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It may be worthy to us New Zealanders to note that the most of the 08 Castle sets are in stores. (Haven't seen Dwarves Mine or Battle Wheel yet.)


thanks, that mean the Aus sets might come nsoon considering that the NZ and Aus sets normally come out at the same time *y*

thanks, that mean the Aus sets might come nsoon considering that the NZ and Aus sets normally come out at the same time *y*

Well Dwarfs Mining is in Tasmania, I'd expect the rest soon ;-)

To the Bricksignal! >:-)

Edited by Batbrick

Well Dwarfs Mining is in Tasmania, I'd expect the rest soon ;-)

To the Bricksignal! >:-)

I know that I saw a Dwarf's Mining at a Target here in Victoria as well

However, most stores I checked restocked last year's castle, so I think it might be a while still :/

I bought the Troll Ship and teh Troll Wagon Assault last week in my local toy store. I think you mught find them in you local store. They cost 0.05 cent more expensive, jajajaja. The ship is amazing. *wub* .

I'll post pics in my brickshelf account. Good luck finding them.

I found the account, but... No pics. :-/ Having camera trouble? :-P

Did anyone notice the Chess set is up at LegoShop in the US as coming soon? It has a price of $300.00! I don't think I read anything here predicting a $300.00 price tag. That kills any chance I ever had for this set, no matter how cool it looks.

and that chess is in preorder to finland and it costs 199e! holy pea soup :-X ! but with free shipping. blah, only good thing is that dwarves and giant trolls maybe goes cheaper in bricklink.

Edited by pig

I just saw the chess set listed as "coming soon" on the US Lego SAH. It was priced at $299.00!

That's just insane. All the mini-figures are great, but for $300???

WOW!!!! I had calculated between 150 and 200... but never saw it coming at 300!!!!! That's sad news!!!! I guess it has broken the record regarding a Castle set cost!!! Well, will have to earn a lot of money this year. Back to work I go... got to do some money :)

Edited by frogstudio

i just checked it...in Italy it’s 199.99 Euro!

I can’t believe this...for the first time ever Europe pays less than USA....


Wow i have to say that the price of the chess set is way too high, sure its a good set but not that good.

One i will happily miss.


There are almost 2500 pieces, though...I'm curious to see how this sells. That's a very very high price. Are the chess sets that popular? I would think there time would be better spent on a 2500 modular castle system. That would definitely sell, this is a risk...

EDIT: Interesting that the Green Grocer has about 2300 pieces and is half the price. I hope there is some mistake...

I'm very surprised at the UK price though. It's "only" £150, the same as the US price.

It's total MADNESS! I simply cannot believe it. X-O It's more expensive than Cafe Corner, Green Grocer, Market Street and Town Plan. It's really impossible to see such a price tag attached to it. *n* I intended to buy multiple sets of it, but now it simply thrashed my dreams and hopes. Now at most, i can only afford 2 of these sets. It's really very sad to see such a great product to be marked up so high. This Chess set is not even licensed! :'-(


There are almost 2500 pieces, though...I'm curious to see how this sells. That's a very very high price. Are the chess sets that popular? I would think there time would be better spent on a 2500 modular castle system. That would definitely sell, this is a risk...

EDIT: Interesting that the Green Grocer has about 2300 pieces and is half the price. I hope there is some mistake...



G... G... *passes out*

*comes to*

Doc: Yup, this one's breathin'!


*regains composure* Oh well, time to start saving!

Hooray for optimism! :-P

Also, the Eiffel Tower is a hundred bucks less and has three thousand four hundred pieces. :'-(

Plus, it's a 'Giant Chess Set'! This is definitely a definite buy for me... Provided I get the cash. :-P

Edited by trooperdavinfelth

Wow, that's way too expensive. If it were an Castle structure, on par with the ISD or DS2, I probably would have bought it. But since its only a chess set, I don't see any reason for me to shell out that kind of money for it.

For that price you could snag almost 100 impulse sets and have a huge army. Or if you went the battle pack route, you could get 125 figures.


EDIT: Interesting that the Green Grocer has about 2300 pieces and is half the price. I hope there is some mistake...

That was what I thought when I first saw it- it's gotta be a type-o, right?

Well, maybe you pay extra for all the glue that they use to make the board... unless this is actually a build-it yourself chess set.

2500 pieces?! where shouldall those pieces be?? that just CAN't be right, that seems technically impossible...even the 2007 big castle has less than 1000 pieces, and i would thing that it is not too small...

2500 pieces?! where shouldall those pieces be?? that just CAN't be right, that seems technically impossible...even the 2007 big castle has less than 1000 pieces, and i would thing that it is not too small...

It CAN be right, if you consider how LEGO counts pieces. A minifig with no accessories has three pieces... then add shields, helmets, neckwear, weapons, etc... then add all the little details (technic pins, horns, flames, and all the little stuff....) when you finish, you will surely have your 2500 pieces... In models with such detail it is easy to add up pieces fairly quickly... When I made my first guess of the number of pieces, I came up with about 1800.... but I hadn't considered that, for example, skellies count 6 pieces without any type of accessory, Trolls count 8 pieces with no weapon and so on....

Edited by frogstudio

It CAN be right, if you consider how LEGO counts pieces. A minifig with no accessories has three pieces... then add shields, helmets, neckwear, weapons, etc... then add all the little details (technic pins, horns, flames, and all the little stuff....) when you finish, you will surely have your 2500 pieces... In models with such detail it is easy to add up pieces fairly quickly... When I made my first guess of the number of pieces, I came up with about 1800.... but I hadn't considered that, for example, skellies count 6 pieces without any type of accessory, Trolls count 8 pieces with no weapon and so on....

Exactly! And notice all those weapons lining the board; goblin scimitars, skelly ball and chains, crowny swords, dwarfy( :-P ) axes, and shields all around! This is a really kickass set and the prices will definitely fly sky high on EBay! 8-�

If those 2x2 plates are not glued to the base, there are 9*64 = 576.

X-O Link! Castle Chess

Now that is a killer price! But damn if it doesn't look awesome! With 2481 parts and lots of figs!

I think I'll stick with the regular castle sets 8-| :-D

Edited by Piranha

X-O Link! Castle Chess

Now that is a killer price! But damn if it doesn't look awesome! With 2481 parts and lots of figs!

I think I'll stick with the regular castle sets 8-| :-D

Holy Moly! Thats a definite cross-off on my list!

To the Batbrick Cave! >:-)

EDIT: Interesting that the Green Grocer has about 2300 pieces and is half the price. I hope there is some mistake...

I doubt it. The GG only comes with 4 figures and the chess set has 32. The figure is the most expensive part of the set, particularly if it comes with printing. So I assume the dearth of figures causes the price increase.


Wow, that is expensive, though the free shipping does help bring it back down in price for Australian customers to almost a Cafe Corner or GG price.

I think I'll pass, though - sure it looks great, but I'm not a chess player and am already tight for display place.

The main appeal is obviously the figures - personally I'd prefer to buy up the regular sets on sale and maybe some impulses - and get more regular castle pieces. If you waited for a 20% off sale (not uncommon here) you could get a Dwarves' Mining, Troll Warship, King's Castle Siege and still have $50 to spend on smaller Impulse sets, the 2007 battlepacks or a Tower Assault.

On the other hand, if you're an army builder or minifig collector, it probably makes sense to buy this one. It does look fab.

I agree with Hinckley - for this price, I'd have rather seen a UCS type castle set rather than a chess board.

HOLY **** *sing*

I think I just died and went to heaven!!!

Is that box made of wood??!!

Is everything glued??!! (I definately hope not :'-( )

I am soooo getting this, even if I have to kill for it!!!

This is the second most expensive Lego set EVER. (The first is the Millineum Falcon.)

I'll probably just build it, and then take it apart after a month or so and make a kickass army for my upcoming Castle MOC's. >:-)

But still, I hate to look at the price, it burns my eyes... :'-(

Edited by Scyzoryk

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