February 14, 20169 yr Correct me if I'm wrong, but everything except the movies, CW, and Rebels is no longer canon. Battlefront is canon too.
February 14, 20169 yr I just noticed that Luminara is continuing the trend of giving select females colored eyes (like Stass Allie and Hera). It is slightly annoying because now her head is not a perfect fit with the existing Barriss minifigure. Barriss has normal black eyes. Other than that, a perfect figure! So, if they can make eye color changes like these, breaking past design trends, why can't they change and correct the skin color for clones like Rex? I really hope Ahsoka does not have colored eyes, but she probably will. Edited February 14, 20169 yr by phanstasm
February 14, 20169 yr This year will be my first LEGO SW advent calender purchase the white Wookie ftw :)
February 14, 20169 yr Can't quite tell what I'm looking at with the Advent Calendar. I'm seeing the following (put in white to avoid spoilers, so highlight to read): Minifigures: - Some kind of Silver/Gray Protocol Droid (Episode II 3PO?) - Battle Droid - Bespin Guard...with ice skates! - Hoth Rebel Trooper - Snowtrooper - Snowman Imperial - ROTJ Luke - Yeti Chewbacca Builds: - Mini Hoth Transport - Mini TIE Interceptor - Hoth Rebel Cannon (I think) - Tantive IV - Republic Attack Cruiser - Obi-Wan's Jedi Starfighter (remodeled from 2011) - Mini Hoth Tower - Some brown craft I can't identify - Some white pieces with a stud shooter? (Maybe the snowman goes on here?) - Clone Wars Droid Gunship - Some kind of tank? Possibly an AAT? - Some kind of white shuttle? - Slave-1 (remodeled from 2011) - Jabba's Palace - Brown GNK Droid (remodeled from 2012) That only gets me to 23 builds. Not sure if I missed something.
February 14, 20169 yr Doesn't look like it's been mentioned here yet, but Rogue One's official "Force Friday" has been announced - September 30th.
February 14, 20169 yr - Some brown craft I can't identify Would that be the AAT? Or is the one you're missing the AAT? (There is something here in response, by the way. I kept it white.) Overall, the builds for the Advent calendar look really good this year. I can almost tell what they all are. That random stud shooter? Is that supposed to be something? Edited February 14, 20169 yr by DarkLordSauron
February 14, 20169 yr Meanwhile, New York City: a BEST TOY OF THE YEAR 2016 award goes to The LEGO Group for Star Wars: The Force Awakens Millennium Falcon (best boy toy)! Neat! good for you. too bad you're trying to pass a "4 in 1" playset off as a UCS for "only" 250€. Where are the attackers in that assault? Why did u choose to brand it UCS? Do you think that bunch of mini sets are what "collectors" want? I suggest you go and check what "UCS" used to mean, it seems you don't remember it so well.
February 14, 20169 yr good for you. too bad you're trying to pass a "4 in 1" playset off as a UCS for "only" 250€. Where are the attackers in that assault? Why did u choose to brand it UCS? Do you think that bunch of mini sets are what "collectors" want? I suggest you go and check what "UCS" used to mean, it seems you don't remember it so well. Woah calm down. I dont want to defend anybody, but I think its ultimately not the designers choice how Lego Sets get marketed (When it comes to being UCS or not as well as the amount of content and price) but one the Lego Company does itself.
February 14, 20169 yr Yeah it's hard to tell because the playability aspect seemed to be one pushed by the company as a whole and not the designers. Honestly i'm sure the designers are just happy to build whatever the agree upon plan is. The set could've benefited from the Power Miners sensibilities. Playability along with for the most part functional succinct builds. Yeah they had their cheesiness too but there were a lot of moments of equilibrium between play features and design.
February 14, 20169 yr I am sure we will still get the UCS ships we are used too when the Snowspeeder and Death Star come out. This is just another large scale playset that will replace Ewok Village on the shelves. I think this got the badge because TLG recently stated they would start using the badge consistently on large scale/expensive sets. In the past it was hit or miss if a UCS was labeled as such. If the Death Star play set and Ewok Village came out after this badge standardization, they would probably have the badge on the box as well. Since I have no Hoth sets and only the AT-AT Walker (recently came out of dark ages), I may end up picking this up when it goes on sale ;) Will look awesome with my AT-AT. Edited February 14, 20169 yr by analogkid81
February 14, 20169 yr I'm sorry if this already been answered, but I couldn't find it in my brief search of the last few pages. Do we know anything about the rumored podracer set? Was it a hoax, are they coming later, or is it too early to tell?
February 14, 20169 yr Glad to see that the A-wing does actually have landing gear. Yes, it finally makes sense, stabilizers (and the engines, it seems) move upward and horizontally for the landing gear to deploy. This also explains the weird angles of those fins in some pics. Canons can also be rotated. I suspect the elastic bands are for the canon movement. (Returning them to horizontal) Edited February 14, 20169 yr by Dameronian
February 14, 20169 yr I just noticed that Luminara is continuing the trend of giving select females colored eyes (like Stass Allie and Hera). It is slightly annoying because now her head is not a perfect fit with the existing Barriss minifigure. Barriss has normal black eyes. Other than that, a perfect figure! So, if they can make eye color changes like these, breaking past design trends, why can't they change and correct the skin color for clones like Rex? I really hope Ahsoka does not have colored eyes, but she probably will. Well, I think it's somewhat justified since Luminara's eyes are a lot brighter than Barriss's Luminara: http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/e/ef/LuminaraHS-SWE.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/500?cb=20111117041643 Barriss: http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/3/37/Barrisprofile2.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/500?cb=20070728014608 Besides, that "trend" (if you can call it that) has started in 2013 with the release of the Stass Allie minifig and the previous non-CW Barriss was released well before that in 2010. If she got a redesign she'd probably have blue eyes as well, even though they're a different hue. I think they decided to use the proper eye colours to reflect that those are alien species, just like some other non-human characters that are given features that regular minifigs clearly lack, such as noses and ears And you might be right about Ahsoka, I also expect her to have blue eyes
February 14, 20169 yr Thats definitely a nice mechanism built into the fighter. Who would have thought that the A-Wing would have the potential to become the star of the set EDIT: Scratch what I said, in this video you can see that the rubber band construction is for the spring loaded shooters. You can move the central part of the ship backwards to shoot: Edited February 14, 20169 yr by BigEl
February 14, 20169 yr good for you. too bad you're trying to pass a "4 in 1" playset off as a UCS for "only" 250€. Where are the attackers in that assault? Why did u choose to brand it UCS? Do you think that bunch of mini sets are what "collectors" want? I suggest you go and check what "UCS" used to mean, it seems you don't remember it so well. If you dont like it, dont buy it. Criticize as necessary but dont trash the designer and attack him personally. I would hope adults would be more collected on a forum for toys.
February 14, 20169 yr I'm sorry if this already been answered, but I couldn't find it in my brief search of the last few pages. Do we know anything about the rumored podracer set? Was it a hoax, are they coming later, or is it too early to tell? As far I know it was a hoax. I think it's been taken off of most major lists so it's fair to say it's not happening. Plus with The Force Awakens, Rebels, and Rogue One which are all generating a lot of OT buzz, a pod racer set would make absolutely no marketing sense at this point in time. Maybe we'll see a revival of TPM sets during the 20th anniversary but besides that expect very PT sets for the next two years.
February 14, 20169 yr Thats definitely a nice mechanism built into the fighter. Who would have thought that the A-Wing would have the potential to become the star of the set EDIT: Scratch what I said, in this video you can see that the rubber band construction is for the spring loaded shooters. You can move the central part of the ship backwards to shoot: Wow....the tiny little A wing is the star of the wave indeed...
February 14, 20169 yr Thats definitely a nice mechanism built into the fighter. Who would have thought that the A-Wing would have the potential to become the star of the set EDIT: Scratch what I said, in this video you can see that the rubber band construction is for the spring loaded shooters. You can move the central part of the ship backwards to shoot: Im not liking that at all, they basically built an A-wing shaped novelty blaster rather then an A-wing. Im not a fan of those new panels for the wings/fins either, completely inaccurate, they should've stuck with the brick-built wings of previous models. Looks like ill be MOCing an A-wing, or hunting down a cheap 75003
February 14, 20169 yr Im not liking that at all, they basically built an A-wing shaped novelty blaster rather then an A-wing. Im not a fan of those new panels for the wings/fins either, completely inaccurate, they should've stuck with the brick-built wings of previous models. Looks like ill be MOCing an A-wing, or hunting down a cheap 75003 Why not download the instructions from LEGO.com once they become available and then mod it?
February 14, 20169 yr This wave is very polarizing for me. The A-Wing, Vader's Tie, Clone Turbo Tank and X-Wing all look amazing. The Eclipse Fighter, Star Scavenger, AT-TE and Jakku set are not enticing at all. There are no sets I'm on the fence about. I really want a regular AT-TE but they're pretty expensive. This new one looks like a clown mobile.
February 14, 20169 yr Im not liking that at all, they basically built an A-wing shaped novelty blaster rather then an A-wing. Im not a fan of those new panels for the wings/fins either, completely inaccurate, they should've stuck with the brick-built wings of previous models. Looks like ill be MOCing an A-wing, or hunting down a cheap 75003 The stabilizers look pretty accurate to me. Maybe not an exact replica of what we see in Rebels, but it's pretty close, definitely closer than what can be accomplished with bricks, if only because they're much skinnier than bricks. My only issue is that the engines are too far apart, but that seems to be a result of the firing action and pretty easy to mod.
February 14, 20169 yr I'm sorry if this already been answered, but I couldn't find it in my brief search of the last few pages. Do we know anything about the rumored podracer set? Was it a hoax, are they coming later, or is it too early to tell? There will be a Toys R us exclusive podracer modell with 284 parts including Kitster, Rebels Ashoka, the missing clone helmets, Kallus comb & a baby Luggabeast.
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