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Posted (edited)

It had to say on? at the end of the title, but it was to long so don't mind it.

As we know Doctor Who will be getting an Ideas set this Winter, and also Doctor Who characters like The Mistress, Cybermen and the Dalek Emperor appearing in LEGO Dimensions. I though to myself, what would a LEGO Doctor Who game be based on if it was ever released by Traveller's Tales?

With more than 800 episodes and 12 doctors, what would the LEGO Doctor Who game be based on? Here you can post your suggestions and thoughs about a LEGO Doctor Who Game.

Edited by Phred

I'm sure they'd try and include portions for each Doctor, with more recent Doctors getting the spotlight. I'd love to see Day of the Doctor, getting in 3 Doctors in one level would be outstanding. Would also love to see a long, healthy section of strictly Tennent and Capaldi, being as they are my favorite Doctors.

I wonder if they'd tackle... hey? Who turned off the lights? Maybe it'd be a bit dark for the general audience these games are made for, yet it's still a pivotal part dtorywise.


The Tardis would have to be the Hub of the game. :) But yeah I think they'd take some adventures, maybe some original, from each of the different Doctors and just give as linear story as possible... Ending with each regeneration and moving on with the next Doctor.


I think if TT makes the game that they'll do their own storyline, something along the lines of Day of the Doctor but much larger and inclusive of all the Doctors saving Galifrey. If not that I'd assume it'd be 15 levels of 10, 11, and 12's stories and then extra levels for fan-favorites. The rest of the Doctors would be unlockable however. Other than that I have no clue what they'd do. It seems that 15+ levels is possible but I think my two ideas are going to be what I stick with.

Posted (edited)

My idea would be that whenever you enter a level, you would get a LEGO version of the Doctor Who Intro of that season/series you play in.

Edited by Ordinareo

I think they should have it so that every time you get "Smashed" your character comes back as the next doctor in sequence (if playing as Capaldi you come back as Hartnell) after all they would all have the same abilities right?

  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

The fan in me wants them to do EVERYTHING, and by 'everything' I mean EVERYTHING. Realistically though, I'm sure each level would probably be the initial/final story for each Doctor, like the level for the 4th Doctor would be 'Robot', and you get each Doctor after completing a level and doing it on freeplay will allow you to unlock and purchase each doctor in their regenerated state (with the previous doctor's outfit on). Although I think with having a modern audience you'd want to go for more of what Nexus said, where most of the stories are modern doctor-centric with the classics as unlockables. I'm sure that like Dimensions, they'd go the lego batman direction and just make their own levels drawing from the source material rather than sticking to rigidly defined plots. Besides, I like that in a game, where they encourage you more to explore and have fun rather than objectively complete a task.

The Tardis would have to be the Hub of the game. :) But yeah I think they'd take some adventures, maybe some original, from each of the different Doctors and just give as linear story as possible... Ending with each regeneration and moving on with the next Doctor.

Definitely the first part, much like the bat cave in lego batman. Though considering how expansive they made the central locations in Marvel superheroes, they're definitely going to need to build a bunch of rooms, like the clothes room, the engine room, the library (with the swimming pool!), the Doctor's private studies, etc.

I think if TT makes the game that they'll do their own storyline, something along the lines of Day of the Doctor but much larger and inclusive of all the Doctors saving Galifrey. If not that I'd assume it'd be 15 levels of 10, 11, and 12's stories and then extra levels for fan-favorites. The rest of the Doctors would be unlockable however. Other than that I have no clue what they'd do. It seems that 15+ levels is possible but I think my two ideas are going to be what I stick with.

Seems most likely, yeah.

My idea would be that whenever you enter a level, you would get a LEGO version of the Doctor Who Intro of that season/series you play in.

That is brilliant, and would be insanely awesome and very much appreciated!

Edited by Jared
Posted (edited)

Well, in DWM it is stated that the plan is to release a standalone LEGO Doctor Who videogame if the level and fun packs sell well. So fingers crossed they will.

If they do announce a game, I hope it's a original storyline as opposed to based on a few episodes. A few episodes isn't enough to celebrate the show in LEGO form; it never would be. A original storyline covering all 13 incarnations of the Doctor would be more fan-pleasing IMO, especially if they made it one massive multi-Doctor LEGO Marvel Superheroes-style. It should be a big love-letter to us fans.

Edited by LEGODalekbuster523
  • 3 months later...

I'd love to see each Doctor get at least one level, and maybe have a few levels be based on some fan-favorite episodes/ A Doctor Who game would work so perfectly with the Lego game formula, since every Doctor Who story has at least two players. I'd almost like to see them scrap the continuous story they tend to do in favor of a whole bunch of standalone levels with their own plots. One of my favorite things about the show is how most episodes are loosely chronological, with just a few beads added to the thread every so often before having a big pay-off episode. Makes it a lot easier to watch, and definitely makes it feel more in tune with the Doctor's usual spontaneous sense of adventure.

And I don't think any other character ever would be more at home in a Lego game than Jack Harkness :laugh:


God if I were given the game to design I would probably add things from the classic series as well as the new series. Though like everyone's said I'm pretty much wanting the game to follow it's own unique and I agree a Multi Doctor story would defiantly fit with the style that the Lego games have going for it. I'd some stuff involving Doctors 3, 4 and 10 please!

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