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Schnapps for Mein Captain and his good (hickup) crew.

Mr. Mason does a little kicking maneuver with his legs and feet before falling to the ground face-first. Both men are smashed beyond reason.

Nice hitch kick! *sweet* Ouch, your face... 8-|

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Oh, if it isn't the fine Captain Steubing and his band of merry men, come for a little drink thar?

What brings y'all to this fine establishment of me German friend, Ottoburger? Prance'n around in yer white tuxedo like a little penguin on a mission. Tard of searching through me things and come to court martial me now. Well, I'm about ready to walk the plank Captain, but I'm taking yer scurvey bunch of undisciplined sailors wit me. Who wit me?

Holds up beer real high, then falls to the ground face first.


Oh, if it isn't the fine Captain Steubing and his band of merry men, come for a little drink thar?

What brings y'all to this fine establishment of me German friend, Ottoburger? Prance'n around in yer white tuxedo like a little penguin on a mission. Tard of searching through me things and come to court martial me now. Well, I'm about ready to walk the plank Captain, but I'm taking yer scurvey bunch of undisciplined sailors wit me. Who wit me?

Holds up beer real high, then falls to the ground face first.

Well those are blatant threats. Gopher help me tie him up. Although he did call me Captain Steubing *wub*

I would search his pockets *sweet* ! Let me try.

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Sure - you big sissy land-lov'n pirate dawg. Go on and tie me up fer yer little marine fantasies thar Captain. I know all about you and those Love Boat dreams of yers.


Pretty tough when your opponent tied like a pig wit an apple in the mouth, are ye.

Just don't be sing'n dat Physical song by Olivia Newton. I always hated that song thar, I 'll tell you anything, but dat!

Oh right. Skipper grab that apple and shove it in his stupid mouth. Let's search his pockets and junk...

I only have a rope, it'll do better.


Well those are blatant threats. Gopher help me tie him up. Although he did call me Captain Steubing *wub*

Can I kick him as well?

Can I kick him as well?

Bloody... >:-)

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I aint got not'n in der pockets dar! Can't you see dar empty. Or is dat silly old Skipper in the life preserver imagine'n I'm his little Buddy Boy. I'll take a switch to him and that yellow jacket o'his, if you untie me Capt'n Love Vest.

Buddy boy? Quite! I don't know what you're talking about.

And don't talk about my life vest! It's helpful in all events.

I aint got not'n in der pockets dar! Can't you see dar empty. Or is dat silly old Skipper in the life preserver imagine'n I'm his little Buddy Boy. I'll take a switch to him and that yellow jacket o'his, if you untie me Capt'n Love Vest.

I can never understand him. Why isn't someone kicking the crap out of him yet??

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I must protest to this line of questioning Captain. It's obvious that this man is drunk. What can you hope to get out of him with an apple stuck in his mouth.

Buddy boy? Quite! I don't know what you're talking about.

Hmmm...the lady doth protest too much.

Tell me Frank, do you know Skipper?

I must protest to this line of questioning Captain. It's obvious that this man is drunk. What can you hope to get out of him with an apple stuck in his mouth.

First of all, there is no apple in his mouth. Second, alcohol loosens the tongue. Third, I haven't seen you in weeks, go flush your own head in the toilet before I have Scotty do it.

Let's just untie him, we're only making him angrier.

Let's just untie him, we're only making him angrier.

Not until he explains what he meant calling you his Buddy Boy...

Seriously, I had little contact with Mr. Mason since I came aboard, how would I know anything about him, or him calling me a Buddy boy?

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Tell me Frank, do you know Skipper?


Oh, I know his type thar Capt'n. He's one of those boat renter captains thar, the kind that buys his sailor's hat in der Gap store in da mall. Puts a flashy tin crown on it to look like he wer somethe'n. I sailed with his kind dar before for dose three hour tours. He'll get scared the first sight of a storm and turn his boat real fast like onto da reef. Be trapped on da island wit movie stars and nerdy professors dar. Just silly with his self and all. Like somethin out of a Sponge Bob cartoon like.


Looking at the Skipper: ;-)

Whispers to Dan quitely: What will we do about Mr. Mason here? He seems like a lunatic to me.

We still need to find the coordinates to the treasure again, they might have gotten wet, but maybe they're still literate.

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Ein, zwei, drei, vier, who ready for ano'ser beer?

Not until he explains what he meant calling you his Buddy Boy...


Doesn't thar kinda Skipper always have some kinda silly sidekick he be always slap'n and fun'n wit. Call him his little buddy boy and all, and be slap'n him in da hammock as he be get'n tied up in it and all dar.

You all know his type, silly and all angry slap'n hat kinda Skipper-like.

Oh, now I see it as plain as da nose on me face. Dat Diver Man der is his little buddy. Isn't he just a cute little man dar in his little tights and scuba gear. He be probably the one that stole me Creature Costume. I wouldn't doubt it one bit, greedy little buddy and all - look'n for treasure in all da wrong places!

Wut? *wacko* I think he's trying to say something about me, but I can't really tell... and what's this about a creature costume?! Are you the monster?

Whispers to Dan quitely: What will we do about Mr. Mason here? He seems like a lunatic to me.

I agree that's he's very drunk, and I don't trust him, even when he's sober. I don't know anything we can 'do', though... at least not until he sobers up.

I can't under stand him either *wacko* .

To Dan I whisper: We'll just leave him talking there, he's just saying non-sense. We could wait till he sobers up, but still don't know what to do with him after that, he doesn't seem dangerous to us, but we should still keep our guard high on him.

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Sobering up zer... I von't have it in mein Galley! Drinks for mein friends, all PROST!

Hmmm...the lady doth protest too much.

Oh, now you understand it! :-| I think you were just being difficult Capt'n... Eitherway, I think we should put them both to bed and question them in the morning. All this kicking has ruined my toes. :'-(

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