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¬ From the Journal of Jack Jones, Entry Date Lost, Named Day 0.


This place is damned. So many people have died since I got here. We’ve gotten separated from the main group...and we’re hunting down a shadow...seriously crazy shit, and I have no idea where any alliances lie.


Sorry, I didn’t mean to begin in medias res like this, but I’m going to have to go back to supply some context to this whole thing. My name is Jack Jones. There’s some number after it, but it’s pretty large by now. I was named after some old ancestor hundreds of years ago. He was a colonel, and that’s all I really know about him.


Anyway, I’m a choir instructor of a really talented lot of kids, and we got a fantastic offer to go to Scotland to perform. So, my wife - Julia - and I took the whole lot of kids on a plane trip. But we never reached the destination. Of course.


A horrible storm began, the plane started shaking, and before any of us could discern any plan of control in the chaos, we were plummeting directly towards a mountain. Braeriach, Dougal says the name of the mountain is.


We crashed, of course, as we had no control, and a lot of passengers and attendants died...some of the kids, too. I fell in the snow, as wreckage crashed down, and it seemed like the entire world was on fire. One of the engines exploded near me, and I was knocked unconscious by the blast.


I woke up in a bed with Dougal and Julia standing by my bedside. Dougal introduced himself, and told me that I was in an ancient and sacred place - a remnant of Scandinavian Scotland, when the Norse controlled some of the land now part of the United Kingdom. He called it a...a….I can’t remember the exact phrase, but it was “something”hall.


I asked him how he’d gotten here, in this mountain, and he replied that he had also arrived on a crash, some two years earlier. So...our plane not only crashed on a mountain, but it was the second plane to crash on this mountain. A bit coincidental, and undoubtedly strange.


Anyway, since I wasn’t injured too badly, Dougal and Julia helped me out of bed and took me to the Hall, where everyone was introducing themselves…

I noticed that, wow, a lot more people had died than expected. I had been planning on around twenty-five still alive at least, but it was quite saddening to see how only around seventeen remained. But, I would treasure those that were still here, and I knew Dougal would, too.

¬ End Journal Entry.

Characters (and Players)


Jack Jones (JackJonespaw) - Jack was the leader of a choir, and now, one of the two leaders in the Hall. Moderately courageous, and definitely handsome, his entire life is now making sure that he, his wife, and the kids can survive and, God willing, get rescued. He is a tenor, but his voice can sing at all male ranges. Useful skill for the male choir instructor.


Dougal Logan (DannyLongLegs) - Dougal has been in the Hall for two years, and has dedicated that time, aside from keeping the survivors of the First Crash alive, to grooming the perfect beard and hair. He believes he has accomplished this, and now spends his time searching through the gigantic Hall looking for a pair of eyebrow tweezers so that his countenance might finally be perfected. Brave and somewhat grumpy, Dougal is a kind soul, and will try his best to keep a new lot of people alive. Dougal does sing, but his range is currently unknown, as his fierce eyebrows keep those kinds of questions at bay.


Julia Jones (CallMePie) - The wife of Jack, and the much more level-headed of the couple, Julia tends to take control when Jack can’t or won’t. Or when she thinks he’s wrong. Which is often. She is also a fantastic Soprano singer, and she trains the girls of the choir. She has always secretly wanted to shatter glass with her voice, but she’s always felt guilty that she would break something valuable or expensive.


Gale Appleton (Piratedave84) - Gale is one of the youngest bass singers in the United Kingdom, as well as one of the fattest. He enjoys his eats, in other words. AfterPer arriving in the Hall, Gale located and raided the kitchen, until Dink caught him and threw him out of there, angrily cursing. Not much about Gale’s personality is known, as most of his time is spent eating or singing, sometimes at the same time, much to Jack’s distaste.


Foorth Dyke (Tamamono) - Foorth is a robot with heightened intelligence and a fetish for scarves. His intelligence is so high that he is aware that this is merely a Mafia game on Eurobricks, not his actual life. He was awakened a bit over two years ago, promptly got on a plane, which crashed into Braeriach. He constantly tries to tell his fellow survivors that they can just walk off the brick-built set and they’ll be fine, but the only reply he gets is “shut up Foorth, stop metagaming”.


Molly Tolbert (Lady K) - Molly is the oldest of the choir, and no doubt the most beautiful, as she likes to let people know. She also is the main soloist of the choir, with a soprano to rival Julia’s. She’s very interested in the Hall’s history, as her father tells her brave stories about her ancestor, an ancient Scandanavian warrior who said he was Thor’s son. Believing to be descended from such God-ly roots doesn’t help her ego become more tolerable.


Lage “Dink” Skjeggestad (TinyPieRUs) - Dink is Norwegian, although he was raised in England, and his last name is nearly unpronounceable for any non-Norwegian. Since childhood, Dink has loved to cook, and although he isn’t very successful at it, still he tries, and that’s more than anyone else in the Hall does. Dink happily cooks alone, in peace, and hums to himself with his pleasant baritone. It’s rumored that Dink had a family who died in the first crash First Crash, but no one dares to ask him about it.


Woodcock (Bob) - Woodcock is an ancient automaton and guardian of the Hall, given life some old magic. He was awoken by the First Crash, and his memory is quite sparse. He remembers the first letter of the man who gave him life...started with an ‘H’, but that is nearly the extent of his remembered origins. As automatons go, Woodcock is one of the happier sort, ending many sentences with words like “splendid” and “fantastic”, despite the subject.


Mike Johnson (mediumsnowman) - Mike is proud to be an American. And he lives in a Hall with people who couldn’t give less of damn about it. Haughty and rather rude, Mike nevertheless guarantees safety no matter what the situation. He tends to quote many stories of his time in the Air Force, despite Braeriach being the absolute worst place for anything Air Force related. There are no planes for Mike in the Hall.


Anthony Dixon (jluck) - Anthony tries to be the most handsome, the most talented, the smartest, but it just doesn’t work out for him. As the male lead for the choir, he is quite unused to not being in the spotlight, and doesn’t like being out of it. He also tends to sing instead of talking, like he’s in the musicals he’s so fond of. Most of the choir, including Jack and Julie, and now the survivors from the First Crash, find Anthony just a talented annoyance.


Quincy Easton (KingoftheZempk) - Qunicy is cursed with hyperhidrosis of the body, an exceedingly rare disorder. As such, he is constantly soaked with sweat, and usually isolated, since no one wants to touch him or be near enough to smell his salty sweat. Even in the choir, he sings alone, the sole countertenor in the choir.


Delwyn Couch (RangeroftheForest) - A survivalist to the core, Delwyn thrived after the First Crash, happily organizing and planning their next move. Even with Dougal as the leader, Delwyn works closely with him as his second-in-command, carefully weighing the odds. The only thing that could be more exciting and interesting about her life was if….if there was a group of killers that she had to find!


Lusk Eccleston (fhomess) - Lusk is the type of man to look in the mirror and get an erection at his own moustache. His moustache is his pride and joy, as is his dazzling smile. He constantly drops hints in Mike’s direction that he is deeply in love with him, but Mike is too proud to even notice him. Lusk searches for a way to have Mike fall in love with him and his moustache.


Perce Triggs (Tachyon) - Perce’s favorite phrase is “oh geez”, which is his response to mostly every situation or question. Most have learned just not to ask Perce anything, as they will never get an answer. When Perce isn’t “geez”-ing, he quietly mutters to himself and drums out melodies with his fingers. It is unsure if Perce is a genius, or absolutely insane. At least when he sings Baritone, he never sings “oh geez”.


Doctor Wynn (Tariq j) - Doctor Wynn is a curious sort. A few days after the First Crash, he walked into the Hall, and everyone assumed he had just woken up from some sort of coma after the Crash and had found his way into the Hall. The good Doctor knows a lot about a lot, and has absolutely no problem babbling frantically, in a varying accent from the British Isles, about just about anything while doctoring. The doctor is deeply altruistic, caring about everything and everyone, although on the rare occasion that someone annoys him, he begins to spout on about “stupid apes” and “onyx”. No one is really sure what he means, nor why he hates monkeys and gemstones so much.


Duke Bowman (Cutcobra) - Duke, or, Bowman, as he’s more often called, is...well, he’s an big behind. A big one. “Jerk” might be a more appropriate word, but either way he’s not exactly the nicest resident of the Hall. It’s no secret that he was an agent before the First Crash, as he often gets drunk and tells everyone...everything. He also carries a loaded pistol around the Hall, and if anyone protests, he shoots them in the foot. At the very least, he spends a lot of time with Elijah in the garden, which gets him out of everyone else’s hair.


Elijah (def) - Elijah didn’t want to tell anyone his last name, and no one asked after that. However, mysterious reasoning aside, without Elijah, the survivors of the First Crash would have starved to death long ago. A passionate gardener, Elijah has rows and rows of crops beneath the Hall, and he fervently forbids anyone to go down there, except Dink, who he works very closely with, to make sure that his plants are cooked as best as possible. Elijah, despite his mystery, is not a cruel man, and he makes sure that everyone is happy, well, as far as plants are concerned. Elijah also has a large interest in some sort of “special grass”, an interest that is shared by Duke.


Ray Christiansen (Dragonfire) - Ray was a Broadway star before the First Crash. A star, he’ll say, stressing the “s” and looking into your eye with an intensity not seen by many. A performer, Ray is quite flamboyant and over-dramatic, thus he loves being on the mountain and in the Hall, a perfect stage for the production he believes that he’s in. Personality-wise, nobody's quite sure, as Ray is always pursuing different characters and pretending he has been and always will be that character.


Ewan Breckenridge (mostlytechnic) - If you asked anyone who they thought was the coolest, most survival-oriented, bravest, strongest, and least-forgotten, there’s no doubt that they’d mention Ewan. Compared to Ewan, even Delwyn and Dougal seem like amateurs. Ewan is...well...badass. He solely takes on scouting missions around Braerich, and although he can get down the mountain with little effort, many of the residents of the Hall could not...he gets quite angry at how easy it could be to get down, but how unwilling everyone else seems to try.

Anyone can post in this thread, but players are required to, at least once, to confirm that they are playing. Players, make sure to also change your avatar or add it in your signature along with the name of you character. Also make sure you read the rules. Don't assume you know them all, because I can promise you that you don't this time around.

A Few Host Comments:

1. Man, I'm really excited to be hosting! I've been working on this game since around April, and I've had a lot of help with Danny along the way, so I'm very happy and proud to call him my cohost.

2. I know it says this in the rules, but if you want to PM me about anything in this game, feel free to. I know this will sound very conceited of me, but if you want a copy of any of the hi-res 2500 x 1080 pictures instead of the low 1024 x whatever that I scale it down to here, absolutely message me. I'd be more than happy to supply you with a link.

3. Like in Blacktron, a few names are references. Unlike Blacktron, not every name is a reference. You get no cookie for guessing all of them, but I'm interested to see if you can get some. Just for fun.


1. Each player will be given a character to play, who will be aligned with either the Town or the Shadows. To win the game, the Town must kill all enemy factions, while the Shadows must outnumber all enemy factions.

2. Each day (except Day 1) you will be able to vote to lynch a player. Voting should be done in the following format; Vote: Character (Player). Similarly, unvoting is to be done in the format; Unvote: Character (Player). No other format will be accepted. A majority vote is required to lynch a player.

3. A game day will last for 72 hours. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. After the day has concluded, a night stage will commence, which will last a maximum of 48 hours. Night actions must be sent to the host in the first 24 hours of the night stage.

4. The alignment of lynched players, as well as those that died during the night, will be revealed at the beginning of the next day.

5. You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to or from you in PM with the game host. This includes all the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage.

6. Do not play the game outside the thread. Similarly, do not post out of character inside the thread; you must always play the role given to you. Game tactics and roles may only be discussed in the game thread or via PM with other players. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game.

7. If you are dead, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any of the players. Any information you had becomes void and may not be passed on.

8. You may not edit your posts. Editing your post will result in a vote penalty on the first two occasions, and a mod-kill on the third.

9. You must post in every day thread.

10. If you encounter a problem or have any further questions, feel free to contact either Danny or me via PM.

11. Generally, there are no gameplay mechanics in the pictures. However, in each opening Day's pictures, there will be something that is relevant only to those with roles that pertain to it. To every other role, it will mean nothing. There are not clues in the character flavor text. I wrote that stuff before I even decided on alignments and roles.

12. Role Play. I tried my best to make all of the characters pretty fun to role play as, so go crazy. Give them your own personality; become your character. Have fun with it and relax.

12. Get ready. The fun begins...now!

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Posted (edited)

Mike Johnson here. Did I ever tell you that story about the time I was in the Air Force and shot down- What? Yes? I already told you that one? :hmpf_bad: Well then, anybody got a calendar? I want to count down the days to the Fourth of July.

OoC: Just on a first look through the characters, Doctor Wynn=Doctor Who? :look: That's all I see at a glance. Maybe I can catch some more later.

Edited by mediumsnowman

Oh Humphrey, just look at the state of this hall! Why, I'm sure I've seen cleaner landfill sites! And is that a skeleton I see over there- (Humphrey, would it be a crime to steal borrow its skull for a leetle performance of Hamlet)? Yes? No? Humphrey, answer me!"

OoC: Just on a first look through the characters, Doctor Wynn=Doctor Who? :look: That's all I see at a glance. Maybe I can catch some more later.

Yeah, I saw that one too. But it could be a reference to Doctor Wen from Blacktron....


Hi, I'm Lage Skjeggestad, but you can call me Dink. I know we just survived a fiery plane crash, but does anyone want some lutefisk? I made it myself while we were hurtling uncontrollably towards the mountainside. :sweet:

I suspect my name must be a reference to fellow rad dwarf Peter Dinklage.


Unless you've got Elijah's gardening skills, shut up.

I have Elijah's gardening skills! Ooh, lucky me!


Anthony Dixon has arrived, please notice me. I'm happy to be...well, this could best be described in a song!

(To the tune of twinkle twinkle little star)

I'm as happy as a lark,

Or a child at the park.

This will be a joyous day,

As we confirm to play.

Mafia is on again,

Here's to hoping that I win!


Good Morning all, did the room just become more beautiful and bright? Of course it did! As I, Molly Tolbert, just walked in, beautiful me day today. :wub:


Hello! My name is Woodcock, the Guardian of this Hall.

It's absolutely wonderful to see you all! I hope we have a glorious time together! Fantastic!


Yeah, I saw that one too. But it could be a reference to Doctor Wen from Blacktron....

Huh? Oh yea! Wait, was that reference on purpose? I don't know. Maybe. Maybe it's the same person who regenerated after the events of Blacktron. Who knows.


Julia Jones present.

Good Morning all, did the room just become more beautiful and bright? Of course it did! As I, Molly Tolbert, just walked in, beautiful me day today. :wub:

God damn it Molly, quit staring at yourself in that mirror, if you die on me the girl's choir is done for!!

Being on this backwards island is NO excuse to stop practicing. So chop chop.


God damn it Molly, quit staring at yourself in that mirror, if you die on me the girl's choir is done for!!

I'll sing her part if necessary.


I'll sing her part if necessary.

Hmm. Yes, I suppose you could pass as a girl. Nobody would get close enough to you to make sure anyway. Sweat off a few more pounds and we'll talk.

I didn't come this far to watch my life's work die screaming in a plane crash. :hmpf:


I'll sing her part if necessary.

Please, no singing. I hate singing. It interrupts my daydreams about the Air Force.

What-? You say you're a choir? The only thing you do is sing? This is awful. I'm going to go lie down.


Julia Jones present.

God damn it Molly, quit staring at yourself in that mirror, if you die on me the girl's choir is done for!!

Being on this backwards island is NO excuse to stop practicing. So chop chop.

Well dear Julia, you start and I'll sing with you. Something beautiful and high notes and all, we will cheer up this dreary day! Does my hair look ok? Hmm, yes it does! :wub:


Delwyn Couch here, reporting for duty. Thank goodness I had my handy survival kit with me when we found you all after the crash. One can never have too many life preservers and sewing kits on hand, am I right people? Although you really should be getting some work done, instead of loafing around talking about singing and other such nonsense :look: We need to count out our provisions for the next month...again! Any volunteers? :sweet:


Delwyn Couch here, reporting for duty. Thank goodness I had my handy survival kit with me when we found you all after the crash. One can never have too many life preservers and sewing kits on hand, am I right people? Although you really should be getting some work done, instead of loafing around talking about singing and other such nonsense :look: We need to count out our provisions for the next month...again! Any volunteers? :sweet:

Fine, I'll count... again. :hmpf_bad: Safety is my number one priority... after the Air Force, of course. :sweet:


¬ From the Journal of Ewan Breckenridge - 30 of October, 2015


I’m going back.


My name is Ewan Breckenridge, and I was out on a scouting expedition for anyone who could save us...it’s been two years of searching...and still nothing. But I heard a crash and saw smoke billowing from the mountain….so I’m heading back immediately. I hope I’m not too late for an introduction.

¬ End Journal Entry


Ewan Breckenridge (mostlytechnic) - If you asked anyone who they thought was the coolest, most survival-oriented, bravest, strongest, and least-forgotten, there’s no doubt that they’d mention Ewan. Compared to Ewan, even Delwyn and Dougal seem like amateurs. Ewan is...well...badass. He solely takes on scouting missions around Braerich, and although he can get down the mountain with little effort, many of the residents of the Hall could not...he gets quite angry at how easy it could be to get down, but how unwilling everyone else seems to try.

Host Comments: Whoops. We forgot MT.

Posted (edited)

Whoops. We forgot MT.

*slow clap*

Well then, are we just waiting for this new fellow and that fat man Dale? Gale? Whatever. I can't keep track of names. I used to serve with a guy named Hale... and his brother Pale... and his other brother Wale. That's not helping matters any.

Edited by mediumsnowman
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