August 22, 20168 yr Author the Death Star is lazy for a USC that been much teased by LEGO. Not really. Everything we 'knew' beforehand was based on the "A friend talked to an employee at a store/con and said it would be bigger and better and all your dreams will come true!" sort of stories. To my knowledge, TLG has never officially teased this set or attempted to overhype it.
August 22, 20168 yr Not really. Everything we 'knew' beforehand was based on the "A friend talked to an employee at a store/con and said it would be bigger and better and all your dreams will come true!" sort of stories. To my knowledge, TLG has never officially teased this set or attempted to overhype it. This is typically the case. We envision the perfect set or what it "should" look like and are disappointed when it doesn't match the hype we created. I am curious if there will be a design video. I think Lego is going to treat this as a straight remake and forgo one.
August 22, 20168 yr I agree that I think Lego always intended to update this set and release with updated figures and updated price point. Nobody from TLG ever said it was going to be any different as it didn't need to be. The accusation that Lego and the designers are being lazy is, ironically, a lazy one.
August 22, 20168 yr We didn't even get updated figures!! Plain legs, no arm printing - those imperial officers / troopers are more basic than in some existing sets. I'm stunned. I can't spend than much on something I already, essentially, own.
August 22, 20168 yr As a new collector I like that they have been updating old sets but the Death Star is lazy for a USC that been much teased by LEGO. Lego hasn't said a single word about this set. People reacted to rumours and discussion and jumped to conclusions. Lego didn't even release a set number or name for it, so you can't blame them for teasing people.
August 22, 20168 yr We didn't even get updated figures!! Plain legs, no arm printing - those imperial officers / troopers are more basic than in some existing sets. I'm stunned. I can't spend than much on something I already, essentially, own. Yeah, it could be one of those straws that breaks the camels back kind of sets.
August 22, 20168 yr I agree that I think Lego always intended to update this set and release with updated figures and updated price point. Nobody from TLG ever said it was going to be any different as it didn't need to be. The accusation that Lego and the designers are being lazy is, ironically, a lazy one. That's fair enough, but there is no need for it to take up a UCS release slot as it isn't as such. They've had to invest nowhere near enough time into it as a completely new set. It'd be a cop out toilet this sit in one of them slots considering the Hoth set disappointment...
August 22, 20168 yr That's fair enough, but there is no need for it to take up a UCS release slot as it isn't as such. They've had to invest nowhere near enough time into it as a completely new set. It'd be a cop out toilet this sit in one of them slots considering the Hoth set disappointment... I can see people's frustration with that... I have that frustration to a point too. I look forward to OT sets every wave and there are sets that I would love them to produce... I think all OT fans know what they are... but where Hoth was disappointing due to being a few older sets repackaged with some new elements and then promoted as something entirely new I think the DS was always planned to be released this way. It's just that hype got in the way. It'll be out in a few weeks and people will be able to pick it up or leave it as they see fit. We then have next years UCS slots to look forward to... if one of them is the Snowspeeder then fine, let's hope it's a good build. We have the rest of the 2017 speculation thread to build up whatever the other set is. As much as I love SW sets there are times when i'm glad a wave is short of OT sets so i can catch up with things. I didn't commit to TFA sets until I watched the film and I'm probably more sold on RO due to it's OT proximity so I'll have those to pick up too. If every wave was killer OT sets I'd have to have a serious conversation with my wife. Edited August 22, 20168 yr by Robianco
August 22, 20168 yr This lazy set will flop and Lego will conclude that people don't like large sets. So long Yavin 4 base or Cloud City.
August 22, 20168 yr I don't know if anyone noticed but vader and palpatine have the new black cloth super hero capes that I totally dislike. I like how the Grand Moff has two faces now!!! Again only reason to get this huge set. In my case this works, because I have Twins and perfect auto justification of this purchase no matter what, one for each. What's wrong with the new cape fabric? And Vader came with the new cape in the TIE Advanced set also.
August 22, 20168 yr This lazy set will flop and Lego will conclude that people don't like large sets. So long Yavin 4 base or Cloud City. That is my concern too. I never got Bespin first time around and would like a CC Lando... Yavin may get done due to RO. It would be nice and as its in an old and new movie shouldn't be a hard sell for execs to come up with something to justify creating one.
August 22, 20168 yr This lazy set will flop and Lego will conclude that people don't like large sets. So long Yavin 4 base or Cloud City. I don't think they'll take that view at all. I think they know Hoth wasn't great... it's been mentioned from the panel at Comic Con. The DS is what it is... They've always done UCS sets... B-Wing wasn't a great seller but they didn't stop making UCS sets. Apparently 10179 didn't sell well so it's shelf life was cut short but they didn't stop producing large sets. They know some will sell better than others and they know they've already sold a bucketload of 10188 but they wanted a revised version on the shelves.
August 22, 20168 yr Author This lazy set will flop and Lego will conclude that people don't like large sets. So long Yavin 4 base or Cloud City. Slippery slope much? TLG does do their research when considering the potential popularity of set and theme concepts. I highly doubt a negative reaction from a portion of a demographic that isn't their primary target would prompt them to cancel an entire subcategory of sets.
August 22, 20168 yr Slippery slope much? TLG does do their research when considering the potential popularity of set and theme concepts. I highly doubt a negative reaction from a portion of a demographic that isn't their primary target would prompt them to cancel an entire subcategory of sets. I think TLG are in a bit of a bind, make sets so kids want them and get them (main market) try to make enough sets that parents who grew up on it also want them (secondary market). The problem is the primary market will buy enough product to maintain profits while the secondary market can spend swathes of money to also make it worth their while... Tough to try and deal with both markets.
August 22, 20168 yr This lazy set will flop and Lego will conclude that people don't like large sets. So long Yavin 4 base or Cloud City. Now that's just nonsense. 8 year old children won't say "I won't buy this set because 10 years ago it was pretty much the same". The DS Playset was on sale longer than any other set BECAUSE it sold so well. However, when the figures were extremely outdated TLG decided to update the figures & a few parts. The original set was great & now it's even better because of the updated figures figures. If you dislike the red/yellow technic parts (like me) just change them like you probably have to do with any other current set. Yes 500 for +200 parts is a ripoff - but TLG is about money & not making you happy. The Disney Castle is cheaper because it's the first of it's kind - they don't know if the investment will payoff with $12/pp. They rounded the DS price up because they KNOW it will sell anyway. Some people here complain, have the old one & will still buy the new one because Tarkin has a grey suit (unlike in the movie where it was olive).
August 22, 20168 yr Now that's just nonsense. 8 year old children won't say "I won't buy this set because 10 years ago it was pretty much the same". Not only children. Lego is way more popular these days than before (5/6 years ago). There is a lot of adult people who would buy the Death Star. I think that remaking the original set was the best idea. It was a great set that represent very well all the DS scenes from the movies. In other words, most of the people (even AFOLs whi didn't buy the old one, like me) doesn't care that this is a remake of the old UCS DS. The set is still great and the minifigure selection is even better. Edited August 22, 20168 yr by hachiroku
August 22, 20168 yr While everyone talks about the Death Star here am I waiting for Lego to officially release the RO set pictures.
August 22, 20168 yr This lazy set will flop It won't. Even if it doesn't sell well, it's not costing Lego much.
August 22, 20168 yr While everyone talks about the Death Star here am I waiting for Lego to officially release the RO set pictures. I would think those should be due out soon, given when they'll hit stores. But, otherwise it'll be hard to tell with all the New DS debating here.
August 22, 20168 yr Author I would think those should be due out soon, given when they'll hit stores. But, otherwise it'll be hard to tell with all the New DS debating here. Internal plans could of course change, but I would be surprised if they were officially released soon, since TLG requested the embargo until the end of next month.
August 22, 20168 yr It's just been a disappointing year, esp. for OT collectors. We finally get a new Bespin set in 15 years and it's... that. A small Hoth set that's basically just an addon for a bigger set. A UCS set that's 75% rehash, of the most re-hashed scene of all. And now a remake of one of (if not THE) best lego star wars sets of all time and it's... nothing. It's just nothing. It's not new, it's not exciting, it's not innovative... and yet it's not bad either. I remember how excited i was seeing the 2008 DS for the first time, I was hoping to feel that again. It's just... meh. The Escape Pod is my favorite OT set this year... how depressing is that? Edited August 22, 20168 yr by jedge
August 22, 20168 yr In my opinion some of the best sets this year have been the $12-$30 sets. The only stand outs that were more than that were the Episode VII sets like the Resistance Troop Transport and Niima Outpost.
August 22, 20168 yr See this is the reason leaks can also be terrible it leads us to a hundred different assumptions. We don't have a press announcement to go along with the set and we keep accusing TLG of being lazy. However for all we know and which is most likely the TLG had no intention of creating a new Death Star UCS. Is there many issues with the set absolutely and the fact the differences are so minimal beyond figures is rather annoying. My primary concern with the argument they decided to not fix that which was not broken is that like's they want to avoid taking any risk. Justifiable considering the disaster that was the Assault on Hoth. Still I, and I hope I don't sound entitled, would have preferred a figure scale UCS AT-AT. Now they have to realize that set if it was ever made would sell just as much as the Falcon set did and more. Plus a UCS AT-AT would fit the Assault on Hoth playset.
August 22, 20168 yr Really waiting for the first video reviews and high res photos of the new Death Star and all these RO sets, hopefully the new Death Star will have new functions and some new designs somewhere.. (I would even be happy with new stickers)
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