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Posted (edited)

Thanks to all of you for your nice feedback, makes me really confident on keeping up the work. :)

@AgentKallus: Well, I already thought of ading some Pau'ans, but after watching the scene again and again I couldn't found one inside the huge ship itself. Therefore I'll wait with that decision. The head of the Inquisitor looks about too evil, too sith look-alike, for a normal Pau'an warrior, if you ask me. Maybe I'll find an alternative way for that.

@Junior Shark: Actually I can make some close up's if you want me to and put them on my flickr site.


Yep, already owning the palpatine holo, which I really could use in that moc. Great idea. :)

I already thought of buying a custom cody, but I haven't ordered one yet, but there will be one in this moc. Thanks for the tip with the internetsite, never heared of that one. :)

Well my dear friends, I got one big question to all of you, who are interested in this topic:

I considered to use inside the hangarbay tiles. A lot of tiles. Actually that much, that the each floor on every stage is completely covered up with them.

My question is: Do you think I should keep it that way, without the tiles, or cover the inside floors all up with tiles?

I would use the 8x16 tiles and some of the smaller one's in case.

I'd really glad, if you would reply and helping me solving that huge problem. :D

Kind regards,


Edited by Scorch93

Oh in regards to the Pau'ns, I don't remember seeing any of them directly in the battle of the hanger but there were a bunch of them fighting throughout the city.

Posted (edited)

*pokes head in* Heyyyooo, I was really looking to do one of these, with an at-te posed at the base and some gunships outside. Being rather inexperienced at at mocs I was wondering if you could help me work this one out? Obviously the whole thing would be too much to ask but could you give me the dimensions and major mechanics you used in which areas to hold it together?

Edit: I mean just the dimensions for the hangar itself, the outside wall should be pretty easy to figure out.

Edited by Jackad7

Hi everyone, little update:

I have already ordered the big 8x16 tiles (holy cow, they are very, very expensive) and the required parts to hide the Led-stripes inside the hangarbay. So next week I finally might be able to make some progress on the project. :)

@jackad7: Sure, I'm not really experienced myself I gotta admit, but I might try. ;)

Well, the bay itself is about 84 studs wide and about 73 studs deep (from front to back).

About the plattforms, I just used 1 layer of plates, built one layer of normal bricks inside and on top of that one layer of plates again. This is a really stable construction.

Are there any other questions you got for your project? In case you also can send me a PM or something. :)

Kind regards,


  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Well folks, here is a little update.

I already installed the groundfloor, nearly finished this one, except for tiling out this floor and putting some ornaments in it. The "roof" is full with lamps, hoses, etc. I hope you like it. :)

Further more, I built the 1st and 2nd floor. These two aren't nearly finished at the moment. There will be a lot of details in my next update, I just hadn't the time and pieces to manage this.

As you can see I already installed the Leds. I hope you like the way I have integrated them into the wall. I have to admit, that they aren't that good hidden, but if you turn on the lights on max, you won't see them anyway, because in hiding them more behind pieces, the light would be too much muffled. :)

Well ... next step is finally the hull of the ship on the left and right. :)

After that the "second" module, as I call it, is going to be built.

It would be great if you leave me a comment, feedback, etc., you know how it goes.

Enough talk, here are the pics. (Maybe you check out my flickr site, would be nice of you :) )

Kind regards,


26283896154_740c810d78_c.jpgDSC_0053 by Michael K., on Flickr. The whole moc at the moment. The confused lights in the right side will be a little bit tidied up and I als might add that this here represents the "first module". The "second" module will be dispatchable in order to get transportable. I will build a frame on top, so that the building won't collapse under the weight of the "second" module, because that will also be a heavy part. (Already this here on the pic weighs a lot.)

26821933911_8ca6d4fc9f_c.jpgDSC_0054 by Michael K., on Flickr, an obliquely view of the moc.

26283888044_3db3ba9aae_c.jpgDSC_0059 by Michael K., on Flickr. 2nd floor I might add. In the front you can see that the plattform doesn't look nearly finished. there will be a covering just like on the 1st level in the last picture on the bottom of my post.

26855656666_01491ec586_c.jpgGround floor - finished soon by Michael K., on Flickr. Ground Floor. There will be a door, i just need to built that in the next time. Also you will see some recesses, I will care about that, I just need some more parts. ... :P

26889431435_1e1ae46acf_c.jpgDSC_0058 by Michael K., on Flickr. 1st floor I might add. The ceiling will get some details, like lamps, inverted tiles and so on, also I'll try to put there some computers and stuff, also maybe, if I can get up to that, the three wheelbikes of Grievous. The bikes will have to wait for a while, because I haven't give a thought about the technique on how to make them. And before I forget - details shall also come onto this stage.

Edited by Scorch93
  • 5 months later...
Posted (edited)

Excuse my double posting, but I made some progress since the last post and I thought I wanna share 'em with you here on EB.

I'd be glad if you'd leave me a comment or so - I'd really like to know, how you like it. :)

28682649580_9ec74aaf95_c.jpgDSC_0123 by Michael K., on Flickr

29527916076_2e4e4754b8_c.jpgDSC_0211 by Michael K., on Flickr

29452324622_c2cbda73f9_c.jpgDSC_0206 by Michael K., on Flickr

29452442902_9009c37abe_c.jpgDSC_0204 by Michael K., on Flickr

29562007995_a80d100081_c.jpgDSC_0210 by Michael K., on Flickr

Kind regards,

Edited by Scorch93

Thanks on replying on my moc. :D

Yes, I have to admit, that the moc has some places, where it bends a bit, but not really worth mentioning it.
I'll have to see to that, (I already got a plan, but before I tell anything about it, I have to try it out first) in order to get it fully transportable, because I want to bring it to an exhibition, so a lot of people can look at it. :D
Well, I used 1 layer of plates on the top, then 1 layer of normal bricks and beneath that I used again 1 layer of plates, to get the stages stable. It's not a hard work at all, but the whole moc took a lot of parts already and I think it will consume a lot more from the current point of view.

Kind regards,


It's been a while since we've gotten an update! Well worth the wait, the progress is incredible, this MOC is turning out very well. I love the lights that you added in, but maybe turn the intensity down a touch, perhaps it was the camera though

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