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Wow! Some EXCELLENT looking sets!

So, this year I'll be buying:

All four CITY Impulse sets.

Cargo Plane

Cargo Truck (AWESOME! I was going to get this years Cargo truck, but have never been a fan of the 8-wide. I'll be getting this instead!)

Post Plane

Post Van

(Also 10185 Green Grocer when it gets announced. :-D)

My only criticism is with the minifigs; they could have made some new torso's for the new Cargo company rather than using the generic worker torso. Also, why are both postmen wearing Classic Space jackets? Why not a post company jacket? Other than that, those four sets are near enough perfect!

The Police line on the other hand...I'm undecided. I don't think they suck, I'm just not overly impressed either.

Edited by Mr Hobbles

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Thanks SO much for finding these Legomilk! :'-)

I'll put down my superior opinion! X-D


That little yellow post car and post plane are both excellent! *wub* Glad to see TLC still making 4-wide planes. That truck is pretty cool and is better than the police one, easy way to get cargo, and the forklift is *wub* ! hat big green plane I won't get but you have to admit it doesn't look as bad now! *sweet*


Finally an awesome police station! :'-) I really like this one, and just how modular it is. We get heaps of useful windows, keys, handcuffs and do I spot a PRINTED wanted poster! 8-

Did anyone notice that in the Indy pics, his whip is shown in two different positions? There was the curled design, and then a fainter image of a straight out whip imposed onto it. Maybe the whip will be poseable as we all have hoped!

- U_T

Yep, looks good, perhaps some kind of, ahem, rubber.... 8-|

Ok here are my thoughts after calming down from the police station lol X-D

Postcar: Its an ok iset i guess i will atleast get 1.

Postal Plane: Meh might get it depends how cheap it is.

Delivery Truck: Probable not.

Cargo Plan: Probable not.

Police Truck: Definatly Geting! atleast 2 of these.

Police Helicopter: Will get 1 or 2.

Police Plane :-| :Am i one of the only people that will buy it? besides little 7 yearolds..........?

Police Station: DEFINATLY GETING :'-) maybe even 2 i hope they release the police car and bike seperatly i dont want to get 10 police stations that would be nice X-D but im not rich.

Creator House: OHHH MY GOODNESS im geting atleast 2 of these! :'-) :'-) :'-) .

Other Creator sets.Probable not if any i would get that helicopter mainly cos it looks cool :-) .

Star Wars:Probable will get 1 or more imperial dropship sets also will get 1 (atleast) Anakins Starfighter might buy 2 one of them to customize the rest of the SW sets dont look that great.

Castle:Yuk :-X not geting any maybe the impulse set but thats it!.

Tiny Turbos: I LOVE THAT chase set i might get 2-3 X-D

well those are my thoughts

My thoughts

City:Woah, is that a police station! havnt seen one of those before lol X-D dont normally get this but some of those sets look tempting to buy.

Creator: *wub* the spider and house!

The technic this year dosnt look to good...

SW: already talked about it enough in the SW thread. Probly only get the battle packs. *wub* rebels!

Castle: There are no words to describe how much i *wub* *wub* *wub* these sets!!!!!!Get a lot of these!!!!!

Indy: Already how much I *wub* these sets in the iny thead!1!! *wub* Them!!!!!!!!!!

Those racrs looksweet *sweet* !!!!!!!!

Dont like bionicle....

Exo-force looks sweet next year *wub* Love the new sets! GEt quite a few of these!!!!!!Hmm there are no Ryo sets :'-( does he die or something in the comics???

2008 looks like a great! year!and thats only the January line up! Might even get some of that Dino duplo X-D

I wish that TLC will turn the Duplo Dino theme into lego.

Edited by hollisbrick

well,itlooks like going from 6 shooters to cannons,and i like it!

excellent looking sets,and it appears air(yay!) which means they can use their powers to the extreme(no more kongu getting possibly killed by his air power)and they can shoot makutas out of the sky with bazookas


I'm fine with everything except...


I'm disgusted and interested at the same time.


-Interesting theme. Flying Bionicle...

-Cool sword on the green guy.

- Interesting...bazooka. At least it's better shaped than the Cordak

- Vamprah....Cool wings- bat guy.


-Ugly feet! :-X

-Ew! Ew! Ew! What are those orange balls? And what are those things inside it?! Megabloks! :-X

-The matoran need to be shot.

-So do the canisters

-Most of the masks suck IMHO

-Ugly arms on the matoran

-Once again, we get tall skinny Toa.

...and the list goes on.

Conclusion: Looks to me like the guy who dreamed up the theme was thinking of the Hordika, and the guy how dreamed up the baddies was hired from Megabloks. :'-(

On the other hand...

-The police station could be one of the few city sets I ever get.

-The yellow mail vehicles are amazing

-The green cargo truck is great.

-That Creator helicopter... *wub*

-Exo-Force....At first glance a bit of a letdown, but I'll withhold judgement until I see clearer pics. The Tiger mech looks good from the back, though.

-That's odd. EF has mini-mechs. *wacko*

-New faces for EF figs? HaYaTo looks like a drunken idiot.

Just some things ive noticed.

bad news

Ryo isnbt in any of the exo-force sets :'-( does he die or something???(hope not he's my fave character)

Good news

Also that i think the castle sets will come out in January because it dosnt say anywhere on the catalogue that it will come out in april!


Is that what I think it is...? Anti-Toa?!?! *skull* :-D And they look...amazing....I love them. I'm gonna cry. Those masks look amazing. Are we getting into supernatural-ness for Bionicle 2008?!?! XD Can anyone tell me about this "Toa and Matoran combonation" thing? They really need to decide a color for stone element. Where's Gali, Tahu, and Onua? :-/ Sooo much better than anything from 2006-2007.


Death machines! Hooray! Damn fine! Don't wanna stop looking at that picture...

Keiken looks like he pooped his pants though...Tiny robots, kewl.


Lovin the dirt bike. That dune buggy needs a Technic figure. The truck is okay-ish.


Has construction of the 1990's (some of the best lines evah!) sets!


What the crap is a Rouge Shadow? How does that tie into SW at all?

And who are those minifig in it? Don't recall any of them...well exept for Vader, but when was he damaged...like that?


Could've been better. Another robot one would be nice. A big one too.


Nothin' really new here. Though the yellow plane and van are awesome.


Nice designs, but not that exiting.


Tiny is perfect for them!


Wwwwwaaaaaaayyyyy to girly for me.

Pfft. And they can't bring back the Technic Figure why?



*wub* I LOVE YOU LEGO !!!!!! *wub*

I wanted a small COOL looking helicopter - YOU GAVE IT TO ME !!!!

I wanted a small COOL looking plane - YOU GAVE IT TO ME !!!! (looks like 2928 ;-) )

I wanted a small cargo carrier - I GOT IT !!!! :'-)

This year will go down in history for me as the best absolutely best year for LEGO :'-( * CRYYY * :'-(

Damn, one sure can miss a lot in a few days around here ;-)

Immeasurable thanks Legomilk!

I'm really happy Lego is making more civilian sets like post carriers and cargo vehicles.

Haaaa! the Exo-Force sets re conciliate me with the serie ! *wub*

They look way better than the previous line.

I'm a little disappointed by the Technic serie though. Nothing really exciting here. :-/

Let's just hope that they'll continue with the Life on mars theme too.

Edited by mutex

Wow... one look at those Bionicle sets and I was floored. What more can you ask for in a set? Not only do the Nuva look stunning, the Matoran aren't half bad either. I love that we are getting 13 new masks all at once! Even the bad guys have masks. The enemies floor any villain ever thus far. They're bats. You've got to love the new feature the enemies have as well.

Man. I am impressed.


Gotta love the guys in the czech republic. If anyone needs a translator. Im here ;-)

(Slovak and Czech is similar)


Gotta love the guys in the czech republic. If anyone needs a translator. Im here ;-)

(Slovak and Czech is similar)



Yes please! could you tell us what it says about Speed Racer? *sweet*

TTFN! >:-)

Race Cars Like you"ve never seen before!

From the Creators of The Matrix And V for Vendatta , The brothers Whachovski are desinging a new races in their own special style : Speed Racer!

More or less the first paragraph. Sounds cool!

Staright from the silver screen , comes the speed races in all its glory

I think. Thats what it says... More licenses?

Thanks to supprot from Warner Bros. The Speed racer wil be The Lego Groups Main concern in 2008


Thats more or less it. ;-)

Hey could you pleese translate whatr it says about the star wars, indy and castle. There is a lot so take your time.

cheers *sweet*


We continue with Expanded universe sets


Some models are based on things from the new game - Starwars Force Unleased


The At-Ap was lots of hard work and posed its own set of challanges and has become the icon of this years sets.

I think, not sure it says that

The rouge shadow is based off a ship from the game Force Unleased.

These are shortend translations. As Im too lazy to translate it all.


Nothing intresting exept that there might be future sets

Soon to be in a store near you - 7620, 7622, 7621, 7623, 7624, 7625, 7626, 7627

More sets or are they something else?

Im in a hurry, so Ill translate in detail tommorw *Suspense* ...

Ha in your face Shadows! I am good for something :-P X-D

Suspense On!


Edited by Stauder@55




I think, not sure it says that

These are shortend translations. As Im too lazy to translate it all.


Nothing intresting exept that there might be future sets

More sets or are they something else?

Im in a hurry, so Ill translate in detail tommorw *Suspense* ...

Ha in your face Shadows! I am good for something :-P X-D

Suspense On!


hey thanks *sweet*

Lol the suspense :-D

Stauder, I'd appriciate it if you could translate the main idea and other stuff about Bionicle and this "Phantoka" thing. Like, where it tkes palce and who is who and why and stuff. Or, something.

Wow. i give all thetown sets this year Sexy/10 for now, until closer analyzation.

It looks like the perfect combo of 70's/80's/90's and 2000s town.

Thank you very much for that great news, legomilk!

Here a short (???) comment:

7734 Cargo Plane:

The cargo plane is very well built. I especially like these details like the car, the cargo stuff, the lifting ramp and the "stairs on wheels" (I don't know the real name). It's a pity that it is so big. So I surely won't buy it because it doesn't go with my older City set. Besides I've not enough place - and foresighted all these other nice City sets which will be released in 2008 - not enough money to buy it.

7733 Truck With Forklift:

This set is built excellently. I especially like all these nice details like the cargo stuff, the barrels and the pallets. I would have prefered the two cars to be only four stuck wide (instead of six stuck) and with doors. Nevertheless I surely will buy this set because it is awesome!

7732 Post Plane:

I really like this set because the plane has (for me) the right size! I only hope that TLC will change the suit of the post officer into a "real" suit of a post officer! I'll surely buy it!

7731 Post Car:

This set is a very nice little set! I only hope that TLC will change the suit of the post officer into a "real" suit of a post officer and that they take away this round brick on the mailbox and do a smaller brick under the mailbox because otherwise the mailbox is in comparison to the car and the post officer much too big! It's a pity that TLG created this nice car without doors! I'll surely buy this set!

7741 Police Helicopter and 7743 Police Truck:

The police helicopter and the police truck are very well buit. I especially like the little office which comes with the police truck. But since I've got already three police helicopters and the older version of the police truck from 1995 I won't buy these sets.

7744 Police Station:

This set is built excellently. I especially like the two garages with the rolling gates, the barriers, the dog, the watchtower and the two prison cells. It's very nice to have two prison cells and two prisoners. In the past there always were police station which included only one prison cell and only one prisoner. Two of each makes it much more interesting! Since I posted my proposal of a prison (which was an idea of course of others on EB, too) in http://eurobricks.hosting.ipsyn.com/eurofo...opic=9448&st=30

I'm very glad to sea that this new police station is more like a prison than like a police station! It's a pity that TLG created the two nice cars without doors! Depending on which other City (and Episode 4-6 Star Wars sets) will be released in summer/fall 2008, how I like them and how expensive they'll be I'll buy this set or not.

To summarize:

TLG did a very good job with the new City sets which were presented us here until now. I like it that there will be new cargo boxes in the cargo sets and handcuffs in the police sets. I especially like the smaller sets like the post car, the post plane and the truck with forklift.

If the Coast Rescue HQ will be as nice as these sets and if there will be a new nice post office and hopefully another harbor set with a cargo or passenger ship, 2008 will be a great (and expensive) year!

After TLC did release very bad City set from 1997 until 2005 it seems as if the period of nice Lego City sets (since last year and mainly since next year) blows again!

Thanks for this!

Wow, new postal sets, and as planes! Yay! *sweet* *wub* *wub* *wub*

And Indiana Jones as well!

(collapses from all the excitement) :-D

Can't wait for these to come out. *sweet*

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