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I've been having a lot of fun lately in the super heroes 'wishlists' threads started by Sir Gareth recently, I thought I'd start one for Doctor Who. We don't know that Doctor Who will become a full theme after the initial Ideas set but it seems very likely at this point. Given that we know LEGO has the license at least for Dimensions as well. I'll kick off the thread with my own ideal set list:

As I see it there are not so many distinctive locations and vehicles in Doctor Who, besides the Tardis of course, but there are many interesting characters, so I've included in my suggested line a collectable minifigure series. I figure classic who isn't marketable for LEGO to put anything more than the Doctor and Sarah Jane in the CMF line, so no classic sets here. Another note: ideally each character would be wearing whatever outfit they were in the scene the set is based on. I've listed them in the order that the episodes premiered.

  • 9: Dalek - 9th Doctor, Rose, Henry Van Statten - $20 - a playset with a Dalek which pursues Rose up a stairway, towards a shielded area where the Doctor and Van Statten wait.
  • 9: Father's Day - 9th Doctor, Rose, Pete Tyler, Jackie Tyler, driver - $40 - section of church building with a time reaper, as well as a small car for the driver.
  • 9: The Parting of the Ways - 9th Doctor, Rose (heart of the Tardis), Captain Jack Harkness - $20 - Dalek Emperor and a few Daleks.
  • 10: The Girl in the Fireplace - 10th Doctor, Rose, Mickey, Madame De Pompadour, Clockwork marionette (x2) - $60 - Large playset with French ballroom and breakable mirror with spaceship interior on the other side; includes horse.
  • 10: The Runaway Bride - 10th Doctor, Donna, Santa Robot - $20 - small piece of highway with a car and the Tardis (exterior). I presume that the Tardis exterior will look in sets like it does in Dimensions.
  • 10: Gridlock - 10th Doctor, Brannigan - $13 - Brannigan's 'car'.
  • 10: The Fires of Pompeii - 10th Doctor, Donna, Caecillius - $20 - main room of Caecillius' home with the Tardis in it.
  • 10: The Unicorn and the Wasp - 10th Doctor, Donna, Agatha Christie - $20 - room with window with giant bee outside. I realize I use the $20/3 figure format a lot but I can't help it, perfect format and good price.
  • 10: The Next Doctor - 10th Doctor, "Next" Doctor, Cyberman (x3) - $50 - giant brick-built Cyberman, "Tardis" (hot air balloon).
  • 11: The Pandorica Opens - 11th Doctor, Amy, Rory (Roman), River Song - $30 - Stonehenge with trap door with staircase beneath and opening Pandorica and Cyberman head.
  • 11: The Wedding of River Song - 11th Doctor, River Song, Rory, Amy, Madame Kovarian, Silence (x2) - $60 - Silence aquatic prison pods and large section of full building.
  • 11: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship - 11th Doctor, Amy, Rory, Nefertiti, Riddell, Brian Williams - $60 - Spaceship deck with triceratops and the two robots.
  • 11: The Angels Take Manhattan - 11th Doctor, Amy, Rory, River, Weeping Angel (x4) - $100 - simple model of the angel's hotel and giant brick built Angel statue of liberty.
  • 11: Nightmare in Silver - Mr Clever, Clara - $13 - castle room with chess board on table.
  • 11: Day of the Doctor - Osgood, Zygon (x2) - $13 - section of the undergallery.
  • LEGO Ideas: Time of the Doctor - 11th Doctor, 12th Doctor, Clara, Seeping Angel - $60 - Tardis interior with attached exterior, with two daleks. This is based on the rumor of what the Ideas set is.
  • 12: Robot of Sherwood - 12th Doctor, Clara, Robin Hood - $20 - forest area with fallen tree over river, and the Tardis.
  • 12: Mummy on the Orient Express - 12th Doctor, Foretold, Perkins, Quell, Emile Moorhouse - $40 - two cars from the orient express (front car and laboratory).
  • Doctor Who: Dalek Battle Pack - Human Dalek - $13 - includes one of each different (modern) Dalek color. This is here so that no one has to spend $4 on a dalek in the CMF series below.
  • Doctor Who: Collectable Minifigures - $4 - this could include all classic doctors and variant costumes for modern doctors, companions, and villains (so as not to include any which would already be in the sets). Maybe a classic villain or companion or two, as well, like the classic Cybermen, which are still pretty cool for fans of the modern show.

What do you think? leave your own wishlist below.... :)

I like the idea of this thread, saves the Ideas thread from being clogged from wish lists. I think if it were to become a theme it would certainly benefit from some UCS sets, a bust of a Cyberman head would be good and please many fans, we could also have a Tardis playset based on the 10th Doctor.

Good idea for a thread! :thumbup:

Seriously, just give me River Song. I used to think this was a pipe dream but now we know the lovely Alex Kingston is returning for this year's Christmas episode, so it's suddenly a possibility. The Banshee hair is perfect for my lovely River Song!

a bust of a Cyberman head would be good and please many fans, we could also have a Tardis playset based on the 10th Doctor.

Actually, a bust sounds really awesome, and in fact it wouldn't have to be a bust, but maybe a buildable play-set where you build the head and you could have mini/micro figs and the head opens up and becomes a playset and.... maybe I'm dreaming a little too much ;)

Excellent idea for a thread! I love your list Ultron (;D) but I feel like some of the playsets are too specific and do not cater to enough of an audience. I think it would have to be more general than that as well as based on a finale or opener episode. Eg. The Pandorica Opens would work well because it's a popular episode with kids, and seems to be a very enjoyable episode for the vast majority (NOT based on what fans or critics think). Something like "Dalek" or "Father's Day" would probably not work because it'd be too specific. However, "Day of the Doctor" would work really well! I would be in heaven if they made a "Robot of Sherwood" and "Mumm on the Orient Express" ship. Though the sets may be based on series 9 seeing as that will probably be the most recent series.

A CMF line like the Simpsons would be a dream come true. I want an 8th Doctor... so.... badly....

I definitely want Rory the Roman, I kinda want Amy dressed as the pirate captain (because she looked cool and I like pirates and we could get the crazy mermaid doctor with two faces, one beautiful, one scary) but maybe strippergram policewomen Amy from her first appearance would also work!

Others on my list are:

the master (and missy)

Donna (maybe dressed as a roman from Pompeii, with one of those rock priestesses-both Amy pond and current doctor were in that episode :-)).

And then we should have little Amelia Pond, the younger Amy.

Donna's dad,

We need the Ood... Ood!!!

I have said before I would like Madam Vastra and Jenny (in all their Victorian Garb, jenny with her sword) and strax.

I would also like to see jenny (the doctors daughter- ooooo I wonder if that Jenny is the other Jenny, since we know she regenerated, kinda, anyway!

Martha would be good, maybe dressed as a doctor.

Obviously Cpt. Jack, Rose and Micky... I wonder if we would ever get the "where's my mummy boy"? -not sure Lego would want to make a gas mask... Shame!

Edited by BrickOn

Actually, a bust sounds really awesome, and in fact it wouldn't have to be a bust, but maybe a buildable play-set where you build the head and you could have mini/micro figs and the head opens up and becomes a playset and.... maybe I'm dreaming a little too much ;)

Thanks, they could do something similar based on The Next Doctor Episode with the CyberKing.

I'd love a classic Tardis playset that came with extra pieces and instructions to change it for each of the doctors, i.e. chair and hat stand for the First, extra panelling for the Third, extra viewscreen with pillars for the Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh etc (like how the Delorean came with extras to change it for each of the films). And perhaps, thinking about it after the Big Bang Theory set, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to include the first Seven Doctors.

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I like the idea of this thread, saves the Ideas thread from being clogged from wish lists. I think if it were to become a theme it would certainly benefit from some UCS sets, a bust of a Cyberman head would be good and please many fans, we could also have a Tardis playset based on the 10th Doctor.

Yeah that's a good idea, I want a lifesize Sonic Screwdriver as well!

Good idea for a thread! :thumbup:

Thanks :)

Excellent idea for a thread! I love your list Ultron (;D) but I feel like some of the playsets are too specific and do not cater to enough of an audience. I think it would have to be more general than that as well as based on a finale or opener episode. Eg. The Pandorica Opens would work well because it's a popular episode with kids, and seems to be a very enjoyable episode for the vast majority (NOT based on what fans or critics think). Something like "Dalek" or "Father's Day" would probably not work because it'd be too specific. However, "Day of the Doctor" would work really well! I would be in heaven if they made a "Robot of Sherwood" and "Mumm on the Orient Express" ship. Though the sets may be based on series 9 seeing as that will probably be the most recent series.

A CMF line like the Simpsons would be a dream come true. I want an 8th Doctor... so.... badly....

Yeah that's a fair point - many of the more distinct locations are still pretty plain to people who don't watch the show. I think if they look cool, many of them could work though (and I want 9, 10 and 11!)

I'd love a classic Tardis playset that came with extra pieces and instructions to change it for each of the doctors, i.e. chair and hat stand for the First, extra panelling for the Third, extra viewscreen with pillars for the Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh etc (like how the Delorean came with extras to change it for each of the films). And perhaps, thinking about it after the Big Bang Theory set, it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to include the first Seven Doctors.

That's a pretty neat idea, but with the last line you broke Jared's heart :grin:

Yeah that's a fair point - many of the more distinct locations are still pretty plain to people who don't watch the show. I think if they look cool, many of them could work though (and I want 9, 10 and 11!)


That's a pretty neat idea, but with the last line you broke Jared's heart :grin:



People rant on about skipping 9. But people don't even acknowledge 8, and when they do it's negative. XD

Just give me #10 and I will be happy.

Honestly, I'd love to have them all made, it's just the Eighth's and War Doctor's Tardis' were a completely different look to the previous classic control rooms, making it somewhat cost prohibitive and redundant to include in my idea to be blunt (well, maybe all of them except the "back up control room" or some such during the 4th's era, wooden panelling similar to the Eighth, and the War's being an amalgamation of the classic plus the 05 design).

Any which way the theme goes, like many others have said, they've got to make the Tenth and Jack somehow (and I'd love a Delgado Master and a Sea Devil, but that's a pipe dream given the most likely Capaldi driven set line-up)

People rant on about skipping 9. But people don't even acknowledge 8, and when they do it's negative. XD

8.... I wuv u... :dsad2:

Honestly, I'd love to have them all made, it's just the Eighth's and War Doctor's Tardis' were a completely different look to the previous classic control rooms, making it somewhat cost prohibitive and redundant to include in my idea to be blunt (well, maybe all of them except the "back up control room" or some such during the 4th's era, wooden panelling similar to the Eighth, and the War's being an amalgamation of the classic plus the 05 design).

I could care less about the set, I've already made my own, I just want the figure ;)

People rant on about skipping 9. But people don't even acknowledge 8, and when they do it's negative. XD

McGann is a great doctor full of energy, wit and charm, its the movie he starred in lots of people despise. His swansong night of the doctor (a 15 minute minisode prequel to day of the doctor) is miles better and even with only 15 minutes he proves again why he was given the role in 1996 in the first place. On topic, I think an 8th doctor figure would be cool somewhere down the line but John Hurt's War Doctor is one I desperately want! That guy is a badass, the book engines of war proves as much.

I'd rather have some classic sets instead of multiple Capaldi and Smith sets. They could release all the first 8 doctors and they would only have to make 4 sets with a main play set 2 doctors an assistant and a villain or 2.

1st and 2nd doctors released with classic console room or tomb of the cybermen. Susan or Jamie and cybermen.

3rd and 4th doctors released with Bessie the car a Unit truck with the Brigadeer and Sarah Jane villains could be Zygons.

5th and 6th doctors released with a Dalek control room. Peri as assistant, white and gold imperial Dalek, grey Dalek and Davros.

7th and 8th doctors released together with Ace. Set is the wooden tardis console. Villain is the Master with reversible head with yellow eyes, a cheetah person.

I know that some of these doctors didn't appear with those exact daleks or cybermen but it's a way to release all the main well known villains and the main features of the show.

I'd rather have some classic sets instead of multiple Capaldi and Smith sets. They could release all the first 8 doctors and they would only have to make 4 sets with a main play set 2 doctors an assistant and a villain or 2.

1st and 2nd doctors released with classic console room or tomb of the cybermen. Susan or Jamie and cybermen.

3rd and 4th doctors released with Bessie the car a Unit truck with the Brigadeer and Sarah Jane villains could be Zygons.

5th and 6th doctors released with a Dalek control room. Peri as assistant, white and gold imperial Dalek, grey Dalek and Davros.

7th and 8th doctors released together with Ace. Set is the wooden tardis console. Villain is the Master with reversible head with yellow eyes, a cheetah person.

I know that some of these doctors didn't appear with those exact daleks or cybermen but it's a way to release all the main well known villains and the main features of the show.

Nice, I like your thinking Dyntar! Especially the 5th and 6th playset, and the 7th and 8th ^_^

My only one to add to that would be a "companions" set where you get maybe the tenth doctor and all his companions piloting the tardis like in "Journey's End", or even some kind of special "anniversary" set with the 8th Doctor and The War Doctor (Sir John Hurt) and maybe the sisters of Karn or something. Now THAT would be out of this world.... literally.

I'd rather have some classic sets instead of multiple Capaldi and Smith sets. They could release all the first 8 doctors and they would only have to make 4 sets with a main play set 2 doctors an assistant and a villain or 2.

1st and 2nd doctors released with classic console room or tomb of the cybermen. Susan or Jamie and cybermen.

3rd and 4th doctors released with Bessie the car a Unit truck with the Brigadeer and Sarah Jane villains could be Zygons.

5th and 6th doctors released with a Dalek control room. Peri as assistant, white and gold imperial Dalek, grey Dalek and Davros.

7th and 8th doctors released together with Ace. Set is the wooden tardis console. Villain is the Master with reversible head with yellow eyes, a cheetah person.

I know that some of these doctors didn't appear with those exact daleks or cybermen but it's a way to release all the main well known villains and the main features of the show.

As much as I want this, I don't know if this is possible. If Lego is to release more sets, I presume they'd be based on the current show, not a "retro" throwback. There aren't even any retro Batman sets (ok, ok there's going to be one, but only one) and that's so popular by itself.

I'd just be happy with all 13 Doctors and a Tardis.

As much as I want this, I don't know if this is possible. If Lego is to release more sets, I presume they'd be based on the current show, not a "retro" throwback. There aren't even any retro Batman sets (ok, ok there's going to be one, but only one) and that's so popular by itself.

There is still the interest in the classic series otherwise why would they have made it so that in the Lego Dimensions game the Doctor regenerates each time he dies. He goes through all 12 Doctors and the interiors of the Tardis changes with each Doctor. [which is the main reason I'll be getting the game]

The 4 sets I suggested to cover the original Doctors also feature characters and villains that have featured in the current series and well known parts of the show. The Bessie car set idea is a bit obscure but i figure Tom Baker will sell anything lol. And we will already have K-9 to go with him.

I know theres not much of a chance of there being Classic Doctors sets.. its a wishlist. But everyone is still going to want all the Doctors even if they only make 10,11 and 12.

I posted my own initial wishlist for this theme over in the main LEGO Doctor Who thread elsewhere in this forum way back in March. This thread looks like a good place to repost it, so if I may be forgiven for quoting myself...

Okay, here's a total pipe dream fantasy of what I'd like to see:

LEGO Ideas Set #12 - LEGO Doctor Who: The TARDIS - A TARDIS model, as seen in the proposal, with both a folding exterior and a separately attachable interior (console, etc.), with Creator- / The LEGO Movie-like "2 in 1" functionality: additional parts and instructions to build the interior as either the 12th Doctor's TARDIS or the 4th's. Includes minifigures of the Doctor (4th and 12th incarnations, of course), plus appropriate companions: young Sarah Jane Smith and Clara Oswald, plus brick-built K9; also a couple brick-built Daleks and one or two Cyberman minifigures.

LEGO Doctor Who: Bessie - The 3rd Doctor's Earthly vintage motorcar. Includes the 3rd Doctor and the Brigadier.

LEGO Doctor Who: Journey's End - A large flagship set, featuring a full interior for the 9th / 10th Doctor's TARDIS, plus a facade of the exterior front, and a portion of Dalek vessel. Includes two versions of the 10th Doctor (one in brown suit, one in blue), Rose Tyler, Jackie Tyler, Mickey Smith, Captain Jack Harkness, older Sarah Jane Smith, Martha Jones, Donna Noble, Davros and three Daleks.

LEGO Minifigures: Doctor Who Series 1 - Sixteen individually blind-bagged minifigures, including all the remaining incarnations of the Doctor himself (1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, War, 9, and 11), plus Susan Foreman, Ace McShane, Amy Pond, Rory Williams, Madame Vastra, Jenny Flint, and Strax.

That should be a good start... :D

As noted, that's just what I was thinking of for the first wave or so, out of what I hope would be a multi-year theme... :)

I posted my own initial wishlist for this theme over in the main LEGO Doctor Who thread elsewhere in this forum way back in March. This thread looks like a good place to repost it, so if I may be forgiven for quoting myself...

As noted, that's just what I was thinking of for the first wave or so, out of what I hope would be a multi-year theme... :)

Oh, yes! That Journey's End set is a must have. Aside from the TARDIS, I want other locations and vehicles like a Dalek ship, etc...

As for the CMF series, there is a huge potential for several series as there are so many characters to cover!

Why no love for The End of Time?

I wouldn't mind having a set with Tennant and Saxon Master.

Edited by Ordinareo

Why no love for The End of Time?

I wouldn't mind having a set with Tennant and Saxon Master.

Ooo, Saxon with an alt 'skeleton" face would be superb!

Ooo, Saxon with an alt 'skeleton" face would be superb!

Now you're talking!

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