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Too young what, a couple of months ago?

But really, isn't that a problem with pretty much all Star Wars merchandise across the board? Whether it's action figures, video games or DVD's they're pretty much always recycling the exact same things. Much of the time the action figures have the same mold they had a decade ago. Articulation in Star Wars action figures seems to get worse yearly. I don't really feel like I can blame Lego for using the same strategy that every other Star Wars merchandiser is using. Sure, it would be wonderful if they could rise above the system and create truly new and amazing products, but why should they abandon the practices that have made them one of the largest toy brands in the business? If sales are bad they'll change, but if they're good than they'll stay the course.

Sure, this new Death Star is going to be pretty much the same as the last, but the reality is that there's a whole new generation of children who weren't around for the last one (And when you get down to it the main audience for Lego is children). Ultimately that's why Star Wars products recycle so much, there's always new customers. If it sold well for the last generation than all they need to do is run a new coat of polish over it and it's ready for sale. As the old adage goes "if it isn't broke, don't fix it".

Too, I'll say it like this; 10188 had pretty much every single thing you could want in a Death Star, does it really need to be reinvented? Maybe I'm alone, but a re-release with new minifigures is pretty much all I wanted.

If the customers (children) change all the time, as you say, then surely it would make more sense for lego to keep the same system sets on the market longer than the current six months-one year instead of rehashing it every so often. Which is how it used to be in the old days. I remember the same playmobil sets on the shelves for years.

Edited by Bolingbroke

The negativity has definitely been blown out of proportion. The previous Death Star was as perfect as you can get for a playset. Obviously the minifigures are dated now and a few new pieces and building techniques have been introduced over the years but really... what else were you expecting to be changed with the new one?

And seriously... can we move past the "Insult on Hoth" moniker already? Its pretty childish seeing grown adults name calling a plastic toy. :sceptic:

The negativity has definitely been blown out of proportion. The previous Death Star was as perfect as you can get for a playset. Obviously the minifigures are dated now and a few new pieces and building techniques have been introduced over the years but really... what else were you expecting to be changed with the new one?

And seriously... can we move past the "Insult on Hoth" moniker already? Its pretty childish seeing grown adults name calling a plastic toy. :sceptic:

Well said

I think people expecting 75159 to be a hybrid of 10143 and 10188, which is a Death Star playset like 10188 with an outer shell like 10143. The news of 75159 been a facelift version of 10188 is pretty much what CapnRex101 say about the "divided" thing. It'll be a good news for people who miss out 10188 and want an updated version while it's a dissapointing news for people who wants something new, so fan's opinion about 75159 will be mixed.

And the good thing about Lego is, if you don't like something, you can change it. I think there's tons of MOD's out there with the outer shell of 10143 and the structure of 10188.

I'm not at all surprised at the fact that it's is just an update. The increase in price is pretty reasonable too, with inflation and everything LEGO was probably losing money on 10188. I'd rather them update it and include new figures than simply increase the price of the old one.

I think something a lot of people are forgetting is that TLG used to straight up re-release popular sets for a new market a couple of years later. And they didn't even update the re-releases at all! A good example would be 7140 & 7142 - it's the exact same set, just re-released a few years later due to demand. There's also cases like 7166 & 7264 - a re-release with minor updates and additions, but still largely the exact same build. That type of practice was pretty commonplace back in that era, and not just for Star Wars. The target market very much appreciated the re-releases at the time, and I don't see how this is any different.

It sound like it will be more cost effective to simply update 10188, and add the blue astromech and black RA-7 through Bricklink.

I've converted the loading bay in my 10188 to the room full of stormtroopers in ANH, got 14 in there at the moment, but that's mostly storage until I get a Tatooine or Bespin layout sorted. I've also changed the Droid repair bit into a generic corridor. For me, those were the two weakest rooms in the original Death Star, and it'd be good to see them improved upon.

The pictures and the confirmed GBP price will be the decider, but I'm hopeful that even if I don't buy it, It will provide a nice guide to updating the look of 10188. The money I save can go towards a few RO, VII, Rebels and OT sets. I'm quite tempted by UCS Hoth, but I'll wait for a sale :)

The thing I'm disappointed about is that they had the chance to do something new and the took (imo) the easy way out and just updated the old set. I'm not a fan of the play set style, so it's doubtful I'll get this. I can understand the price increase, that shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. Just look at how prices have gone up over the years. E.g 6212 X-wing was £50, and now the resistance X-wing is £80.

Saying that, I was very grateful they brought out a new UCS x-wing, and I live in hope of a new falcon!

And the good thing about Lego is, if you don't like something, you can change it. I think there's tons of MOD's out there with the outer shell of 10143 and the structure of 10188.

True. Although I'm not sure about tons, because I've only been able to find one posting by etcknight at fbtb.net and it's several years old.


This news today about the Death Star is good for me - the more I thought about the "half sphere" approach, I realized it might be kind of sucky. If it's just the northern hemisphere, I don't know I just think about that goofy Kenner Star Wars Death Star playset - the cardboard one. While I like that approach to Cloud City, not the Death Star, it should be a full sphere.

Edited by darththeling

I'm definitely joining the "what were you expecting?" camp :laugh: I really don't see how they could have improved the old set, it covered every major DS scene from both ANH and ROTJ and used the given space very effectively :sweet: Same goes for the minifigs, the options are pretty limited here in terms of what characters they can reasonably put in :wink: Sure, they could include all of the Imperial higher-ups from the conference scene in ANH, but that's not really exciting now is it :tongue:

I've only been able to find one posting by etcknight at fbtb.net and it's several years old. http://www.fbtb.net/...php?f=10&t=1216

I'm shocked at how little attention that post received at the time. Surely a mod like that would be no easy feat, and as far as I know, nobody else has ever really attempted something on that level even to this day. Thanks for the link!

I think that 10188 was an extremely well-made model of DS, close to perfect as a lego playset. All the right play features, capturing most of the important scenes from the movie, the reasonable choice of minifigures, most importantly sturdy lego builds... Little can be done to make things better since it was already pretty close to perfection. Outershell is a minor issue at best, and I even personally think it is better off without the shell, I'd rather see the iconic scenes from the movie in clear view when on display.

And although the new DS may look somewhat similar to the old one, I bet there are many new enjoyable features and builds in the new DS that even the old owners of 10188 can appreciate. I just hope that they release the descriptions of the new DS to the public soon.

I've sat back and read a number of comments recently with little posting, I find that EB had become far more policed than I would like, although I respect the position that they are in, perhaps sometimes some friendships work well in parts but require you to sacrifice what makes you who you are (a reference to the way EB responds to Lego requests as articulated throughout sevrral topics), I feel this has happened slowly over the past few years here...

My thoughts regarding some of the comments and critique of those comments are discussed below this quote.

Right, I may just completely stop posting here now. About 70% of this page is just grown men and women getting extremely infuriated about a toy brand.

A. Toy. Brand.

It's an awesome Toy Brand, and I'm glad so many people can gather to like it; that's why I'm so disappointed and generally just disinterested when the majority of people just seem to outright hate the brand, calling it lazy, complacent, and lacking (y'know, despite the fact that it's the biggest toy brand in the world). The hypocrisy here is unbelievable, and it's hard to stomach (good set one wave, loves the brand, bad UCS set, suddenly thinks it's a poor product that needs to pull its act together).

Right, I'll just stick about to look at any news, and just completely blindsight anyone's actual opinion. I'll post a bit about any things I actually have a genuine opinion on, which is a scarce concept in general nowadays...I'm sure I won't be missed.

....I think this new DS sounds pretty solid in my opinion, the updated figures alone sound awesome and bricklink-worthy, and I don't mind a repeat of the previous version since, well, that has retired now, so there's a hole in the market.

I've read a couple of your posts, I think I understand what you're trying to say.

Honestly this year feels like a lazy year, people should feel free to be able to express that also.

Personally I feel the design of the sets have been so-so, people having a go at the designers is also appropriate (pretty sure some of them visit this page from time), how else will they improve otherwise? If it is acceptable to compliment a job well done, surely its equally acceptable to be critical to a job done poorly.

I accept that LFL and Lego will say what to build or provide direction, it is a designers job to make it work, surely that is the brief they are given.

As for people being hypocritical about a 'toy' from a 'toy company' it is their right to vote with their wallets/purses/credit cards. When you ask people to spend several hundreds of dollars on sets that are marketed for AFOLs (lets for arguments sake say that they are) then adults have the right to feel aggrieved when the quality is less than expected.

I expect here in Australia, this set to push around the $700 mark, should I be happy with a reboot for that price? Do I consider the fact that I have the original sufficient for the time being? Is there substantial enjoyment in a set of this purported design? All of these factors are important to me, by supposition I imagine this to be the case for others. Criticism of people for their opinion regarding a top price set is a bit hypocritical when you put forward your own opinion to counter their arguments.

My own personal opinion (which I am happy for it to be debated or criticised) us that a reboot of a set that has not long been retired is a bit underhanded. There are plenty of sets that Lego/LFL could do from either OT/PT even EP7 before another death star. I felt the same way about the x-wing (I bought it and I will most likely buy this DS too) and will probably feel the same about others until they do some sets that I would like to see get the 'UCS' (find this term becoming increasingly ambiguous these days) treatment.

If anyone here is a Lego designer or knows one, I am happy to have a civilised conversation about what I feel is going right and wrong...

My thoughts on the matter. Sorry for the length but I have had hardly anything to say recently that has inspired me to contribute in an indepth manner.

Edited by Darth Malgus

My wallet is happy about the new DS, since I own 10188!

On the other hand, while it was to be expected, I can't help but be a bit disappointed.

Don't get m wrong, I love my 10188 and I completely understand why Lego would want to kinda re-release it.

What would have made, in my personal opinion, an absolutely perfect set, would have been a closed sphere with outer shell that would split in half (kinda like the simpson house or GBHQ) to reveal all the amazing scenes and rooms.

That being said, I can't wait to see it, even if I don't think I'll be getting it

Well i´m also on the "what did you expect" side.

My personal main concern is, that with the upcoming "rehased" DS 2016´s been a pretty lame year for SW-AFOLs, we´ve had a horrible receptioned Hoth set, and now a $500 DS which (besides updated Minifigures) will most likely look 1:1 like the old one. The UCS Snowspeeder has been pushed to ´17 so no "real" Display pieces this year for us, i guess that´s one of the major things why a lot of people are so dissapointed!

I am with Darth Malgus above. A pretty neat summary. What I would like to add is that my opinion would be different if I hadn't bought the Death Star at the time for my 1 year old daughters birthday. The fact that I (sorry she) owns it now, does make me sad that I cannot immediately justify getting the new one. Though at 6 years old - she could probably help a bit more now with building it.

Would have no major issue, but I know I will want the figs and droids. Now, if they redid the falcon, boy would I be happy. I never got that and want it so badly. I wonder how much discontent there would be if they did that. Less I would think, as the falcon left the shelves long long ago. I guess I don't like the fact that there is no gap in the Death Stars. Why not do Cloud City first, and DS in a few years??? Same with Snowspeeded. I never got it, so am super happy with a new one.

I just hope, like some have said, that they can give more licence to doing other stuff too. For me, there is no better set than UCS Slave. Wow. And wow again. Yes, we do need Landspeeded and Reys bike in UCS. Please TLG, not many rehashes, and not on top of each other like Hoth and this "new" Death Star.

Finally, I bet if we did vote, those most disappointed would mainly be those who already have 10188, arguably those who have already invested a lot in Star Wars Lego. I am therefore left disappointed!

I think the shortage of time between retirement and release is the main issue here.

My comment earlier about people buying up 10188 as an investment was a little tongue in cheek but also there to highlight that it would have been a very poor decision anyway. 10179 has become a ridiculous statement of investment and scalped prices and people have associated retired SW UCS sets with big money after retirement. 10188 was around for so long that anyone who wanted one could pick it up at any point. Even after news of its retirement started to surface it was still on shelves for quite a while.

10188 seems to be considered, by many, to be the best SW set ever... character count, play features, scale, build... Not as exciting as a short run UCS minifig scale Slave 1 but for overall package the flagship SW set. If it has been missing for a couple of years then arrived as an updated version then the negativity may be less... but maybe some of the main selling points of the new set, the updated figures, would appear in another set before 75159 was released reducing the appeal. Apart from the protocol droid on the DS most of the figures either appeared in other sets or had updated versions appear afterwards (I'm not sure how soon afterwards for some of them). If we were to get an updated ANH Leia or so before the DS then we're down to the protocol droids as the exclusive figures again. I'm not saying figures are the reason to buy a set... they should be part of it... but the build should be king shouldn't it? Especially on a set like this. In that sense the timing of the release is what's most off about it to me, rather than it being a slightly updated version. Factor in that quite a few of those figures seem to be pretty well updated already and the timing would again seem odd with all five figures from the Final Duel, which is still on shelves, featuring in this set.

...but then... as I'm typing this a realisation has dawned. While this may not be an RO set... It's basically the big bad from the RO movie and will be front and centre to Lego's target audience. That may help create the demand... Lego already had a pretty good design to supply. Just update figures to add an element of exclusivity for some of them and get it on shelves. I can see that decision being made from the marketing teams as Disney and Lego and the designer not having to do a great deal with regards to an 'update'. I can image not a lot of time was spent in R&D for this project except for maybe the figure designers. It's a quick win on a very reliable set. Not aimed at AFOLs or long time Lego buyers at all (except of the odd figure).

I may have missed it but has the new UCS Death Star been revealed? Or all the comments above based on speculation?

I may have missed it but has the new UCS Death Star been revealed? Or all the comments above based on speculation?

Haha! Yes, it's exactly that. A lot of discussion and only one person here who actually knows what it looks like.

Edited by bountybossk

Haha! Yes, it's exactly that. A lot of discussion and only one person here who actually knows what it looks like.

Thankfully we're slightly further along than just speculation but at least we've had one person see it from here and another from a different site who have said it's identical.

I think I'm more joining the "you saved yourself $499" camp! Especially if you already have the updated figures.

Especially with Tatooine Luke, Obi Wan, C-3PO, R2-D2, Han and Chewie being in new sets in January/February along with Stormtroopers in battlepacks and the Final Duel figures being already on shelf. Tarkin may just use the Rebels hair and head but with grey uniform.

Royal Guards don't need updating while Death Star Gunners and DS Troopers are pretty much perfect as they are with maybe some arm printing?

Speaking as a newbie AFOL and as someone who discovered Lego a few months after the EOL of 10188, I Can't Freaking Wait for the new release. I had to pay almost $50 over Original price for 10188 and because of its investment opportunities, have never unsealed it. So, Bring on the New Set!

To those of you who are investors and feel somewhat let down by the reissue of the old DS, I feel bad for you. But for those of us who are new and still love the build, wahooooo! This is going to be awesome. From the thrill of opening the box and ripping open the new bags of never used bricks - to the silly mistakes that mean you have to take it back apart to figure out what you did wrong - to the very end where we sit and stare at the new creation! Oh, and lets not forget the minifigures. Lego has really been delivering on the designs. As far as I am concerned, Lego can keep making decisions based on people who love the build. The secondary market for Lego is not going to dry up. I am proof of that having bought three after-market QAR's (couldnt help myself).

My only problem is that there are three sets to purchase before the new DS and they are all pricey. Luckily there are five huge sets waiting to be built in the closet. All i need now is spare time. And more room in my home to display these awesome sets!

I remember hoping a re-release of 10188 with updated minifigures existed two years ago. You know, to have a more current, a go-between version, before the "real upgraded Death Star" would arrive at some point. I wondered why Lego hadn't done that, but concluded that they won't because a genuinely new Death Star would be needed so soon anyway. But now it's 2016, and if what CM4Sci said was accurate, then this is just a re-release of 10188 with updated minifigures, and not a new Death Star at all. Having gotten over the initial disappoinment, this makes me chuckle a bit, because I really didn't expect TLG to do a re-release at this point anymore. But maybe they can afford to play it safe, moneywise. It's not the 90s, and they are the second largest toy company in the world.

I feel slightly stupid. Like a kid, I waited for a "new" DS for over a year, and then it's precisely the re-release I would have liked existed in 2014. Well, I got my expectations wrong.

Also, just a guess, but perhaps Lego would have liked to do the re-release a couple of years ago, but decided to wait, because there was a new movie about the Death Star coming in just two years? Meaning Rogue One. Marketing, marketing.

Edited by GreyBeard

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