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The payment for the license is to be considered the price of construction. The underlying gamemechanics are not relevant for this. I think that is how you will need to look at it. The extra fee is calculated on the full license cost.

A building question i need some help with:

Does anyone know an easy/fast/not too elaborate way to present 4-5 photos as a comic with speech bubbles and such? Thanks beforehand!

For my Hot Coals build I typed in "photo montage" to the Mac app store and downloaded some free software (photo editor or something, it was translated to norwegian) to arrange the photos to get this effect 25861388722_06575059d9.jpgOnHotCoalsMontage, on Flickr, once I'd chosen the photos it was a case of dragging, dropping and resizing. It wasn't perfect, I had to compromise on the number of photos to get the layout i wanted, but it was quicker than setting up the strip myself. I added the captions using illustrator afterwards. But I am sure there is a better way out there.

A building question i need some help with:

Does anyone know an easy/fast/not too elaborate way to present 4-5 photos as a comic with speech bubbles and such? Thanks beforehand!

Edited speech bubbles, presumably? I've yet to find any easy way to do it as I couldn't seem to get a hold of speech bubbles in GIMP but had to copy them from Word. Still, with 4-5 photos, you should probably be able to do it in half an hour with that combination (the text would be easiest to do in GIMP, only the bubble itself would have to come from Word).

Does anyone know an easy/fast/not too elaborate way to present 4-5 photos as a comic with speech bubbles and such? Thanks beforehand!


Paste your image. Make your text bubbles on top of image. Group text bubbles and image together. Right-click and save group as an image.


Thanks guys! I didnt believe i had that many options pirate_satisfied.gif

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Remember everyone,if you are participating in Challenge II, make sure you post a link to your entry on the challenge's page.

I was having trouble with my touch screen and Swift's form got submitted as a Class 4 something. It should be a 1F, could someone fix that in the ship registry? Thanks.

The payment for the license is to be considered the price of construction. The underlying gamemechanics are not relevant for this. I think that is how you will need to look at it. The extra fee is calculated on the full license cost.

How about Sea Rats who do not have to pay for licences to the faction? All their ships are half price then?

How about Sea Rats who do not have to pay for licences to the faction? All their ships are half price then?

No, ships for all the factions are full-price pirate_wink.gif

... Swift... should be a 1F...

Your Swift is now a Class 1 F (50DB)

Thanks Phred!

I'm sure it's been asked somewhere...but I can't seem to find it....

What is the process for establishing a "settlement?"

Is there a special form to submit, or do I simply need to create a tread along the lines of the other settlement threads?

Do I need to create a maps and such, or is that someone's special job?


I would coordinate with your Faction Leadership team.

Groovy....I have the same question in our Faction discussion post...I just didn't know if it was a player/faction thing, or a player/game thing.....plus I'm procrastinating on challenge 2 builds....pirate_laugh2.gif

3 questions to the game masters:

1) does every captured ship need to be MOC'ed in order to use it in the next MRCA or only those that never have been MOC'ed?

2) are ships captured by NPC players automatically removed from the game or are they simply added to the fleet of that NPC in the MRCA?

The latter sounds the most logic...

3) if a bobs player captures your ship, can you still use the sistership to licence or do you really need to wait till the ship is out the game?

IMHO, a NPC player and a real bobs player should be considered equal... It is not fair you have to MOC a captured NPC vessel while your colleague has a ready to use captured vessel...

Clever politicising, Maxim - presenting the questions from our other discussion yourself, thus getting the right of definition! But I am not letting that happen on my watch! pirate_tong.gif

As should already be clear, I disagree with Maxim. A moc and a license are two sides of the same vessel, and should not be separated.

Let me present my arguments.

BoBS is first and foremost a building and storytelling/rp-ing community - and the EGS is an augmentation off this. Therefore, and as I have said before, the logics of the community should go before that of the EGS. IC concerns before OOC.

In the case of captures: You capture a vessel - not a license, not a moc, but a vessel. IC, there is no logic to the license alone, as it simply represents the IC costs of building and outfitting a vessel. Similarly, the MOC itself cannot be active (in the EGS) without a license, so on its own, it will not be captured.

Thus, the MOC and the license are not to be separated, but are instead two sides of the same vessel.

Therefore, if you capture an already moc'ed vessel, you can use her directly: ransom her to the original owner, sell her elsewhere, use her in the MRCA, or condemn her as a prize. And that without moc'ing it. The requirement for using a license is that there is a moc depicting the license, which is already the case.

First, I would think it ridiculous, if the captured HMS Otter all the sudden looked different. Secondly, imagine the IC implications - you could have vessels which had been through several IC owners, captured back and forth multiple times; or players putting out a ransom for recapture; or vessels being ransomed back to original owners. All things we wouldn't see with Maxim's suggestions. Plus, they are events directly taken from reality.

Of course, this means that you cannot license a sistership, as long as the moc is still active. However, if the vessel (moc plus license) is sunk, founders, captured by NPC's (nations or players), or condemned as a prize, she dissappears from the game, and the sistership can be licensed. (If NPC-captured ships are made active in the next MRCA, that would of course disqualitfy the original builder from sistershipping (Trademarked - Maxim pirate_tong.gif ) her. However, to allow players use of their mocs and simplifiy the management of MRCA, I suggest vessels captured by NPC's are considered sold "out of the new world". Otherwise, we risk vessels disappearing into some remote corner of the world, never to be seen again, but still technically active)

However, if you capture a NON-moced vessel, typically an NPC vessel, or one of the 3 un-moc'ed warships allowed each player faction, you will have to moc it before use, as a license cannot be active without a moc. (Of course, you can also sell the license to another player, or condemn her as a prize) This will advance the building side of the game, as it "forces" players to build a specific form of license, for instance 3F, or 1A, etc..

Thus, to Maxim's questions, my logic would give the following answers:

1) Only those that have not been MOC'ed before. MOC and license are inseperable, and together makes up a vessel in the EGS.

2) I would suggest that they are "sold to the old world" - to let people "sistership" the MOC, and to make handling the MRCA easier to manage.

3) You need to wait. Part of the MRCA is the risk of losing the vessel, but if this only entails the licensing sum, that really loses most of its meaning.

Again, this is my position, and I present if for the leadership to see both sides. My perspective focuses most on the overall IC feel of the game, which I think is more important than the convenience of each builder. I believe this will make for a more interesting game.

Further, it is a continuation of my former arguments on licensing, and I am also convinced some of this has been discussed somewhere before, the conclusion being in my line of thought.

Thoughts, fellow BoBS'ians. pirate_classic.gif

1) Only those that have not been MOC'ed before. MOC and license are inseperable, and together makes up a vessel in the EGS.

2) I would suggest that they are "sold to the old world" - to let people "sistership" the MOC, and to make handling the MRCA easier to manage.

3) You need to wait. Part of the MRCA is the risk of losing the vessel, but if this only entails the licensing sum, that really loses most of its meaning.

Again, this is my position, and I present if for the leadership to see both sides. My perspective focuses most on the overall IC feel of the game, which I think is more important than the convenience of each builder. I believe this will make for a more interesting game.

Further, it is a continuation of my former arguments on licensing, and I am also convinced some of this has been discussed somewhere before, the conclusion being in my line of thought.

Thoughts, fellow BoBS'ians. pirate_classic.gif

I agree with Bregir, except on part 2. I think ships being captured by NPC's should stay in game, for story purposes. MRCA MOCing a battle with your previously owned ship would make for some good scenes, and adds fun. For it to count as a MOC something has to be built though, but that can be landscape/microbuilds/forced perceptive or other (un MOC'd)ships involved in the battle. Maybe MOCing damages to either vessel, since MRCA MOC is mostly minor MOC's.

I personally just "see" the License as the purchase cost for a unit in a wargame (and i think I can guess that is how Ska envisioned it, seeing his knack for wargames as well).

If you loose the ship, it get`s scratched of the roster and it`s a gonner, BUY a new one.

Which is my grief a bit with the system.

I *personally* would scratch out the ruling of getting a new license for a sistership. This makes the game all about charging headlong with a small ship around the globe, because if it sinks, we do it for free again next month, and if it doesn`t, we make a good profit. This can cause very reckless `game playing`.

This is a game aimed at long term, and the free replacement license can make it more of a sprint then a marathon. That is not to say that if you`re ship goes to the fishes, some compensation might be offered, like a small Class 0 (ZERO) ship for free. Basically a little fishing boat, which can be send on a bounty thingie to go fishing and the likes, that together with the free settlement can set you back on track to buy a new class 1 and work upwards from there.

And nothing prohibits a player from pleading to his rulership to sponsor him a new vessel. Kamikaze`s probably won`t get sponsored, but those playing it carefully and thoughtfully might find themselves in favour of their respective governments. Buckaroo Banzai is your own fault, but a hurricane can be unforseen (okay, unless you sail right into the area`s it is expected to appear)...

Just MY two cents

I still don't see why you are punished if a pc captured your ship while you are free to sistership when a npc captures your ship. Even IC this makes no sense because the NPC is a part of IC, meaning the ship still is part of the game.

I am sure there is no captain IRL that sat home because his ship is captured and he is not allowed to make a sistership because his enemy is real and not imaginairy... If he needed a new ship, he would have made a sistership...

I also agree that if you lose your last ship, you should not get a new class 2 straight away, maybe a new class 1 ship. If you have not made a single successful run, you might get a new class 2. But once you have made profit, the risk should get more real, giving you a max class 1 licence (that can be upgraded instantly to a bigger ship provided you pay the cost difference when licencing).

Edited by Sir Stig

I would like the NPC captured ships to stay in the game, and it would be really cool to recapture them. My point was mainly one of MRCA management, and a concession to those who are much intent on sistershipping.

Bregir, I see. So you are against sistershipping. I am somewhere inbetween on that matter. I think it should be allowed to use the same base if you lose your ship, but a modified MOC should be presented. The reason why I think so, is that it is hard to build ships. So I would like to have that possibility, to keep less experienced shipbuilders going in the EGS. I would like to build a new ship every time, but I realize MOCing a new ship every time may put people off, if they don't like building ships.

Bregir, I see. So you are against sistershipping. I am somewhere inbetween on that matter. I think it should be allowed to use the same base if you lose your ship, but a modified MOC should be presented. The reason why I think so, is that it is hard to build ships. So I would like to have that possibility, to keep less experienced shipbuilders going in the EGS. I would like to build a new ship every time, but I realize MOCing a new ship every time may put people off, if they don't like building ships.

I am not against sistershipping. However, as long as the MOC is active (for instance as a captured vessel put into active service, not sold as a prize), it should not be reused. As I said, moc and license represent the exact same thing - the IC Vessel.

However, if the vessel is sunk or sold, the MOC becomes available again, so to say, and it can be directly sistershipped, without another moc.

That is my suggestion. I know some builders would find it a bit harsh to have to build another vessel (or wait for it to be sunk), but there is always the option of asking the capturer for ransoming the vessel. (And if leadership agrees, this could also be done for vessels captured by NPC's. For instance at 80 % of license value.) For PC captures, it will be a matter of negotiation.

Or change small details on the MOC for the sistership, like a new bowhead, some banners, a touch of colour left and right

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