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  On 1/29/2016 at 8:07 PM, Lobot said:

Just a little reminder about my earlier post.....

Whilst I appreciate that the pricing of sets is always going to be of interest, please can we keep the discussions to a minimum and focus on the sets instead :classic:

Why is that? This is a 2016 set discussion thread....pricing is a big part of that.

So why keep talking about that at a minimum?

Edited by Jedi-Bendu

  On 1/29/2016 at 3:36 PM, pittpenguin123 said:

I dont think its a white chewbaca I think its his perverted dad from the xmas special


Heck no, LEGO wouldn't go near a character who regularly watches "Wookiee-porn" with a ten foot pole. A snow-covered Chewbacca is much more likely.

On a side note, that Tie Advanced vs. A-Wing set looks amazing. I do wish it contained Ahsoka as a fighter pilot, but I understand she'll appear in another set. We're getting the Fifth Inquisitor-any word on whether or not we'll see the other two main Inquisitors from season two show up?

  On 1/29/2016 at 7:33 PM, Venkefedo said:

As for the rest... I like the TIE & A-wing, tho I'm surprised they didn't go for the McQuarrie blue deco for the A-wing...

The colour scheme of the A-wing looks like it matches the one Sabine was piloting in this weeks episode of rebels "The Protector of Concord Dawn". Maybe she'll adopt this as her ship - would certainly explain her inclusion in the set.

As, rumours for Rebels season 3 I've seen today suggest we might see Thrawn - that would be thing to look forward to in next years sets!

Edited by Richpepperell

  On 1/29/2016 at 9:46 PM, Richpepperell said:

The colour scheme of the A-wing looks like it matches the one Sabine was piloting in this weeks episode of rebels "The Protector of Concord Dawn". Maybe she'll adopt this as her ship - would certainly explain her inclusion in the set.

As, rumours for Rebels season 3 I've seen today suggest we might see Thrawn - that would be thing to look forward to in next years sets!

If they bring back Thrawn, almost all the "mistakes" Disney has made will be forgiven.

  On 1/29/2016 at 8:45 PM, Jedi-Bendu said:

Why is that? This is a 2016 set discussion thread....pricing is a big part of that.

So why keep talking about that at a minimum?

Based on experience the pricing of sets can be a contentious issue, so in-depth discussions are probably best avoided! If not, there's quite a high likelihood that we'll have dozens of posts comparing the differing costs across the world. It's one of the 'complications' of having such a such a diverse membership, as everyone will be affected differently. I'm not going to try and explain why there are apparent anomalies in the costs of certain sets in different countries, even allowing for exchange rates, it's just one of those things we have to live with and I think it's fair to say that there have been numerous discussions about it in the past which haven't really achieved much, hence my posts. For example, just look at the current Falcon (75105); the RRP in the UK is £129.99, so based on the current exchange rates the cost should be around:

US - $185 (actually $149.99)

Euro - €171 (actually €149.99)

Australia - $261 (actually $249.99)

I hope that helps to clarify my earlier comments :classic:

  On 1/29/2016 at 10:21 PM, Lobot said:

Based on experience the pricing of sets can be a contentious issue, so in-depth discussions are probably best avoided! If not, there's quite a high likelihood that we'll have dozens of posts comparing the differing costs across the world. It's one of the 'complications' of having such a such a diverse membership, as everyone will be affected differently. I'm not going to try and explain why there are apparent anomalies in the costs of certain sets in different countries, even allowing for exchange rates, it's just one of those things we have to live with and I think it's fair to say that there have been numerous discussions about it in the past which haven't really achieved much, hence my posts. For example, just look at the current Falcon (75105); the RRP in the UK is £129.99, so based on the current exchange rates the cost should be around:

US - $185 (actually $149.99)

Euro - €171 (actually €149.99)

Australia - $261 (actually $249.99)

I hope that helps to clarify my earlier comments :classic:

Not to mention it's $179.99 in Canada.

Love Encounter on Jakku. :wub: Awesome figs, great looking luggabeast and decent shop for Unkar. Instant purchase. :thumbup:

Advent calendar is nice, I really like Yeti Chewie and we may finally get ep II C-3PO.

  On 1/29/2016 at 9:46 PM, Richpepperell said:

The colour scheme of the A-wing looks like it matches the one Sabine was piloting in this weeks episode of rebels "The Protector of Concord Dawn". Maybe she'll adopt this as her ship - would certainly explain her inclusion in the set.

As, rumours for Rebels season 3 I've seen today suggest we might see Thrawn - that would be thing to look forward to in next years sets!

What's your source for that? Rebels is already becoming an excellent show, if they add Thrawn to the mix and canonize him... the implications would shake the galaxy!

It will definitely be nice to get an EP II C-3PO. I'd be even more excited to see an EP I C-3PO at some point. Has anyone been able to spot whether or not the X Wing comes with Poe's helmet at the beginning of the film?

  On 1/29/2016 at 10:21 PM, Lobot said:

Based on experience the pricing of sets can be a contentious issue, so in-depth discussions are probably best avoided! If not, there's quite a high likelihood that we'll have dozens of posts comparing the differing costs across the world. It's one of the 'complications' of having such a such a diverse membership, as everyone will be affected differently. I'm not going to try and explain why there are apparent anomalies in the costs of certain sets in different countries, even allowing for exchange rates, it's just one of those things we have to live with and I think it's fair to say that there have been numerous discussions about it in the past which haven't really achieved much, hence my posts. For example, just look at the current Falcon (75105); the RRP in the UK is £129.99, so based on the current exchange rates the cost should be around:

US - $185 (actually $149.99)

Euro - €171 (actually €149.99)

Australia - $261 (actually $249.99)

I hope that helps to clarify my earlier comments :classic:

Just to clarify my intentions when discussing the pricing of sets. I was merely commenting on the fact that TLG has significantly increased the price threshold when introducing newer models (considering that many of them are rehashed, inferior versions). I understand that certain countries pay a lot more than we do in the US, and it sucks. Again, I was just commenting on the overall trend. I feel that pricing is a very significant part of the whole LEGO experience; higher prices means that fewer people can afford them and thus fewer people have the opportunity to enjoy this experience. If you can't enjoy something what's the point of having discussions on the subject. Just....saying :laugh: I promise these were my last thoughts on this topic.

Edited by madroskylo77

The summer sets are pretty nice, the Jakku set is alright, but the Tie Fighter set is for me. The 2009 model was my first LEGO Star Wars set, so the new version will definitely bring back some nice memories. The X-Wing is looks really nice, and Rex's AT-TE looks like such a fun set. Overall this summer wave looks much more fun than last years.

The scale of the Turbo Tank is disapointing, although I do like that it has a proper underside again like the 2005 version. The Clone Wars version was a bit lazy in that regard. Also love the colours of Luminara's costume. The mix of black, dark grey and dark brown look much more interesting and accurate than the all-black costume she's had on previous minifigures. Quinlan Vos also looks fantastic! Not sure I like how stubby the AT-RT is though - the one from the previous Turbo Tank was much nicer.

Sabine looks even better up close than the Season 1 minifigure. Shame she still has the inaccurate skin colour and the face of a soccor mum. I take back my previous comment - it does look like the officer is indeed Tarkin up close. Still not keen on the hair/uniform colour but at least he finally has pupil eyes and I'm sure we'll be seeing a proper OT redesign with the Death Star later in the year.

Not a lot to say about the other minifigures. The Fifth Brother looks fantastic while the clones are fairly boring. Excellent head molds for Unkar and Teedo. Definitely looks like Dengar in one of the Adventure sets along with ROTJ Luke Skywalker. Shame there's no close up of Darth Vader.

  On 1/29/2016 at 12:05 PM, Jedi-Bendu said:


Image of the Advent calendar.

All white Chewbacca and chrome 3PO.

I personally prefer the pearl grey/flat silver minifies as opposed to actual chrome, I think Phasma looks great as she is.

  On 1/29/2016 at 12:08 PM, CM4Sci said:

Why in the world is Luggabeast solid blue?

Because it is blue! Dark blue would be too dark and just as inaccurate, sand blue would be too light, the actual colour is somewhere between all three but I understand why TLG have gone with medium blue, some variation in the colour might have been nice though, I can't wait to see some more detailed pics, soon hopefully.

  On 1/29/2016 at 12:13 PM, Bissspuren said:

Looks like a Bespin Guard 2nd from the left top row... (hint at a UCS set?) :wink:

I hope it is different from the Slave 1 set.

  On 1/29/2016 at 2:01 PM, General Magma said:

It seems that LEGO has forgotten the existence of the sand blue colour...

Sand wouldn't have worked as the main colour, but I will agree a little sand blue chucked in there would look good.

  On 1/29/2016 at 3:09 PM, General Magma said:

Wait - so is Teedo of average height, or about as small as a Jawa? I just noticed the figure has normal legs, and Teedo in the picture doesn't look that small either.

This isn't so hard to understand surely!? Where do we see Teedo? 'Sitting' on the Luggabeast. Its obvious that he should be a small minifies, but TLG have prioritised functionality over dimensional accuracy.

Bring on small moveable legs!!!

  On 1/28/2016 at 8:44 PM, LegoKol said:

I'd love some EU sets. I'm probably in the minority as a not-even-a-little-bit an of TFA, and couldn't care less if there's another Poe or Ren fig or ship. Give me a Thrawn, Pellaeon and Noghri set with a command room. Gimme Dash Rendar and the Outrider. Kyle Katarn and the Crow. Jaina Solo and a StealthX. Some Rogues and a proper E-Wing. Biggs Darklighter from Tattooine and a different Skyhopper or landspeeder. Yavin Base. The Errant Venture. Caedus and Ben Skywalker. Cade Skywalker vs Darth Krayt.

I'm not big on EU stuff, especially now that it isn't canon, but I would love some sets based on the Legacy Era.

  On 1/29/2016 at 3:36 PM, pittpenguin123 said:

I dont think its a white chewbaca I think its his perverted dad from the xmas special


Now that would be awesome.

  On 1/29/2016 at 9:46 PM, Richpepperell said:

As, rumours for Rebels season 3 I've seen today suggest we might see Thrawn - that would be thing to look forward to in next years sets!

It would be interesting to see Thrawn back in canon. I wonder what rank he would have, as he would not have been an Admiral at this point in the EU. Since this would be a new canon version of him, they could do whatever they want and make him a Grand Admiral anyways. That would be cool.

Also, about the chrome: I much prefer actual chrome. That would have been great for the droid, and especially for Phasma.

And the Luggabeast, I don't like the idea of a brick-built creature as it is, but the colors are terrible. It looks like there was blue paint on it that is fading off in the movie. I'd prefer to see it unpainted metal with prints or stickers for the blue.

Edited by x105Black

Was excited for the turbo tank until the closer look video... :cry_sad: its so small!

Most of the space inside is taken up by gears for the lookout tower and on top of that the build is smaller.

Wow. I didn't think they could mess up that Encounter on Jakku set, but they did. At least the X-Wing looks cool. Based on the supposed prices of the others, I dread how much that one is going to cost. :sceptic:

  On 1/29/2016 at 8:07 PM, Lobot said:

Just a little reminder about my earlier post.....

Whilst I appreciate that the pricing of sets is always going to be of interest, please can we keep the discussions to a minimum and focus on the sets instead :classic:

The prices are an important part of the sets. So focus on prices isn't avoidable. :wink: (not the prices across diff parts of the world is the problem, but compared with normal Lego sets!)

imho some of the new sets are very nice (like X-Wing, TIE Advanced and A-Wing, Jakku) but way too expensive :sceptic:

  On 1/29/2016 at 10:40 PM, madroskylo77 said:

Just to clarify my intentions when discussing the pricing of sets. I was merely commenting on the fact that TLG has significantly increased the price threshold when introducing newer models (considering that many of them are rehashed, inferior versions). I understand that certain countries pay a lot more than we do in the US, and it sucks. Again, I was just commenting on the overall trend. I feel that pricing is a very significant part of the whole LEGO experience; higher prices means that fewer people can afford them and thus fewer people have the opportunity to enjoy this experience. If you can't enjoy something what's the point of having discussions on the subject. Just....saying :laugh: I promise these were my last thoughts on this topic.

  On 1/29/2016 at 11:57 PM, Kman860 said:

RO sets in September? NICE!

...while it's possible it's only a placeholder (especially given that there's a Slave I available right now), I thought it was interesting that in the icon for Rogue One, you've got a head-on shot of Slave I. Or at least a Firespray-class ship.

  On 1/30/2016 at 12:25 AM, Venkefedo said:

...while it's possible it's only a placeholder (especially given that there's a Slave I available right now), I thought it was interesting that in the icon for Rogue One, you've got a head-on shot of Slave I. Or at least a Firespray-class ship.

HOLY...I didn't even make that connection....

Amen to a thrawn set! but what I would just love is an ancient Sith battleship, complete with exar kun and Massassi warriors!!

  On 1/30/2016 at 12:53 AM, Kman860 said:

HOLY...I didn't even make that connection....

Maybe thats already a spoiler for Rogue One, I mean why else would they put the front of the Slave 1 or that ship class in the RO icon??

If it is, you heard it here first people :laugh:

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