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*Title should be [M - E11]

Location: E11

Tags: Science, Vehicle (Land Vehicle)

Once again, Scorpio was summoned to Supervising Accountant Laszlowe’s office. This wasn’t going to be pleasant. (*I have used this scenario before but hadn’t finished building it, so although Scorpio has been here before this is the first we are seeing of it*)


“Please, come in Mr. Starstriker. I have some pleasant news for you…”

“Yeah, right,” Scorpio thought.

“First, we are willing to overlook your brief unauthorized science excursion a few weeks ago, given that it was at the request of CEO Sal. Also, because we took some small satisfaction in his comment about your work...”

“Which was?” Scorpio inquired.

“Disappointing. He added that he almost made you walk home, but was too busy with yet another mishap to worry much about it.”

Scorpio sighed.

“The good news is that it appears that you have worked away your debt to M.A.N.T.I.S. at an alarming rate. At this point you would be off probation and back on to your regular duties, including Science and Spying.”

“But…what’s the catch?” asked Scorpio.

An evil smirk came over Supervising Accountant Laszlowe’s face. “You managed to log hours in so fast that we at Accounting find it hard to believe.”

“You think I have been stealing hours?”


Suddenly Supervising Accountant Laszlowe was standing on his desk. “YES! And we’re going to catch you you sneaky little thief! You were not even stealthy with that Spying Outfit we bought you! How did you expect to get away with this??!!!!”


“Ahem,” he continued. “To ensure the accuracy of all M.A.N.T.I.S. records we are assigning you a Drone Of Really Irritating Supervision.”

“You’re giving me a D.O.R.I.S.? Are you kidding me?!”

“This D.O.R.I.S. will accompany you at all times to ensure your integrity. If it can affirm that you are indeed working as you say you are, then it will dismissed. Speaking of dismissed, it is time for you to leave.”

“But…” Scorpio began.



Well, at least (once again) Scorpio was allowed to resume Science-ing duties. For the time being, at least.

M.A.N.T.I.S. had pushed to the outer limit of Kawashita territory, and was about to enter Octan gate-space. A memo had been sent out to all personnel to engage in border protection as they began to fortify the southern M.A.N.T.I.S-Octan line. Scorpio was assigned to the Fascini Cluster in sector E11, a tight nexus of asteroids which Octan would have to pass through in order to enter M.A.N.T.I.S.-occupied space.


In his lab aboard the Sal-class Science vessel, Scorpio designed a kind of mine that would communicate with approaching vessels. If they did not return the communication, it would trigger the mine and detonate the ship. This meant that any ship not returning M.A.N.T.I.S. communications would be targeted. Since Scorpio knew Octan had a fear of scorpions, he designed it with that shape in mind.


Just then, his pilot Jex came in. Scorpio had worked with her previously, during the initial threat from the alien fleets at the center of Andromeda.


“Scorpio, you ready? I hear we’re headed down to work on some asteroids.”

“Yes,” Scorpio responded. “I have just finished the last of the Scorpio bombs, and…”

“Scorpio bombs? How egocentric are you?” Jex interrupted.

“Well, I uh...you see, they are shaped like scorpions…”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Let’s just get them loaded up. Is that D.O.R.I.S. yours? Oh man, that’s too funny! We’ll take the Panther, if that’s okay.”

“Doesn’t that only have room for one?” Scorpio asked.


Scorpio sighed.



Planting the mines went off without a hitch…except that because there was only room for one, Scorpio had to be tethered to the Panther, with his D.O.R.I.S. in tow. The Panther had four omni-directional thrusters for maximum maneuverability, but even in zero-G they only supplied just enough power to hop from one asteroid to the next. In order to keep a close-but-not-too close proximity to the asteroid surface, it was equipped with the same adjustable-gravity technology Scorpio had used in spy training.





“That’s the last of them, Jex, let’s head back home. Any chance I could ride in the cargo area?”

But Jex had already positioned the thrusters to set a slow burn back to the science vessel. He wondered if having him towed home from an asteroid had been Sal’s idea


A few more pictures of the lab and ‘scorpio bombs’ under the spoiler.


Empty lab



C&C welcome!

Edited by rodiziorobs

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