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What about that ship that Leia arrives on by Maz's castle when she first sees Han again? That looked kinda interesting.

As to the sets released, I think they're all great bar Kylo's shuttle. Also they are awfully overpriced but that's irrelevant for this thread.

What about that ship that Leia arrives on by Maz's castle when she first sees Han again? That looked kinda interesting.

Isn't that the new Republic Troop Transport (75140)?

Its the Resistance Troop Transporter (75140)

Very accurate, except for some external coloring perhaps, and detailing of both the rear and the interior are a step up from the norm IMO.

Edited by Dameronian

I do think TLG did darned well with the selection and personally I think the wave is a high for recent Star Wars waves. A controversial comment perhaps

I think TLG were probably relieved to have some new material to work from.

For me, the FO Transporter and the TIE Fighter are both great sets. The transporter in particular has really grown on me since I've seen the movie, I'm tempted to buy another one in fact. As people have said, it's only the length of the ship that stops it from being close to perfect. As a kids toy, the transporter is simply brilliant.

For me, the FO Transporter and the TIE Fighter are both great sets. The transporter in particular has really grown on me since I've seen the movie, I'm tempted to buy another one in fact. As people have said, it's only the length of the ship that stops it from being close to perfect. As a kids toy, the transporter is simply brilliant.

The FO Transporter is my favorite set of the line.

It's a good recreation in LEGO form, has awesome figures, and a lot of play-ability.

I have the FO Transporter turning up in two days.....for christmas. I was not allowed to buy myself any lego.........my wife wanted to ban me and said mortgages and the kids christmas presents were more important....spoil sport haha. However I have it coming then.

I am intending on acquiring the Battle on Takodana as soon as it is released and will form a diorama alongside the FO transporter.

I am intending on acquiring the Battle on Takodana as soon as it is released and will form a diorama alongside the FO transporter.

Dood that's gonna look so great! I think I'll have to display mine that way as well.

At least until we get some sort of Jakku village set.... :moar:

Edited by Junior Shark

I'm a bit late to the discussion and somewhat lazy to read though all the way so sorry for some duplicite notes.

After watching the movie, several sets (FO Transporter, Takodana...) eventually became reasonable to me, eventhough I'm still not particularly happy with the execution.

Regarding FO Snowspeeder, kill me, but I don't recall where it appeared in the movie, nor how did it look like. Yet even if it proved to be accurate, I don't like it. There are so many interesting vehicles in SW, this is not one of them.

There is not much to screw up on MF, especially since you don't deviate from previous concept so that one I think is good for a play set.

X-wing remains my favorite and I have no extra complains after seing the movie. But I think it's the fighter which makes it better set - the other main (new) vehicles from TFA looks all somewhat dull to me...

...with one possible exception of Kylo Ren's shuttle, which, unfortunately, got the worst lego rendition in my opinion. But again, nothing I wouldn't know already from leaks. No wing tilt, super ugly wing 'underside', strange and inaccurate retracting... perhaps just the cockpit isn't completely wrong for me.

Rey's speeder is the first runner up on my chart but again, the original shape of vehicle itself mainly does the trick. I blame lego for not rendering that round front grille and for making it overal to big. I really like what Andrew from BB did here:


and I wish this was the official set, although the size remains.

TIE fighter seems alright and accurate but for the RRP it's noway-er and also that crippled cannon is a big shame. I wish that whole toy industry was a bit more restrained and responsible, not releasing their half baked products to early, which would avoid such mistakes.

Oh, and I forgot that resistance transport ship - ea, that one seems nice, both as a movie vehicle and as a set rendition. I think that one might actually take second place instead of the speeder :) But who cares about my charts anyway.

All in all, I have one observation - The new SW vehicles brought by TFA aren't as cool as I was hoping it would be. I don't blame them letting the X-wing star again (well yeah, it is 'modified') knowing how popular that one is but the other vessels seem neglected to me and my expectations for new iconic machines weren't fulfilled. When I first saw lego sets, I thought it maybe just wasn't the best choice of what to re-create, but now I think there is just not much to work with.

PS: I tried to be spoiler free, if anyone think I'm not, let me know where and I'll hide it.


More or less exactly how I feel about the matter. Kylo Rens Shuttle is really a shame, if you look at Jangbricks black version, you see how good a system scale version of the craft can look and work.

Maybe a better system version would be the way to go instead of an actual UCS version, I mean the Wings are already huge, in an UCS Version they would need to be absolutely ginormous to be scaled properly.

The fact that Reys Speeder holds up decently is because I think there wasnt too much to screw up with it. The missing net however really takes away the scavenger style/design.

Edited by BigEl

^Yeah, Jang did fine job with his mod but (mean swagger allert!) it's still far from what I'd call great :) Black color is good, yet it's to uniform. It desperately calls for incorporationg some DBG bits (in clever way to make sense regarding the design). It also retains these nasty 'who cares about inner face' wings, which apparently show it's ugly side even more in the newly developed 'fly mode'. I know that some compromises had to be made in order to achieve that retracting function (which I'd rather sacrifice) but still the result look like very first prototype built from leftover bricks.

Positive thing about all this is that there is huge scope for improvements so many new MOCs and sets can be awaited :D

EDIT: By the way, thinking about this shuttle in general, I can't get rid of feeling that it's shape is all but meaningful and efficient :). I wonder whether they have some explanation for these enormous wings and inproportionally small 'utility section' (Lambada class already had this but at least the wings were smaller, thin and claimed to be either stabilizers or some heat radiators). From logic point, these wings are easy target, making the ship harder to operate, easier to crash... plus the retraction, which seems like pointless self punishment from an engineering point of view :D I know, we are talking science fiction, but there has always been nice explanation for SW ship design. I wonder what we get in this case then :)

Edited by krisandkris12

They haven't been forgotten. My previous post was just referring to the remaining ships and vehicles since we're kind of scraping at the bottom of the barrel there. Only the blue X-Wing and First Order Star Destroyer are really necessary. The standard TIE Fighter can easily be modded from the Special Forces one, the First Order AT-AT and Quadjumper are too obscure and the Eravana can always be designed as a location rather than a ship.

Location-wise (aside from the Eravana) there's still plenty of options left with the Jakku (Tuanul) Village, Niima Outpost, Resistance Base, Starkiller Base and Maz's Cantina. In terms of minifigures there's quite a few notable characters and variants left to be made:

Rey (Resistance Outfit)

Poe (Resistance Outfit)

Han Solo (Cold Weather Gear)

General Leia (Farewell gown)

General Hux (officer uniform without coat and hat)

Luke Skywalker

Supreme Leader Snoke

Lor San Tekka


Unkar Plutt

Special Forces TIE Fighter Pilot

Bala-Tik (Guavian Leader)

Guavian Enforcer

Sidon Ithano/Crimson Corsair


Bazine Netal

Admiral Statura

Jess Pava (X-Wing Pilot)

Ello Asty (X-Wing Pilot)

Nien Nunb

First Order Office in blue uniform

Plus plenty of obscure background characters to pick from.

Which is basically the whole cast of the movie (aside from all the extras).

LEGO actually did pretty good with the mini figures this time around. Almost all major characters from the movie (except for Snoke) were created.

They at least did much better with TFA then with LotR. (Still mad about no Faramir or Eowyn...)

After seeing the movie last night, here is my opinion on the sets:

-Rey's Speeder: Obviously a bit to big, and there should be a big net instead of tools just stuck to the wall, but pretty good. Mini figure wise, of course Rey should be included, but they should have taken out Unkar's Thug (got about 30 seconds of screen time) and make it easier to get either Finn or BB-8. That would have made it infinitely better.

-FO Snowspeeder: I did not see it at all it the movie. Very 'blink and you'll miss it.' from the Hasbro toy, it's a bit too big. Mini figures obviously make since. I think they should have not made this set and just replace it with like a $30 'Rathtar Attack' or something.

-FO TIE: Really good. Looks a lo like the real thing. Mini figures make total sense. Any other choices would spoil the entire first part of the movie.

-Poe's X-Wing: Pretty good. The blue rubber band is still annoying, though. Again, Poe should be in it, but I think they should have replaced the Resistance Ground Control dude with Finn. Finn seriously should be in a cheaper set.

-FO Transporter: Too small, but otherwise very good. I hadn't seen any actual images of the vehicle until last night, and I recognized it thanks to the set. For mini figures, they really should have had more normal Troopers. Phasma makes sense in the context, don't really know what other set she would be in.

-Kylo Ren's Command Shuttle: WINGS DON'T TILT!!! And the color is off. Other than that, the shape is pretty good. Again, figures make since.

-Millenium Falcon: Again, pretty great. Not much else to say about the actual set other than the mini figures. All make sense. Would have liked to see a little variation on Rey and add a breathing pack or something.

There's my two cents.

Certainly with the addition of the battle packs, and the Battle of Takodana and The Resistance Transport, I feel we have a good spread of sets. Okay, sure, we could have had more from Jakku, but then in fairness, we have Reys speeder and a TIE fighter and the falcon. Throw in Finn and there is an action sequence in itself.

Most of the sets look good as they are. But some of them are begging for modifications to look great!

Specifically Kylo Ren's Shuttle, which should be black and with the proper wing function, and the FO Transporter, which, although TLG had reasons not to do so (it's targeted towards kids), should be a bit longer.

I wouldn't be surprised if TLG decided to remake Kylo's Shuttle ASAP.

^Yeah, Jang did fine job with his mod but (mean swagger allert!) it's still far from what I'd call great :) Black color is good, yet it's to uniform. It desperately calls for incorporationg some DBG bits (in clever way to make sense regarding the design). It also retains these nasty 'who cares about inner face' wings, which apparently show it's ugly side even more in the newly developed 'fly mode'. I know that some compromises had to be made in order to achieve that retracting function (which I'd rather sacrifice) but still the result look like very first prototype built from leftover bricks.

Positive thing about all this is that there is huge scope for improvements so many new MOCs and sets can be awaited :D

EDIT: By the way, thinking about this shuttle in general, I can't get rid of feeling that it's shape is all but meaningful and efficient :). I wonder whether they have some explanation for these enormous wings and inproportionally small 'utility section' (Lambada class already had this but at least the wings were smaller, thin and claimed to be either stabilizers or some heat radiators). From logic point, these wings are easy target, making the ship harder to operate, easier to crash... plus the retraction, which seems like pointless self punishment from an engineering point of view :D I know, we are talking science fiction, but there has always been nice explanation for SW ship design. I wonder what we get in this case then :)

Ye, Jangs version is not perfect, but its a good example for the potential that this Lego design has. I am thinking UCS Imperial Shuttle in regard of the wings, since in the case of Kylo Rens Shuttle it is even more important that the wings look good from both sides. And for that matter the combined building technic of brick built and technic frame works just as good as it gets in my opinion.

In regard of the utility or lets say the advantages of the design of the craft in general, I honestly dont know.

From the previous Star Wars logic those huge Wings doesnt really make a lot of sense besides looking intimitading as hell (Which totally works for me). But maybe they will come up with some sci-fi explanation :laugh:

I even think starkiller base is 'sort of' represented through the First Order Battle Pack.

I feel many scenarios can be played out with the sets we have. Sure jakku, but then a sand base plate would suffice. Of course a few new minifigures as well

I even think starkiller base is 'sort of' represented through the First Order Battle Pack.

I feel many scenarios can be played out with the sets we have. Sure jakku, but then a sand base plate would suffice. Of course a few new minifigures as well

Exactly, Lego just needs to sell a simple blank sand base plate for 20 Bucks as Lego Star Wars Jakku Set and market it as a new feature that you can now imagine everything by yourself :laugh:

New for Summer 16! Jakku Village LEGO set!

Contains one 64x64 sand baseplate (NEW!) and enough bricks to build one moisture vaporator over 2" tall!

Edited by rollermonkey

So in reality its the long await UCS Moisture Vaporator Set? *oh2* Wait until that one is retired and gets sold by resellers on ebay, the UCS MF will never compare against that :grin:

Which is basically the whole cast of the movie (aside from all the extras).

LEGO actually did pretty good with the mini figures this time around. Almost all major characters from the movie (except for Snoke) were created.

They at least did much better with TFA then with LotR. (Still mad about no Faramir or Eowyn...)

Don't get me wrong - I'm not complaining about the existing minifigure selection. I think Lego did a fantastic job at covering all the essential characters the first year. I can find no fault at all with the minifigures they've released so far. But at the same time we've only had one and a half waves of sets and there's still many more characters and variants that have the potential to be immortalized in plastic.

One just needs to look at the minifigures from Return of the Jedi and how far we've come covering that movie alone over the years. I like to think that eventually the bulk of those remaining characters listed will eventually be made either through more Force Awakens sets or other sets based on future movies and TV shows. After all how many obscure Prequel characters did we get out of the Clone Wars? Plus we already have word of a new Poe Dameron coming in the Summer wave so thats one figure we can knock off the list.

And I too share your frustrations about Eowyn and Faramir. :cry_sad:

Avoided spoilers, previews, discussion, pictures (except of Lego sets), everything since last year, bought the sets in September (well, not the MF or Kylo Ren's ship), saw the movie the other day. Haven't opened the sets yet. So here I am reading and offering my thoughts of the Lego, having seen the movie. Spoilers abound obviously, but why would anyone read this thread if they didn't want to see spoilers...

I think for the most part that wave 1 was pretty good for the most part, and having seen some of the next wave, the Lego representation of the movie so far is more than satisfactory.

Obviously that ship is the wrong colour and the wings don't do what they should (TLG may not be at fault), the speeder is too big (common issue with small sets, no complaint from me), snowspeeder (I didn't even see it in the movie) was a waste of a set. TIE, X-wing & transporter all seemed good to me, and the MF I think was fine.

Regarding minifig inclusions, my only questionings were Phasma, but primarily because it was such a non-character in the movie. Pointless, shouldn't have existed. A sergeant trooper could've both filled the movie role and been the minifig. The other one was having Poe in the X-wing spoiled the movie a bit, since you were supposed to think he died already. But who else would you put in that set? Probably the right choice, as you can't really delay that ship to the 2nd wave. Now that Finn is in that new set with Kylo Ren I'm going to grab that and thereby avoid the 2 expensive sets. Pretty happy about that. Regarding Snake/Snoke/Snope/Snape whatever, we can't get a Lego rendition until we see him in true physical form, rather than in his Wizard of Oz (or Yoghurt the Great! Yoghurt the Wise! no, just plain "Yoghurt") appearance. And Luke needs to do something in the next movie before he's a minifig. Everyone else important is covered so far.

Something that hasnt been discussed much until now: What do you guys think about the First Order Tie Fighter?

He had quite a big role in the movie and I really like the design overhaul compared to the old one, which looked a lot more plain.

Even though the building process seems to be pretty boring, I am actually thinking about just grabbing it for display (It has a nice discount on amazon at the moment down from 70 to 58 euros).

The red Stripe, white solar panels as well as the 3 printed canopies are just pure eye candy. I also really like the new Tie Fighter Pilot Design as well as its Minifig Version with the Hose attached to the helmet.

The UCS Version of the old one feels like a total overkill for such a small and unspectacular craft, but the system scale size seems to be just about right.

Exactly, Lego just needs to sell a simple blank sand base plate for 20 Bucks as Lego Star Wars Jakku Set and market it as a new feature that you can now imagine everything by yourself :laugh:

You have read the Minecraft boxes right? That is exactly what they say :)

I think Luke in exile should be easy to MOC, but I'd love an official one.

Starkiller base would simply be some old Lego classic eyes and a white base plate

Something that hasnt been discussed much until now: What do you guys think about the First Order Tie Fighter?

He had quite a big role in the movie and I really like the design overhaul compared to the old one, which looked a lot more plain.

Even though the building process seems to be pretty boring, I am actually thinking about just grabbing it for display (It has a nice discount on amazon at the moment down from 70 to 58 euros).

The red Stripe, white solar panels as well as the 3 printed canopies are just pure eye candy. I also really like the new Tie Fighter Pilot Design as well as its Minifig Version with the Hose attached to the helmet.

The UCS Version of the old one feels like a total overkill for such a small and unspectacular craft, but the system scale size seems to be just about right.

It is one of the sets that I have not seen in hand so to speak, but I feel it is a good representation although imagine if it came with Finn in stormtrooper uniform and a battered Poe

Having seen the movie several times now Kylo Ren's shuttle has definitely grown on me, at least in the movie. I'd love a UCS version of it. The system scale one is lacking. The only other ship I really liked in the movie was the FO Star Destroyer, to which there is no set.

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