January 18, 20169 yr Anyone else dying to know how this is going?!! I am very excited for this module. Well, I had the structure complete quite quickly and the tubing was going along fine. Then came a busy holiday-'season' and I forgot about it But, you helped me remember it. Hopefully the LDraw file will be done this week. Note that I decided to NOT copy the exact tubing lengths of Aikyuki's model. For several reasons, including: that 2 very long tubes look better in the LDraw file It is very, very difficult to match the digital lengths with the real-world lengths It doesn't matter that much anyway. As long as you have enough clips to connect all the tubes, you're probably fine.
January 18, 20169 yr Author Note that I decided to NOT copy the exact tubing lengths of Aikyuki's model. For several reasons, including: that 2 very long tubes look better in the LDraw file It is very, very difficult to match the digital lengths with the real-world lengths It doesn't matter that much anyway. As long as you have enough clips to connect all the tubes, you're probably fine. Did you base your model on Akiyuki's original design or one of his later videos? This module seems to have changed and grown a lot over the years. This is going to lead to an challenging Bricklink problem. Since the rigid tubing is listed as separate part numbers at each length, how can you search for which seller has the most quantity across a variety of lengths? I'm going to need a lot of it and it is often hard to find. Is this the only module which is totally passive with no motor? I think it might be.
January 19, 20169 yr Did you base your model on Akiyuki's original design or one of his later videos? This module seems to have changed and grown a lot over the years. I didn't knew it changed a lot over the other videos (I didn't even know it appeared in other videos). I just based the construction on the main video of the marble run. Do you maybe have an example? This is going to lead to an challenging Bricklink problem. Since the rigid tubing is listed as separate part numbers at each length, how can you search for which seller has the most quantity across a variety of lengths? I'm going to need a lot of it and it is often hard to find. Yup. I was wondering about the same. When I started the LDraw file, I did a quick look at the available lengths, and there are a lot of different lengths and most of them (especially the larger ones) are not sold very much. There are a few relatively long ones in relatively large quantities. For example 75c20 in LBG or 75c22 in black. Altough, if you're planning to build this, I think it's best to buy a few different lengths.. Because,otherwise you can end up in the situation where you have only 1 length and you get 'stuck' where you need 1L more or less to attach it correctly to the structure. Also keep in mind that you need a lot of these to attach all the tubes. They are not in the file (because I have no idea where to put them, because that depends on the tube lenghts you use). Is this the only module which is totally passive with no motor? I think it might be. I think it is.
January 19, 20169 yr I've been hoarding rigid tube, in any long lengths and in any colour.. in anticipation of making a big rollercoaster There seems to be a lot in brown.. not sure what sets had a lot of them I bought a lot of those clips... but you also need a lot of these: http://alpha.bricklink.com/pages/clone/catalogitem.page?P=4085d#T=S&O={} (any of the 4 variants will work) I ran out of those (use for mounting to the structure), before I ran out of 76981 I did build a quick trial rollercoaster, but I was not confident it could stand up to a big GBC event, with people bumping the table occasionally
January 19, 20169 yr Heres an idea, perhaps someone could give an estimate of how many LDU/studs/mm of total tubing will be needed and that will help figure out the double clip needs as well. I myself have been hording....I bought many of the longer lengths in blue and red a month ago but there are a few that are surprisingly available in decently long lengths. But again, I'm just guessing and will probably end up with way too much...but thats life. Edited January 19, 20169 yr by nychase
January 19, 20169 yr Heres an idea, perhaps someone could give an estimate of how many LDU/studs/mm of total tubing will be needed and that will help figure out the double clip needs as well. I myself have been hording....I bought many of the longer lengths in blue and red a month ago but there are a few that are surprisingly available in decently long lengths. But again, I'm just guessing and will probably end up with way too much...but thats life. LDcad can give an (estimated?) length of the flexible parts, so a total length is on the way
January 19, 20169 yr Author On 1/18/2016 at 11:48 PM, legolijntje said: I didn't knew it changed a lot over the other videos (I didn't even know it appeared in other videos). I just based the construction on the main video of the marble run. Do you maybe have an example? The original marble run consisted of about 4 levels and was black, turquoise, and yellow and was used as an output for his elevator module. Later versions were much bigger and had more like 6 levels and included blue tubing. For example, in this video you can see it as an output to the bucket wheel tower. However, it also looks like he is currently using a much taller bucket wheel tower than we have produced instructions for (instructions have 6 buckets, Akiyuki currently has 8). Can you give me height of your input in LDU so I can see if it lines up with the output of the tower? Quote There are a few relatively long ones in relatively large quantities. For example 75c20 in LBG or 75c22 in black. Altough, if you're planning to build this, I think it's best to buy a few different lengths.. Because,otherwise you can end up in the situation where you have only 1 length and you get 'stuck' where you need 1L more or less to attach it correctly to the structure. I am going to try using commercial 3mm pneumatic tubing from McMaster Carr. It comes in many colors.
January 20, 20169 yr Author Has anyone actually built the pneumatic module yet? I have been working on the instructions and I am a bit concerned about it structurally. There are no studded rails like the normal modules, instead there is a just a single studless level at the bottom. I'm worried that it will be too flimsy to transport. I'll be building it next week to find out for certain. I've also created some draft PDF instructions for the bucket factory. Anyone willing to test them? Please volunteer only if you are serious about building this model in the near term.
January 20, 20169 yr I've also created some draft PDF instructions for the bucket factory. Anyone willing to test them? Please volunteer only if you are serious about building this model in the near term. Whats the Bucket Factory.... Sorry, you meant Ball Factory. Edited January 20, 20169 yr by nychase
January 20, 20169 yr Is anyone going to have a go at reverse-engineering his six-axis robot arm? I can't see it being much use in a GBC module, but I desperately want a 6-axis robot arm to play with. There don't seem to be any cheap kits (that are reliable, and actually come with controllers and software), and everything tends to be expensive! Apart from the mechanics the hard part would be the inverse kinematics software to run on the EV3s to get the smooth motion that this robot arm can manage.
January 20, 20169 yr In conjunction with those instructions, I need to upload the timing video that you will need to get the factory working. The timing is spread throughout all my build videos for the module, but I shot one video for JUST the timing and I need to get it edited and uploaded. I'll post the link here once it's up.
January 20, 20169 yr That would be great ReBricker because I have built the Ball Factory based on these instructions but am struggling with the timing even though I watched your videos during the build. Power1369
January 20, 20169 yr Author In conjunction with those instructions, I need to upload the timing video that you will need to get the factory working. The timing is spread throughout all my build videos for the module, but I shot one video for JUST the timing and I need to get it edited and uploaded. I'll post the link here once it's up. Thanks ReBricker. Once you do that I'll add a link to the timing video within the instructions. Whats the Bucket Factory.... Sorry, you meant Ball Factory. I typically call it the bucket factory to more easily distinguish it from the other modules. They are all ball factories, after a fashion. One mod I would like to add to this module is the 21st bucket. It was discovered late in the process that Akiyuki actually uses 21 buckets instead of 20 but only if the 2nd conveyor goes slower than the first. This would make precise timing of the bucket shifter less critical. The mod is quite simple; some gears just need to be swapped in one of the gearbox brackets.
January 20, 20169 yr Is anyone going to have a go at reverse-engineering his six-axis robot arm? I can't see it being much use in a GBC module, but I desperately want a 6-axis robot arm to play with. There don't seem to be any cheap kits (that are reliable, and actually come with controllers and software), and everything tends to be expensive! Apart from the mechanics the hard part would be the inverse kinematics software to run on the EV3s to get the smooth motion that this robot arm can manage. If I can organize a second ev3 I'll probably give it a try. But as he labels it as a demo I expect that he'll release a final version. To be really useful as a alternative to commercial kits some kind of hand and maybe a track base would be useful. I assume his final version will be include some elements from his existing robot and the . The usefulness in GBC modules he already showed in some of his videos.The software will really be a rather hard part, but controlling it over a regular pc make this aspect easier to handle.
January 20, 20169 yr Apart from the mechanics the hard part would be the inverse kinematics software to run on the EV3s to get the smooth motion that this robot arm can manage. The software will really be a rather hard part, but controlling it over a regular pc make this aspect easier to handle. I did my PhD in robotics, so I can help with that part. I don't have any EV3s, but I can help with the math. I think the possibilities with this arm in a GBC module are endless!
January 20, 20169 yr Oh, what an excellent topic I am also going to build a marble run, and bought my black rigid hoses from Bricks and Pieces. They were the cheapest, and postage is low. The reddish brown comes in Ewok Village, Thanks for the effort put into this. Great resources.
January 20, 20169 yr would be very happy to review PDF instructions + timing video.. I'm about half way through my build (Thanks Rebricker!! :) Didn't get it done before Brickvention, and will have some spare time on the weekend to check how I'm going I had the first half working.. but then, at one point bumped something, and knocked the timing out.. so I now have to go through everything again, and recheck. (the times when you get annoyed a build, and have to leave it, and return later, with more enthusiasm!) I'm also not sure why it's bumping the next bucket on the wheel so much, as you can see in the video... I also think I've got 'Bob' running backwards.. as he brings the bucket in fast, and returns slow... fun fun fun...
January 21, 20169 yr Whats the Bucket Factory.... Sorry, you meant Ball Factory. Bucket Factory from Year 2010 ? Min. 4:06 - 4:53 anyone build this Module ? I like the two arms mechanical with the chromed dishes Edited January 21, 20169 yr by Mogwai
January 21, 20169 yr Well, here's the LDraw file for the Marble Run as in the .A few notes: As said before, the two hoses are just two really long hoses in the file. In the real model, you connect all hoses using a lot of 60470. Those are not in the LDraw file. According to LDCad, both hoses 5679 mm long. So, 11358 mm or 11.358 meter in total. I have no idea if that's right. It sounds like quite a lot The start at the top is a little different than in the video, because in the video it's attached to the module before it. The file has some (basic) STEP commands. No full instructions or ROTSTEPS. The ldraw file has quite a large filesize because of the 2 hoses
January 21, 20169 yr A visual approximation (counting studs in straight portions, number and average dimension of turns) gave me 5.4m for each tube, so I guess that your 11 meters figure is right! Edited January 21, 20169 yr by Philo
January 21, 20169 yr I need to upload the timing video that you will need to get the factory working. I'm looking forward to that! I've just built a yellow version but the timing is all wrong. Big thanks to the Rebricker for the awesome video instructions. It's been a brilliant experience building this. hats off to Akiyuki. The man is a genius....
January 21, 20169 yr Author The ldraw file has quite a large filesize because of the 2 hoses You're not kidding! I think that's the largest LDraw file I have ever seen. We'll see how well LPub can handle it for making instructions. I'm looking forward to that! I've just built a yellow version but the timing is all wrong. Big thanks to the Rebricker for the awesome video instructions. It's been a brilliant experience building this. hats off to Akiyuki. The man is a genius.... Wow, that's a lot of yellow! I like the unique look of it.
January 21, 20169 yr Well, here's the LDraw file for the Marble Run as in the . After looking at this Ldraw....am I the only one thinking..."hmm...I bet we could easily add a second run to this same assembly to have two different tracks?" I know Akiyuki did that with his ribbed hose version but I can't see any reason why it can't be done to the smooth. The only thing I can think is needed to put the passive diverter at the top like Between min 1:05-1:10 of the link from before. Also, it would appear as though we HAVE to have the elevator lift (yes I'm aware there are plenty of other ways to lift the balls) for this marble run. Who's stepping up?
January 22, 20169 yr After looking at this Ldraw....am I the only one thinking..."hmm...I bet we could easily add a second run to this same assembly to have two different tracks?" I know Akiyuki did that with his ribbed hose version but I can't see any reason why it can't be done to the smooth. The only thing I can think is needed to put the passive diverter at the top like Between min 1:05-1:10 of the link from before. Also, it would appear as though we HAVE to have the elevator lift (yes I'm aware there are plenty of other ways to lift the balls) for this marble run. Who's stepping up? i might have a go at it
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