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Location: A08 - Crentium

Tags: Spaceship, Military

Aboard the MSS Titan inbound from Anomaly A08 to Crentium.

Henry Moose Personal Log

...so the intel was all wrong; the unknown menace didn't hit Terrial Minor at all, all those jumps for nothing! Rumour is that the aliens showed up in Kawashita space. Command moved the whole fleet back to Torresta for maintenance and replenishment, though some elements have been sent straight back out again; Lucky us!

The Titan is inbound for Crentium, the plan is to skirt Kawashita space and see if we can triangulate the location of the Alien fleet. Whilst the titan can do the job by herself we've picked up an Aquarius Class transport and a Stinger Class Battlecruiser at Mynderis on the way. After all we might as well pick up some resources and cause some mayhem whilst we're here!


I've no idea when we picked up the light Cargo Ship; those guys are not particularly talkative. I'm guessing must be Spec Ops here to have some fun too.

End Log.


OOC and lots of pics below:

This is my first real attempt at microscale spaceships and I wanted to build a few to give a sense of just how large the MSS Titan is.

I started off building the drive section; the 'fins' are supposed to be radiators to shed the drive's heat (heat management is a very real spacecraft issue often overlooked in sci-fi).


The front of the ship include the bridge, which sticks out above the hangar bay doors. These are primarily where the Titan's various combat drones are launched and recovered, but is also big enough for small transports, shuttles and manned fighters. Below the 'flight deck' are various sensors.


Finally the belly is mostly greebles for interests sake.


The Aquarius class tanker basically started with an attempt to scale down the Titan's dive section.


I then aimed for a modular tanker type design, here fitted with 2x water and 2x biomass tanks. They are suspended around a slender central core then braced on each side for stability.


The bridge is offset, mostly as I don't have a 1x2 plate with single clip in black, however I quite like it this way.


The Stinger Battlecruiser is my microscale attempt at SoccerKid6's Cat B entry. I based the scaling on a comparison of the size of my Titan crew quarters build last week with his build.


And then just for fun I threw in a very small version of Big Sal's Cat B too.


I did mean to do a photo edit with space background for one shot but ran out of time, sorry!

Edited by woofmcmoose

Awesome micro spaceships! I had some free time this evening and took the liberty of editing the first picture for you. Feel free to use it, after all it's mostly your wonderful work! :wub:

What program do you use for edits like that?


Awesome micro spaceships! I had some free time this evening and took the liberty of editing the first picture for you. Feel free to use it, after all it's mostly your wonderful work! :wub:

Nice, Thanks! That's neater than I would have ever managed from an 800px wide image!

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