September 26, 200717 yr The flames atop the Dwarf Mining set also seem two-toned, as do the dwarven axes. *sweet* TK
September 26, 200717 yr This line really is superb and I dont even like castle! Those dwarfs are amazingly cool and the orcs aswell I think I will start getting castle just for the amazing pieces and figures! thanks for the great finds Christian! ;-)
September 26, 200717 yr Dwarves= cool *y* Aren't those beards the ones we saw on the Vikings prototypes the other year? The trolls are less cool than the dwarves, and the Orcs (or whatever they are) are okay too. I like the brown axe the dwarf has, and all the sets look pretty nice. Next year'll be a big Lego year purchase-wise...
September 26, 200717 yr Thanks a lot for sharing those pics Cristian! It's really nice to be able to have a peek at what is to come next year. Based on the preliminary pics provided, I would say I kinda like the siege tower and the ship, but aside from that none of the builds really appeal to me. But I absolutely *love* the new factions, both the Dwarfs and the Trolls (or whatever they're called). Too bad TLC doesn't have army builder packs any more like they used to with Classic Castle.
September 26, 200717 yr If I recall, doesn't the7036 Dwarf Mining come out this November? So that means the only set we have not seen is 7040 Attack on the Dwarsfmine which also comes out in April. From what I remember it only comes out in one country in Novmebr and in 2008 for the rest of the world ;-) And yes we saw 7040, its the small BP catapult set ;-) And don't forget the two impulse sets. *sweet* Can't wait to see them... True and I really want to see those ;-) Also we haven't seen that 7038: Troll
September 26, 200717 yr From what I remember it only comes out in one country in Novmebr and in 2008 for the rest of the world ;-) And yes we saw 7040, its the small BP catapult set ;-) True and I really want to see those ;-) Also we haven't seen that 7038: Troll
September 26, 200717 yr I think TLC has found a mine of gold with this Castle theme. I sure hope !! I really am expecting a lot from that ever growing great theme !! *yoda*
September 26, 200717 yr i wouldn't want too many of them trolls (the big ugly one) since i view them as mostly elite troops. say in the equivalent chess set, they would be the rooks rather than pawns.
September 26, 200717 yr i wouldn't want too many of them trolls (the big ugly one) since i view them as mostly elite troops. say in the equivalent chess set, they would be the rooks rather than pawns. Oh i agree but it would be great if people could get one, without having to buy the expesive sets.
September 26, 200717 yr This is great: I still love that mine, great playability, possibly more gold peices and excellent minifigs. I just wish that the mine itself was built a little better. But these might just be prototypes. I am really liking that seige weapon. It looks so rugged and rough (a good thing for orcs ;-) ) The tower aint that great though :'-( , but its still a plus! :-) The catapult is an ugly KK one :-X , I hope that tlc changes it! >:-( But It will be great for army building like the rebel scout speeder and imperial dropship so I guess the model isn't the main focus. I still hope these are prototype pics, because while great these can be way better! *sweet* Except for the Attackship of course, that is already perfect. *wub* Up and Atom! :-)
September 26, 200717 yr No one seems to have pointed out that there's a chain on the catapult. Perhaps a roll/fire mechanism? Maybe the blades are connected. Also, that tower could be a good keep for the Main Castle. Even though I liked the skellies, since so many people didn't, maybe that's why they've been dropped. I count 14 orcs without the cart, so that's a sizeable army right there. The helmets worn by the orcs looks to be the type 2 dwarven helmet. My only complaints are with the flick missles on the tower, and the really ugly catapult. Still, a huge amount of figs, and the ship make up for these. Edit: And the catapult orcs are wearing a different shirt than the others, by the way. Hopefully, a better print, seeing as there's a belt buckle. Edited September 26, 200717 yr by Gargarith
September 26, 200717 yr Thanks Christian. *y* I really *wub* all these new accessories. The beards, the helmets, the bronze axes and the orc swords (I prefer them in silver) are very great. The troll looks fine and detailed, and I hope for sand green orcs. A new decal for them would be brilliant, but that viking one is also nice. Well, that mining set
September 26, 200717 yr I just noticed something! Did anyone see jamtf's comments in the Trains and Towns board? He had seen the catalog, and he said we would be seeing GREEN TROLLS, with little green orcs. The attackship must be the final pic, it is in such good picture quality and it seems final. But the new mine picture features a TAN TROLL! X-O X-O I might be wrong and they just have two colours of trolls, but I think that these are still prototypes. I'm probably wrong though :-$ Up and Atom! :-)
September 26, 200717 yr This has got to be a godsend for you fantasy afficionados! Dwarfs, orks, & trolls all in one year. Personally, I'm not keen on these sets, but I'm pleased to see that a good portion of the fandom is happy. Hopefully these guys will keep the line going for another year or two. I would have liked a few more human minfigs thrown in the mix, but hey, you fantasy fans have been waiting a looonnnngg time for this one. Have fun with this one.
September 26, 200717 yr This has got to be a godsend for you fantasy afficionados! Dwarfs, orks, & trolls all in one year. Personally, I'm not keen on these sets, but I'm pleased to see that a good portion of the fandom is happy. Hopefully these guys will keep the line going for another year or two. I would have liked a few more human minfigs thrown in the mix, but hey, you fantasy fans have been waiting a looonnnngg time for this one.Have fun with this one. Hell yeah its a dream come true *wub* I always found the older themes boring, good knights v bad knights just never did it for me, however this sort of fantasy is great for all.
September 26, 200717 yr Sheeeesh so many new sets!! I can't take them all in... Go slower!! Has anyone noticed that the goblins/orcs have yellow hands? They look like Halloweeners. Actually, I hate having the goblins. I love the skellies... Why get rid of them? I'd be fine with goblins if only we had Skellies mixed in. That tower is odd. It looks like a prison tower of some sort... but flick-fire missiles?! NO! We're heading back to KK... :-( The seige tower looks good. The effect seems crude, and it fits the goblins perfectly. The mine looks good. Very detailed. Golden axes...Those dwarves are PIMP. X-D Edited September 26, 200717 yr by Mr. Mandalorian
September 26, 200717 yr Hell yeah its a dream come true *wub* I always found the older themes boring, good knights v bad knights just never did it for me, however this sort of fantasy is great for all. ________ Yes, these factions will be VERY, VERY useful. Good Knights vs Bad Knights never really got me excited either *vader* , but this! This is something truly special, and if these sets improve and the line lasts longer, maybe even something to be remembered! :'-) Well, I am happy allround, Indy, Castle BRING IT ON! *sing* Up and Atom! :-)
September 26, 200717 yr These Castle sets are really superb. I love the drummer troll on the Attack Ship! Now we're waiting for the battle car and the Sorcerer! 8-
September 26, 200717 yr These Castle sets are really superb. I love the drummer troll on the Attack Ship! Now we're waiting for the battle car and the Sorcerer! 8- Edited September 26, 200717 yr by Batbrick
September 27, 200717 yr :'-) I am weeping tears of joy I love them!!! -New Beards -I see a hammer(whacking is so on!!! :-D ) -ugh the ogres are hideous :-X -Nice megablok troll though :-$ Excuse me,I am going to go lie down and ponder about their greatness 8-
September 27, 200717 yr Lol go to sleep for 10 hours and this happens :-D . Pretty good looking sets. With the mining one I think it is comming out in November for Australia (well thats what is says in the 2007 Catalogue) The tower looks alright probly wont get it tho. I dont know what the last one's name is though??? But i'll probly get it it looks pretty kool. bUT I STIIL DONT KNOW WHY tlc KEEPS MAKING CATAPULTS??!!! I still want to see pics of this "catalogue" who has it?!?!?!?
September 27, 200717 yr Great find! The set I'll be looking forward to the most will be the attack on the tower- that siege tower is brilliant - looks wery rugged and detailed. The tower is good too, and includes some of the crownies. The firing mechanism on the top looks interesting. I actually think the mine looks really good- lots of metalic pieces. The dwarfs are wonderful, I love the beards *wub* I hope the orcs don't have yellow hands though :-X The small set looks pretty terrible, but it'll be good to build up the old army. I'll just use the catapult for parts. EDIT: What set is the small one? It doesn't look like a troll battlecar. I suppose it'll be defending the Dwarfmine then :-( Edited September 27, 200717 yr by TinyPiesRUs
September 27, 200717 yr iamded, do you actually watch that show? :-PWhat do you think of the dragons then? Of course! It's made by Weta Workshop (and Nelvana). I'm supporting my country (and Canada)! Now, onto those absolutely fantastic set pics! *wub* *wub* *wub* Okay, calm down. Lets not just point out all the great features. Dwarfs Mining Looks nice from this angle as well. Troll is still dark tan, not sand green like in the ship set. Some pick-axes, and an anvil! I see we've finally got some sort of blacksmith, the dwarves always were famous for their craftsmanship. :-D Let's just hope the goblins have sand green hands too. :-D The new dwarf beard looks niiiiice! Is it just the effects or are the crystals really reddy gold? So, 3 dwarves, a dwarf king, 2 goblins and a troll! Nice! Goblin Tower Attack Yeah, I don't know it's proper name. Only 2 Goblins, too bad. Another one would have made this a very nice set. Or another human soldier. The attack tower; I see we've got a nice banner, 3 sand green flags, chains, and some of the big Viking wheels. Yay! X-D I like the windows, makes it look more rough, and an elastic band powered battering ram! The tower I see has a small room, prison, and observation post. And, correct me if I'm worng, but I don't think there were missiles in medieval times. :-P More flick-fire ones, yay. |-/ Still, it looks nice, we get 1 soldier and 1 archer for the himans, which is nice. Oh? X-O The goblin has alien armour! What's this?? :-P Um... Dwarf Defence? Cool little catapult, seems a bit... empty, but it'll be fun chasing down goblins with that gnarly grinder thing at the front. Maybe this was originally used for mining crystals? Or maybe it's there to mine rocks for the catapult? X-D The 2 goblins are identical, oh well. One has a sword, the other has... a banner? What are you gonna do, beat them with it? They have axes! :-| :-P I hope it includes an axe for the dwarf. So, a big thanks to Christian! Excellent find! When I heard the Goblin Ship set was found in a magazine, I thouhgt it was just a matter of time before more pics would show up! Yaaay! X-D X-D EDIT: Whoa! Sorry about the mass of smileys! I was excited... Edited September 27, 200717 yr by iamded
September 27, 200717 yr Man, after those totally dissapointing Bionicle 2008 images, these pics really make me feel better about next year! *sweet* Time for comments, I suppose: Dwarves Mining: Hm, doesn't look as big as it did in the last picture, but it still looks great! (and even maybe in my price range.... *sweet* ) Those dwarves rock my socks! After so many years of relying on aftermarket molds, we now have real lego beards and dwarf helmets, and sledge hammers too! And look: the green mine carts aren't one piece molds! And the goblins rock! And the troll doesn't look silly! *wub* X infinity! Goblin battering ram: This ram totally rocks the socks of the bare bones KK crud one! The tower is also good, and we get 4 figures! It's great that Castle is not skimpy on figures like other themes are!(hintcityhint |-/ ) Dwarf catapault: Well, the catapault looks pretty boring and bare bones, but this still is a great army builder from the looks! Why, though, is only one of the goblins armed? 8-| Troll attack ship: Easily the best of the lot. While it may seem a bit Megablokish on the forefront, I happen to not be a Megabloks hater, and I can say confidently that this is far better than their ships in their Dragons line! Looks like there's a fair amount of construction on the hull (obviously a vikings hull), and lots of cool details! I love the troll banging on the drums. *sweet* Oh yeah, and this kit is wonderful for figures, plus it has a GREEN dragon! Awesome.... Now how to get it with my limited resources.... *wacko* Unfortunately, we get no skeletons this year aparrently. :-(
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