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Technic Crane Contest

The crane contest proved to be very hard. Less contestants than usual, but still a lot of very nice entries. Well done to all of you. Here are the results:

technic_gold.png 1st

Kenworth K100 Crane Truck by Efferman

Entry Topic - Discussion Topic

Efferman's first medal....and what a nice one! Congratulations with your Gold Medal.


technic_silver.png 2nd

Jerfeds Hamnkran by DavSod

Entry Topic - Discussion Topic

Only 6 posts and already a Silver Medal! Congratulations. Can't wait to see more of your work!


technic_bronze.png 3rd

UNIC URW-094 Mini Spider Crane by JamesJT

Entry Topic - Discussion Topic

Congratulations with yet another Bronze Medal. You seem to be collecting them :wink:



Name: Technic Crane Contest

Start Date: 07-09-2015

Entries: 18

Valid voters: 108

Total points: 2808

Members participating (building and/or voting): 112


1. Kenworth K100 Crane Truck - 471 Points (77 votes) efferman (entry 1)

2. Jerfeds Hamnkran - 358 Points (76 votes) DavSod (entry 6)

3. UNIC URW-094 Mini Spider Crane - 277 Points (72 votes) JamesJT (entry 9)

4. Liebherr LTC 1045 - 268 Points (57 votes) Milan (entry 16)

5. Gantry Crane - 253 Points (54 votes) paave (entry 5)

6. Folding Crane - 226 Points (53 votes) Erik Leppen (entry 12)

7. Mammoth 8x8 All Terrain Mobile Crane - 220 Points (44 votes) Zblj (entry 3)

8. Dock Container Crane - 173 Points (48 votes) Doc_Brown (entry 10)

9. Ancient Greek Crane - 123 Points (38 votes) rhplus (entry 15)

10. Liebherr LR1100 D - 112 Points (37 votes) fabione (entry 17)

11. Terex Luffing Jib Tower Crane - 104 Points (31 votes) Doug72 (entry 2)

12. Grove Shuttlelift CD3339 - 92 Points (20 votes) lindr6 (entry 4)

13. Modular Crawler Crane - 40 Points (10 votes) Sir Wolf (entry 13)

14. Trailer Crane - 33 Points (10 votes) Ludo Visser (entry 14)

15. 6-Axle Mobile Crane - 30 Points (12 votes) kubic (entry 7)

16. Grove Trailer Crane - 14 Points (4 votes) aminnich (entry 18)

17. Big Ol' Red Pipelayer - 10 Points (3 votes) MacKaiwer (entry 11)

18. Crawler Crane with a Three Stage Boom - 4 Points (2 votes) Epic Technic (entry 8)

Total Points: 2808


1. 2LegoOrNot2Lego... (Joined: 25-10-2010)

2. a_h_adl (Joined: 08-10-2014)

3. ADMartin (Joined: 22-08-2015)

4. agrof (Joined: 23-06-2012)

5. Alasdair Ryan (Joined: 22-11-2009)

6. Aleksa (Joined: 01-09-2015)

7. allanp (Joined: 15-09-2006)

8. aminnich (Joined: 13-06-2013)

9. AndroTech (Joined: 08-06-2010)

10. arik (Joined: 16-07-2013)

11. aTom336 (Joined: 28-06-2015)

12. AxelKang (Joined: 12-01-2014)

13. Baelyrn (Joined: 24-08-2013)

14. bj51 (Joined: 19-08-2014)

15. bord4kop (Joined: 06-10-2010)

16. braker23 (Joined: 22-10-2014)

17. brunojj1 (Joined: 17-10-2012)

18. BusterHaus (Joined: 19-07-2014)

19. captainmib (Joined: 06-08-2011)

20. cehtunger (Joined: 07-01-2015)

21. chi65 (Joined: 09-01-2011)

22. chubays (Joined: 15-01-2015)

23. Cristian (Joined: 23-04-2015)

24. Cumulonimbus (Joined: 06-06-2011)

25. Dave21 (Joined: 06-07-2014)

26. DavSod (Joined: 31-10-2015)

27. desert752 (Joined: 12-07-2013)

28. dhc6twinotter (Joined: 02-05-2010)

29. Diablo5 (Joined: 18-07-2014)

30. Doug72 (Joined: 29-09-2010)

31. dr_spock (Joined: 28-12-2009)

32. efferman (Joined: 03-05-2010)

33. Erik Leppen (Joined: 07-09-2009)

34. filsawgood (Joined: 13-05-2014)

35. Flying-K (Joined: 29-08-2015)

36. Focus (Joined: 10-08-2015)

37. gmshades (Joined: 19-04-2011)

38. Good old Lego builder (Joined: 08-07-2011)

39. GroundskeeperWillie (Joined: 21-08-2015)

40. grum64 (Joined: 15-03-2011)

41. gvo25 (Joined: 19-02-2015)

42. Halhi 141 (Joined: 22-03-2015)

43. Hefe (Joined: 15-09-2015)

44. Henkl (Joined: 31-07-2011)

45. Hoth-Wampa (Joined: 12-05-2014)

46. imajor (Joined: 23-08-2010)

47. imurvai (Joined: 26-12-2012)

48. Interceptor (Joined: 19-11-2012)

49. Ivka (Joined: 22-08-2015)

50. JamesJT (Joined: 14-10-2012)

51. Jay Psi (Joined: 23-02-2015)

52. Jeroen Ottens (Joined: 12-02-2012)

53. JJ2 (Joined: 05-08-2015)

54. JohnBS (Joined: 24-02-2015)

55. jono.rocky (Joined: 08-06-2010)

56. jorgeopesi (Joined: 30-05-2010)

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58. Jurss (Joined: 13-02-2015)

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61. kolbjha (Joined: 12-07-2014)

62. krisandkris12 (Joined: 19-08-2014)

63. kubic (Joined: 06-06-2015)

64. lindr6 (Joined: 21-12-2014)

65. Lucio Switch (Joined: 05-09-2014)

66. LucyCol (Joined: 18-04-2015)

67. Ludo Visser (Joined: 29-12-2014)

68. LXF (Joined: 03-04-2015)

69. M5Technic (Joined: 11-09-2015)

70. MacKaiwer (Joined: 02-02-2015)

71. Madoca 1977 (Joined: 02-12-2013)

72. MajklSpajkl (Joined: 10-08-2014)

73. MaxSupercars (Joined: 29-05-2015)

74. Meisterschnorrer (Joined: 27-09-2015)

75. Moz (Joined: 14-05-2011)

76. muffinbrick (Joined: 26-09-2015)

77. mzoli (Joined: 25-01-2014)

78. nerdsforprez (Joined: 26-07-2014)

79. Nick Barrett (Joined: 28-02-2015)

80. Omikron (Joined: 12-01-2012)

81. paave (Joined: 06-06-2015)

82. parngon (Joined: 07-10-2015)

83. Pat-Ard (Joined: 22-01-2012)

84. PeterF (Joined: 19-02-2015)

85. PistenBully 600 (Joined: 16-07-2014)

86. pyro690 (Joined: 17-09-2015)

87. rener (Joined: 26-11-2009)

88. rhplus (Joined: 14-08-2014)

89. Rishab N (Joined: 27-12-2012)

90. Rockbrick (Joined: 21-08-2013)

91. rollermonkey (Joined: 10-05-2013)

92. Samer (Joined: 01-10-2015)

93. Samolot (Joined: 16-02-2015)

94. SamS (Joined: 18-03-2015)

95. Sarmatian (Joined: 06-09-2015)

96. Sir Wolf (Joined: 09-09-2015)

97. Skandinavc FH (Joined: 27-07-2014)

98. skriblez (Joined: 30-06-2013)

99. super-jaschka (Joined: 23-07-2014)

100. Technic Jim (Joined: 02-07-2015)

101. TheItalianBrick (Joined: 20-05-2014)

102. Thirdwigg (Joined: 18-04-2012)

103. Tomik (Joined: 02-06-2010)

104. Tommy Styrvoky (Joined: 09-05-2014)

105. VFracingteam (Joined: 01-12-2011)

106. Victor Imaginator (Joined: 28-06-2015)

107. Zblj (Joined: 16-08-2009)

108. zux (Joined: 28-05-2013)

  • Author

Unfortunately no prizes for this contest, so you will have to be satisfied with the Eternal Glory, entry in the HoF and of course your medal. I will frontpage the winners shortly.

Congrats to all!

The first 2 places... 1 vote difference... and the 3rd place also very near... hard contest... very good creations a lot of inspiration... :)


  • Author

Congrats to all!

The first 2 places... 1 vote difference... and the 3rd place also very near... hard contest... very good creations a lot of inspiration... :)


It's not the votes that count, it's the total score. 471 vs 358 makes a pretty clear winner :wink:

3nd and 4th were close though.

1. Kenworth K100 Crane Truck - 471 Points (77 votes) efferman (entry 1)

2. Jerfeds Hamnkran - 358 Points (76 votes) DavSod (entry 6)

3. UNIC URW-094 Mini Spider Crane - 277 Points (72 votes) JamesJT (entry 9)

Looks like I'm pretty close to the "average" vote - my 1st, 3rd & 4th places came 1st, 2nd & 3rd. Jim, was there anyone whose votes matched the end results exactly from 1st to 3rd, 4th, etc? Fell free to tell me off if you think I'm being lazy!

Congratulations to the podium finishers, and well done to everyone that entered this great contest.

Edited by Jay Psi

Congratulations to all! The entries were all very impressive!

I agree it was hard. It was the first crane I built, and also my first studless build (except some cosmetic parts). I'm very honoured for the points I received, thanks!

Congrats to all the winners! This was a hard challenge.

It's not the votes that count, it's the total score.

Upps sorry... :)

Edited by MaxSupercars

Well done to everyone that took part in this contest - some realy great ideas and designs.

Has re-kindled my interest in building cranes, this time in Lego not Meccano.

Congrats to the top 3!! :thumbup: All the entries made the voting tuff! Great job to all entries!! :thumbup: :thumbup:

Yay! I got first place at the bottom of the list! :grin: :grin:

Congratulations to the winners and all the contestants!

Wow. Entered this contest with hopes of maybe reaching top 10.

Never would've thought second place were a possibility. :blush:

Thank you everyone and congratulations to the other contestants. :classic:

Hopefully my WIP, which have been on hold for some time, will get posted soon.

Great competition, thank you Jim and Milan. I had not built a crane before and probably never would have without TC8. I did learn a lot.

Great contest! Congrats to the winners! :laugh:

I was amazed by the number of votes and points I got, thank you all who voted for me!

I entered for the love of cranes, didn't think I'd score any points, but yay! :laugh:

I had loads of fun making my crane. I actually modified it a bit, and now it's sitting there... :sweet:

One fun thing I noticed is that entries 1, 5, 13 and 14 ranked with their entry numbers! How's that for a coincidence!?

Congrats Efferman! Your model definitely packed everything in very eloquently, a well deserved win for sure!

And congrats to all of the other contestants, it was a real joy watching this contest progress! Also thank you Milan for hosting the contest, and Jim for doing the heavy lifting ;-)

Awesome cranes, lovely techniques, huge builds, I loved to watch this competition. Congrats to all the participants!

Congratulations to the winners and a big thank you to Jim and Milan. I enjoyed the building a lot and I would never expect more than a few votes. It was my first studless build ever and the other great entries also inspired me a lot. I will certainly remember some techniques used by contestants to create their stunning models. Can't wait for TC9 (I know it will appear soon on the forum). Thank you for the support you gave me as a new member.

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