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As much as I love a good shadow Stormtrooper (did you see that leaked image from Rogue One?!?) and as enticing as a Rogue One BP sounds, how likely do you think it is that TLG would have another year of FO/Resistance and Empire/Rebels BPs? Not criticizing your idea (hey, anything OT, I'm on board), and not entirely shooting it down either, but I just don't think it's the most realistic for TLG to release more or less the same battlepacks for two years in a row.

It seems redundant when put like that, but what *could* they possibly release? Nothing from the prequels, no way. The only guarantee is 2 packs from Rogue One - but those Rebels and Imperials can and will be visually different than the Battlefront aesthetic. And for the other two packs, there's lots of untapped First Order material that begs to be produced, but nothing demands a Resistance pack to be the one that matches it - it could be a Jakku pack with Kanjiklub/Unkar thug/minion characters for all we know.

Hey, in 2014 and 2015 alone we had a total of FOUR Republic packs - and most of those were of obscure or even made-up troop types. Considering that, I find it more than plausible that we see more First Order and OT era Imperial packs in Jan 2017.


It seems redundant when put like that, but what *could* they possibly release? Nothing from the prequels, no way. The only guarantee is 2 packs from Rogue One - but those Rebels and Imperials can and will be visually different than the Battlefront aesthetic. And for the other two packs, there's lots of untapped First Order material that begs to be produced, but nothing demands a Resistance pack to be the one that matches it - it could be a Jakku pack with Kanjiklub/Unkar thug/minion characters for all we know.

Hey, in 2014 and 2015 alone we had a total of FOUR Republic packs - and most of those were of obscure or even made-up troop types. Considering that, I find it more than plausible that we see more First Order and OT era Imperial packs in Jan 2017.

Perhaps some Rebels BPs? In Season 2 the rebels are starting to gather a decent group, i could see them having enough generic soldiers for a BP in Season 3, likewise the imperials could have evolved enough character wise to warrant more then just generic stormies, so another BP on their side would be nice, perhaps something with fleet officers to coincide with an Arquitens light cruiser? (a man can dream cant he?)


The footage is great! If TLC decide to include that anti-lightsaber electrostatf in a upcoming set, I hope that it's a new mold rather than the solution on Kallus's Bo-rifle.

I think it's magna staff , which were used by General Grievous personal bodyguards, just updated a bit. It was last included in 2014 set.
Posted (edited)

Woah, hope it's real. I was just thinking about the possibility (which was considered unlikely prior to that) of this not long ago and now this pops up! The coincidence!

Perhaps my wallet had seen a vision and was telepathically communicating with me to warn me... to no avail, I'm probably going to be broke because of this.

I'm really hoping to see lots of aliens here. Recolored versions of existing aliens, like Ithorians and Grans and Rodians,

but also new ones. Knowing how many new molds tend to be produced for CMFs, I think this would be very likely to happen... if this series is to become real, that is.

Because Lucasart want to avoid confusion for new fans?

Of course, a variation of environment in a planet will make the planet to been feel more realistic, but for Lucasart, they don't want most new Star Wars fans (Especially children's) to been confused with the locations. So for this reason, all planets in Star Wars will only have one type of environment per planet

How so? Look in our own solar system or even beyond that and you'll find plenty of planets with only one environment.

There are actually some planets with multiple environments in the Star Wars galaxy (though not that many), but for most part,

planets with only one environment are an iconic part of the series.

Edited by General Magma

I thought Lego couldn't sell Star Wars minifigures alone because Hasbro has the exclusive rights for that (hence the Battlepacks shenanigans). Am I wrong ?


That has always been the explanation.... Although I always wondered about the polybags with single figures in them... But contracts usually come to an end some time and will be renegotiated, so I guess its not entirely impossible...


So explain to me what the difference is between the POP star wars bobble heads, and Lego minifigs. at least in regards to the Hasbro figure license. both are cartoon styled, both are basically full figures. the only difference is the possibility, but I would wager a good lawyer could argue that IF the bobble heads are recognized as separate figures not contained in the Hasbro license than so too are the Lego Figures.


I suppose the licence could state "playfigures" or something similar.. The POP things are obviously not for playing around with.... But then, why are there now the constraction figures? Are they considered construction toys and not playfigures... Perhaps the minifigure does not consist of enough parts to be considered a construction toy but a playfigure...


But then, why are there now the constraction figures? Are they considered construction toys and not playfigures... Perhaps the minifigure does not consist of enough parts to be considered a construction toy but a playfigure...

Basically, yes, this.

I don't expect a Star Wars minifigure series, but it would be fantastic if they could!

Posted (edited)

Boxes for the X-Wing and Snowspeeder Microfighters are out there. They look nice.

[in Scooby Doo voice] Huh? Where?

It seems redundant when put like that, but what *could* they possibly release? Nothing from the prequels, no way. The only guarantee is 2 packs from Rogue One - but those Rebels and Imperials can and will be visually different than the Battlefront aesthetic. And for the other two packs, there's lots of untapped First Order material that begs to be produced, but nothing demands a Resistance pack to be the one that matches it - it could be a Jakku pack with Kanjiklub/Unkar thug/minion characters for all we know.

Hey, in 2014 and 2015 alone we had a total of FOUR Republic packs - and most of those were of obscure or even made-up troop types. Considering that, I find it more than plausible that we see more First Order and OT era Imperial packs in Jan 2017.

I'm with you on the Rogue One packs- those are probably a given. I think you hit it on the head with the Kanjiklub BP thing, and with the untapped FO thing- flametrooper BP? FO snowtrooper BP? Riot control (electrostaff) BP? I think you're right on that score. I was just arguing against them doing straight FO/Resistance, Empire/Rebels BPs again. But I wouldn't discount the idea of prequel BPs, either. Now that Lego has started making up troopers for BPs, the possibilities are endless. Heck, they released the Sith Infiltrator with the TFA wave this year.

Edited by Junior Shark

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