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In that case, the Java folder. I should make a bundle with this mod "preinstalled" ;)

In that case, the Java folder. I should make a bundle with this mod "preinstalled" ;)

Much appreciated!

Alright I manage to extract the MOD (with some help :classic:) to the JAVA folder, but ever since doing so I get this error message after initiating the rendering?


So what is the issue resulting this predicament and the solution to resolve it?

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Alright I manage to extract the MOD (with some help :classic:) to the JAVA folder, but ever since doing so I get this error message after initiating the rendering?


So what is the issue resulting this predicament and the solution to resolve it?

OK, so I will ask you this second time now as you did not answer first time: did you include ALL NOW REQUIRED (MANDATORY) CODE into your .sc file (because code inside .sc after installing my MOD differs a lot from standard .sc code!)? Go and read my first post of this topic, please (TUTORIALS -> Default MANDATORY system{} code block for your .sc).

Edited by bublible

OK, so I will ask you this second time now as you did not answer first time: did you include ALL NOW REQUIRED (MANDATORY) CODE into your .sc file (because code inside .sc after installing my MOD differs a lot from standard .sc code!)? Go and read my first post of this topic, please (TUTORIALS -> Default MANDATORY system{} code block for your .sc).

Umm, actually this is my first time asking for help on this and I haven't heard anything until now… but alright, my next question is what or where is this ".sc file" you speak of?

Thanks Malou! I will admit that I am not that much commuter savvy, especially with things that could be simple like this, so the file helps a lot!

And thank you bublible for the MOD!


I tried your latest files with bluerender 5, however background color seem stays in white even i tried changing to various colors..can you help me with it?

I do fresh extraction for bluerender and also your mod files.

it's ok now

Edited by lipanz

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Umm, actually this is my first time asking for help on this and I haven't heard anything until now… but alright, my next question is what or where is this ".sc file" you speak of?

Oh, but you did HERE although not in this topic, you are right - sorry, my mistake thinking it was asked here. :blush:

Anyway, I just updated the info in the "HOW TO" section in my initial post of this topic - please, go and read it. :wink:

Oh, but you did HERE although not in this topic, you are right - sorry, my mistake thinking it was asked here. :blush:

Anyway, I just updated the info in the "HOW TO" section in my initial post of this topic - please, go and read it. :wink:

Yeah, over there I was wondering how to get Bluerender to work on a Mac, here was how to integrate your MOD into the program. I didn't quite understand the simple swapping of the code (it was like another language to me), so I was seeing if someone could explain it on simpler terms.

Thank you for helping out by the way, though when searching through your initial post, I did not see anything (maybe I accidentally skipped it) about increasing the definition of the outlines around bricks, because as I have notice with some of my larger builds, the bevels are less perceivable when zoomed good distance out?

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Yeah, over there I was wondering how to get Bluerender to work on a Mac, here was how to integrate your MOD into the program. I didn't quite understand the simple swapping of the code (it was like another language to me), so I was seeing if someone could explain it on simpler terms.

I just re-checked: you arre right - I thought that image you have used there and here was the same, sorry.

Thank you for helping out by the way, though when searching through your initial post, I did not see anything (maybe I accidentally skipped it) about increasing the definition of the outlines around bricks, because as I have notice with some of my larger builds, the bevels are less perceivable when zoomed good distance out?

No problem - glad to help you.

it is called "brick seams" and you can find the info in "TUTORIALS" -> "Default MANDATORY system{} code block for your .sc" -> brickseams_adjustGap 0.000022

Just increase that value A TINY LITTLE BIT and that "outline" will be bigger, but I should warn you my solution isn't perfect cos all it does - tho it was pretty time consuming task - is that it shrinken bricks in the same "brick-type" group(s) by a certain specific value and added this amount to it (0.00022) so the bigger the gap the more visible "inconsistency" in that gap size between different brick groups (some would have it wider, others thinner). I did not apply CENTERING IT (moving it) by a half amount of all applied values on X/Y/Z axes yet (I wanted to add it later but the thing is I have no time nor interest these weeks for any MOD work, sorry - other stuff came to its way...maybe sometime later tho it will be pretty time consuming too) so if you have "bad luck" and rotate the brick(s) in a way that they are connected by the same oposite sides the actual shrinking was done to then there will be no visible brick seam - in such case solution would be pretty simple tho annoying if you would have plenty of such occurrences: go and rotate your brick 180 degrees so they do not stick to each other with that unaffected sides.

Edited by bublible


the problem occured again.. with your mod, background would be plain white background even i choose other color in the parameters tab. i tried without your mod, the color just fine just like what i select in parameters tab. i didnt do any changes to the sc file.. just replace whatever extracted from your latest mod to the original bluerender folder.

made without mod


made with mod


Edited by lipanz

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the problem occured again.. with your mod, background would be plain white background even i choose other color in the parameters tab. i tried without your mod, the color just fine just like what i select in parameters tab. i didnt do any changes to the sc file.. just replace whatever extracted from your latest mod to the original bluerender folder.

Problem is that @msx80 made the principle upon which Parameters tab operates wrongly (you should understand that I cannot edit his BR - basically GUI of BR - code, only the engine of SunFlow - if it would be upon me it'd be corected immediately long time ago...you have to urge him for an update if you want to use parameters tab with my MOD): he assigned "hardwired" variables into .sc attribute(s) instead of real values (for those values you can change on that tab), so everytime you start BR it sets those to BR defaults and there is no possible way how to have your values saved like this!

It should be made this way: when BR starts it should check values at those attributes in .sc file, set them to corresponding fields in Parameters tab and if user change them they should be saved back as real parameters to .sc file again - that way everything would work as it should, that is: one could change those values via Parameters tab and still they would be saved in .sc file.

Therefore I changed those variables back to their real values (instead of "hardwired" variable names) in .sc file so they are saved - YOU HAVE TO EDIT THEM MANUALLY in your .sc file (hey, it is just one line when we talk about the background).


I just added this question with my answer to "Q&A" section of my initial post of this topic for everyone having this issue(s). :wink:

Edited by bublible

So, i'm new to all this, but how do you change the background color with the mod? an example would be the most helpful. also, how do i get the light to produce a bit more of a shadow than the default? thanks in advance.

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So, i'm new to all this, but how do you change the background color with the mod? an example would be the most helpful. also, how do i get the light to produce a bit more of a shadow than the default? thanks in advance.


I just updated my initial post with the background info: just open my initial message of this post and go to TUTORIALS -> Changing background color

Hm,this is weird.Tried to follow the Tutorial on how to change the Background Color but still no Luck.

I changed the Part in the scene.sc File to




color 1 4 1


The Background Color is still White in Renderings.

Any Idea what went wrong.

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Hm,this is weird.Tried to follow the Tutorial on how to change the Background Color but still no Luck.

I changed the Part in the scene.sc File to




color 1 4 1


The Background Color is still White in Renderings.

Any Idea what went wrong.

Of course: that value of "1 4 1" is nonsensical - allowed values are floats from 0 to 1...what color are you trying to achieve there? I would advise you to look at materials color values in bublible_materials.sc (inside Bluerender/bublible/sc folder) and use those as reference.

Edited by bublible

Oh...kay.I somehow thought that the Color Number Line are based on the classicComputer 256 Colors Palette.

The Color i tried to achieve was a light Grey,so white Parts can be seen.

Isn`t there a nice and easy Way to add the wanted Color as a Hex Code?This way one could also use very light Colors and a large Colorpalette....

Sigh, I know bublibe thinks it’s the wrong way to do it but the original (mx80’s) Bluerender way works.

Just use this declaration:

 color { "sRGB nonlinear" %BACKGROUND_COLOR% }

and the “Background color” field in the “Parameters” panel in the GUI will work (with a popup palette and bells and whistles).

Same with %PLANE_COLOR% for the “Ground plane color.”

(And you can also use these colors elsewhere, they are just variables for colors.)

Edited by SylvainLS

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Isn`t there a nice and easy Way to add the wanted Color as a Hex Code?This way one could also use very light Colors and a large Colorpalette....

No, you could not use HEX colors...UNTIL NOW! :wink:

Sigh, I know bublibe thinks it’s the wrong way to do it but the original (mx80’s) Bluerender way works.

Yes, it is: how can be those values saved with respective .sc file for later usage? Nah... :hmpf_bad:

Just use this declaration:

 color { "sRGB nonlinear" %BACKGROUND_COLOR% }

and the “Background color” field in the “Parameters” panel in the GUI will work (with a popup palette and bells and whistles).

Same with %PLANE_COLOR% for the “Ground plane color.”

(And you can also use these colors elsewhere, they are just variables for colors.)

Once again: can you tell me how this answers/solves his question for HEX color value(s) as a Color together with my MODs??? :look::wacko:

No no, my friend - I know you actually mean it well (I feel it :grin: ) BUT you are wrong: although setting the color by the BR GUI Parameters tab would show him the HEX value of selected color IT WILL NOT WORK WITH MY MOD as I want those values (all in sc) being saved for later (as one normally expects) which DO NOT WORK WITH ORIGINAL BR (because of wrong principle itself - variable names inside .sc instead of real value(s)? no way...) - so as he is using my MOD it is useless advice for him (unless he edits back that variables instead of real values I set, of course :tongue: )...

And therefor I just released my new MOD that actually introduces real HEX value for Color...hope you will find it any useful. :sweet:

THERE IS NEW VERSION UPDATE (v20160127) at the top of this topic in my first initial message... :wink:

Once again: can you tell me how this answers/solves his question for HEX color value(s) as a Color together with my MODs??? :look::wacko:

I was, again, saying that there was a simple way to have the GUI work¹: use the %BLA% variables in scene.sc.

¹ which was the first and main question. Using HEX was a follow up on having to write the values in the .sc and understanding what was to be written there.

I use your modifications, I use %BLA% in my scene.sc, I use the GUI (because there is no CLI), and the colors are what I want them to be in the resulting image.

So stop saying it doesn’t work. :devil:

No no, my friend - I know you actually mean it well (I feel it :grin: ) BUT you are wrong: although setting the color by the BR GUI Parameters tab would show him the HEX value of selected color IT WILL NOT WORK WITH MY MOD as I want those values (all in sc) being saved for later (as one normally expects) which DO NOT WORK WITH ORIGINAL BR (because of wrong principle itself - variable names inside .sc instead of real value(s)? no way...) - so as he is using my MOD it is useless advice for him

I know that you don’t want variables in the .sc files, you said it several times.

I also somewhat understand your way of thinking. I would even agree with you for specific .sc files but not for the generic scene.sc


— that’s the way BR works,

— and so that’s what people using the GUI expect,

— it works.

This is becoming a FAQ because using your scene.sc breaks the expected behaviour (maybe something you should say somewhere :tongue: (EDIT: saw it in History)).

Using %BLA% is my answer and will remain my answer because it’s a simple way to reestablish the expected behaviour, to have the GUI work, to make quick color tests, not to have to create a specific .sc for each .lxf, not to always have the .sc in an open editor, not to have a useless and confusing “Parameters” panel.

(unless he edits back that variables instead of real values I set, of course :tongue: )...

Which is exactly what I said: use %BLA% in scene.sc. I don’t see any other way to understand the snippet of code I quoted.

Edited by SylvainLS

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I was, again, saying that there was a simple way to have the GUI work¹: use the %BLA% variables in scene.sc.

¹ which was the first and main question. Using HEX was a follow up on having to write the values in the .sc and understanding what was to be written there.

I use your modifications, I use %BLA% in my scene.sc, I use the GUI (because there is no CLI), and the colors are what I want them to be in the resulting image.

So stop saying it doesn’t work. :devil:

I know that you don’t want variables in the .sc files, you said it several times.

I also somewhat understand your way of thinking. I would even agree with you for specific .sc files but not for the generic scene.sc


— that’s the way BR works,

— and so that’s what people using the GUI expect,

— it works.

This is becoming a FAQ because using your scene.sc breaks the expected behaviour (maybe something you should say somewhere :tongue:).

Using %BLA% is my answer and will remain my answer because it’s a simple way to reestablish the expected behaviour, to have the GUI work, to make quick color tests, not to have to create a specific .sc for each .lxf, not to always have the .sc in an open editor, not to have a useless and confusing “Parameters” panel.


Which is exactly what I said: use %BLA% in scene.sc. I don’t see any other way to understand the snippet of code I quoted.

See, @SylvainLS, as to not become some ridiculous kind of "word fight" between you and me I will let you on your own "quest" as it looks we do not probably understand each other, namely:

- this topic is about MY MODs, not official BR so, please, take that in your consideration when you are posting here as your advice will simply not work with one of the main modifications/intentions of my MOD "logic" even if you change those variables back to whatever you want (don't you still understand the main point?) = saving our values (incl. background) in .sc after you close it is merit here, not the fact one can turn back variables inside sc so the GUI works again cos whatever variable you set ppl will always have to set their background color and image resolution everytime they open up their previously modified LDD project (in BR)...please, understand this - it has nothing to do with "my kind of thinking", I guess it is more expectable to do I told my MOD do than doing something that this MOD is actually against (that is using Parameters tab for setting values as they are not stored with sc after closing BR) - it is possible combining these two BUT it is not recommanded for problems I already described several times (as you rightly noticed) :wink:

- if you argue with the way BR works why don't you use its original content only? plase, do not push me using something which is working wrongly (namely parameters saving) cos although you may be right that "that's what people using the GUI expect" won't hold the water as I guess they also expect it to be saved for next time not reset to default values all the time, so I agree if it'd work as it should than yes otherwise not at all

BTW from my point of view this debate is over as it looks quite unnecessary and repetitive as everything needed is described in the first post of this topic (incl. info about the stuff that is not working with my MOd like variables) and if not ppl can still ask here as they often do and I always tends to respond all their request almost immediately, so I see no prob here. :wink:

it looks we do not probably understand each other

Quite right, mainly because: values set in the GUI are kept between executions (saved in blurender.ini) and I still don’t understand why you’d want to overwrite the generic scene.sc.

Also I never pushed you (or anyone) to use %BLA%, I only said it (still) works.

Let’s say we agree to disagree.

  • Author

Quite right, mainly because: values set in the GUI are kept between executions (saved in blurender.ini) and I still don’t understand why you’d want to overwrite the generic scene.sc.

Also I never pushed you (or anyone) to use %BLA%, I only said it (still) works.

Let’s say we agree to disagree.

Oh, if it is like that then there is something wrong here cos it was/is never saved here in my PC into that .ini file, strangely - I have to look at it later what's going on, anyway thanx for pointing this out for me (I would never knew that).

Nah Once again you do not understand what I was saying: yes, it might be saved into bluerender.ini, but I am talking about having separate sc file for every LDD project when I need some having different values, so it really is as I said (tho I thought for a while a second before I did not notice something important): those saved values are saved UNIVERSALY AS ONE, NOT SEPARATELY which is the problem, so I was right after all. :wink:

To specify it even further for you:

you have 10 LDD projects and every one has different background and resolution settings: how do you save those for every single one separately? The way you are saying (the way BR normlay operates) saving it just for itself, for BR, not individualy, THEREFORE MY MOD SOLVING THIS BY MANUAL VALUES INSTEAD OF BR VARIABLES which in turn breaks Parameter tabs usage...I really hope we understand now and you are no longer wondering why I want overwrite .sc, BUT I never said anything about generic sccene.sc file: I just provide it right away as template so ppl can use my MOD right away (therefore it is modified tho it is universal sc for projects without separate sc file)

Edited by bublible

Neat,the Background Color setting by Hex works like a Charm.

Soooo......(please don`t hit me....)is there something similar in the Works for the Groundplane?

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