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Uh oh! Here comes the killjoy!

I tend to agree.... with your conclusions about the sets that is X-D

God Bless,


I think the sets are nice enough, maybe not so good as this year but still good

The troll pulling battle car has 1 big troll, 2 little trolls and 2 crownsoldiers

(I saw it yesterday in a retailerscatalog)

EDIT by *yoda* : Loool how many times have you posted that post :-P I deleted all the multiple posts ;-)

Edited by xwingyoda

Even if the sets have some large pieces, they still look amazing.

The troll pulling battle car has 1 big troll, 2 little trolls and 2 crownsoldiers

(I saw it yesterday in a retailerscatalog)

Tks for your insights young one ;-)

See Lost Viking, I was not beeing a smartass mind you X-D :-P Its great to have 2 goblins in that set !!

G april is a long way away |-/


EDIT by *yoda* : Loool how many times have you posted that post :-P I deleted all the multiple posts ;-)

oops, Sorry!. I had some problems with internet.

oops, Sorry!. I had some problems with internet.

Lool no worries at all ;-) It happened to me as well !! It was due to the network and I pressed "add reply" several times :-P and voil

Damn the more i see these pics the more i want them now!!! I haven't been this into a theme since the start of the SW line.

I feel your pain, Vader. We all do.

Castle 2008 is going to kick some major megablocks and have the people over at Megablocks kicking themselves(and throwing themselves off builldings, hopefully. >:-) )

Edited by Lieutenant Colonel Thok

is it just me or is the crownie from the battlecart holding a new sword mold? looks to be a claymore but shorter. the other crownie seems to be holding a dagger. am i seeing things??? 8-

I kind of agree with Mister Phes about the design being a bit of a step back from last year :'-( (don't kill me! ) But I think that this only applies to SOME sets this year. The Dwarf Mine I think lacks a good design, but on the otherhand I think that this Battlecar and the Troll Attackship have some very good designs.

I think it is just a bit disjointed :-/

BUT, I think TLC in my opinion has stepped forward in this wave, not backward, because to make up with it this second line the sets have been given far more creativity, and gone to new places. We now have trolls, dwarves, orcs and wizards. Cool new peices, and some nice little innovations on some of the sets.

So for me, Castle 08, earns a: *y* *y*


TTFN! >:-)

Edited by Batbrick

I feel your pain, Vader. We all do.

Castle 2008 is going to kick some major megablocks and have the people over at Megablocks kicking themselves(and throwing themselves off builldings, hopefully. >:-) )

As long as there small buildings so they dont die ;-)

These orcs and dragons in these newer sets... the parts are SYMMETRICAL.

Meaning, they can also be moced with!


I can buy more of your sets now!


Has there been such a fantastical element to past Castle themes?

With things such as trolls, goblins and so on?

Dragons have been around i know, but was there more?

Is that legal to post set names that have been leaked?

Is that legal to post set names that have been leaked?

Yea why? Did toy find something?


Has there been such a fantastical element to past Castle themes?

With things such as trolls, goblins and so on?

Dragons have been around i know, but was there more?

Well apart from dragons and wizards there hasn't been to much in the way of mystical creatures etc, this is the first time that lego has really dipped into the fantasy world.

YES!I wanted to get one of those large troll creatures from a cheap set!!

Me Thinks Hinckley is going to buy hundreds of them :-D :-P

Nice Chicken feature too!!

I'll be in California for a week and be visiting Norrington in Disneyland as well :-D

Hope the Lego Store down there has the Dwarf Mine *wub*


Without a doubt the highlight of 2007 for me was Cafe Corner and Market Street. They created a new paradigm in Lego construction that has really caught on with the AFOLs, and can be expanded upon very nicely.

I sure hope they sold well.

I've been pushing for that UCS Castle for years now, but it has to be something of quality, not a giant <insert that tiresome argument> set.


i'm a real newbie when it comes to pirates but looking at this, it seems like a UCS ship that pirate fans would buy. :-D do you agree?

and your purple mage castle is a fine model to be made into UCS castle. :-P

Uh oh! Here comes the killjoy!

Looking at these new sets I just see Knights Kingdom with a Tolkienesque influence. Once again we have lots of large pieces slapped together with accessories all over the place rather than any ingenuity in design. It seems a step back from the previous offerings, but obviously it's only a step back if The LEGO Group were progressing towards a new Classic Castle which they're obviously not...

I kinda see what you mean about this years offerings, but overall I disagree. Why? Well, take a look at this year's siege engine and compare it with last years, for example:



Now, KK's engine is pretty bad, even for the dark ages. It's just a plain brick tower with a couple of shields, a boarding platform, and a boulder "ram" slapped on. Also, the figures suffer from crazy colors; even the shadow knights aren't the best. And the acessories are really quite few, aside from a couple of the horid banana swords.

Castle 2008's siege engine, on the other hand, actually looks like it has some design put into it. The slanted boards and hanging chains, for example, and the retracting rammer (it kinda reminds me of the ram they used in LOTR, you know, the giant wolf one), plus the realistic color scheme (compared to KK, at least). Also, the good guy figures are very realistic as always, and the goblins look genuinely scary. The fact that you actually get a tower as well is a step up from KK, as are the things mentioned above.

Seriously, if TLC still was making KK, the great ogre ship would probably be a Kings ship, with baby blue sails and some cheesy falcon or bear printed on. Those boats would have mini catapaults in them, and there'd be at least 3 skittle colored knights, plus a catapault on shore with giant flaming wheels or some sort of unrealistic projectile.

So (IMO), I can say that we are a lot better off than KK, even if 2008 is not as good as the current year. We have cool figures and acessories plus kits with overall decent design and parts selection. If that isn't a giant step up from the Kingdom disaster, I don't know what is. ;-)

That KKII seige engine wasn't last year's either. That set is from 2005.

Still, when comparing next year's offerings to the awesome sets we saw this year, I can't help but feel that the sets themselves are a bit of a step backwards. Is it still better than KKII? Yes. Does that mean much in the grand scheme? Probably not. KKII was not received well by many AFOLs, so comparing this year's sets to KKII rather than Castle yr.1 seems to be inappropriate.

I'm glad that you fantasy folks are getting your Trolls/Dwarfs/Orks, but that doesn't mean that set design should suffer. I was hoping for an improvement on last year's designs. These sets just seem bland when you remove the figures themselves.

Ok so they are similar but i have to say the new line for next year looks far better than that 05 set, so i wouldn't class this as a step back at all.

Seriously, if TLC still was making KK, the great ogre ship would probably be a Kings ship, with baby blue sails and some cheesy falcon or bear printed on.

Hmm.... 8-| But probably we will see a King

  • Governor
I kinda see what you mean about this years offerings, but overall I disagree. Why? Well, take a look at this year's siege engine and compare it with last years

Structurally I'd agree that the latest seige engine is superior, however the large pieces like the wheels for instant really dissuade me. I guess my mentality is stuck back in the early 90's (and that extend beyond LEGO X-D )

I guess my mentality is stuck back in the early 90's (and that extend beyond LEGO X-D )

Well then we really need to drag you into the 00's don't we X-D.

Slobey i really doubt that lego will remove the beards this time, they got alot of flak for removing the viking ones so i think that they would of learned form that.

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