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Bound to happen. You can also buy Slimer now on Ebay for just $20. Not to mention custom-print GB signs that are better suited for the Firehouse.

UPDATE: You can buy the Firehouse HQ from Germany on Ebay for over $500... http://www.ebay.com/itm/LEGO-75827-Ghostbusters-Firehouse-Headquarters-NEU-NEW-/121814248741?hash=item1c5cb1ed25:g:g~MAAOSwkZhWRgDw

Edited by kelceycoe

UPDATE: You can buy the Firehouse HQ from Germany on Ebay for over $500... http://www.ebay.com/...~MAAOSwkZhWRgDw

How is that even possible? Is Lego selling or giving away those sets already?

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. The one thing I carried out with me from that book, which, essentially has not so much to do with man vs. woman, but rather, with the inherent differences in individuals; especially this: Sometimes a person venting their frustrations over something, is not asking for answers, nor for ways in which they can "fix" their problem, nor for it to be fixed, or for another to fix it for them. They are just venting.

I, personally, fall into the category of heavily modifying my sets and buildings, and I have no hesitation in dismantling something official, nor in changing the colors of it if I choose. I don't save boxes, nor do I care if something is 'mint', vs. used.

But I do sympathize with, and understand the "collector" mentality - those people for whom a purchase is a sacred thing, and for whom an archive of sorts, when it has been purposely altered away from its initial inception, or even that has been in someway removed from its as-purchased condition, in some way has also lost its historicity, its authenticity, its purity. As here, they don't want to know how to repair it; especially not already before they are to purchase it NEW...

Sometimes, yes, I do agree that some of us can be finicky with our LEGO. And, yes, I too sometimes roll my eyes upon those who seem to complain about nothing at all substantial. But here, I believe it is very warranted.

And likewise, there's no getting around that this set was meant for display - it could be anyone's MOC, now proclaimed complete and ready for exhibit. But, really, is it? Would any of you, as builders yourselves, settle with this being your final statement for this particular work - As is, out the door to a convention?

Point being, how many of us would leave that rear wall, and be content displaying it as our own?

I don't purchase official sets, nor do I build and display official sets. But I do feel for the collectors who are seeing that rear wall for the first time, and are having to swallow the fact that, according to their own collector's principles thus far, they are unable to do a thing about it.

It looks unfinished to me. Almost undisplayable for a finished set - solely, because of that rear wall. I really have no reason to be disappointed - but I am. Its going to be talked about forever, everytime a picture of the set, or the actual set is viewed. Pity, for such an anticipated and somewhat historical LEGO set. Real pity.

Edited by notaromantic

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Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. The one thing I carried out with me from that book, which, essentially has not so much to do with man vs. woman, but rather, with the inherent differences in individuals; especially this: Sometimes a person venting their frustrations over something, is not asking for answers, nor for ways in which they can "fix" their problem, nor for it to be fixed, or for another to fix it for them. They are just venting.

I, personally, fall into the category of heavily modifying my sets and buildings, and I have no hesitation in dismantling something official, nor in changing the colors of it if I choose. I don't save boxes, nor do I care if something is 'mint', vs. used.

But I do sympathize with, and understand the "collector" mentality - those people for whom a purchase is a sacred thing, and for whom an archive of sorts, when it has been purposely altered away from its initial inception, or even that has been in someway removed from its as-purchased condition, in some way has also lost its historicity, its authenticity, its purity. As here, they don't want to know how to repair it; especially not already before they are to purchase it NEW...

Sometimes, yes, I do agree that some of us can be finicky with our LEGO. And, yes, I too sometimes roll my eyes upon those who seem to complain about nothing at all substantial. But here, I believe it is very warranted.

And likewise, there's no getting around that this set was meant for display - it could be anyone's MOC, now proclaimed complete and ready for exhibit. But, really, is it? Would any of you, as builders yourselves, settle with this being your final statement for this particular work - As is, out the door to a convention?

Point being, how many of us would leave that rear wall, and be content displaying it as our own?

I don't purchase official sets, nor do I build and display official sets. But I do feel for the collectors who are seeing that rear wall for the first time, and are having to swallow the fact that, according to their own collector's principles thus far, they are unable to do a thing about it.

It looks unfinished to me. Almost undisplayable for a finished set - solely, because of that rear wall. I really have no reason to be disappointed - but I am. Its going to be talked about forever, everytime a picture of the set, or the actual set is viewed. Pity, for such an anticipated and somewhat historical LEGO set. Real pity.

Tell me about it. This whole wall bs started a couple pages back and despite some new updates coming to light (mainly Sergio's statement and angst towards LEGO's version for having some identical designs as his) I see the wall will be talked about for ages.

I was once a "LEGO puritan." Every set I bought I never modified. But that was when LEGO sets were, well LEGO sets and full of imagination and creativity. Now they're designed to be less unimaginative and appealing to fit the standards of popular culture demands and current norms while trying to comply with LEGO's quality standards and their array of "political correctness" philosophies to adhere to the modern corporate, globalized demands called "social responsibility.".

How is that even possible? Is Lego selling or giving away those sets already?

Dunno. I thought someone might have taken a couple from the factory. It's way too early for even LEGO stores to be getting them and assuming they do sell them early (we already know they get them up to 2 weeks early) then they will be available at regular price for the Christmas season unless there are major restrictions from LEGO preventing this (and I seriously doubt that).

While the back wall is a problem, modifying it would be such a large undertaking that I'll just leave it. I don't see why they didn't make it so it could be extended one stud to cover the back. That line of tiles behind the building doesn't really do anything for it.

Bound to happen. You can also buy Slimer now on Ebay for just $20. Not to mention custom-print GB signs that are better suited for the Firehouse.

UPDATE: You can buy the Firehouse HQ from Germany on Ebay for over $500... http://www.ebay.com/...~MAAOSwkZhWRgDw

I was shocked to see this out there already too. It must be nice to have connections. It's actually cheaper on Brick Classifieds because they cut out the commission totally (as a buy it now)

How the hell? We should see Brick Bank and the Batcave soon, then, I guess.

*drink shoots out nose* $700!!!!!!!!! Are you kidding? Who's going to pay double the price for a set a month and a half early? (Talking ton you Huw @brickset, unless you're waiiting for CEE :grin:) Just kidding. But really, how'd they get it?

How the hell? We should see Brick Bank and the Batcave soon, then, I guess.

Totally. Really. Any day now. Who bets we get a review video before a designer video at this point?! :wacko:

I just think that Lego sets are inherently different to a MOC... no matter how close the plan or subject matter.

A MOC doesn't have any restrictions on brick use, be it illegal or legal, piece count or cost limitations.

The Swiss GBHQ has over 1,000 more pieces than this... which would actually bump it pretty close to the Taj Mahal in regards to being the largest set ever made (with regards to piece count).

With regards to the back wall I'm going for the fact that it 'just looks like that'. If they'd used more brick to make it something else there'd have been people complaining that they wasted those bricks to change the look of the part of the building which wasn't necessary. It's the back, basically unseen wall, of a building that contains a ton of other things to attract and keep your attention.

As a 'collector' you either accept how the set looks, love it and buy it... or you don't. The 10179 Falcon is a fantastic set but the mods people have made, especially to the rear engine section, have greatly improved it... albeit with many more parts than the original design. That doesn't detract from the original's appeal.

I also don't care about people's issues with designs submitted to Lego Ideas... if you build something the already exists in the 'Lego Universe'... and Ghostbusters was already part of it, then tough. After Lego negotiated with the license holders do we not think that the Lego designers and the team as a whole might have discussed such things? Brent's original submission contained a HQ and others have submitted designs so the idea wasn't unique to anyone... so no matter how detailed you build it it isn't yours to claim. No matter how good your UCS bat mobile is it isn't getting released as an Ideas set... no matter how good your ship from Star Wars is and how quickly you got 10,000 votes it isn't getting released as an Ideas set... and no matter what licensed 'thing' you make over a certain piece count it isn't getting made as an Ideas set. Not until something drastically changes.

Selling sets for a premium before their official release is bad. LEGO invests certain trust when shipping these for reviews or retailers, and when people abuse this, they tighten the rules for everyone. There is great effort involved in preventing leaks of this kind which might even influence the end price..

I feel a bit of an idiot, but I can't find a picture of this back wall everyone's going on about.

Wow, I guess I missed over that particular image when browsing through them. That wall is indeed horrendously ugly! Yuck!

I've often found it a shame that LEGO didn't keep the old version of that panel piece in production. The new one with the indent is good for some things, but the old one with no indent was very useful for building walls that actually, you know, look good from either side. The older non-indent version would've saved the Kwik-E-Mart from the same issue with no sweat.

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MOD Update. I'll likely extend the bedroom and move the arcade against the doorway along the bare wall beside the door.

There is a lot of space even before the mods.

Again, bare wall can be fixed with combination of making the set a modular and rebuilding the wall with red bricks. Add windows if you want the back to be functional.

These scalpers should be ashamed. It it should be universally illegal to sell something like this before its even released by the company.

Illegal? Heck no. Anybody buying this for $500 or more obviously wants it really badly within a certain time period. Just because someone is selling it for a whole lot, doesn't mean someone is going to buy it. If someone does purchase it, both parties will be happy.

Capitalism at it's finest.

About the set: That wall is bad! Oh well, I wasn't going to purchase it anyway.

I am a little bummed that my Tower Bridge will no longer be the "3rd Largest LEGO Set Produced" though...

So how many of you have the cash to buy one of these when they are available? Just curious. I don't think I could justify the cost... bummer because I would love to have one. I don't even have a place to put it if I did get one...

Wow. The back of the building looks horrible. But Egon said the neighborhood is like "a demilitarized zone", so the back fits right in.

With regards to the back wall I'm going for the fact that it 'just looks like that'. If they'd used more brick to make it something else there'd have been people complaining that they wasted those bricks to change the look of the part of the building which wasn't necessary. It's the back, basically unseen wall, of a building that contains a ton of other things to attract and keep your attention.

Yea, like a nice black car with a primer door. I'll just park it so the offensive side is hidden.

Which, really, is what people are already resorting to here. - How do I display it, and yet hide the back wall.

And it does seem also to be a flagrant proof to all those who accuse LEGO of sacrificing exterior for interior. Yup...

I agree, when it comes to what is essentially a toy, playability will always somewhat take priority over aesthetics (Although, with modern toys, I really question whether thats true at all anymore.), truth be told between us all: There are not many children with $350 just laying around, nor are many of them GhostBusters fans to begin with, nor do I hear the playgrounds awry with talk of the Ghostbusters LEGO set that is coming. And if there are kids with $350 to blow for X-Mas, chances are 95 of them are headed straight for the electronics section, and perhaps three are virtuous enough to use that to buy gifts for others, and maybe 2 will set it aside for the NEW GBHQ set. When the movie comes out, there may be a resurgence of those young consumers for the GBHQ, but it really isn't a set reflective of the reboot, is it, therefore, whose to say... By then, the set will be around $600 on the aftermarket. But these are things we all perceive and know. LEGO knows this too. The pulse of their market is more important to them than it is to us, so there is no way they cannot know.

So, although I've already admitted that I'm not it, there is a target audience here. There is. And any LEGO representative should've known that that rear wall would most likely be offensive to that audience. And it obviously is.

Edited by notaromantic

Maybe LEGO can do a giant STAMP (sticker across mulitiple pieces) to cover the back side. Hide it with NYC style graffiti. A sticker shouldn't interfere with the opening and closing of the sides. :classic:

Maybe LEGO can do a giant STAMP (sticker across mulitiple pieces) to cover the back side. Hide it with NYC style graffiti. A sticker shouldn't interfere with the opening and closing of the sides. :classic:

They could make the walls with panels only and do STAMP's on all four sides of the GBHQ...haha... That would also drop the price a bit...;-)

Maybe LEGO can do a giant STAMP (sticker across mulitiple pieces) to cover the back side. Hide it with NYC style graffiti. A sticker shouldn't interfere with the opening and closing of the sides. :classic:

Stop, I just threw up a little bit. :sick:

I'm probably in the minority here; but I actually don't mind the back wall if I'm honest. At least it fits flush with the edge of the baseboard so you can display it right up against a wall :classic:

On the plus for me too is at least the different coloured panels are tidy and all arranged in neat blocks of colour- as opposed to a patchwork-like effect. Considering that most of the walls must be two bricks thick to take into account the outside colour and then the inside colours, I think TLG have done a great job!

I hope I get some spending money for Christmas :laugh:

Gaz :wink:

Edited by madgaz

I really dont mind the back wall at all.

They had a price point he was working to.

He chose to make the three most visible walls detailed just as much as the rest of the set. To get the fourth wall that, lets be honest, hardly anyone is going to display it with the rear at the front; or with the sides open but the building angked so that the rear is still facing the front so obviously; as good as the other three walls, piececount wouldnt have gone up, so they would have come from somewhere. That means either, less interior, or more panels on the exterior two side walls and less pieces used for the front.

Or, heaven forbid, make it smaller... But people are already complaining of the interior being too small that you have to remove furniture to fit the car in so thats already a big nono.

Sacrifices had to be made somewhere to keep the price of this set inflating to an unenticing cost, while keeping the right amount of detail where it *needed to be*.

I think the right choice was made.

I also think that TLG are becoming victims of their own success and ever improving quality/level of details in builds, that it is now expected that any set above a certain value now has no excuse not to be absolutely perfect and reach absolutely everybodies expectations, no matter how contradicting those expectations are.

Had they lessened the interior pieces to make the back wall like the others, there would be complaints that the interior looks 'pretty empty' considering the cost they are paying for it. Had they whrunk it down to account for the more pieces, there would be complaints of the tiny building that cant fit the car in, for a high price.

Had they used multiple panels on all 4 walls to be able to make them all look similar... Well... The feeling is already expressed on this page, which gave me a giggle!

Had they have just increased the piece count and gone full out, they would surely be upping the price, pricing out those that will struggle but would force themselves to pay the current price. Theyd lose potential purchases, and there would be even more complaints of the price being too high.

As it is now, the price per piece, as ive already said, is £0.06 . This is exceptional value considering not only is it for a licenced theme, but there are exceptional minifigs going with it.

Looking at the bigger picture, i think marcos has done amazingly well achieving what he has, and made the right sacrifices where required.

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