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Despite the call to war he issued, Vladivus has not forgotten the people he serves. Whilst travelling through the villages hunting the Spire, he often stops to aid the villagers in their daily tasks, thereby helping to secure the hearts and minds of the people against the Spire.


Here, he helps the undead farmer Ikthas to harvest the purpura berries, which are a Nocturnian staple, although the juice is fatal to humans.

And a bonus interior shot!


This is the first time I've tried a proper interior on a building- the door opens (just). I also tried to introduce different angles on the roof- I'm envious of those builders who make this seem effortless. Anyway, C+C is very much welcome!


Great Build, inside and out! There's plenty of nice little details, and I like the little story. I keep expecting to see a blood or flesh farm out of you Nocturnians, but this is still good!


Great Build, inside and out! There's plenty of nice little details, and I like the little story. I keep expecting to see a blood or flesh farm out of you Nocturnians, but this is still good!

Thanks! I'd already done a blood farm type thing, so I was trying to go for something different. Even Nocturnians need fairly regular foodstuffs! I'm sure one of my co-Nocturnians will bring something macabre to the field.


Lovely house! I think you succeeded quite well with the roof, with the half-parabolic shape :thumbup: Nicely detailed irregular base and a good, fitting scene going on. Great to see yet another good Nocty entry, hail Nocturnus! :grin:

... I'm sure one of my co-Nocturnians will bring something macabre to the field.

:dangry: Well, I'd say half-raw dragon meat, ripped and cut off from the body on site, should live up to those expectations :tongue:


A very inspiring scene. The house with it's features are lovely, and I really like that roof. Good to see Vladivus is not only a warrior, but a farmer as well!


Lord Vladivus Stormbringer is very good at making sure his 'people' are taken care of. I made that point part of the story of my Embassy build. The Lord himself has now given us visual proof of that fact.

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