July 31, 20159 yr Remember that bantha in the video on TLG website? Maybe it will be included in the Droid Edcape Pod set?... I know that the pod and banthas were not in the same scene, but who knows?...
July 31, 20159 yr They could improve the Sandtrooper by getting rid of the black crotch piece on the legs and printing the black undersuit like the 2004 Stormies and Force Awakens Troopers. Not all the Sandtroopers had the black pouches on the chest armour either, so they could always do a torso variant with it. Other than that the only changes I can think of is having an orange/white pauldron instead of the black one from the Cantina. As for C-3PO the Sandcrawler version was scene-specific with the restraining bolt on his chest. I'd prefer the Escape Pod used the regular C-3PO torso while keeping the printed legs of the Sandcrawler.
July 31, 20159 yr As others have said, the Bespin Carbon Freezing Chamber set is very exciting. If I had to guess, I'd say the mechanism for "freezing" Captain Solo is going to be similar to the one in the Cloud City set from 2003. Perhaps it'll be a bit fancier and more automated, but I can't see another way of doing it.
July 31, 20159 yr Sounds like a pretty awesome lineup, something for everyone which is great. I'm very happy they haven't decided to disregard the PT in their lineup and Obi-Wans interceptor has coloured me excited. I'm also surprised about the Star Wars battlefront BPs! I hope it's Endor based and not Hoth based, since its covered pretty well with the AT-AT, snow speeder and the Hoth Base/Attack sets. Looking forward to see more info now!
August 1, 20159 yr I have a strong feeling we'll see a bantha and some tusken raiders in that escape pod....!
August 1, 20159 yr I wonder if the Microfighters Ghost will basically be the Comic-Con Ghost with flick-fire missiles added. I know that it's rare that they duplicate Con exclusives, but they basically produced a few Microfighters before Microfighters was even a line. They had, what, Slave 1, Luke's Landspeeder, the Sith Infiltrator, and Jek-14's ship. Be nice if they just recreated those as Microfighters.
August 1, 20159 yr THIS JUST IN: In the upcoming Bespin Carbon Freezing Chamber set, the mechanism used to raise the frozen Han Solo from the chamber will be flick-fire missile! That's right, we are going back to the old 1x2x5 printed brick with a flick-fire missile piece attached to the bottom!
August 1, 20159 yr Carbon Freezing chamber? This has potential....I'm more excited for the minifigs than anything. Hopefully we get a Bespin Leia, Chewbacca (w/ 3PO molded onto his back?), LANDO, and Fett (I'd like them to do the same one from the Slave I, but I know they won't.....) Battlefront battlepack? Give me some OT Stormies (from the ISD), and basic blue-shirt black-vest rebels, and I'm buying a few hundred. Droid escape pod?.....Throw in Beru, and I'll buy it.....or a Tusken....or a Bantha. None of them are related to the set, but hey: I can dream. Jedi Interceptor? Well, seeing as how Cody was released as a constraction set this year, I could see them making him into minifig form in this set. And if it is the blue one.....we would get a copper astromech. And I am REALLY hoping that one of the constraction sets is a clone captain.....I need to make my self-MOC. ......Hoth Attack? Since 2011, we've had an Echo Base, a Wampa cave, a Battle of Hoth, an AT-AT, a snowspeeder, another Echo Base, and a microfighter.....do we need more Hoth? All of those sets were rather boring, because there weren't very many interesting minifigures. 2016: My wallet is not ready.
August 1, 20159 yr I have a strong feeling we'll see a bantha and some tusken raiders in that escape pod....! The force is strong with this post...
August 1, 20159 yr I am very intrigued by how LEGO could pull off the carbon freezing chamber. It would be very nice if they did something along the lines of the Rancor pit and Jabba's palace. Battlefront battlepacks intrigue me aswell, since there isn't much information to deduce whether or not it will be Hoth BPs, Tatooine BPs or something else. I really hope the Hoth Attack set isn't just the usual trench, cannon and snowspeeder & turret. Perhaps a new AT-ST? That would be neat. The rest doesn't impact me as much as the four sets mentioned above. Yes, I am excited to see ALL of them but there are some that I'd probably buy before others.
August 1, 20159 yr Not happy. Though I do like that we're still getting fresh OT sets in the midst of the TFA explosion. 1) Hoth Attack?!?, Really?, after we're getting a frankly unneeded and somewhat unwanted entire UCS Hoth Base this Fall? Unless this is based on the cut-scene of the Wampas attacking the rebel base... that i'd like. 2) Carbon Freeze Chamber... NOOOOO!... this drastically reduces that we'll ever see a UCS Cloud City in the same vein of the Death Star. Granted that's always been a fevered dream, but it would have been so awesome. I suppose it just would've been too expensive. But i'd say this set makes it dead in the water. Then again, maybe this will be a modular set that will combine with future sets?, kinds like Jabba's Palace. That would totally redeem TLG. 3) Droid Escape Pod... eh. Gotta have some low priced sets I suppose. How about a vacuum-metal R2 and 3PO, that would be cool. Edited August 1, 20159 yr by jedge
August 1, 20159 yr Rampant Speculation Time! TFA: Battlepacks: As long as we get some sort of basic Rebel trooper and the basic FO Stormie, we good. Battle on Takodana: Who knows? Between this and the next one, needs to be a Luke and Leia though. TFA Threepio/R2 might not be out of place either. Supreme Leader Snoke a possibility? The Pirate Transport: Lupita bettter get her plastic form here. OT: Hoth Battle: Seems redundant with the Echo Base? What the heck is left to do on Hoth? Maybe if the Echo Base doesn't include an Atgar Cannon or a Turret??? Totally at a loss for this. As far as figures go, I just hope for whatever Rebels that don't end up appearing in Echo Base. Toryn Farr, Rieekan, Bren Derlin, Zev Senesca, Hoth Wedge, Wes Janson, all would be acceptable. Droid Escape Pod: Haven't grabbed one of these since the early 2000's, so I'll probably pick it up if the figures are any good. Everyone is assuming it will be on Tatooine, but what if it's the Escape pod with figures from the Tantive IV? A chance for a Captain Raymus Antilles or Commander Jir. Hard to say where this one will fall in terms of figures. It's got to have something more than just the 2 droids though. Bespin: Finally. This one is all about which figures they go with - rooting for Lando, either formal or whitesuit Leia, Bespin Luke, an Ugnaught or two, and another variation on the Bespin Guard. Rebels: Microfighters for Rebels is an odd choice, especially when we so desperately need more Season 1 characters and Season 2 material. Speculating here what could be the fresh character potential, even though it'll likely just be generics. AT-DP: Zare Leonis The Ghost: S2 Ahsoka (yeah right), Lando (yeah right), recolored Zeb, Sabine or Hera with a better faceprint Tie Advanced: Inquisitor with a different expression??? Wookiee Gunship: Kitwarr, Kanan with a new faceprint (fear/rage perhaps) Battlefront: Rebels: Hoping for classic troops - not Endor or Hoth. We'll definitely see that jetpack Sullustan I think. Too much of a standout to pass up. Empire: dream assortment - 1x normal classic Stormtrooper, 1x Death Star Trooper, 1x Imperial Officer (grey), 1x Spacetrooper (normal classic Stormtrooper but with removable space gear, seen outside the Death Star briefly in Episode IV) PT: Obi-Wan's Jedi Starfighter: This is the set I am absolutely most excited for, because every single possibility is gold. -Episode II: This is the least likely since they said 'interceptor' which typically refers to the Ep III design. However, an Ep II Obi-wan starfighter, with or without docking ring, would be brilliant because of the potential minifigs. R4-P17, Taun We, Lama Su, Clone in Training, Young Clone, any Separatist leader - Geonosis and Kamino characters are totally possible. Again, this is unlikely though since it will probably be Ep III. -Episode III Red: This is the most exciting because it's never been done in the modern line (I count modern as basically once they started printing the minifigure faces properly with detailed eyes). R4-P17 is a guarantee if this is the one, though the other minifigures are the most boring, since it'd basically be another buzz droid, and then possibly Odd Ball or Lushros Dofine - nobody much else to do from the Battle of Coruscant. -Episode III Blue: Also hasn't been done for a long, long time, this is almost as cool a possibility build-wise as the Red one, but the minifigs are so exciting. Ring or not, you gotta have R4-G9, and a copper astromech is nothing to scoff at. Besides that, anybody on Utapau is fair game. Tion Medon would be superb. Lampay Fey and Zyn Javeb are extremely unlikely and there's no real reason to make them. I'd prefer more Sep leaders, since they do appear on Utapau - Wat Tambor would be killer. A Commander Cody is definitely sorely needed though, and if the lineup was Obi, Tion, R4-G9, and Cody, that'd be more than acceptable. Though Lego does like to toss in baddies if possible, so some kind of Separatist would not be amiss.
August 1, 20159 yr am i the only one that expects the new obi wan interceptor to be the crimson red one from the opening space battle over Couruscant?? everyone seems to look forward for the less featured blue one...either way i hope it comes with the loooooong awaited cody Phase 2 as an extra the battlefront battlepack most likely would be tattoine/jakku based , i mean we already got plenty of hoth the past 2 years, plus hoth attack in the same lineup. besides there seems to be more troop variants on the desert planets. those new red marked shock troopers for example
August 1, 20159 yr am i the only one that expects the new obi wan interceptor to be the crimson red one from the opening space battle over Couruscant?? everyone seems to look forward for the less featured blue one...either way i hope it comes with the loooooong awaited cody Phase 2 as an extra the battlefront battlepack most likely would be tattoine/jakku based , i mean we already got plenty of hoth the past 2 years, plus hoth attack in the same lineup. besides there seems to be more troop variants on the desert planets. those new red marked shock troopers for example Most hope for the blue because of the possibilities for R4-G9 and Commander Cody! The red would be nice, but the minifig possibilities are less exciting to me. Maybe this'll be like the B-wing or A-wing, single-faction assortments--no Battle Droids (or Buzz Droids)
August 1, 20159 yr well... that's what i toughtt , but the old blue interceptor did featured Kit fisto and he was nowhere near the craft in the movies. same case with a lot of other sets. besides we have not had the crimson interceptor in a proper set since well never, the original was a store exclusive kinda rare boxed set combo. however i think we can all agree on the inclusion of commander cody p2
August 1, 20159 yr I do hope the Jedi Interceptor is the blue one mainly because the characters on Utapau are a lot more interesting than the ones involved in the Battle of Coruscant. The constraction figure for Obi-Wan has actually got me wondering if they'll change his hair colour from dark orange to dark flesh/nougat? It would certainly look a lot more accurate, yet at the same time if he does get a drastic redesign I do hope they leave off the pilot headgear so he isn't so scene specific. I am very intrigued by how LEGO could pull off the carbon freezing chamber. It would be very nice if they did something along the lines of the Rancor pit and Jabba's palace. That would be my preference. The Carbon Freezing Chamber on its own is nice, but getting the rest of Cloud City as an expansion in the Summer wave would be even better. Throw in the Cloud Car as a third set and you've pretty much got Bespin and all its characters covered.
August 1, 20159 yr I just realized something. This year there has been a decent amount of ROTJ sets that focus on key moments and contain a lot of the essential characters, along with 2016's Empire Strikes Back resurgence, perhaps we'll see a decent wave of new A New Hope sets to coincide with the release of Rogue One. I know its a while away, but you can always wonder...
August 1, 20159 yr From a list, don't think anything is new but the numbers, possibly. Second Hero Pilot CONF. LEGO Star Wars CONF 75117 LEGO Star Wars CONF 75118 Microfighter Hero Starfighter
August 1, 20159 yr Cloud City Baby! This is good to hear for next year's line up that it won't be over the top with the force awakens stuff. My wallet has been awakened to much already... CLOUD CITY! With the spin off film coming next year I have a feeling we are going to get some more OT sets, and then there's rebels, too. Whoooooop!
August 1, 20159 yr Regarding the new sets: 6 nouveaux sets Microfighters dont 2 sets The Force Awakens et 4 de Star Wars Rebels (AT-DP, The Ghost, TIE Advanced Prototype et Wookie Gunship) It all depends on the figs whether I'll get them. My bet: AT-DP (AT-DP pilot) Ghost (Kanan or Ezra) TIE advanced proto (Inquisitor or a pilot) If the Inquisitor is included it's a must have. For some reason though I can't see them include him since it would hurt the sales of the system scale version. Wookiee gunship (Kanan or a Wookiee). – 2 sets The Force Awakens “Battle on Takodana” et “The Pirate Transport”. Want both. The Transport will most likely have new aliens (new headmolds?) and Maz. The other set is maybe based on the ground battle with the troops, Han, Chewie, etc – 2 sets Battle Pack The Force Awakens un “Hero” et un “Villain”. Will get both. – 2 sets Battle Pack Star Wars Battlefront inspiré du jeux vidéo, un Empire et un Rebel. I really don't know....I'll decide when I see them. – 6 nouvelles Constraction figures Easy passes. – 4 sets de la trilogie et de la prélogie (Hoth Attack, Bespin Carbon Freezing Chamber, Droid Escape Pod, ROTS Obi Wans Jedi Interceptor) Ok, the Jedi Interceptor is an wasy pass (I don't collect PT). Droid Escape: I have the last one.....so this one needs to have something like a Bantha (but I have a felling a Jawa will be included; there's also one in the advent calendar; maybe that's a sign?) Bespin: Must have. Hope Lando and Ugnaughts are included. Hoth: Not excited.....but maybe it will surprise me! Since there are no prices mentioned it's hard to budget these.....also because depending on the figs the Microfighters could cost me anything from 0 to 60.
August 1, 20159 yr Micro fighters. A bit of a departure as the micro fighters usually have generics piloting them rather than heroes? I imagine an AT-DP pilot with that one, and maybe a new generic Rebel with the Ghost? Maybe different people will pilot it in series 2. If not I anticipate it being Chopper? Maybe the TIE prototype will feature again in season 2 Rebels with a new Inquistor? Either way I don't imagine it being just a generic pilot. I rushed out and bought the full size one when I realised he was getting killed off to make sure I snagged the figure, I certainly wouldn't have if I thought he would be available for under a tenner soon! Cool to get a wookie though! Bespin set will be great, fully expect it to follow the pattern of the final duel and palatines arrest, packed with play features. Can't see how they can omit Vader, Lando, Han and an Ugnaught or two plus Luke it it extends to his battle with Vader. (Without watching the scene again) I imagine the working freeze chamber, a smashable window and the vane where the big 'I am your father' scene takes place. Escape pod, didn't imagine this being space based instead of Tatooine based but a 'detachable' pod attached to part of the corridor, with the droids, new white Leia and maybe a Rebel would make a good alternative. Edited August 1, 20159 yr by markw
August 1, 20159 yr But just one question... no new Rebels sets? Weird. Maybe they'll be the retailer exclusives. Very disappointed in this. Hopefully later in the year we get more. Would love a Rebels Vader set. Maybe they're waiting for season two to air and we'll get new sets based on that? Here's hoping anyway...
August 1, 20159 yr I'm excited by this lineup (except the Constraction figures and I'm not too worried about the micro fighters, although I'll pick up the Wookie Gunship if it's piloted by a Wookie - got enough Kanan minifigures). But I'd definitely have expected at least a couple of proper Rebels sets. Like most people, I want adult Ahsoka. I don't have any Jedi craft other than Mace Windu's, (although I'll probably pick up 75038) so I can see myself buying most if not all of the other sets, assuming my wallet has recovered from the TFA launch by then (and I'm still to pick up the Tyderium from the current wave).
August 1, 20159 yr I'm excited by this lineup (except the Constraction figures and I'm not too worried about the micro fighters, although I'll pick up the Wookie Gunship if it's piloted by a Wookie - got enough Kanan minifigures). But I'd definitely have expected at least a couple of proper Rebels sets. Like most people, I want adult Ahsoka. I don't have any Jedi craft other than Mace Windu's, (although I'll probably pick up 75038) so I can see myself buying most if not all of the other sets, assuming my wallet has recovered from the TFA launch by then (and I'm still to pick up the Tyderium from the current wave). There could still be some proper Rebels sets we don't know about. Usually when we get the initial rumour list for the Winter wave they don't include the retailer exclusives. Those set names usually pop up a month or two later.
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