January 25, 200916 yr Well you can most likely tell by my name and signature , I mean Broadside had a ship , a fort , a couple of outposts ,Lt. de Martinet , and a whole heap of soldiers Broadside all the way Edited January 26, 200916 yr by Broadside
January 25, 200916 yr Author Governor Who added Captain Green Hair as option 6? I've substituted Green Hair with Captain Brickbeard.
January 31, 200916 yr Lately we have had a lot of polls of in which we vote on who is the best leader, so I thought I would start one between Governor Broadside, and Admiral Woodhouse. I personally like Gov.Broadside better. Not sure why. MAY I HAVE A POLL ADDED PLEASE. THANKS
February 1, 200916 yr Author Governor I've added a poll. So is that blue coated mini-figure which appears in 6242 Soldier's Fort - is he supposed to be a new governor?
February 1, 200916 yr So is that blue coated mini-figure which appears in 6242 Soldier's Fort - is he supposed to be a new governor? Probably yes, or an admiral or other high ranked figure, with a role similar to broadside or woodhouse. Woodhouse gets my vote, I wish I had more than one.
February 1, 200916 yr Gobernador of course!!!! much more elegant with his blue uniform and living in Eldorado!!!
February 1, 200916 yr I've merged the topics, as there doesn't seem to be much point having seperate - and very similar - ones. I've also added the figure from Soldiers' Fort; we'll refer to him as The Governor, until we get a proper name
February 1, 200916 yr I have to say, the new govenor is my favorite. This is due to the fact that he is able to kep some semblance of order in the Carribbean with relatively few men (In think there are only 8 total); 1 fort; and three small boats (one of which has a cannon mounted to it, so it soon will be two boats). So the fact that he exists without being overrun, and is actually seen fighting, are my reasons for choosing the governor.
February 1, 200916 yr Is Woodhouse the one included in the Imperial flagship? Yes, and in Imperial outpost and Imperial trading post.
February 1, 200916 yr I disagree with Huntleyfx, the new Governor doesn't have a ship or even a name. I personally think he cheesy.
February 1, 200916 yr I disagree with Huntleyfx, the new Governor doesn't have a ship or even a name. I personally think he cheesy. For some reason though, I'm not sure why, I really like the torso, probably because it one of the few torsos that would be really appropriate for the Royal Navy.
August 16, 200915 yr The title says it all, who is your favorite leader. Govener Broadside Admiral Woodhouse RedBeard Ironhook King Kahuka Go Broadside!
August 16, 200915 yr Flipguy, there's already a topic for this, so I went ahead and merged the 2. Thanks!
August 17, 200915 yr Broadside for sure! Because with the new Pirates series, it turns out he also leads the redcoats (the 'new' governor is called Broadside in the Lego Battles game).
August 20, 200915 yr if you know about lego ds battles govener broadside is in it! he is the new govennor! a blast from the past is back baby fear him pirates :pir-skull:
August 20, 200915 yr Governor Broadside because he controls the entire Imperial Soldier Army and Navy! ;-) Army and Navy? Indeed, Broadside must me powerful. ~LW 8~
August 23, 200915 yr I voted for King Kahuka. He managed to mold a tribe of bloodthirsty, primitive, pirate-fightin' savages into literate, cultured, pirate-fightin' savages. The Islanders are the coolest subtheme to ever sail the Lego Spanish Main. And Kahuka has the coolest hat TLG has ever invented.
August 28, 200915 yr I'm just curious, can anyone tell me where the name Admiral Woodhouse comes from? I'm definitely not an expert when it comes to these things, but I've never seen anything released by Lego that calls him that. In addition, I was going through some old catalogs and one from 1995 listed the leader of the Imperial Flagship (6271) as Governor Broadside. Now I know that Lego does screw up names etc, quite a bit in different publications, but I thought that was pretty interesting. If anyone can shed some light on this I'd greatly appreciate it!
August 29, 200915 yr I second King Kahuka, he was somehow able to offer resistance to invading Pirates with warriors and spears...and sometimes still win!
September 7, 200915 yr I voted for Captain Ironhook because he always appealed to me as not having as much power as Captain Roger but for being a bit of a sneaky pirate who would fight if he had to (lego pirate misadventure, on youtube portrays him best). Admiral Woodhouse has a close second because I like the redcoats for the set imperial trading post.
September 20, 200915 yr Captain Redbeard is close but he appears in too many sets. Back when he first came out he was only in the BSB and Eldorado Fortress. My vote goes to one of my favorite figs, Governor Broadside, who to this day only appeared in the Caribbean Clipper and Eldorado fortress, both were slightly different because of the different colored plumes he wore. He is also a very cool fig, I loved his torso and printed bricorn hat. Edited September 20, 200915 yr by Macoco
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