November 27, 20159 yr Can you believe this auction!
November 27, 20159 yr Was the issue of the TFA X-Wing microfighter lacking an astromech resolved? Is it just cause they're prelims, or what? Or does no one know yet? It's cool either way.
November 27, 20159 yr What an interesting book... *image* Kind of disappointing that they are just two previous book exclusives. Shame the minifigures are just repeats. I still think they should've given Palpatine a different costume for the books (either a Senate Duel version where he fought Yoda or the red robes where he declared the beginning of the Empire) and left his classic costume for the Death Star/Final Duel sets. Everything with an alien in those prelim pics are on my list. Wookie, Twi-Lek, Rodian, Duros all look good. Don't forget the Jawas and Ugnaughts too. We're really getting spoiled with all different the aliens in affordable sets next year.
November 28, 20159 yr hould have done s exclusive jedi and sith like bane or plagius and some jedi like i dont know master fleetwood (who is now canon) (they should start making him and r2-kt to honor them and since there popular) +1 Don't forget the Jawas and Ugnaughts too. Main reason I'm getting the Cloud City set.
November 28, 20159 yr I have seen pictures of the Battle of Takodana set. They're preliminary and marked confidential so I cannot link to them or show you them here. All I can say is that it is a medium-sized location-type playset, with lots of what appear to be collapsing functions. Four Minifigures are included. I don't think you'll be disappointed with it.
November 28, 20159 yr I have seen pictures of the Battle of Takodana set. They're preliminary and marked confidential so I cannot link to them or show you them here. All I can say is that it is a medium-sized location-type playset, with lots of what appear to be collapsing functions. Four Minifigures are included. I don't think you'll be disappointed with it. What is the 4th minifigure
November 28, 20159 yr I have seen pictures of the Battle of Takodana set. They're preliminary and marked confidential so I cannot link to them or show you them here. All I can say is that it is a medium-sized location-type playset, with lots of what appear to be collapsing functions. Four Minifigures are included. I don't think you'll be disappointed with it. What kind of location it will be based? A base or something similar to the Battle of Hoth set from 2013?
November 28, 20159 yr The set is similar to the LOTR Helm's Deep set in that it has the facade of the castle and some of the surrounding area. It's not a full castle however. Since the pictures were preliminary and low-res I cannot say this with certainty but the fourth minifigure contained lots of white, leading me to believe that it was a stormtrooper of some sort. Edited November 28, 20159 yr by ChristopherLee
November 28, 20159 yr The set is similar to the LOTR Helm's Deep set in that it has the facade of the castle and some of the surrounding area. It's not a full castle however. Since the pictures were preliminary and low-res I cannot say this with certainty but the fourth minifigure contained lots of white, leading me to believe that it was a stormtrooper of some sort. If it's a riot trooper, I'll be squealing like a 5 year old :blush:
November 28, 20159 yr I have seen pictures of the Battle of Takodana set. They're preliminary and marked confidential so I cannot link to them or show you them here. All I can say is that it is a medium-sized location-type playset, with lots of what appear to be collapsing functions. Four Minifigures are included. I don't think you'll be disappointed with it. Is it Maz's castle ruins? That would make sense since trailers show a battle happening on top of the ruins. And since you said that fourth minifig looks white, Stormtrooper with a shock staff would make a lot of sense.
November 28, 20159 yr Is it Maz's castle ruins? That would make sense since trailers show a battle happening on top of the ruins. And since you said that fourth minifig looks white, Stormtrooper with a shock staff would make a lot of sense. Judging by all the falling functions Christopher Lee mentioned it'll probably look a lot more ruined afterwards. I really hope they don't half-megablocks this new electrostaff.
November 28, 20159 yr I have seen pictures of the Battle of Takodana set. They're preliminary and marked confidential so I cannot link to them or show you them here. All I can say is that it is a medium-sized location-type playset, with lots of what appear to be collapsing functions. Four Minifigures are included. I don't think you'll be disappointed with it. Did you find it online? I don't need to know where or what you searched just if it is available to the public.
November 28, 20159 yr All I want to know is: Does Kylo come with his helmet, or the some sort of Sabine Wren revisited scenario? :)
November 28, 20159 yr Did someone say pictures? Edited November 28, 20159 yr by The Kid
November 28, 20159 yr Did someone say pictures? http://www.thetoysho...-75139/p/524153 AHHHH Well, we get the helmet and a new head! But, the one in the Shuttle stays exclusive for the old head... I'm happy, actually!
November 28, 20159 yr That looks great! I can get both Kylo Ren and Finn in a cheap set, yes yes yes! Box for 75140 Resistance Troop Transporter Edited November 28, 20159 yr by CM4Sci
November 28, 20159 yr Love them! That resistance troop transport thing looks a lot like a modified B wing, correct? And what is that small character in the Takodana set?
November 28, 20159 yr Nice find! Kylo has unmasked face print, looks like sith eyes too. 409 pieces and comes with 2 Stormtroopers, one with what looks like the heavy cannon on the heavy gunner stormtrooper. Only wished Lego made one of them have the heavy gunner torso like in the bp. Also the set is quite nice almost council of elrond feel. Cannot wait until the inevitable Takodana d2c set. There's box pic of Leia ship aka Resistance Transport. That has 646 pieces and shows the landing ramp in the middle as most speculated.
November 28, 20159 yr Both sets look fantastic! I'm really impressed at how good the castle looks in particular. They captured the look of the entrance perfectly. Nice to see Kylo Ren comes with a proper face this time, and I also like how consistant older Leia's face print is with her younger self from the Shuttle Tyderium. I know not everyone was happy with the colours of her costume, but I think it looks fine compared to what was shown in the trailer. Shame there's still no TFA Luke Skywalker minifigure. Fingers crossed he'll show up as a May the Fourth promo figure later in the year.
November 28, 20159 yr Excellent pictures! finally! great minifigures for medium sized sets, I like the interpretation of the 'electrostaff' I wonder if there is a way to make it extendable at such a small scale? So now that the secret's out, there is nothing stopping them going on sale early December, right? I literally cannot wait to get my hands on these! what is the next set/sets we are waiting to see now? Edited November 28, 20159 yr by Brickr
November 28, 20159 yr Hopefully now he is unmasked this will clear up that Kylo is not Luke. Also good that you can get Maz, Kylo, Finn and two stormies for £50, should bring down the resale prices particularly on Kylo.
November 28, 20159 yr Wow I just realized no one in Resistance Troop Transporter has leg printing! Oh wait ackbar does nvm :D
November 28, 20159 yr Love the Resistance Toop Transport set. The ship itself looks kinda weird, but well designed. The minifigures are also quite good. Not a big fan of the Battle on Takadona set. I wish for something bigger consider it's a playset. The minifigures are nice however.
November 28, 20159 yr Will be picking up both of these on the day of release - the takodana set is ripe for extension, but I don't have a lot of bricks in that colour. Maybe pick up a second set minus figures on flea bay. Hopefully now he is unmasked this will clear up that Kylo is not Luke. I can't for the life of me understand why this rumour persisted this long at all - there were official unmasked photos of Adam Driver as Kylo months ago!
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