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What Would You Rate Ep. VII 102 members have voted

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  2. 2. It is about as good as...

    • Star Wars
    • The Empire Strikes Back
    • Return of the Jedi
    • The Phantom Menace
    • Attack of the Clones
    • Return of the Sith
    • It's the BEST!

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Was it good?

I don't think they'll allow a poll like this in this subforum but I personally loved it. Saw it last night at 10. Theater was packed, a few people dressed up.

A little emotional, people clapped, laughed, it was all fun.

It was a great movie. Way better than the prequels, on par with the originals, IMO.

I really liked Rey, she will hopefully be the future of Star Wars. Not sure about Finn yet. Poe was cool too. Kylo Ren I'm not sure about yet, either.

Seeing Han and Chewie again was awesome.

Saw it twice. Once Thursday night. Again, this morning. Probably see one of 2 more times next week.


Its great! As said before, better than the prequels, and I would say it has a similar ranking to ROTJ. Its fun, humorous and exciting the whole way through. Saw it twice in a row from the when the cinema opened :tongue: and want to go back some more. Nice throwbacks and some hilarious moments :thumbup:

It was a 3 out of 5 for me. Too much copy paste compared to the originals while at the same time not enough new and original elements. Its more an hommage than a real new beginning and that was simply not what I was expecting.

I have to say the first hour or so was phenomenal with great build up, but after that and a certain "reveal", the movie just kinda fell flat for the rest of movie with the exception of maybe 1 or 2 scenes.

Also, and that was big leddown for me.... the Soundtrack was completely forgettable and the tracks that were a bit more present just took too much from what we already knew. At least in that regard the Prequels were a lot better!

I think its best to compare it to the original star wars, with all its good and bad sides.

Edited by BigEl

Well if you think jar jar binks being kylo rens sith master is awsome, then you will think this movie is awsome.

Just kidding, but I enjoyed it. It copied off of episode 4 a little too much but it was still good.

Edited by droid747

BigEl could not have said it better! As far as a movie goes it was very good. As far as a Star Wars movie goes it was mediocre. I think too many people's review are based on the fact that we finally get another movie. If they watch it again and absorb what is going on they realize some glaring issues. Movie was initially fast paced and information filled... don't blink... then tapered off for a few yawns. I too felt this had a "copy and paste" feel to it. That being said it did have some great moments.

I will admit, it's a bit disappointing what I am hearing in this thread. What I've been seeing online (on impressions, not spoilers), including here, I've had the impression this is the best Star Wars or up there with the best, like Empire Strikes Back.

I saw one comparison to Phantom Menace in the polls. Ugh.

It was almost perfect. I had a smile on my face most of the movie and the feeling of exuberance! So many emotional points in this movie you will feel joy, hope, relief, dismay, sadness and disbelief. It's on par with Empire IMO. I didn't expect to feel so much from this film but it pulled on all my heart strings. The comparisons to homage or remake are insulting honestly because even the small moments that echo A New Hope are not the focus of the moment and the circumstances different. I would go on to say that to reduce this movie to unoriginal homage is to be disingenuous.

Really enjoyed it. Go see it!

This post is kind of pointless, no offense. Are you really not going to go see it if someone says it is not good? You're going to go no matter what you hear about it just to see it. This is the Star Wars forum after all, we're going to like it to any degree no matter what. I will choose to ignore all the comments here. Let's keep quiet about the movie for a few weeks till the hype dies down, until then we can talk about and show off MOCs from it.

I would give it a 3.5. As good as Empire? No way! 'Small moments that echo ANH?' Let's be honest, it was more than a few moments. Also, some of the new characters were treated waaaay too sketchily. I still enjoyed myself an awful lot, and JJ has donea great job with coming up these characters, the soecial effects were good and the film doesnt take itself too seriously. But story-wise I felt extremely cheated even though i didn't want to admit it at first. Still, it's the first in a trilogy, we will see how things develop from here.

Visually and sonically stunning, great character depth. The plot can be a little formulaic at times, but that doesn't detract there are some great twists. The most important thing is that IT'S A NEW STAR WARS FILM! Go and see it... then go and see it again.


Was it good?

Since this topic has nothing to do with Lego, I moved it out of the Lego Star Wars forum and into the Culture & Media forum.

Very, VERY good.

On a par with ep. IV, but not quite as good as V.

Are there problems? Yes, of course, there are things to nitpick. Do they make the film unenjoyable? No, I didn't even think of / notice any problems until after it was over.

it will never be in a par with ep iv, simply because ep iv is original, everything about it is original and fresh, whereas ep vii is not.

it will never be in a par with ep iv, simply because ep iv is original, everything about it is original and fresh, whereas ep vii is not.

I have to agree with this. You would have expected something fresh instead of a rehash. Dont get me wrong, for a rehash/hommage its a good one, but for those of you who have already seen the movie:

Imagine the movie without the star wars specific theme.... I just doesnt hold on its own as a Sci-Fi Movie to be great. In that regard you cant compare it to the OT, they are over 30 years old...

It is defintiely not as good as Episode 5 or 6 for me. If it is better than Episode 1 or 3 could be debateble.

Edited by BigEl

I have to agree with this. You would have expected something fresh instead of a rehash. Dont get me wrong, for a rehash/hommage its a good one, but for those of you who have already seen the movie:

Imagine the movie without the star wars specific theme.... I just doesnt hold on its own as a Sci-Fi Movie to be great. In that regard you cant compare it to the OT, they are over 30 years old...

It is defintiely not as good as Episode 5 or 6 for me. If it is better than Episode 1 or 3 could be debateble.

It's debatable if it's better than Episode 1? Seriously a movie derided as the worst SW movie critically with the only rotten score on rotten tomatoes. That's sad when you compare one the highest rated movies 95% to the lowest placed at 52%. I never said it's perfect but that's ridiculous to say it's placement is even on par with the prequels. ROTJ had way more pacing issues and boring Ewoks than anything TFA could offer. And rightfully TFA is critically cemented on par with Empire and A New Hope.

I think a lot of us were probably too young to have seen the originals in theater and been made to wait years between movies. I believe that has an enormous impact on how we perceived them. When I first saw A New Hope, I got to watch Empire right after it. Imagine if you saw A New Hope for the first time this year, and then had to wait years for Emipre. Would you still like Star Wars? Absolutely. Would you be obsessed with it? Depends on the person.

Empire Strikes Back is a masterpiece; it is also the anchor for episodes IV and VI, and really the entire franchise. A New Hope by itself in 1977 is a huge deal because as people have said, it's the original; it's the beginning. It's a fun story, and there had never been anything like it. An entire universe of possibilities was created. But you add Empire to the mix, and it really elevates A New Hope. Empire took all of those possibilities and made the most of them.

I think Episode 8 will be the determining factor in how 7 is perceived in the years to come. The Force Awakens has reset the stage. It's created some good (Rey is great) characters and it's set up a lot of possibilities just as A New Hope did. If they (Rian) can somehow create a second movement (as Kershner called it) and really flush out the characters and story's true possiblities, than I think it will be seen as on par with A New Hope. Then it will be the beginning of a new wonderful era. If they do what they did for this movie, and just rehash Empire, than I think the trilogy will be seen as simply fun. Not a bad thing, but not true greatness.

We shall see.

Either way, TFA is a lot of fun and beats the hell out of any of the Prequels. (except for Ewan McGregor's performance in the final scene. That was Star Wars worthy.)

It was a 3 out of 5 for me. Too much copy paste compared to the originals while at the same time not enough new and original elements. Its more an hommage than a real new beginning and that was simply not what I was expecting.

I have to say the first hour or so was phenomenal with great build up, but after that and a certain "reveal", the movie just kinda fell flat for the rest of movie with the exception of maybe 1 or 2 scenes.

THIS. Too much of a copy of Ep.IV. Felt underwhelmed overall except for Rey's parts in the movie. An average movie at best, better than the prequels but not as good as the originals. Maybe due to overhype and too high expectations. Looking forward for an Empire-sque Ep.VIII to redeem this new trilogy.

I think a lot of us were probably too young to have seen the originals in theater and been made to wait years between movies. I believe that has an enormous impact on how we perceived them. When I first saw A New Hope, I got to watch Empire right after it. Imagine if you saw A New Hope for the first time this year, and then had to wait years for Emipre. Would you still like Star Wars? Absolutely. Would you be obsessed with it? Depends on the person.

Empire Strikes Back is a masterpiece; it is also the anchor for episodes IV and VI, and really the entire franchise. A New Hope by itself in 1977 is a huge deal because as people have said, it's the original; it's the beginning. It's a fun story, and there had never been anything like it. An entire universe of possibilities was created. But you add Empire to the mix, and it really elevates A New Hope. Empire took all of those possibilities and made the most of them.

I think Episode 8 will be the determining factor in how 7 is perceived in the years to come. The Force Awakens has reset the stage. It's created some good (Rey is great) characters and it's set up a lot of possibilities just as A New Hope did. If they (Rian) can somehow create a second movement (as Kershner called it) and really flush out the characters and story's true possiblities, than I think it will be seen as on par with A New Hope. Then it will be the beginning of a new wonderful era. If they do what they did for this movie, and just rehash Empire, than I think the trilogy will be seen as simply fun. Not a bad thing, but not true greatness.

We shall see.

Either way, TFA is a lot of fun and beats the hell out of any of the Prequels. (except for Ewan McGregor's performance in the final scene. That was Star Wars worthy.)

You bring up a good point that I though about right after I left the cinema. Maybe our perspective on TFA will change over time with the trilogy complete. At least until then it will leave a bad taste in my mouth though.


Im sorry, but I liked Episode 1. Why was it crushed so hard by critics? And give me a break with the overused JarJar argument. That is not nearly enough why the movie should be abysmal...

I liked the pacing, the art-design, the great soundtrack, the scale of the events happening, exciting and tense scenes like the pod race, the escape from naboo etc., a very well intertwined Final Fight on multiple places. Even the dialog was okay, but do mind that I watched the movie in german, and to me the german versions of the prequels were a lot better than the english originals with much better writing.

It is subjective of course, but still I think that Episode 1 gets smashed why too much by OT hardcore fans who just hate JarJar and therefore act like kids.

A bit formulaic, but Episode 7 stands as the best Star Wars film released in 30 years, with some pleasant surprises, like able characters, a few laughs, and a few heartbreakers. Go so it soon, before we spoil it all!

Im sorry, but I liked Episode 1. Why was it crushed so hard by critics? And give me a break with the overused JarJar argument. That is not nearly enough why the movie should be abysmal...

I liked the pacing, the art-design, the great soundtrack, the scale of the events happening, exciting and tense scenes like the pod race, the escape from naboo etc., a very well intertwined Final Fight on multiple places. Even the dialog was okay, but do mind that I watched the movie in german, and to me the german versions of the prequels were a lot better than the english originals with much better writing.

It is subjective of course, but still I think that Episode 1 gets smashed why too much by OT hardcore fans who just hate JarJar and therefore act like kids.

Episode 1 was crushed by critics because it's frankly a poor film. The acting and dialogue are atrocious. The acting is bad largely because it's a bunch of people standing around on green screens, trying to interact with things that aren't there. The dialogue certainly doesn't help, and the delivery is largely stilted and unnatural. The plot about trade federations is by turns boring and confusing, especially for kids. The special effects looked good at the time, but are sitting squarely in the middle of the uncanny valley, even at the time of release.

The podracing scene is held out as a good part. Here's the problem with that: Classic Star Wars scenes like the Cantina, Hoth Battle, etc. felt huge and had massive impact, but if you go back and check, they are surprisingly short, often less than 5 minutes. Certainly far shorter than they seemed when staring up at the big screen in 1977. The podracing is cool, but is stretched out for twenty minutes, and doesn't start for nearly an hour into the film.

The other good part is of course, Duel of the Fates. As good as it is, it's broken up into little pieces by the palace incursion (good), battle over Naboo (ok) and Gungan/droid combat (oh, so horribly bad).

Watch the SW Saga in Machete Order someday. Skipping The Phantom Menace actually makes the rest of the series STRONGER as a whole, and that's certainly not a positive indication of its importance to the story or the quality of the film.

...and I didn't even have to mention Jar Jar.

Maybe the German version is somehow better, but that doesn't excuse the fact that it's bad in its original language. Episodes II and III are decent but I gets trashed for legitimate reasons.

Edited by rollermonkey

It was almost perfect. I had a smile on my face most of the movie and the feeling of exuberance! So many emotional points in this movie you will feel joy, hope, relief, dismay, sadness and disbelief. It's on par with Empire IMO. I didn't expect to feel so much from this film but it pulled on all my heart strings. The comparisons to homage or remake are insulting honestly because even the small moments that echo A New Hope are not the focus of the moment and the circumstances different. I would go on to say that to reduce this movie to unoriginal homage is to be disingenuous.

Yeah, this guy is right. Outta 10 I'd give it a 9/9.5. You'd have to be a pretty bitter soul to not like it, it least in some form. I also get that it shares some common themes but overall, it's a different story fools! Sorry if you can't handle. I came out of the theatre genuinely happy that my favorite thing/childhood had not been molested

When I was watching the movie. The first half seemed like it came the 70's comic book from Marvel. (And I never read any of them.) And then it seemed to turn in to something like Lord of the Rings / Hobbit, near the end.

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