January 17, 200817 yr To be fair I don't see how anyone could take the phrase "Your opinions are wrong" seriously. Well, thank you for your insight, wisest of the wise, but it takes all sorts of different people to make the world go around, so you might be surprised that what you see as a harmless joke may really piss someone else off. I suggest you move on and keep talking about Bionicle.
January 17, 200817 yr What's th deal around here? Does everyone ignore official info? Why does everyone refer to an obviosly male character as female (Gali, I mean come on, he's blue, a very masculine color as opposed to red, which is so very feminine. Did anyone ever look at the Inika? Hahli/very masculine : Jaller/the only female looking one), when an official announcement said that the only female in the summer sets would be a Makuta? Unless they changed their mind.Thank you Tyranide for putting those pics up, even though they be small, they're still clear. ;; D Gali is female... Bionicle characters don't change genders. 8-| I'm not sure if you're serious or even sure of what you're trying to say. So would anyone like Matoran pics?
January 17, 200817 yr At last I get to lay may eyes on Tahu...? 8-| It's certainly an interesting take on my first and favorite toa. It'll probably be a decent set, I just don't see why they would take such a hot-head and make him a ninja. *wacko* It's just not fitting. As for the others the pics are far too small for judgment, but Gali looks like a buff gunman and Onua looks like some sort of strange reptilian creature. Just ... completely bizarre. Also, is that classic red, or dark red on Tahu? Seems like classic red to me. So would anyone like Matoran pics? If you have them, by all means, post them. ;-)
January 17, 200817 yr If you have them, by all means, post them. ;-) I haven't taken any, I just wanted to see how many people care about seeing good pics of them. Since we haven't had many.
January 17, 200817 yr I haven't taken any, I just wanted to see how many people care about seeing good pics of them. Since we haven't had many. Hey Mr. Clonie are those pictures the ones you have? You know those you didn
January 17, 200817 yr alright, if you dont like them, fine. but dont go moping" wah, they look wierd" if they look the same, no one would buy them. if they had different names, youd like them, and lego wants to make money sorry if im being really rude jifel
January 17, 200817 yr Author These are DEFINATLY prototypes. His head is kopaka's mask. Oh, and he has black matoran limbs fliped backwart, with swords at the end as his legs. Looks like a tridax torso but with a white covering. Credit to me for blowing up the pic. Edited January 17, 200817 yr by ~VBBN~
January 17, 200817 yr All hail me, people! :D Well. I also can't say anything useful about these pictures... just because I don't have better ones! I will agree with one of previous speakers - sets are good. Let's use simple example. Take this Tahu and rename this set into Toa Niggayo, as Ikki joked earlier. See how it changes your mind? Sets are rather good. Don't judge them by their names. At least in books we'll never see their appearance!
January 17, 200817 yr All hail me, people! :DWell. I also can't say anything useful about these pictures... just because I don't have better ones! I will agree with one of previous speakers - sets are good. Let's use simple example. Take this Tahu and rename this set into Toa Niggayo, as Ikki joked earlier. See how it changes your mind? Sets are rather good. Don't judge them by their names. At least in books we'll never see their appearance! I would probably say the same. I don
January 17, 200817 yr Is looking at a pic released 5 months before the set considered evaluating a set through all possible means? I don't think too highly of them now, but that's probably going to change in July, or even February. By all possible means I mean waiting for a review on the set or something rather. You can't pass a judgment on these pics anyway. And if you did, you couldn't go out and buy it yet.
January 17, 200817 yr Ill wait until toyfair, yes - Im particularly intrigued to see what happened to Onua. Until such time, I'll shut up :P But I'm not very optomistic. The Hau has, as Rayg said, been the "poster mask" of Bionicle since 2001; a bit odd to change its most basic feature now. - Heir
January 17, 200817 yr Nice discovery. So I happen to love these as well as mst of the titans, now there is only Vultraz? or Mazeka to find (can't remember which)
January 17, 200817 yr well I certianly wouldn't blow up these. They are, in a certian way very good and although i do agree with the blocko people didn't this happen last year. Everyone was saying how completely crap the Mahri were but then came the offical pictures and everyone was like OMG what the hell these look awesome. So criticise all you want, you know you will end up loving them.
January 17, 200817 yr well I certianly wouldn't blow up these. They are, in a certian way very good and although i do agree with the blocko people didn't this happen last year. Everyone was saying how completely crap the Mahri were but then came the offical pictures and everyone was like OMG what the hell these look awesome. So criticise all you want, you know you will end up loving them. Actually, If I remember correctly, I liked the Mahri first pictures. Its when I had them in hand that many were just not so good. Matoro I think was my least favorite and I didn't even buy him until he was on clearance. So, I really don't end up loving them. I do buy them because someday those pieces in those colors might be exactly what I want in a MOC and bricklink would take days...DAYS! And I'll add, now that I have two of the 2008 Toa Nuva in hand. What I didn't like about the pictures is what I don't like about the sets. Lewa, in particular, has been dissaseembled and his mask given to Levosik (thats the name, right? ) so he has a unique mask. Pohatu I like and Kopaka I can't be bothered to buy until I see a massive sale. -Tohst Its a sickness Edited January 17, 200817 yr by Tohst
January 17, 200817 yr well I certianly wouldn't blow up these. They are, in a certian way very good and although i do agree with the blocko people didn't this happen last year. Everyone was saying how completely crap the Mahri were but then came the offical pictures and everyone was like OMG what the hell these look awesome. So criticise all you want, you know you will end up loving them. ...Not I. I thought they Mahri (except for Matoro, I thought he was horrid) looked alright when they were tiny and blurry, but I absolutely hated them when they came out (and Matoro to an even larger extent). Just look back at my post history and you'll see. They may be prototypes, but the thing is, the overall look won't change much at all. Tahu's still going to look like Blocko and Gali's still going to look like the Ninja robot from GI Joe. Like this one: Not a bad design for a normal generic robot, but definitely not for a female one. As for Onua, I have hope, though the chances of this turning out well are very slim, given the tone that Tahu's setting for this quarter. Mind you, this is coming from a person who liked the Inika (minus those awful Zamor launchers) and Piraka, yet hated the Mahri with a passion. I've also thought Pohatu from this year looks pretty good too, even if the orange looks quite out of place. I'll make up my final judgement after the Toy Fair, but at this point, I'm going to pass this entire year too.
January 17, 200817 yr But I'm not very optomistic. The Hau has, as Rayg said, been the "poster mask" of Bionicle since 2001; a bit odd to change its most basic feature now. Then again, the poster mask of Bionicle will remain the original Hau, so even if this new style did look remotely like the original Hau, it still wouldn't matter because the original is still the poster-mask of BIONICLE. Even if this was a new Hau style, I wouldn't replace the old Hau with the new one. Everyone was saying how completely crap the Mahri were but then came the offical pictures and everyone was like OMG what the hell these look awesome. So criticise all you want, you know you will end up loving them. Kongu was too short then. Kongu is too short now. Sometimes opinions don't change, although I must agree that preliminary pics do not reflect the sets well at all. Which is why LEGO doesn't want them spread around the internet. By ToyFair I should have my final opinions decided. They may be prototypes, but the thing is, the overall look won't change much at all. Tahu's still going to look like Blocko and Gali's still going to look like the Ninja robot from GI Joe. We still don't know about Gali's femininity, as we haven't seen her chest or any close up of her. Notice that in that pose, her arm is covering up most of her body. So I wouldn't hire her as a GI yet. ;-) On the other hand, I honestly can't see this Tahu comparison to Blocko. I am seeing on him pieces that have been staples of BIONICLE since 2004 and 2005. I see PIraka legs, Inika feet, a Piraka body, Metru thigh armor, etc. Those jet pieces on him are typical system pieces, and that blaster is no more far-out than the Cordaks or Midaks. I can't even tell what is on his other hand. And that mask does have a lot of style, even if I would have preferred a Hau. I don't see why everyone is basing this is a ninja-style merely because of the mask and what MIGHT be a star-shaped weapon on his other hand. Nor do I get the Blocko comparison, it certainly doesn't have any similarities to a Blocko to me. It's fully poseable, for one thing. VK
January 17, 200817 yr And for those who're going to slam me based on my judgement on the sets now, I think Kynok summed it up rather nicely. If you've already bought the set, you can't return it. Once you've opened the seal and built that wretched monstrosity, there's no turning back. By purchasing it in the first place, you've demonstrated that you support this crazed, senseless new direction, regardless of whether or not you like the set you now own. You've got to be kidding me. That's like saying that if you pay the $10 entrance to visit a rally for a polictical cannidate that you hate, and do that just so you can stump them with hardcore questions and make them look like a fool, that you are still supporting their cause. *wacko* Seriously, I can't see how buying one Mistika set officially means you support Lego's new "direction", especially if you hadn't realized how bad the kit was at first and then launched a giant critque online, tearing apart the kit figuratively and discouraging many people from buying this kit. Now, that probably wont happen, but the fact is that unless you truly have a kit in your hands, you may not truly know how good or bad it is. Sure, pictures help, but these "pictures" we have of all the Mistika (aside from Tahu) are smaller than a lot of our avatars! Who knows - they may not be as bad as we thought, especially if we're talking about the Mistika Makuta, who may actually look good. ;-) Oh, and before you scream "grevious is a hypocrite!" let me say that I realize now that the "sliced bread" comment I made was too soon and too judging, considering how small the pictures we got were. For some reason, I failed to see that the new Makuta didn't look that bad. I think I need to stop making posts when I'm tired and need to go to bed... :-|
January 17, 200817 yr Personally I don't think it would be such a bad thing if Gali could look like her Block counterpart for once. Feminine sets aren't a bad thing.
January 17, 200817 yr Personally I don't think it would be such a bad thing if Gali could look like her Block counterpart for once. Feminine sets aren't a bad thing. As long as it isn't too feminine. Then its kinda creepy. Tohst - pointing the finger at people who lust after mini-figs and such Also, if you give a toy a name that sounds like Mistake-a, you're asking for trouble. Come On! Edited January 17, 200817 yr by Tohst
January 17, 200817 yr As long as it isn't too feminine. Then its kinda creepy. Tohst - pointing the finger at people who lust after mini-figs and such Also, if you give a toy a name that sounds like Mistake-a, you're asking for trouble. Come On! :-D Hahaha. Yeah, when I first saw the name, I had exactly the same thought. Mistake-a? I thought it was a joke. But then I realised the pics where offical. And then I saw Tahu. But looking at other preleminary pics, like Jaller Mahris, they really changed them, so Tahu could still get lucky. Or maybe I'm looking at the pic wrong? It's really to small to judge fully. I'm gonna get the set either way, I'm hoping he would be good. Spartan_01 PS. On behalf of myself, I apologise for the previous incident, to anyone who was insulted by my harmless joke. Same goes to the Mod, I didn't mean to make a fuss. Sorry.
January 17, 200817 yr Actually, I think all the heads will change! Why? Well, for one, they look really bland with nothing really on them, and most of them don't seem to have eye holes and such. I bet these are like the playsets pics from last years: They will probably have different heads. -ZotS
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