherwise specified) and Catwoman Killer Croc's Hideout ($29.99): A small hideout with a crocodile and black two-seater jet-ski and some swampy terrain with Killer Croc, Batman (night vision goggles, tactical gear on suit), and Scarecrow. The Batmobile ($34.99): two-seater Batmobile with Batman, Robin (Dick Grayson), and Joker. Meant as a set that'd stay on shelves for three years so they don't have to keep remaking batmobiles. Armored Car Ambush ($39.99): Armored Car with a container of gold and a container of data cards, as well as a wall that can be ripped off. Also includes a small police barricade and a batcycle. Comes with Bane, Batman, 1x armored car driver, and Commissioner Gordon. Batwing Battle ($64.99): Batwing and a biplane for the Joker, as well as a motorcycle for Red Hood. Comes with Batman, Joker, Harley Quinn, and Red Hood. The Batcave Invaded ($109.99): Batcave with a prison cell, batcomputer, trophy room, training area, a small suit rack, and a gadget room/vault. Comes with Bruce Wayne, Batman (heavy armor), Alfred, Robin (Damian Wayne), Nightwing, Talon, 2x talons, and a Court of Owls member. Edited May 11, 2024May 11 by Mandalorianknight
May 12, 2024May 12 2 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said: The Batcave Invaded ($109.99): Batcave with a prison cell, batcomputer, trophy room, training area, a small suit rack, and a gadget room/vault. Comes with Bruce Wayne, Batman (heavy armor), Alfred, Robin (Damian Wayne), Nightwing, Talon, 2x talons, and a Court of Owls member. If you're going to have Talons invade the Batcave then by law you have to include Fido and the Butcher of Gotham as a big fig.
May 12, 2024May 12 GL Set ideas: GLTAS Interceptor (£49.99): Hal Jordan, Kilowog (Hagrid style fig), Ganthet, Razer and Aya. Red Vs Green Lantern Battlepack (£18.99): Kyle Rayner, Jessica Cruz (Dual Moulded legs), Bd’g, Bleez, Rankorr and Dextarr. (Builds are an assortment of weapon constructs) Adventures of Hal Jordan blister pack (£12.49): Hal Jordan, Saint Walker and Sinestro. Black Lantern Showdown here (£39.99): White Lantern Hal Jordan, White Lantern Kyle Rayner, Blue Lantern Flash, Blackhand and Black Lantern Batman. Build is a Nekron buildable figure with Scythe and a Black Lantern fridge side build for Rayner to fight. (IYKYK) Oan Central power battery (£149.99): Guy Gardner, Atrocitus, Salaak, Arissa Raab (Hal is not included in the same set for lore reasons relating to her), Sodam Yatt (Ion), Arkillo, Ganthet, Jo Mullein, Tomar Re, Larfleeze and John Stewart (Indigo Lantern). Science cell build is also included. Thoughts and any other GL stuff you’d like to see?
May 13, 2024May 13 My highly unrealistic dream Superman wave: Kent Farm ($60) - Ma Kent, Pa Kent, Superboy (Kon-El), Lana Lang LexCorp ($100) - Superman, Lex Luthor, Mercy Graves, Parasite, Metallo, Bizarro Fortress of Sollitude ($150) - Superman, Supergirl, Krypto, Lois Lane, Jor-El (hologram), Brainiac, Doomsday, General Zod The Daily Planet ($200) - Clark Kent/Superman, Lois Lane, Perry White, Jimmy Olsen, Cat Grant, Ron Troupe, Steve Lombard
May 14, 2024May 14 Superman vs Doomsday ($79.99): Lex Luthor's Limo, Daily Planet Helicopter, Crater build. Superman (Battle Damaged), Doomsday, Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen, Lex Luthor, Mercy Graves, Booster Gold, Blue Beetle (Ted Kord). Cyborg Superman Attack ($29.99): Black-Suit Superman, Cyborg Superman, Steel. Batman in Wonderland ($49.99): Batman, Spoiler, Mad Hatter, Tweedle Dee, Tweedle Dum. Black Mask Pursuit ($39.99): Batman, Batgirl (Cassandra Cain), Black Mask, Ventriloquist, Scarface (new baby mold) Assault on Themyscira ($119.99): Queen Hippolyta, Wonder Woman, Troia, Artemis, Nubia, Silver Swan, Circe, Ares. Wonder Woman vs Giganta ($49.99): Includes the Invisible Jet. Wonder Woman, Wonder Girl (Cassie Sandsmark), Giganta (both minifig, and buidable figure a la Surtur) The Emotional Spectrum ($49.99): Similar build to Everyone is Awesome, with translucent and solid color bricks with each stripe. Printed circular tiles for each lantern symbol. Includes molded lanterns, power rings, and a small construct for each figure. Black Hand, Atrocitus, Larfleeze, Sinestro, Hal Jordan, Saint Walker, Indigo 1, Star Sapphire, White Lantern Kyle Rayner. Justice League: In Blackest Night ($89.99): Indigo Lantern Ray Palmer, Blue Lantern Barry Allen, Star Sapphire Diana Prince, John Stewart, Soranik Natu, Arkillo, Anti-Moniter (Big-fig) Red Lantern Battle Pack ($19.99): Bleez, Dex-Starr, Razer, Red Latern Guy Gardner, Red Lantern Kara Zor-El. Justice League Reserves "Battle Pack" ($19.99): The Atom (microfig), Vixen, Green Arrow, Black Canary. Starro the Conquerer! ($59.99): Build of Starro, with flying attachments to create the classic JLA cover. Includes Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, The Flash, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter. Ultimate Arkham Asylum ($499.99): Massive facility, with numerous specialized cells for Batman's foes. Also includes a courtyard, gym, cafeteria, and guard tower. Vehicles include an armored security van, and the Batmobile. Bruce Wayne, Batman, Dr. Harleen Quinzel, The Joker (straightjacket), Scarecrow, Poison Ivy, The Riddler, Clayface, Mr. Freeze, Ventriloquist & Scarface, Killer Croc, Man-Bat, Mad Hatter, Firefly, Bane, Anarchy, Professor Pyg, Nightwing, Red Robin, Oracle, Batgirl (Cassandra Cain), Red Hood, Commissioner Gordon, Det. Harvey Bullock, Det. Renee Montoya, Aaron Cash, GCPD Officer. DC Heroes Series 2 ($4.99 ea): Superman (1st Appearance) Batman (BF Sonar Suit) Wonder Woman (New 52) Kyle Rayner The Flash (Wally West; Rebirth) Aquaman (Blue and White Suit) Raven (New 52) Guardian (Mal Duncan) Omen (Rebirth) Geo-Force Batwing Mister Mxyzptlk Deathstroke (Unmasked) Psycho Pirate Brainiac (1st Appearance) Saturn Girl.
May 14, 2024May 14 15 hours ago, ARC2149Nova said: Cyborg Superman Attack ($29.99): Black-Suit Superman, Cyborg Superman, Steel. Wonder Woman vs Giganta ($49.99): Includes the Invisible Jet. Wonder Woman, Wonder Girl (Cassie Sandsmark), Giganta (both minifig, and buidable figure a la Surtur) The Emotional Spectrum ($49.99): Similar build to Everyone is Awesome, with translucent and solid color bricks with each stripe. Printed circular tiles for each lantern symbol. Includes molded lanterns, power rings, and a small construct for each figure. Black Hand, Atrocitus, Larfleeze, Sinestro, Hal Jordan, Saint Walker, Indigo 1, Star Sapphire, White Lantern Kyle Rayner. Justice League: In Blackest Night ($89.99): Indigo Lantern Ray Palmer, Blue Lantern Barry Allen, Star Sapphire Diana Prince, John Stewart, Soranik Natu, Arkillo, Anti-Moniter (Big-fig) Red Lantern Battle Pack ($19.99): Bleez, Dex-Starr, Razer, Red Latern Guy Gardner, Red Lantern Kara Zor-El. Starro the Conquerer! ($59.99): Build of Starro, with flying attachments to create the classic JLA cover. Includes Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, The Flash, Aquaman, Martian Manhunter. DC Heroes Series 2 ($4.99 ea) Kyle Rayner The Flash (Wally West; Rebirth) Aquaman (Blue and White Suit) Raven (New 52) Guardian (Mal Duncan) Batwing Deathstroke (Unmasked) Brainiac (1st Appearance) Oh hell yes now you’re cooking! OG suit would be best for Rayner in a CMF. Then use his fusion suit in future sets as the GL emblem is more consistent with the others. Deathstroke I’d honestly replace with Ravager. More ideas: Green Lantern mech (£12.99): Kyle Rayner (fusion suit) and Bd’g accessory. Bat-wing mech (£49.99): Redhood, Robin, Wonder Woman, John Stewart and Supergirl. Batman’s Justice Buster (£29.99): Batman, Jokerised superman, Flash and Wonder Woman. The Boatwing (£24.99): Nightwing, Batgirl and KG-Beast. Bitewing dog accessory and a moulded bat-cycle are also included. Blister Packs: JSA blister pack (£12.99): GL Alan Scott, Powergirl and Doctor Fate. JLI blister pack (£12.99): Blue Beetle (Ted Kord), Booster Gold, Classic GL Guy Gardner. New 52 JLA blister pack (£12.99): Steve Trevor (ARGUS tactical gear), Martian Manhunter and Vibe. GLC blister pack (£12.99): Arissa Raab, G’nort and Sonarik Natu. Elseworlds: Injustice showdown blister pack (£12.99): Kryptonite armour Batman, Yellow Lantern Superman and Yellow Lantern Hal Jordan. Kingdom Come blister pack (£12.99): Superman, Batman and Green Lantern. DCeased blister pack (£16.99): Green Canary, Jon Kent superman, Light Knight Batman and Cassie Sandsmark Wonder Woman. Amalgam blister pack (£12.99): Harold Stark, Amazon and Night-Claw. Honestly the point is they could easily sell blister packs with desirable characters.
May 14, 2024May 14 My take has a running theme. War Wheel Takedown (£119.99) taking inspiration from the Justice League cartoon, this set sees a large War Wheel commanded by Vandal Savage trying to blast a Blackhawk Skyrocket out of the sky, while rolling through a building. Includes Savage, Blackhawk, Zinda Blake, John Stewart, Hawkgirl with the right cowl, and a token generic soldier. Dinosaur Island Escape! (£149.99) The OG Creature Commandos have chanced upon a naval base run by Per Degaton and need to procure/rescue G.I. Robot. Includes a boat build with a harbour side base and jeep, a T-Rex, Triceratops, Degaton, two guards, Lt Shrieve, Lucky, Velcoro, Griffith, Dr Myrna and J.A.K.E. 1. The Lost Children (£44.99) Stargirl helps some of the Lost Children battle the robots on Orphan Island, includes two robots and a section of building, Stargirl, Cherry Bomb, John Henry Jr, the Boom and Ladybug. Secrets of the Time Masters (£34.99) sees Rip Hunter and his team tackle a strange alien beast, includes beast, Time Sphere, Rip, Jeff, Bonnie and Corky. War World Clash (£44.99) features the Trinity taking on Mongul and his alien slaves in a battle arena, with Jonah Hex on a cyber house mount.
May 24, 2024May 24 Some classic "just for fun" Lego DC ideas: Justice League Wave: Battle Across Time ($119.99): Batman (Medieval Armor), Shining Knight, Vigilante, Morgaine le Fey, Chronos. Dark castle build. Green Lantern: Attack of Doctor Polaris ($69.99): Submarine w/missiles that Dr. Polaris is attempting to steal. Hal Jordan, Aquaman, Doctor Polaris, Sonar, CADMUS Sailor Metropolis Mech Battle ($29.99): Buildable S.T.R.I.P.E. and Lex Luthor mechs. Superman, STRIPE, Lex Luthor, Metallo. Flying Bug Battle ($39.99): Batman (Grey & Blue w/jetpack), Blue Beetle (Ted Kord), Firefly (Beetle Wings). Blue Beetle's Bug. Javelin Strike Fighter ($59.99): Wonder Woman, Vixen, Red Tornado, Booster Gold, Ares CADMUS Lab Attack ($49.99): Amanda Waller, Captain Atom, Superman, Parasite. The Flash: Return of Professor Zoom ($29.99): The Flash (Wally West), Reverse Flash, Kyle Rayner. Some kind of Green Lantern vehicle (not another jet), sidewalk with speedlines for both speedsters. D2C: Titans Tower ($399.99): Rebirth version. Nightwing, Troia, Tempest, Omen, Arsenal, Flash (Wally West, 1st Rebirth costume), Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy, Bumblebee, Guardian, and Cyborg all in their Rebirth Costumes, Psimon, Shimmer, Mammoth, Jinx, Gizmo, Cheshire, Abra Kadabra, Deathstroke, Doctor Light. Includes green animal molds of the following: Tiger, Gorilla, Eagle, Atrociraptor.
May 24, 2024May 24 Streaky add on pack £20 - a set of part to convert the Ideas Tuxedo Cat into Streaky the supercat. Dex'Star add on pack £20 - a set of parts to convert the Ideas Tuxedo Cat into the Red Lantern Dex'Star. Beast Boy as a cat add on pack £20. - a set of parts to convert the Ideas Tuxedo Cat into beast boy as a cat Behind the scenes of Lego DC book - £15 with White Lantern Sinestro
May 24, 2024May 24 Lanterns CMF Series 1) White Lantern Kyle Rayner (New 52) 2) Yellow Lantern Superman (Injustice) 3) Blue Lantern Guy Gardner 4) Red Lantern Supergirl (new 52) 5) Parallax (Hal Jordan) 6) Ganthet (Blue Lantern) 7) Say’d (Orange Lantern) 8) Larfleeze 9) Dawnbreaker (obligatory Batman reference) 10) Saint Walker 11) Blue Lantern Flash 12) Star Sapphire Wonder Woman 13) Yellow Lantern Scarecrow 14) Omega Lantern Kyle Rayner 15) Black and Green Lantern Hal Jordan (Rise of the First Lantern) 16) Red Lantern Bleez (Dextarr accessory) Actual sets Batman the Brave and the Bold Bat-Mech (£49.99): Blue Cowl Batman, Booster Gold, Blue Beetle, bearded Aquaman and the Music Meister. Green Lantern Titan Mech (£99.99): Kyle Rayner, Guy Gardner, Hal Jordan, John Stewart, Jessica Cruz, Supergirl and Sinestro. (Inspired by recent Ninjago Titan Mechs and the recent GL one in Justice League vs Godzilla) TDKR Bat Pod vs Bane’s tumbler (£49.99): The Dark Knight, Bane, Commissioner Gordon and Talia Al Ghul. Blackgate Breakout (£29.99): Nightwing, Batgirl (Cassandra Cain), Punchline, Riddler and Zurr En Arrh Batman.
May 27, 2024May 27 DC Elsewords CMF 1) Batman (Flashpoint) 2) Yellow Lantern Superman (Injustice) 3) Vampire Wonder Woman (DC vs Vampires) 4) Green Canary (DCeased) 5) Lois Lane Red Tornado (Earth 2) 6) Death Storm (Earth 3) 7) Batman Who Laughs (Dark Multiverse) 8) Black and White Lantern Sinestro (Dark Multiverse) 9) Hawkman (Kingdom Come) 10) Dr Manhattan Flash (Wally West, I know this one technically isn’t a elseworld version but it happened during a multiversal event) 11) Aquawoman (Earth 11) 12) Supergirl (Dark Knights of Steel) I have ideas for other Series so please let me know if you’d like to hear them.
May 28, 2024May 28 Black Mask Bank Heist ($59.99): Includes a batmobile. Batman, Black Bat, Black Mask, Security Guard, Henchman. Batman: Outsiders Assemble ($49.99): Batwing build. Batman, Black Lightning, Geo-Force, Halo, Baron Bedlam The Riddler's Labyrinth ($89.99) Playset with numerous puzzles and traps laid throughout. Includes a hidden observation room for Batman to find. Batman, Robin, Spoiler, The Riddler, Cluemaster. Titans: The Brotherhood of Evil Attacks ($109.99): Sci-Fi tank, motorcycle for Nightwing, some ruined street corners. The Brain, Monsieur Mallah, Madame Rouge, Phobia, Nightwing, Kid Flash, Raven, Beast Boy (Red and White). Hall of Justice ($159.99): System scale primer before a proper D2C. Batman (Grey and Blue), Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern Guy Gardner, Black Canary (JLI), Fire, Ice, Doctor Light (Kimiyo Hoshi), Shazam, Vixen, Rocket Red. Legion of Doom Headquarters ($199.99): Vandal Savage, Cheetah, Metallo, Mirror Master, Bane, Ma'alefa'ak, Star Sapphire, Superman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Batman, Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern. Task Force X ($19.99): Suped-up Willy's Jeep. Rick Flag, Multiplex, Plastique, Nightshade. More of a general wishlist than actual set ideas, but I'd love to see a series of Teen Titans/Titans sets like the 2012-2016 Batman sets, with Nightwing serving as the central character instead of Batman. Heroes included would be both younger and older versions of the following: Wonder Girl, Aqualad, Kid Flash, Speedy, as well as Starfire, Cyborg, Beast Boy, Omen, Bumblebee, Guardian, Argent, Jericho, Ravager, Both Hawks and both Doves, Static, Miss Martian, Bombshell, as well as the original Young Justice team (Tim/Conner/Cassie/Bart). Villains would include Deathstroke, Terra, the Brotherhood of Evil, H.I.V.E., Fearsome Five, Trigon, and more. Also bring back the Justice League style waves like in 2015 and 2018. Expand the JLA's roster, and include even more obscure villains from across DC canon. And as alluded to in the list: finish the teams, Lego: Justice League International, The Outsiders, the Teen Titans, The Suicide Squad. Edited May 28, 2024May 28 by ARC2149Nova
August 10, 2024Aug 10 As I’ve posted on the Marvel Wishlist thread, I’ve come up with a new gimmick set idea. Similar to the Ninjago Epic Battles. Inter-dimensional Duels Wave 1: Basics Batman vs Failsafe Superman (Jon Kent) vs Yellow Lantern Superman (Injustice) Wonder Woman (Yara Flor) vs Vampire Wonder Woman Wave 2: Expansion Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner) vs Parallax (Hal Jordan) Flash (Wally West) vs Red Death Mary Marvel vs Black Adam Wave 3: Titans Raven vs Dr Hate Cyborg vs Grid Nightwing vs Flashpoint Batman
August 13, 2024Aug 13 I've said it in the main asylum DC thread, but if LEGO decides to commit to a Batman centric-theme (like 2006 and select waves post-2012), I'd be happier with that than whatever this current direction is. So, I present my ideal LEGO Batman relaunch. Blister Packs ($12.99) GCPD: Build is a police car. Detective Flass (Year One), 2x GCPD Officers (one male, one female). League of Shadows: Shrine of some kind. Lady Shiva, 2x Ninja System Sets Flight of the Firefly ($9.99): Batman (Grey & Navy), Firefly (molded jetpack). Bat-Glider. Gotham City Cycle Chase ($19.99): Batman (Grey & Navy), Catwoman (Classic Purple), Holly Robinson. Cat-and-Bat-Cycles, street corner with traffic light. Comes with an assortment of jewels. The Batmobile ($29.99): Sport-car style vs Burton/BTAS. Batman (Grey and Black), Robin (Dick Grayson), Two-Face (Black & White suit). The Jokercopter ($39.99): The Joker, Harley Quinn, Bud & Lou animal figs, Batman (with Jetpack). Poison Ivy Plant Attack ($49.99): Greenhouse build, Batgirl-Cycle. Batman (Grey & Black), Batgirl (Barbara Gordon), Poison Ivy (pale green), 2x Plant Henchman, plus the usual fly-trap builds. The Riddler's Puzzle Box ($59.99): Jack-in-the-Box-styled build, which opens up to reveal various traps, as well as a hidden observation room. Batman (Grey & Black), Robin (Dick), The Riddler, Riddler Henchman. Gotham Air Raid ($69.99): Batwing vs Bi-Plane. Batman (Pilot suit), Scarecrow, Killer Moth, Man-Bat. Mister Freeze's Artic Fortress ($79.99): Mister Freeze, Freeze Henchman, Freeze Henchwoman, Batman (Arctic), Robin (Arctic). Includes a Bat-Snowmobile. GCPD Headquarters: Gotham Under Siege ($109.99): Build is what it says on the box. Includes foyer, jail cell, office floor, as well as the Bat-Signal on top. Commissioner Gordon, Renee Montoya, Harvey Bullock, Jim Corrigan, Ethan Bennett, Ellen Yin, Mad Hatter, Ventriloquist & Scarface, Penguin, Black Mask, Batman (Grey & Black). The Batcave ($129.99): Batman (Grey & Blue), Robin, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Alfred, Bane (Bigfig), Hush, Two-Face, Solomon Grundy (bigfig). D2C Wayne Tower ($299.99): Bruce Wayne, Lucius Fox, Alfred Pennyworth, Security Guard, Batman (Grey & Black), Oracle, Nightwing (classic), Red Hood, Red Robin (Black Cowl), Robin (Damian Wayne), Spoiler, Orphan, Batwoman, Batwing, Catwoman, Clayface (Bigfig), The Joker, Poison Ivy, The Penguin, The Riddler, Mad Hatter, Scarecrow, Two-Face, Solomon Grundy, Firefly. Includes labs, Bruce's office, and a micro-cave at the bottom. Edited August 13, 2024Aug 13 by ARC2149Nova
August 18, 2024Aug 18 Young Justice: Super-Cycle Showdown Superboy, Lex Luthor, Mercy Graves (with robot arm), Wolf (molded) Super-Cycle vehicle for Superboy & Wolf, black limousine for Lex and Mercy A relatively small set as a child-friendly entry point Young Justice: Weapons Shipment Interception Robin, Miss Martian, Artemis, Queen Bee, Sportsmaster, Bialyan soldier (with flick-fire weapon, obviously) The Martian Bioship for the Team, an army truck with crates of New God weapons I considered Psimon for this set, but it wouldn't be Lego without a few missing characters, and his twin roles of psychic and baddie lieutenant are taken up by Queen Bee and Sportsmaster here Young Justice: Hall of Justice Magical Heist Kid Flash, Wonder Woman, Dr. Fate, Ra's al Ghul, Klarion, Teekl (molded) The frontage of the public Hall of Justice, with pictures of the Justice League and several display cases of artefacts inside for the Light to try and steal One of the artefacts on display might be a frozen piece of Starro; it was stored at STAR Labs in the show, but it would fit here as part of an exhibit about the exploits of the JL Not based on any particular episode; I considered the Tower of Fate for the "magic" themed set, but I decided that the Hall of Justice was too iconic to exclude Young Justice: League of Shadows Ninja Lair Batman, Robin, Artemis, Red Arrow, Ra's al Ghul, Cheshire, Ninja x2, Red Hooded Ninja A Batwing vehicle for the heroes, an Oriental-style dark fortress as Ra's al Ghul's headquarters which has various ninja weapons and a Lazarus pit inside One of the masked Ninjas comes with a red hood instead of the usual black... a cheap way of teasing a plotline in later seasons Young Justice: Mount Justice Infiltration Superboy, Aqualad, Red Tornado (whirlwind lower section), Black Manta, Sportsmaster, Sphere (brick-built) The Team's Mount Justice headquarters with training room, Wally's trophy collection, Boom Tube access and the central pool, and a submarine for the baddies to get inside with Other characters such as Miss Martian and Cheshire could be repeated here, or new characters like Black Canary or Rocket could be added, but I wanted to see how few minifigures I could include in a viable set Young Justice: Justice League Watchtower Takeover Superboy, Robin, Zatanna (with HP wand with stud on end), Superman (mind-controlled), Batman (mind-controlled), Wonder Woman (mind-controlled), Vandal Savage, Brain (brick-built), Monsieur Mallah (probably a re-printed gorilla mold, although that would mean not having the classic red beret) A playset of the Justice League's asteroid base with Boom Tube access and various rooms for our heroes to battle their mentors in The season 1 finale inspires the biggest set with the most characters, and can easily have other DC minifigs from other sets added to expand the JL roster beyond "just" the trinity for those who want a proper Watchtower set. Based on Young Justice's first season, these sets have a mix of set sizes and themes, each based around the different members of the villainous Light. Each set has both exclusive figures and repeat figures (because balancing cost efficiency with tempting customers to buy as many of the sets as possible is an interesting challenge).
November 4, 2024Nov 4 So I recently wrote down my dream DC CMF Series and made up to 4 Series, going to type out my dream DC CMF Series 2 figures here. Honestly, I find some of these choices may prove to be controversial with people. I'm going to try and list my choices in order of least likely to most likely to be produced by TLG. 1. Superman Red Son. I expect a representative of the Trinity must always be included in a CMF Series and my pic for Series 2 would be Superman Red Son. His accessory would be a 2x4 tile comic of the Superman Red Son comic. I put him as least likely to be made since he has a hammer and sickle on his logo. 2. Jokerized Robin (Batman Beyond Return of the Joker) - I wanted to draw parallels between Series 1 and my hypothetical series. He would be standing in for Joker from Series 1. Put him this high since we are unlikely to get 16 figures and, while I want him, I logistically see the company excluding him. Would include the bang-gun. 3. Wildcat - Standing in for Huntress since he was depicted to be her mentor in the JLU cartoon (as far as I remember). He's so high because my Series has a high number of new moulds which he contributes to. 4. Circe - Red pig tails with her look from Wonder Woman #56 from the Witching Hour. Unlikely due to how little she was in this suit in the comics. Standing in for Cheetah as the "Wonder Woman villain" trope. 5. Tomar-Re - Unlikely due to the need for a new head mould. Would love to get him though. Obviously standing in for Simon Bazz. 6. Ravager - Noticing a trend here, needs a unique head/hair combo. Standing in for Bumblebee. Two sword pieces. 7. Wally West rebirth suit - Love this red and silver look. Introduction of his open haired cowl could be brought over to be used for his red and yellow costume. I put him here because this look is still rather new and he may be represented in another look, namely his red and yellow suit if he were produced. Still see Wally as the most likely Flash to be used in Series 2. Standing in for Jay Garrick. 8. Jackson Hyde Aqualad - Using the Mateo hair from Dreamzzz in blonde. Standing in for Aquaman and somewhat unlikely due to his obscurity for people who never saw Young Justice. 9. Wonder Woman (Challenge of the Gods) - Red roman battle suit with new helmet/hair piece, a shield with printing and a new cape piece with lining on the edge of the cape. This is the first issue Cheetah as we now know her was introduced to the world post crisis, and one of the first times we saw Diana in a suit other than her traditional suit in the comics. Not only is it iconic but the design itself is gorgeous. Not a guarantee given how few people would understand her historical importance in being included. 10. Black Lightning - Standing in for Metamorpho as the member of the Outsiders in the series. Pretty likely given he doesn't need new moulds. 11. Big Barda - Standing in for Mr Miracle. Comes with a brick built club. Pretty likely but still needs a lot of attention to detail. May be a headache to produce. 12. Larfleeze - Standing in for Sinestro, I see him as one of the more popular Lantern villains whose only real competition to be included in Series 2 would be Star Sapphire. 13. Starfire - Based on her 80's appearance. May be seen as very skimpy so possibly even controversial. Paired with her Hugh new hair piece, probably belongs higher up on this list. 14. Mr. Mxyzptlk - Obviously Bat Mites counterpart. Probably won't get the cartoonish hair/hat mould I'd give him, though. 15. Batman Beyond - Clearly the counterpart to 1st appearance Batman, new wing/arm mould inspired by the Man-Bat and Pterodactyl suit figures. I think he is the clear choice for Series 2 to represent the Bat. 16. Mr Terrrific - Most likely figure from my list to be made imo. Stargirls counterpart, no new moulds needed makes him an excellent candidate. Not to brag but I think I made a great series. Edited November 4, 2024Nov 4 by cosmic
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