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Anyway...compared to your previous creations this one looks a bit messy! Specially the boom....clean it up!!

I used up all my curved yellow panels and most of my yellow bricks, I do with what I have :sceptic:

Great photo! Your crane could use some support plates under the cylinders :)

Thanks! Yeah the mud was very soft, driving on it was even more fun!

Posted (edited)

i think you can do beter than that, its very messy and to much different colours

Too bad you see it that way, I put a lot of effort into the design, especially cabin and details... Like I said before I did run out of colors and after over a year of unemployment I cant afford to buy new bricks...

Maybe you prefer this picture:


Edited by Zblj

Zblj, I think the choice of colour palette (due to reasons you stated) may influence some of the votes. It's really unfortunate, because mechanically your crane looks like a top contender.

Posted (edited)

...compared to your previous creations this one looks a bit messy! Specially the boom....clean it up!!

i think you can do beter than that, its very messy and to much different colours

Pheew, tough crowd to please. I don't know if these comments are meant to be funny or not, but it is an indication of what I see happening in a lot of topics here. We get so spoiled with amazing creations that only the ultimate and most perfect creations get all the praise. I decided not to participate in the TC8, partly for this reason.

Anyway, I like your creation Zblj. It really has your signature style, keep up the good work.

Edited by Cumulonimbus

In order to practice on more advanced video editing (fcolor correction, fish-eye effect compensation) and to tease you guys, here's the second short teaser.

Notice the suspension movement and the driveshaft rotation for the V8 engine.


I have no problem with "messy" colour scheme, this is rough dirty working machine, in which aesthetic is not that important. I even thing, that those mixed colours match with purpose of this crane very well and give it authentic look. :thumbup:


Hey, this truck, even when some of you may think that the colors arent great or dont match; think of something, just like Effe said, it isnt a reason to not vote, just because of the size of this model its very difficult to have enough bricks of the needed colors, actually it seems very good, it has that "heavy duty truck" or Mad Max style, and in this case, it doesnt matter if the truck has a good look, because it works very good, its powerful, and very accurate to the real life trucks, and actually i dont see any problem with the colors, i would prefer a crane with ugly colors that works very good just like this than a beautiful crane without even an aesthetic problem that cant even lift anything, i really love this crane, despite the colors, i think ZBLJ made an excellent work on it and i cant wait to see the video.


I love the color scheme! I think it makes it look more old-rugged, been patched up a couple times. Good job!


Hey, this truck, even when some of you may think that the colors arent great or dont match; think of something, just like Effe said, it isnt a reason to not vote, just because of the size of this model its very difficult to have enough bricks of the needed colors, actually it seems very good, it has that "heavy duty truck" or Mad Max style, and in this case, it doesnt matter if the truck has a good look, because it works very good, its powerful, and very accurate to the real life trucks, and actually i dont see any problem with the colors, i would prefer a crane with ugly colors that works very good just like this than a beautiful crane without even an aesthetic problem that cant even lift anything, i really love this crane, despite the colors, i think ZBLJ made an excellent work on it and i cant wait to see the video.

that is how my TC6 entry (http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=105406&hl=buggy) was. the looks were half done but it worked great. sadly i got 0 points :(

Too bad you see it that way, I put a lot of effort into the design, especially cabin and details... Like I said before I did run out of colors and after over a year of unemployment I cant afford to buy new bricks...

Maybe you prefer this picture:

that's better


Well I dont expect to win the competition, the best I ever got was 4th place with the wind-up walking fox :laugh:

BUT its a great excuse to get creative and build something and to improve yourself as:

- Designer of the model

- Photographer

- Cameraman and video editor - I will especially put a lot off effort here

And thats all it matters for me!


just because of the size of this model its very difficult to have enough bricks of the needed colors, actually it seems very good

I disagree.

A model is not better just because it is larger and therefore more difficult to achieve. A model is better because it is better looking, cleaner, works better, more to scale, more realistic, has more functions, stronger, clever techniques, etc. etc.

And to be honest, I think this crane looks very messy. The cabin is nice and well-styled, but the boom just doesn't look smooth with all the beams and shapes. The white of the cabin doesn't return anywhere else, the red of the boom stand is out of place, the bumper has two red beams and a few random yellow axle-joiners. For me, it just doesn't work. Also, the spare tyre is a different tyre from the ones on the truck itself, and the large square dark-gray fenders just don't work for me. The studded slements on the counterweight are also out-of-place.

So, if style were decisive, I wouldn't vote for this. Lack-of-parts may well be the cause, and sure, I sympathise (although many people have this issue. Who ever has enough parts? :wink:), but it's not a reason for me to vote for this. I see the model for what it is, not for what it could-have-been, and won't compare a model to the builder's part inventory (that I, after all, cannot see). Also, it's an issue that can be partly alleviated by simply building something smaller. So in this case, there was a choice between a large-scale but messy-colored model, or a smaller-scale but better-colored model, and the option Zblj has taken is different from the option I like most. This is of course OK, but it means I will probably vote for a smaller-scale but better-colored entry instead of this one.

Which is unfortunate, because functionality-wise this thing looks to be pretty awesome, and I still really love the cool angled outriggers.

Pheew, tough crowd to please. I don't know if these comments are meant to be funny or not, but it is an indication of what I see happening in a lot of topics here. We get so spoiled with amazing creations that only the ultimate and most perfect creations get all the praise. I decided not to participate in the TC8, partly for this reason.

You shouldn't be detered by this. Any creation is welcome.

To speak for myself, I'm usually much more critical against people who I know have the experience. Sure, Zblj's crane is wonderful, but it has some very apparent flaws and Zblj is a really good builder, so naturally, I expect more from him/her. And sure, there may be all kinds of causes, but we can't see Zblj's wallet, nor his part collection. What we see is a crane, so what we comment on, is that crane.

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