November 13, 200717 yr What about Total Annihilation? That has some good inspiration for Lego building, what with them all being robots Don't forget the sequel: Supreme Commander! I haven't played it, but the vehicle designs are SWEET! *sweet* Eh, anyway, I played my own game today. .... Omigoodney, Grevious makes games? Er, yeah. They're fairly low quality, but I am getting better, thanks to the neverending assistance from Gamemaker examples I downloaded. ;-)
November 14, 200717 yr Just bought Endless Ocean for 15 EUR (with a coupon) and ordered Guitar Hero III for Wii. Now gonna play it! =)
November 14, 200717 yr Just bought Endless Ocean for 15 EUR (with a coupon) and ordered Guitar Hero III for Wii. Now gonna play it! =) Its really an addictive game :-P Darn, I can't find that shipwreck >:-( So if anyone finds it, please give me the coordonates asap :-D *yoda*
November 14, 200717 yr Its really an addictive game :-P Darn, I can't find that shipwreck >:-( So if anyone finds it, please give me the coordonates asap :-D *yoda* Indeed, it is! The perfect game after a hard day of work at school, it's very beatiful and it releases you from all stress. I am at the point were i gave Mr. Oldman a trip in the riff. And next week Friday or Saturday i'll buy Guitar Hero III. Darn, that are two games in a week or so, I will not buy games for a few months. (And I don't care about the hype for Super Mario Galaxy =( )
November 14, 200717 yr My first post in this thread, I don't play many computer games :-$ Anyway, just played the greatest game ever for the squillionth time: SPACE INVADERS! :'-) Its such a classic, I never get sick of it, maybe because I love all the oldies like Pacman, Mario 1,2 and 3 and Pong! *wub* Batbrick-loves-Space-Invaders Away! >:-)
November 14, 200717 yr Darn, I can't find that shipwreck >:-( So if anyone finds it, please give me the coordonates asap :-D Okie I finally found it :-D That is a cool place with a nice sharkie there !! Indeed, it is! The perfect game after a hard day of work at school, it's very beatiful and it releases you from all stress. I am at the point were i gave Mr. Oldman a trip in the riff. And next week Friday or Saturday i'll buy Guitar Hero III. Darn, that are two games in a week or so, I will not buy games for a few months. (And I don't care about the hype for Super Mario Galaxy =( ) Yeay I hear you ;-) Unfortunatly I finished the game !! I'm sad now !! We do need a longer mission game next time ;-) The only thing I have to finish is finding ALL species in the game !! I have like 85/90% right now but I'm far from beeing finished in that aspect :-D And I am so pissed at the fact that shops received Lego SW for every bloody console except Nintendo >:-( Lets hope I'll have it for the Week End ;-) Game On !! *yoda*
November 14, 200717 yr Author Sam & Max: Episode 4 "Abe Lincoln must die!" Very funny game. :-D And free on Steam for the time being, get it while you can!
November 16, 200717 yr I got Tribes Vengeance working again, so that's what I'm playing now. Although I'm still mainly on Warhammer 40,000 Dawn of War: Dark Crusade. If that's not a long title, I don't know what its! Seriously though, I find this Warhammer 40,000 universe very cool, I'm currently playing as the Orks, who have really cool machinery and buildings, all kind of put together very crudely. They remind me of the Orks (er, I mean trolls. Damnit!) in the '08 Castle line, only these ones have guns. >:-) :-D Their Warboss unit is cool too! I also really love the camera variety, you have complete control over it. You can get some cool shots (like I did with the above pic. :-P ) and the zoom is impressive. Sounds like I'm talking about a camera now... :-| :-P Here's some more screens I made; ~Peace
November 17, 200717 yr LEGO Star Wars The Complete Saga and Super Mario Galaxy. *wub* *wub* These games are rocking my Wii!!! X-D
November 19, 200717 yr Assassin's Creed. Hyped, and probably in a bad way. It's a good game, but it gets a tad repetitive and I've actually had it hang on my quite a bit too often (on my PS3). Still, the atmosphere is awesome and freerunning/parkours works like a dream.
November 21, 200717 yr Lego star wars : the complete saga for the DS i like it, but it hurts my thumb after constant playing
November 21, 200717 yr Assassin's Creed. Hyped, and probably in a bad way. It's a good game, but it gets a tad repetitive and I've actually had it hang on my quite a bit too often (on my PS3). Still, the atmosphere is awesome and freerunning/parkours works like a dream. Oh I see I was going to buy this game for the 360 but I dont know now. It seems a little overhyped yes but so where alot of other games and they where still good. Would you recommend it Monji? I wouldnt like to spend
November 21, 200717 yr Oh I see I was going to buy this game for the 360 but I dont know now. It seems a little overhyped yes but so where alot of other games and they where still good.Would you recommend it Monji? I wouldnt like to spend
November 24, 200717 yr I'm currently playing Guitar Hero III Wii and it's fantastic! I'm playing it on PS2; got it yesterday and managed to get 40 of 42 songs done on Expert last night. Currently stuck on Raining Blood; got to 86% without star power. :-) TK
November 25, 200717 yr Well, it really depends. It seems to be the trend to call it crap, but I have to disagree. It really depends on if you mind the repetition or not. I didn't, and I really liked the game. The story is good (although I have to admit I disliked the (open) ending, the freerunning works awesome, and the combat is pretty good (albeit way too easy once you learn how to counter).I've heard the freezing isn't as bad on the 360 as on the PS3. Still, it froze on me about 7 or 8 times in all. Even though every time is one too much, it's something I can handle. All in all, I think it's 65E well spent and would recommend it. I took your advice monji and baught the game pretty glad I did! I find it very good the graphics are superb and the free running is excellent! Yet I feel the story line is a little forced, why set it in the future!?! :-/ appart from that though I recommend it to all! that is offcourse if your over 15! ;-)
November 25, 200717 yr On the computer: Dawn of war, Dawn of war 2, Dawn of war 3, Quake, and the halo 1 and 2 On my xbox 360: Quake, Halo 1, Halo 2, Halo 3, Gears f war, Shadow Run, Lost planet, Mass Effect, Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 3, Call of duty 4, Assasains Creed, and the Orange Box. As you can see, I really like my xbox and all the games that are able to play on it! P.S. My favorite games are shooters... P.S.S If any one has xbox live my gamer - tag is = St3w Bagins
November 25, 200717 yr I would be playing Lego Star Wars Complete Collection if it had come out for pc >:-( . But, as it did not, I have been playing Runescape (don't laugh at me :-$ )
December 12, 200717 yr Started Mario Galaxy on Wii and its such a freaking blast :-D TRhat game alone make buying the Wii worthwide ;-) The quest to free stars has just started >:-) And there is one stage perfect for Alex hehe: the surf on a Manta Ray X-D Free Stars ON !! *yoda*
December 19, 200717 yr Just finished God of War, now playing God of War 2. Pretty good games, considering the basics are really simple.
December 19, 200717 yr Donkey Kong 64. The games pretty good; I especially love all the collectable collecting. Problem is the camera is MANUAL, not automatic like in Super Mario 64. Plus, in certain areas it doesn't even allow you to turn. Fortunately, it hasn't caused too many problems, although that one golden banana that you have to get by walking over a very thin wooden plank is still evading me... |-/
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