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Included are Ska's Foot Guards and Brickwolf's Queens Rifle Regiment!

Nice figs! :thumbup:

Thank you, that you honored my Rifles and done it right down to the details! pirate_blush.gif:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

Edited by Brickwolf

Lovely minifigs, fills out the military background of Corrington very nicely. I especially like the inclusion of the cavalry. I look forward to seeing local militia/volunteer company uniforms develop as the colonies grow. I found out just last week that the suburb where I lived raised a volunteer rifle company in 1802!

Can I ask a question for clarification? Does Corrrington follow British 18th c. practice in giving each regiment different facing colours (so your light, line and grenadier figures are from different regiments), or do the facings differ between companies (so your figures are from a single regiment)?

Arlinsport, 9th March, 616

to Madam the Queen,

Aiden Coyle presents his humble duty to your Majesty, and wishes to inform your Majesty of the progress made on Fort Arlin. I sincerely hope your Majesty will be satisfied with our efforts on Fort Arlin. Although it does not utilize the most advanced architectural designs that are known as bastion forts, I do believe the renovations we have been making to the earthen embankments and structures are the best we can do with the funds we have on hand and will be quite suitable for the defense of Arlinsport for quite some time. And now before I draw out this letter with further reasons of the choices I have made in the renovations, let me inform you on our progress to date. We have replaced all the wooden fortifications with stone as well as completely encasing the earthen embankments in stone which has given us the opportunity to build more sheltered rooms along the inside of the walls. We now have yet to finish the parapet on three of the walls as well as the completion of the upper levels of the two multi leveled structures of the fort, the first being above the gate and second being a fortified tower similar to a keep on the inner side of the front wall.

Lovely minifigs, fills out the military background of Corrington very nicely. I especially like the inclusion of the cavalry. I look forward to seeing local militia/volunteer company uniforms develop as the colonies grow. I found out just last week that the suburb where I lived raised a volunteer rifle company in 1802!

Can I ask a question for clarification? Does Corrrington follow British 18th c. practice in giving each regiment different facing colours (so your light, line and grenadier figures are from different regiments), or do the facings differ between companies (so your figures are from a single regiment)?

Thanks! The cavalry were fun, I'm half waiting for a lurking Olean spy to claim the Hussar because of the dark blue jacket! The light dragoon feels like he is from a slightly earlier time period.

I considered each regiment having different facing colours like in the British practice, but without custom torsos I think it's too difficult to do in Lego. In my mind, the epaulette colour denotes the company, dark green for light, white for line and red for grenadiers. Therefore my examples are from the same company. Blue facing and epaulettes for marines (blue = water!)

But anyway I don't mean them to be the definitive soldiers for Corrington, just my interpretation! I enjoy seeing what everyone else comes up with!

I really like the look of those troops, Ayrlego - Unfortunately, I have the parts to assemble exactly... let me see... none of them! pirate_tong.gif

Where are all those hats and redcoats from? A specific wave of pirates I missed, or a lot of different sources? (Well, truth be told, I never had many pirate sets as a kid...)

Thanks Bregir!

Hussar = torso from CMF Revolutionary Solider. Bearskin Shako from CMF Royal Guard

Light Dragoon = torso is the governors torso from the original redcoat pirate faction. Dark green epaulettes from the 2016 Ninjago line

Heavy Dragoon = torso from CMF Royal Guard, plain shako from the orignal bluecoat/redcoat soldiers

Foot Guard = torso is the pirate leader torso from 2009 Pirates

Regiment of Foot = torsos are all from the original redcoat line. Shakos from the 2009/2015 line and bearskin shako from the CMF Royal Guard

Rifle Regiment = torso is the original Pirate leader from the original pirate series

Marine = 2009 Redcoat

Thanks for the heads up, Ayrlego. I might need to invest (again...) pirate_tong.gif

I have a new build for Arlinsport:

The Montoya Residence


EDIT: PS. It also introduces my attempt at putting a Fraternity of Science up. I know the mechanisms probably aren't all fixed yet, but I am introducing one anyways for story purposes. Hopefully, it will be recognised by the crown at a later stage, and hopefully some of you will be interested in joining! pir_laugh2.gif

Edited by Bregir

'I considered each regiment having different facing colours like in the British practice, but without custom torsos I think it's too difficult to do in Lego. In my mind, the epaulette colour denotes the company, dark green for light, white for line and red for grenadiers. Therefore my examples are from the same company. Blue facing and epaulettes for marines (blue = water!)'

Thanks Ayrlego. To clarify, when I asked about facing colours, I actually meant epaulettes, not cuffs, which as you say would be too difficult to customise. I think the problem with your choice of colours is that white is one of the rarest Lego epaulette colours but line companies are the most common soldiers. This will make it difficult for me to replicate your colour scheme. I appreciate your uniforms aren't definitive but it would be nice to have consistency in Corrington armies. So I guess I'll be sticking to marines and volunteer companies for now, which is fine for the new colonies anyway. Maybe I'll visit Bricklink at some point and stock up on white epaulettes! Anyway, I love your work on these guys, they look magnificent!

'The light dragoon feels like he is from a slightly earlier time period.' Well shakos weren't adapted in European armies until 1800 anyway, and even tricornes until 1690s, whereas the first colonial explorations were in the 1500s. So if we are comparing years in BoBS world to our world it all falls apart anyway, I think its better not to think like that but just to go for a generic 'Age of Sail' style in all our minifigs and buildings.

Edited by Fuzzy MacFuzz

Hello, I am sending an official request from Felipe de la Manzana, MAESTRO Member, to Lord Thomas Smaugton :

"My dear friend,

As you probably know, MAESTRO encountered a native tribe named the Ténotclaxcans. They are friendly but have strange habits and myths they are not ready to share with us easily.

I am sending this letter to ask you some help.

I know your interest in science, and specially in anthropology.

So, I am asking you if you could recommend me some scientific experts in order to meet with me and my first officer the natives in order to learn their secrets. It is possible we have a hint concerning a mythical fruit I am trying to find.

I learned you were founding a settlement in the new Cocovia. Is it possible for me to go there and meet the scientists in Quinnsville ? (I have a friend fisherman of MAESTRO that is interested in your fishy bays, I will lead him to your colony in the same occasion.)

Friendly yours,

Felipe de la Manzana."

This letter is the beginning of a collaboration between us and is a way to reinforce Eslandola-Corrington good relationships.

I just posted my second, unnamed boat for the month.

25504926090_d000d28b72_n.jpgSmallBoat, on Flickr

Since I have 3 active licensed ships I don't want to pay the extra right now to get her licensed for myself. My intention was that she would replace Tigerlily when/if she bites the dust in a future month. However if anyone would like to license her this month and take her for a ride, I'd happily come to some agreement.

To Sir James William Chase via his acting agent Mr Brickon

Dated this 17th day of March in the 616th year After Empire

Sir, allow me to introduce myself. I am Nicholas Van Moor, John Hawksbrugh's agent in Corrington. Upon his departure for Port Raleigh Mr Hawksmoor deposited a small amount of doubloons with me and asked me to invest these in whatever venture seemed most likely to turn a profit. Your request for a speculative investment in your currently unamed ship recently caught my eye. Mr Hawksbrugh does not currently own a ship of any kind, so I believe a license will be unecessary in this instance. However I am willing to offer you 15 doubloons to hire your vessel as a particpant in Corrington's monthly trade convoy currently being assembled, in return for a full share of whatever profits its voyage brings. If you are interested in this arrangement, please inform me in your reply of the size and class of this fine vessel. You may also wish to supply her with a name fitting her beauty before she goes to sea.

I await your reply with anticipation, and remain your servant, Nicholas Van Moor, agent.

Edited by Fuzzy MacFuzz

Dear Sir,

The terms you propose are acceptable to myself. For 15 doubloons you may have the use of the vessel until such time you are no longer in want of it, and all profit from her use will be yours. As for the the matter of license, it is my belief that you must fill out the necessary paperwork for the crown, but as this is your first venture on the seas, no doubloons will be deducted from your accounts. While I am at liberty to act accordingly in these matters, I have not yet discovered the name of the vessel in question. Perhaps you, Mr Van Moor, will have better luck in these matters than I.

Her size is 2 and it has been suggested that with ample space for cargo and her current guns, she could be considered a Well Rounded vessel. However if you wish to purpose her for Trade you may chuse to licence her as such.

You may relay this response to Mr Hawksmoor, and carry out the necessary arrangements regarding this matter. I wish you fair winds and good prosper with the vessel, your humble and faithful servant, James William Chase.

Edited by BrickOn

I just finished Challenge 2a and 2b today. Hopefully, I can get pictures taken and posted tomorrow. Next week will be busy for me so I'm pushing to also have my first two freebuild ready for pictures.

1) Great to see cooperation in the licensing and building of ships, gentlemen. Corrington will thrive through our spirit of cooperation of friendship!

2) Sounds great, SilentWolf - will be looking forward to seeing them!

3) New freebuild up. Mainly a story build, so forgive me the wordiness.

Letters from home

Just thought I'd share some WIP shots of the 4A which will hopefully be finished before I fly, not sure about the stuff going on above the top deck yet, thats still ongoing..

25381824323_f084d51f2d.jpgWIP, on Flickr

25710016490_d5c793ed74.jpgWIPfront, on Flickr

25984656296_9f963e4392.jpgWIPrear, on Flickr

Edited by BrickOn

Aye, that has all the form and grace of a warship. May she earn you many victories!

Looking really great! Brick on! :wink:

Thanks, the ship is now finished and ready to serve in the Corrington Royal Fleet...

25429556034_bf4ff4fd1a.jpgWarBrig, on Flickr

King's Harbour has now been established.

@BrickOn: I have taken the liberty of linking your fortress there already, and naming its location "Chase Point". I hope this is acceptable.

Great looking capture!

Thats absolutely fine, I added a post anyway, since I have now licensed the fort. Its a small fortress at the moment.

King's Harbour has now been established.

Smashing! That solidfies our hold on the south eastern zone.

Edited by CelesAurivern

HMS Whisper is almost complete. She will be ready to sail for this month's MRCA. Here is a quick preview of her present state.


Edited by SilentWolf

Another great ship in the making.

3 more days to make MCRA! :moar:

  • Author

Corrington really does rule the waves!

Another great ship in the making.

3 more days to make MCRA! :moar:

I thought I had until the 31st which would give me 5 days? pirate_sceptic.gif

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