August 1, 20159 yr Thanks for the list! If the Tie Advanced microfighter does include the Season 1 Inquisitor, I would be ecstatic if they made two updates: give him a closed-mouth, sneering face print for variety and, rather than plain dark gray legs, use the duel-molded Batman legs. They are going to be producing a ton of them for BvS movie sets anyway, I guess, so they might as well use them. They probably would have to shorten the leg print a bit, though. On 7/31/2015 at 10:13 PM, Vodnik said: Remember that bantha in the video on TLG website? Maybe it will be included in the Droid Edcape Pod set?... I know that the pod and banthas were not in the same scene, but who knows?... I hope that you are right!
August 1, 20159 yr This list means that Jedi interceptors are sold very well in the last years as well as the Droid Escape set and of course the Hoth type sets are one of the most demanded sets. For me that Bespin set means TLG won't do an UCS Cloud City at all, i'm sure it will include the final duel scene too and may include a Cloud Car, at least i hope so. Battle on Takodana souds like a cheap army builder. The funny thing would be if we get a peek of 2016 sets before the yet unseen FO Transporter and the other TFA sets. For me the UCS CC is out of possibilities so for next year i predict an UCS AT-AT and DS.
August 1, 20159 yr A Cloud City set... mind boggling! Fingers crossed for new versions of Luke, Lando and Leia... Only thing that makes me a bit nervous is that there are so many existing figs that set can be filled with. Less stoked for another Vader, Chewie, C-3PO, Boba Fett, Han Solo, Stormtroopers, Imperial Officer, Lobot...
August 1, 20159 yr Bespin!!! Yesss!!! I really hope we'll see a proper minifig line-up here with lando, ugnaughts etc Droid escape. If they throw in a bantha i'm in. And do we know for sure the Hoth set is from the esb? The new movie has also snowtroopers right?
August 1, 20159 yr Yeah I've never liked the angry Inquisitor face. I see him looking better with a sneer or evil grin.
August 1, 20159 yr Thank you very much for this news, wyrm12! Like others already mentioned, I, too, am only interest in the Droid Escape Pod if a Bantha was included - which is imo very unlikely since I bet that the set won't be more than 15-20 Euros. Hoth Attac supposably will be a BP with two Rebel Troopers, two Snowtroopers, a small canon and maybe a speederbike, too. Not that interesting for one who already owns the old Hoth BPs. My thoughts about the Bespin Carbonite Freezing Chamber are extremely ambivalent: On the one hand I hate it that TLG releases this set since this means that we won't get any exclusive CC in the size of 10188 in the next at least three years! On the other hand if designed decent and if there were additional CC sets to put all together to one big CC (like with Jabba's Palace, Desert Skiff, Rancor Pit and Jabba's Sail Barge in 2012-2013), it could be nearly as great as a huge exclusive CC. So only pics and time will lead to a final conclusion. Klaus-Dieter
August 1, 20159 yr Cheers for this list! What a time it is to be a Star Wars fan! This list got me pumped, but first I'll echo my thoughts; ClOuD cItY?!? It's about time something like that showed up. Stoked to see what the overall result is! The two Battlefront BattlePacks has got me thinking; I bet we will be seeing a Hoth and an Endor one, similar to what TLG did back in 2012. I'd assume since its a Battlefront BattlePack, the Hoth one will probably include say two Hoth Rebel Soldiers and two Imperial Snowtroopers. I'd imagine the Endor one will be similar to what TLG's one back in 2012; two Endor Rebel Soldiers, an Imperial Stormtrooper and an Imperial Scout Trooper. I hope this happens! The rest of the list bar the Rebels sets seem positive to me. Seems the extra shifts might have to come into place here.
August 1, 20159 yr This set list looks amazing, and I'm definitely intrigued by the Battlefront battlepacks. OT Stormies anyone? Obi Wan's Interceptor could be good, it's a chance to get the Utupaun Prime Minister or finally a proper Commander Cody minifigure It's hard to tell if the Pirate Shuttle is going to be Maz's, or the Kanjiklub's, but either way it should be interesting. The only gripe I have with this is the lack of Rebels sets. I need the new Inquisitors! And Ahsoka!
August 1, 20159 yr I guess out of the 4 mini themes something had to give way. Just think how we'd have felt if it were the Original Trilogy! Decent wave this, and a good compromise. Rebels is for younger kids anyway, so let them have Microfighters!
August 1, 20159 yr Yep DarthPotato, it is strange that the only rebels sets are microfighters. I want that blue A-Wing ! Another detail bothers me, that french site doesn't precise where its informations come from...
August 1, 20159 yr I hope to see a stormtrooper with a different torso as shown in the trailer Edited August 1, 20159 yr by DARTH SITH
August 1, 20159 yr Wow! Very excited! Battlefront Battlepacks I'm guessing the set will contain some minifigs that are unique to the video game, and not just regular OT minifigs. Hoth Attack Perhaps some of the items we saw in the Echo Base video was fram this set and not the Echo Base itself... like some of the trenches, the snow speeder, or even the wampa. This could mean that the Echo Base itself will be bigger than we saw in the video... Bespin Carbon Freezing Chamber Yes! Absolutely needed! I'm hoping for more Bespin sets throughout 2016. Maybe even modular sets like rancor pit / jabba's palace. Droid Escape Pod I don't agree that this set is boring. There will surely be other minifigs than the droid, and that's what exciting. I'm betting 1 or 2 tusker raiders, perhaps with bantha, and perhaps also 1or 2 sandtroopers...
August 1, 20159 yr On 8/1/2015 at 2:16 PM, Chookdude said: No rebels now I'm angry Four Rebels Microfighters though...
August 1, 20159 yr On 8/1/2015 at 9:43 AM, Slurpifier said: Cheers for this list! What a time it is to be a Star Wars fan! Couldn't agree more, The stuff (not just LEGO) that's coming out over the next 5/6 months is amazing. I had to cancel non-Star Wars merchandise orders since I want so much of the new Lego/books/etc releases! Regarding the january 2016 wave: Am I correct that there won't be sets in this wave that are over 100 euros/dollars? (In other words: no more than 1000 pieces) And that all the non-microfighter/battlepack sets will have prices/brickcounts similar to this years winter wave? Edited August 1, 20159 yr by Jedi-Bendu
August 1, 20159 yr The list has that baffling quality that ensures it's accurate, you can always tell real news from fake news because the fake news is always like a 'wish list'. Another droid escape set? Absurd, thus guaranteed to be true. Edited August 1, 20159 yr by TheBrickHitHouse
August 1, 20159 yr On 8/1/2015 at 3:07 PM, TheBrickHitHouse said: The list has that baffling quality that ensures it's accurate, you can always tell real news from fake news because the fake sets are just too implausible. Another droid escape set? Absurd, thus guaranteed to be true. Basically if it doesn't look like a wish list it's an accurate rumor list. I like that logic!
August 1, 20159 yr On 8/1/2015 at 1:30 PM, Bantha Fodder said: Battlefront Battlepacks I'm guessing the set will contain some minifigs that are unique to the video game, and not just regular OT minifigs. That would be a way to make me not buy any of the BPs. Since 2011, we've had Mandos, Death Star gunners, Shadow Troops, orange clones, red clones, Clone sergeants, Kashyyyk clones, and Utapau clones.** I want a pack of four normal, OT Stormies (they did that this year, just with the Rebels print), and the other pack should have 4 generic rebels (like on the Tantive IV). They're so generic that I will buy many, many BPs that way. **And as someone who loves clones, I got sick of seeing so many variants--hopefully the same doesn't happen to the Stormies.
August 1, 20159 yr Thanks for the list! AT-DP - Will probably come with an AT-DP Driver. Too bad the only Rebels sets are microfighters. Guess it's a good chance to get some good minifigs, but I wonder when we're gonna get more non-microfighter Rebels sets? The Ghost - I guess it could be any one of the Ghost crew, but I'd say Hera is most likely TIE Advanced Prototype - I just had a thought. What if the new Inquisitors get the same kind of TIE Fighter as the first one? Couldn't see them including new characters with new moulds in a microfighter though. I agree that if it includes Inquisitor #1, he's got to have a new face print. Wookiee Gunship - Either Kanan, Wulffwarro, or a generic Wookiee Battle on Takodana - No idea what this could be, I don't read the spoilers. The Pirate Transport - Maz Kanata will definitely be in this, and hopefully a couple of her friends too The Force Awakens Battle Packs - One with Resistance troopers, the other with FO stormies, both with lotsa stud-shooters, and mini speeders or cannons for them to operate, the usual. It would be nice to have a flametrooper in the FO battle pack too Star Wars Battlefront - Same as the TFA ones, but with Rebel and Empire troopers, hope we get the jetpack Nein Numb guy. Constraction figures - Can't see myself getting these. Maybe one at the most? Anyways, they'll probably be Finn, Rey, Kylo, etc Hoth Attack - Really? More Hoth? We don't have enough yet? What else is there to do? If this includes another snowspeeder... Bespin Carbon Freezing Chamber - I'm really excited for this one. It's been WAY too long since there's been a Cloud City set. Hoping for Lando, Ugnaughts, Leia (in her dress would be nice, but it'll probably be her white jumpsuit, which would be fine too), and maybe Luke too. Droid Escape Pod - As others said, I hope this has a Bantha or Beru or something. Otherwise, not much to be excited for other than a good way to get Threepio Obi-Wan's Jedi Interceptor - I bet it will be the red one and if it's like Anakin's from last year, it will only include Obi and R4. His blue one would be great because of the possibility of the gold droid and Tion Medon. Good to see the PT isn't completely forgotten with TFA and all. Sorry if this is just mostly echoing what everyone else has already said
August 1, 20159 yr Liking the sound of the battle packs and finally a cloud city themed set after a long wait. I am wondering if the hoth attack set will be more the imperial side to balance the echo Base set. "Attack" makes that sound a possibility and maybe an AT-ST will feature? Edited August 1, 20159 yr by michaelozzie
August 1, 20159 yr I don't know why people hate on the constraction figures.....the human faces look awful, but the helmeted characters look great. Maybe it's because I'm a BIONICLE fan too, but I love these guys. And I have no doubt the 2016 constraction sets will be great.
August 1, 20159 yr Well, I can't wait for the battlepacks. I usually don't get more then 2, but if they are good, and if I like the movie, I might just get "a bit" more then 2 . Maybe we will see new Rebels sets that aren't microfighters (the show is going to continue this fall, so I have hopes). I just love the series SPOILER, shame they brought Ahsoka back... SPOILER END. But yeah, can't wait for the next waves of SW sets On 8/1/2015 at 8:50 AM, phanstasm said: Thanks for the list! If the Tie Advanced microfighter does include the Season 1 Inquisitor, I would be ecstatic if they made two updates: give him a closed-mouth, sneering face print for variety and, rather than plain dark gray legs, use the duel-molded Batman legs. They are going to be producing a ton of them for BvS movie sets anyway, I guess, so they might as well use them. They probably would have to shorten the leg print a bit, though. *snip* I sure hope that microfighter will include the Inquisitor. I wonder what other fig it could be, maybe a normal pilot, but that would suck. Edited August 1, 20159 yr by Alfadas
August 1, 20159 yr SO here are my first impressions: - can't say anything on Episode 7: TFA sets, will decide based on re-useability of the parts and minifigs. - Hoth Battle: Who wants to bet they'll put Wes Janson in the Echo Base and Wedge Antilles in this one? (I don't think this and the Echo Base are the same set) Apart from that, I hope for a battle-pack-sized set that includes Alliance pilots, I need more of those. (Tycho! Hobbie!) - Bespin: Whooo! we've all been waiting for this. Depending on the size of the set, I'm guessing the minifigures are: Lando, Boba, Han, Leia, Ugnauht, Vader and a Stormtrooper. - Droid Escape Pod: don't really care about that, have the previous one. I'd get it on sale though, if the figures and pieces are interesting. - Obi-Wan's Jedi Interceptor: Okay, who is with me that - if it's the blue one - it'll have Tion Medon and Cody as an incentive to buy it? I don't need the red one, I've already built it myself. - Microfighters: AT-DP - nope; The Ghost - if it has the Twi'lek, I'll get it.; TIE Advanced - nope; Wookiee Gunship - yes please, cheap Wookiees for everyone! (Lowbacca!) - Battlefront Battle Packs: Really depends on what they contain. I hope for more aliens and females, as well as more variety with the male faces. (seriously, I own the head of that Endor soldier in the Tydirium 7 or 8 times) Summary: I'll get definitely pick up Bespin and Wookiee microfighter. As for everything else, I have to see the pictures to know if they're of any use to me. Edited August 1, 20159 yr by Ephseb
August 1, 20159 yr Id say the battlefront empire battle pack will likely be Snowtroopers. We're probably getting the new stormtroopers in the force awakens BP and the rebels one is still out. So unless there's more classes of empire troops in the game, I think that's what we'll see since Hoth is one of the few planets in the game.
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