October 2, 200717 yr Governor I'll be dragged into the 00's when The LEGO Group starts producing sets that appeal to me. That came close with Viking but didn't quite get there...
October 2, 200717 yr I'll be dragged into the 00's when The LEGO Group starts producing sets that appeal to me. That came close with Viking but didn't quite get there... Fair enough, then what pray tell would appeal to you apart from pirates?
October 2, 200717 yr Governor I'm not so sure I'd even buy new pirate sets... Errr... I'd probably only buy Legends/re-releases if there were more. But if someone was to give me a recent LEGO set that might be a different story... I'd probably build it...
October 2, 200717 yr I'll be dragged into the 00's when The LEGO Group starts producing sets that appeal to me. That came close with Viking but didn't quite get there... So, are the new castle sets everything you didn't like about the Viking line? Because they look very similar to me. So similar I have to believe the success, perhaps unexpected success, of the Viking line led directly to them. And yet, you seem to really dislike these. I'll admit to liking the 2007 sets better in terms of set design. But that is mostly because we got a couple big sturdy buildings and the castle was definately the best we've seen in a while. But as auxillary sets to that big ole castle, I do like having Trolls and Orcs. Now they can bring over the mermish tail and shark heads from Harry Potter to add another faction to take down the Troll ship from Below...but I digress. -Tohst
October 2, 200717 yr Governor So, are the new castle sets everything you didn't like about the Viking line? Because they look very similar to me. Yeah, that's probably a fair observation.
October 2, 200717 yr For me it is still a stepforward, and it seems *vader* and several others are holding their ground too. But for me it will be a disappointment if no castle is released next year. Isn't there one product not counting that "very special item at the end of the year" that we still have to see? I thought that the release stated that their would be SIX products out in 08. I count FIVE! I hope that there is a last set, and it is a castle or fortress! :'-) Or maybe I'm just wrong :'-( TTFN! >:-) Edited October 2, 200717 yr by Batbrick
October 2, 200717 yr For me it is still a stepforward, and it seems *vader* and several others are holding their ground too.But for me it will be a disappointment if no castle is released next year. Isn't there one product not counting that "very special item at the end of the year" that we still have to see? I thought that the release stated that their would be SIX products out in 08. I count FIVE! I hope that there is a last set, and it is a castle or fortress! :'-) Or maybe I'm just wrong :'-( TTFN! >:-) What is this "very special item" you mention? I don't remember hearing any discussion on this.
October 2, 200717 yr For me it is still a stepforward, and it seems *vader* and several others are holding their ground too.But for me it will be a disappointment if no castle is released next year. TTFN! >:-) It's not really a case of holding my ground, it's just my views. If i like a set then i'll say so even if others don't agree, we can't all like the same X-D
October 2, 200717 yr The only thing I can really say to express my feelings about the new set pictures is that I will most definitely be spending all of my money on Castle and Indy this year. :-$
October 3, 200717 yr I have mixed feelings about Castle '08, but disagree with the contention that it represents a step backward from 2007. Fantasy factions have always been, by definition, less realistic and more thrown-together than the "good guys" and therefore less solid. For example, the Skeleton Prison Carriage and Wizard's Tower look a little weak and overembellished next to the Crown Knights sets, as did the Fright Knights next to the Royal Knights. So, the troll faction sets are just being consistent with Lego's past track record on castle fantasy themes. Heck, they may be a little better. *y*
October 3, 200717 yr I have mixed feelings about Castle '08, but disagree with the contention that it represents a step backward from 2007. Fantasy factions have always been, by definition, less realistic and more thrown-together than the "good guys" and therefore less solid. For example, the Skeleton Prison Carriage and Wizard's Tower look a little weak and overembellished next to the Crown Knights sets, as did the Fright Knights next to the Royal Knights. So, the troll faction sets are just being consistent with Lego's past track record on castle fantasy themes. Heck, they may be a little better. *y* Very true Voltio, everytime i see the skellie sets i see room for improvement. I always get the feeling like they were rushed some what, that's not to say i don't like them it's just i feel they could of been as good as the knights.
October 3, 200717 yr Well I think you're a bit harsh on the skellie sets there ;-) I don't thinkthe sets were put together that quickly !! I really like the feel of that tower with its well built central skull and the attack ship is really cool !! And even the prison carriage looks pretty sweet and does really fit nicely the line !! Off course there is room for ilmprovements, have you ever seen a perfect Lego set X-D Its like the unicorn (talking of which, it would be great to have one !!) I wish we would have more skellie sets !! Its a great faction and I would love more !! And itrs not a question of holding one's grounds at all !! Its a question of one's taste ;-) The only think that will matter at the end of the day is if that line is profitable for TLC meaning do they gain loads of $$ with it ;-) *yoda*
October 3, 200717 yr Its like the unicorn (talking of which, it would be great to have one !!) *yoda* Yeah, and I guess in the Belville Advent Calender that I saw today there
October 3, 200717 yr Yea *yoda* is right the skellie sets are quite good. I dont think they where rushed at all(but thats my opinion) I got a couple which are an addition to my castle collection.
October 3, 200717 yr Unfortunatly there are no entire turkey >:-( *yoda* No turkey=cold turkey! :'-( Although it seems there
October 3, 200717 yr Do I spot flick-fire missiles in a castle set? :-D Probably no idea that hasn't been used before. You clearly haven't been too aware of the contents of the recent Viking line. This formula for firing flickers has been used multiple times, I think three overall, once in the Viking Ship, once in the Viking Catapult, and once in the Viking Armored Artillery Wagon. So yes, they are in there.
October 3, 200717 yr Probably no idea that hasn't been used before. You clearly haven't been too aware of the contents of the recent Viking line. This formula for firing flickers has been used multiple times, I think three overall, once in the Viking Ship, once in the Viking Catapult, and once in the Viking Armored Artillery Wagon. So yes, they are in there. Am i the only one who dosen't like those damn firing things? I really hate them :-( they just don't seem right to me. Ok i know lego wants them in there so they appeal more but i wish they didn't.
October 3, 200717 yr Am i the only one who dosen't like those damn firing things? I really hate them :-( they just don't seem right to me. Ok i know lego wants them in there so they appeal more but i wish they didn't. Hell NO !! Count me in mate !! I usually get rid of them !! And in that tower, I will so get rid of them !! I did that with nearly all my SW sets as well to prevent those "missiles" to fall down all the time |-/ *yoda*
October 3, 200717 yr I wasn't aware of the fact that they have been already used in the Vikings line, but I think they don't fit in these classic lines.
October 3, 200717 yr Hell NO !! Count me in mate !! I usually get rid of them !! And in that tower, I will so get rid of them !! I did that with nearly all my SW sets as well to prevent those "missiles" to fall down all the time |-/ *yoda* The amount of times my cats have suffered at the end of those darn things is amazing.....so is the amount of times my finger slipped on the trigger X-D Run cats run X-D
October 3, 200717 yr The amount of times my cats have suffered at the end of those darn things is amazing.....so is the amount of times my finger slipped on the trigger X-D Run cats run X-D X-D any youtube vids mate ?? :-P AFOLs attacking cat with crappy catapult !! Thats a must see :-D *yoda*
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