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The Sea Rats
Nickname: Pirates
Colors: Black, Yellow, Medium Blue

Quick Glance:
The Sea Rats are a rag tag group of scoundrels and rogues, who have found true freedom on the open sea. United under the common cause of self-determination, and defiance of Imperial rule, these folk heed no laws but those of the Pirate Code. (Which is really more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual rules, rather loose-like, you know.) These men and women are pirates, smugglers, con-men, and any kind of lawless scallywag which you can conceive of, but there are also rebel leaders, defectors from decadence, dispossessed traders and explorers, members of conquered nations, and any who find themselves disenfranchised from their societies. There are those who take advantage of the lawlessness to conduct crimes with impunity. well, actually that later category would likely count for most people.

Sea Rats is open for members. Any man, woman, child, or what-have-you can be a sea rat! You needn't make your den in the Nest of Thieves, nor need you affiliate with other sea rats at all! We're the scourge of these seas, and swear fealty to no nation! If you'd like to captain a pirate ship and pillage and plunder, and riffle and loot the trade routes of the Empires, then join the Sea Rats! If you wish to take your crew on a roaring rampage of revenge against those nations that betrayed you, or perhaps your Quartermaster who led a mutiny against you, then join the Sea Rats! If you wish to swindle and connive, and con your way up in the world, then join the Sea Rats! If you've tired of oppressive reign of Kings and Queens and wish to make your own way in the world, then join the Sea Rats! Have adventure in your heart, a sword in your hands, and the salt wind in your hair? Then you're a Sea Rat, me hearty!

To join, just sign up in this thread with an introduction post that shows your sigfig. A little background goes a long way, so we appreciate any backstory you would like to present with the fig!

Reasons to Join:
Sea Rats have a few privileges that other factions don't:
1) Sea Rats only pay 70% of a ship license.
2) Sea Rats (and only Sea Rats) can call upon an independent contractor for help with a piratical mission.

  • At the cost of 1/5th of the profit, a Sea Rat can hire a randomly rolled 1-3A vessel to tag along.
  • For 3/5ths of the profit, a Sea Rat can hire a randomly rolled 4A-5HA vessel to tag along.
  • Independent contractor ships may be used as escorts or predators.
  • All players sailing in conjunction with an independent contractor must give up 1/5 or 3/5s of their share (as applicable).

3) Sea Rats earn an extra 30% yield on Artisan businesses.

A Detailed Look at the Sea Rats (this post)
Settlements (second post)
Membership (second post)



1. Leadership

Rachel Bones (@Darkdragon, Co-Leader)

Nobody knows exactly where Rachel Bones came from, but she showed up alone in port a few years ago and found a job in the nearly deserted Shadeaux's Tavern and Brothel. Almost immediately, she started sprucing up the long-neglected establishment. She made note of who was hanging around the place, got rid of the troublemakers, and encouraged the staff to have some pride in their work by showing them the true meaning of entertaining guests. Soon, Shadeaux's started to see a renewed surge in patrons. She was keen on business and well respected by the staff, even in this rotten port. Everyone knew that a directive from Mistress Rachel was something you didn't question, you only obeyed.

Susieh Cheng (@dr_spock, Co-Leader)

Susieh Cheng loves sharp pointy objects. She doesn't like talking about her past like that incident with her eye. Rumours have it that she was kidnapped as a child by pirates. Having been raised by pirates, she developed a taste for gold and booty. Whatever you do, do not cross her. Those who do end up as shark bait after seasoned with 14 spices and stuffed with stale bread.

Sinbad (@MKJoshA, Co-Leader)

Born the 3rd son of well-to-do land owner in Olean, Sinbad was expected to join the clergy as all good 3rd born sons were known to do. His oldest brother was to inherit the land from their father, and the 2nd son was already a person of note in the Olean Navy. And if Sinbad were to follow tradition, he would become a well spoken clergyman. But Sinbad did not believe in the religion of his people, and he did not want to be stuck on land his whole life. His heart yearned for the sea so to the sea he went.

The Pirate Council
The Pirate Council is a group of influential captains and business folk, and here they hold their kangaroo courts. There is a certain honor among the thieves, and the most prominent business owners and pirates meet to discuss how best to conduct business and keep the people happy. Whenever there are enough issues the Council reconvenes to discuss them, but apart from that everyone does their own thing, and the most notorious pirate amongst them (currently Captain Reynard le Roublard) collects tithes for the greater good of them all... incase Corrington or Oleon comes knocking at their ports and they need a show of force to defend their freedom. These are the free folk, bound to no master but those they chose, and they do as they please, when they please to whomever or with whomever they please. Kind of anarchic-like.

2. Landscape

The Port of Bastion
23686329260_34f066dcdd.jpg MOC by Commander Red Hat

Bastion is a town on the rocky shores of the Nest of Thieves populated by vagabonds and rogues, as well as the staunchly independent and dispossessed, the chaotic town is where the pirates have free port and may sell their ill begotten loot. There is not much of an organized structure to things on The Nest of Thieves, so Bastion grew without ordinance, leading to shoddy construction in some parts, and a lot of crime in the streets - but the people are tough, so they don’t really mind all that much.

6968373081_3fe8924ed6.jpg MOC by Darkdragon

3. The Military


Sea rats have no uniforms, so they wear whatever they see fit in the morning. It is recommended that you sail under a black flag, but if that is somehow not possible any other color will do the job!

The Sea Rats have many ships in their navy, which they rent out to their members for dastardly activities on the high seas. Apply for permission to use them in this here thread.

Active Ships Are:
Poseidon's Revenge - 5HA
Corporal Milton - 5HA
Hades' Trumpet (formerly Strumpet) - 5HA
Catfish - 5A (25DB Upkeep)

The Walrus Returns - 4A (15DB Upkeep)
Vagabond King - 4A (15DB Upkeep)
Lillydale - 4A (15DB Upkeep)
Crow's Feet - 3A (12.5DB Upkeep)

Non-Active Ships Are:
Puny Sparrow - 3A (12.5DB Upkeep)
Bon Voyage - 2A (7.5DB Upkeep)
Godfreed Faulk - 2F (5 DB Upkeep)
unnamed - 1A (3.75DB Upkeep)

Sunk Ships Are:
Fortune's Miskeeper - 5HA

If a faction wants more warships, they have to pay for the license. These ships can be lost, and will have to be replaced with more DBs. A nation can have up to 5 un-MOCed vessels, after that, someone in the faction will have to create a MOC to represent the sixth and so on vessel. Just like with private vessels, if that vessel is destroyed, pictures of the same MOC can be used to represent the next license purchased at the same level. This is a team game / story / project, so it makes sense that the team will have to build up its defenses together.

Unlike private licensed ships, there is upkeep on any faction owned vessel beyond the first three heavy sloops. The upkeep is 5% of the license each month. Any upkeep that can’t be paid means that the faction cannot use that vessel the next month. Missed upkeep is not cumulative. For example, if the faction could not pay the 20DB upkeep for the HMS Bounty in June, they still only need to find 20DB to sail it in July. (Consider the option to not pay upkeep as “putting the vessel up on stocks” for a period of time)
23182467355_844369a8c4.jpg MOC by Captain Braunsfeld


4. History and Culture:

Brief: The Sea Rats are a mixed bunch, but for the most part they consist of pirates, rogues, and thieves. Discovering the island soon afterwards to be known as The Nest of Thieves, the Sea Rats settled down and made its rocky shores their home, building the stronghold of Bastion on its nearly impregnable rocky eminences. Since then the Sea Rats have thrived in their new home, and piratical and other business is at its finest!

Unlike the Kings and Queens of the old world, Pirate leadership is dynamic, and mercurial – it is anarchistic, not dynastic. The top pirate or individual with the most personal influence gets to boss the others around until they themselves are deposed. The Sea Rats are comprised of a true hodge-podge of peoples from a variety of Nations, all of whom have forsworn their prior allegiances in favor of a free life of self-determination and self-reliance. Many of the original Sea Rats were those dispossessed by their nations during the first great rush for the new world. These betrayed sailors, clinging to the promise of wealth and glory, turned south from the closed gates of Nelissa, and, along with many old rogues who had earned their salt in the old world by piratical activities and such-like, settled the rocky shores of the island that would become "The Nest of Thieves." The city of Bastion was founded here on the skeleton of a former Eslandolan fishing village. With the great diversity of newcomers, no one nation could hold dominance here, and instead, a council was formed of the most prominent captains amongst them, many former Privateers and pirates of the Old World. This was the first Pirate High Council, where they determined that Bastion would remain forever free of the influence of the tyrannical empires, and that no one person could be their master! This pact laid the groundwork for Bastion to become the wretched hive of scum and villainy it has become, and united the Sea Rats as a people. In the absence of law and order, the streets of Bastion are in a constant state of chaos, with infamous pirate lords freely roaming the street, and pickpockets on every corner... but the people are a tough, resolute bunch, and despite the anarchy, business booms from the riches brought in by the pirates, and a healthy – if you like that kind of healthiness – economy of pirate raids, and smugglers has formed.

The Sea Rats are pretty indifferent when it comes to other factions. Of course, this type of indifference means something more like, "They see a ship and attack, without bothering to check whose flag waves from the mast head," rather than an indifferent kind of indifference. Neither do the Sea Rats particularly relish the idea of hanging by their necks until they be dead, so they naturally study to avoid any such unappetizing contingencies resulting from getting caught by a different faction which they had been preying on.

(Note: Relationships are judged on a 1 to 5 scale; Very Friendly, Friendly, Indifferent, Unfriendly, Hostile)

Sea Rat's relationship with...
Corrington: Indifferent
Eslandola: Indifferent
Oleon: Indifferent

Other nations relationship with Sea Rats...
Corrington: Indifferent
Eslandola: Indifferent
Oleon: Indifferent

5. Membership
To sign up, post a post a picture of your signature figure. You are welcome to include a bit of a description as well.
Your signature figure, or sigfig, will represent your character throughout your MOCs within Brethren of the Brick Seas.
(That does not mean that your sigfig has to be in every MOC you make).

Within BoBS there are many possibilities. Build your own story, and since you're a Sea Rat, feel free to plunder and search the seas for treasure!


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NOTE: All links should be fixed, if you find a broken or missing link here please contact @Darkdragon

Rassilon, Nest of Thieves
Bastion, Nest of Thieves
Takashii Village, Nest of Thieves
Haven, Isla del Diablo
Moray's Den, Isla del Diablo
Charlatan Bay, Infero Pordejon

Membership (22)
Rodsh Derr (Bart)
Bartholomew "Lefty" Jones (Bob De Quatre)
Richard Walton, Esq (CB4)
Comrade Captain Darksten (Comrade Commander)
Susieh Cheng (dr_spock)
Amara (Gulagurag)
Shaman Azeban (ilulz)
Captain Benjamin Morgan (Jacob Nion)
Captain Leon Dracken (kaiju)
Captain Meloche (Kwatchi)
Captain William Quick (MiloNelsiano)
Sinbad (MKJoshA)
Captain Shen (nivremis)
Ethylene Glycol (pombe)
Captain James Rulthorpe (Rconn0)
Esteban Escobar (Ron701)
Jasper Soares (Savage_opress)
"Arrow" (Ukah-kamuta-na-ta-ta-fi-ra-ra) (SodorBricks)
Callia (Ulric Brickenheim)
Rhys Flaidd DeTaillefer (Vedauwoo)
Captain Mengish (Mengish)
Captain Matthew Hawse (RocketSeason)


This is Daniel 'Longbreeches', a (Formerly) Oleonder Aristocrat/Artisan turned Sea-Rat Pirate. He angered the wrong people within the Order of the Faith, and fled the country aboard the Sea Rat vessel "The Titan's Tithe," Captained by the current Pirate King, Reynard LeRoublard.


"Journal entry 1,

Well, Journal, there's so much that has changed in the past month, it's hard to even figure out where to start... but I must start somewhere. I need to relay these events before they vanish from my brain like smoke from a pipe on a windy day. Already, I have begun to lose certainty as to what has happened. It seems that just yesterday, I held sway in the King's court, owned a wealthy sum of land in the countryside, and a fine townhouse in Granoleon. My days were devoted to painting and pleasure... and piousness, of course. My sister and I lived the good life, for I was the King Stephan's favoured painter. Classically trained by the old masters, and well-loved by my peers, my life was a delight... that is, until the diabolical Brother Ysengrin rose to power. That foul alter-boy had always despised me... and the feeling was mutual, of course. However, through some sad injustice, this wretched man acquired more and more influence within the Order of the Faith... I suspect it must have been illicit, for no legitimate means would have given wing to this foul fool's flight. I, of course, was well-loved by the Order at large. I paid my dues, and had my servants bring food to their feasts. But, yet, this Brother Ysengrin wanted nothing more than my head on his plate, though I had yet to slight him. And then, through no fault of my own, Brother Ysengrin interpreted my grandest painting yet, "The Gods' Conquest of the Titans" as a personal attack--which I assure you, Journal, it was not! This, proved to be my undoing. So powerful had Brother Ysengrin become, that a slight to him was a slight to the Order, and he convinced a corrupt Cleric of Hades that I had fallen from favour with the Gods--although, assuredly, I had not! This eventuated my meteoric fall. I was beset upon by the Assassins of Hades, and stripped of all land-ownership and position. I had to flee my own apartment! I know not the fate of my sister, nor that of my allies in the court, although, I suspect they too may have fallen prey to Brother Ysengrin's treachery. The only escape I could find came in the form of "The Titan's Tithe" a piratical vessel captained by the infamous Reynard LeRoublard. He had me sign the ship's Documents--unwillingly, of course, and now I am crew aboard his ship. Zeus have mercy on my soul, for the foul deeds this fiend may have me commit. I swear that before too long, I shall return to Oleon and rescue my sister and allies from the clutches of Brother Ysengrin... but today, and for the time being, I must remain in exile... and pray to the Gods that my new master, Captain Reynard does not kill me in the morning.

~Daniel "Longbreeches"

Posted (edited)

Captain William Quick

Quick was once a member of the Corrington Navy, but once New Terra was discovered, he knew there was much more potential for success out on his own. Being very persuasive, Quick plotted the overthrow and murder of his ship's Captain and officers. Taking the ship as his own, he made his way for Bastion with the remaining members of the ship's crew. Since his arrival he has made a name for himself as somewhat of a loose cannon, due to being fairly unpredictable. He often disappears for months on end, during which it is rumored that he spends time with one or several of his many wives. Although he claims he has several dozen wives, one of which being a mermaid, most of his crew members expect this to be exaggerated. Quick, who often sends his vessels out under his most trusted men, has been known to disguise himself and sign on as a crew member, unbeknownst to the rest of the crew.

Quick with a few of his wives bathing in a tub of jewels


More of Quick's backstory will come later. Hopefully everything so far is acceptable for a Sea Rat.

Edited by MiloNelsiano

Welcome to the crew, Mate! And, yup, the Sea Rats are a free bunch, so anything goes! (Well, use your discretion :wink: )

Looks like a suitable scoundrel! Can't wait to see more! :sweet:

~Insectoid Aristocrat

Posted (edited)

Another questions for the powers that be, does my character intro build qualify for the first challenge? It shows him as the Scallawag Extraordinaire that he is! Or is something more nautical desired?

Edited by MiloNelsiano

Your sig fig grants you an automatic 25 DBs. If you build an intro MOC, that will count as a free-build, 10 DBs.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by the first challenge. Where did you hear or read anything about a first challenge? :look::grin:


Your sig fig grants you an automatic 25 DBs. If you build an intro MOC, that will count as a free-build, 10 DBs.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by the first challenge. Where did you hear or read anything about a first challenge? :look::grin:

I red something like that as well: your sigfig IN HIS NATURAL HABITAT would earn one 25DBs. I thoight this was with a MOC. Then ADDITIONAL freebuilds would give one 10DBs.

Please correct me if I'm wrong


I red something like that as well: your sigfig IN HIS NATURAL HABITAT would earn one 25DBs. I thoight this was with a MOC. Then ADDITIONAL freebuilds would give one 10DBs.

Please correct me if I'm wrong

No, I'm pretty sure that just plain posting your sig-fig is 25 DBs.


Brethren of the Brick Seas (BoBS) Introduction and Starting Thread


A starting challenge: This is open to everyone to complete once, and 25DBs will be awarded to the builder for completing the task. Build your sig fig and place them in a setting in our world. It can be in the colonies, in the motherland, at sea, anything you would like, but make sure to show the figure clearly and demonstrate the profession you have chosen for them in some way. (IE: if you decided to play an explorer, maybe you will place them on the bow of a ship looking out to sea with a spy glass.) Any profession that existed during the enlightenment is fine, along with a few other professions that would be a reasonable fit. If you are playing in the EGS, then there are a few character traits that you may want to consider here.

This is what I was referring to. Still unsure if it would qualify.


Oh, okay. :look::blush: I think I'll let Ska clarify that then. From something else he had said I got the impression that just posting your sig-fig was 25DB.

Anyhow, if the 25DB has to be an intro MOC, then certainly your idea would qualify.


Another questions for the powers that be, does my character intro build qualify for the first challenge? It shows him as the Scallawag Extraordinaire that he is! Or is something more nautical desired?

The only issue I'd have with your intro build qualifying for the starter challenge is that the sigfig isn't what I'd consider as being shown clearly. Mostly because we can't see his face or his normal uniform (whatever he'd normally wear).


The only issue I'd have with your intro build qualifying for the starter challenge is that the sigfig isn't what I'd consider as being shown clearly. Mostly because we can't see his face or his normal uniform (whatever he'd normally wear).

I see no problem :) everytime I will picture Mr Quick, it will be with a wooden barrel arround him :p

just kidding :D I would say: just post a picture of your sigfig and together with this Moc, it qualifies :)


I see no problem :) everytime I will picture Mr Quick, it will be with a wooden barrel arround him :p

just kidding :D I would say: just post a picture of your sigfig and together with this Moc, it qualifies :)

Thank you for your opinion Maxim. However if Milo and other potential Sea Rats would want their sigfig to count, they should follow the guidance set by the faction leaders. :thumbup:

They're the ones tallying up the points.


The original challenge was to create a sig fig and put them in a MOC of some sort, just so we didn't have plain shots of sigfigs on blank backgrounds. It is the same challenge -- make a sig fig, create a small (or elaborate) introduction moc, receive 25DBs.


Susieh Cheng loves sharp pointy objects. She doesn't like talking about her past like that incident with her eye. Rumours have it that she was kidnapped as a child by pirates. Having been raised by pirates, she developed a taste for gold and booty. Whatever you do, do not cross her. Those who do end up as shark bait after seasoned with 14 spices and stuffed with stale bread.




I'm signing up!

Have to dig up my sigfig though, haven't touched my lego in a while. But I really like this idea.

I've ones made a post on this forum about the back story of my sigfig. but I can't find it, I can only look back 4 made posts in my own history? so I'll make up a new one. (or some one else can dig it up (might be 4/5 years ago o.O)

- More coming soon -



I'm signing up!

Have to dig up my sigfig though, haven't touched my lego in a while. But I really like this idea.

I've ones made a post on this forum about the back story of my sigfig. but I can't find it, I can only look back 4 made posts in my own history? so I'll make up a new one. (or some one else can dig it up (might be 4/5 years ago o.O)

- More coming soon -


Found it for you here.

Posted (edited)

Thanks! I'll take that as a start then. :)

Can I make a new start moc for this game? Or should I go with that.

(its been four years since that post :O)


I'll make a new moc for the start of this game. things should have changed in 4 years :D, You can expect it in the coming days.

Edited by Bart

Name: Rodsh Derr

age: 22

Proffesion: Pirate/smuggler

Formerly Merchant navy Lieutenant

Rodsh became a pirate after finding a treasure, and not wanting to share it with his captain, who had the habbit of taking all for him self.

Rodsh leads a small gropu of man together with his wife, Cathy, targeting small merchants, steal their valuables and their cargo if they think they can sell it for a profit.

Sometimes he makes deals with the merchant, smuggeling their cargo past the tax collectors and landing it for more profit on remote beaches.

Rodsh is not afraid to experiment, or take risks, to fly a false flag or the dress up in some uniform when it suits his needs.

His crew calls him Captain, but he doesn't really feel that way. He's not famous and is very okay with that.


Rodsh and Cathy landed on a small beach, and having some sword practise.


Old crewman Jack is fishing for dinner


(I just see now that the pirate flag on the back of the sloop is perfectly inline with the camera, in other words you can't see it)

I use the gold/blue as Sea Rats flag (I don't have those colours)



I don't have much free time these days, but I'll try to relate some slices of the life of Bartholomew "Lefty" Jones, former Oleon naval officer but now just a broken men trying to rise in the Sea Rats society and be the captain of his own ship.



Born the 3rd son of well-to-do land owner in Olean, Sinbad was expected to join the clergy as all good 3rd born sons were known to do. His oldest brother was to inherit the land from their father, and the 2nd son was already a person of note in the Olean Navy. And if Sinbad were to follow tradition, he would become a well spoken clergyman. But Sinbad did not believe in the religion of his people, and he did not want to be stuck on land his whole life. His heart yearned for the sea so to the sea he went.

The full story is for another time, but after more than one voyage, he ended up on the island known as the Den of Thieves. The island lived up to its name and soon Sinbad found himself penniless.


More story to come soon!


Very nice story and fig MKJ, and good to see some more Sea Rat members! pirate_wink.gif

Born the 3rd son of well-to-do land owner in Olean, Sinbad was expected to join the clergy as all good 3rd born sons were known to do...

pir_laugh2.gifdefault_roflmao.gifdefault_iamded_lol.png Really, your whole intro is quite funny! default_rofl.gif

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