kabel Posted December 23, 2015 Posted December 23, 2015 The Empire of Eslandola Nickname: Cash EmpireColors: Green, GoldFlag: Although this is the official flag, you are welcome to create your own variations or stick with purist flags. Hide contents Eslandola Summarized: Compared to the other nations, Eslandola boasts the best merchants, the most heavily protected treasure ships, and the largest and richest colonial possessions. Eslandians hold hard to their individualism and profit making. They accept adventurers and explorers, business folk, merchant sailors, agriculturalists, and artists.Membership: Want to pick up arms and join the army or militia to expand our land and extend our wealth? Fancy yourself as a tradesperson and want to set up a business or join a trading company to expand our land and extend our wealth? Or aspire to make a name for yourself in the New World and start a colony - to expand our land and extend our wealth, of course? We welcome anybody who agrees that they will be loyal to the land. For gold and country! Good Eslandians strive to show their pride by including one or more of the nation’s colors in each build, but if they slip up, no one will track them down. If you choose to be a member, there is a lot in store for you! Your first task will be to create your sig-fig and sign up in this thread with an intro post. Eslandola currently has two main trading companies, and one lesser company. If you wish, you are welcome to affiliate yourself with one of them. This affiliation may be changed at any time, but you are responsible to make sure leaders are notified of any changes. You are not required to join one of the trade groups and may even start your own; however, there are a few economic benefits to joining a Trade Company. More information about the trade groups can be found under point 5 below. Eslandola has a republican system of government, with a figurehead monarchy. More information about the government can be found under points 1 and 2 below. Did you get that far? If so, you’ve read all that you really need to know. The rest is just icing on the cake, so take it at your leisure, and enjoy the MOCs!A Detailed Look at the Empire of Eslanola: (below)Trade Companies, Colonies, and Members: (second post)FAQs: (third post) A Detailed Look at the Empire of Eslandola1 – LeadershipKing Fernando - Augusto VII (NPC) Thanks to the independent minded merchants of Eslandola, the realm is fairly decentralized. The real power lies in the hands of the Continental Council and its daughter council, the Colonial Council. King Fernando used to command the empire through a High Council, but a bad political move led to his power being curtailed with the signing of the Magna Charta. Since then, he's been variously reported as begging in the backstreets, throwing nightcaps, gormandizing, or plotting a dramatic revenge.Continental Council The Continental Council consists of the leaders of Eslandola. The Continental Council grants charters, signs treaties, and supervises elections. Honorary members are members that have previously been on the Continental Council, but now take no part in its deliberations.Continental Council Member, Viceroy Renato Filamento (@kabel) and the Royal Colonies After his fortunate discovery of the island of Nelissa, Renato Filamento was knighted by King Fernando and proceeded to construct Nova Terreli as a royal colony. Sir Renato was kept home in Eslandola for some time, and earned the King’s trust. Now, he has been made Viceroy of all the royal colonies and is supposed to do his best to bring down the East Trade-Wind Company. Unfortunately for him, the ETWC capitalized on his discoveries and now controls the rest of the west coast of Nelissa. Sir Renato deeply respects King Fernando and wants to carry out his job well, but he is forced to comply with many of ETWC’s demands. His exasperation with the state of affairs leads him to take frequent therapeutic jungle expeditions, and he spends a good deal of his time lost in the woods.Continental Council Member, Sir Edward Thomas Wilkinson de Chauncourtois (NPC @Garmadon) and the East Trade-Wind Company (ETWC) Sir E.T. Wilkinson de Chauncourtois has headed the East Trade-Wind Company for, well, just about forever! Under his leadership, the company has greatly consolidated power, and it now has a virtual monopoly in Eslandola proper. However, as Wilkinson aged, so did his policies. Although it made an early start on the island of Nelissa, the ETWC began to lay back and became lethargic about colonization. So far, Wilkinson had more-or-less ignored his competitors, but voices are being heard that suggest that a little innovation might be necessary if ETWC wants to continue as the number one trading company.Continental Council Member, Governor Willem Guilder (@Capt Wolf) and the Merchant's Colonial Trading CompanyWillem Guilder is a career member of the Merchant’s Colonial Trading Company, rising from dock agent to regional manager to mayor of the MCTC’s Weelond settlement to governor of the island of An Holli. With the retirement of Guy Wyndzon, Guilder now takes over as director of the MCTC. Guilder has continually sought ways to expand the MCTC’s trading base and influence, forging new trade relationships and aggressively defending Eslandola’s (and the MCTC’s) interests across the seas. Quick to join the push to get the king to sign the Magna Charta, Guilder hopes to help lead the MCTC (and thus Eslandola) to new heights in this blossoming era of colonial power.Honorary Member of the Continental Council, Guy K. Wyndzon (@Kai NRG) Hide contents After the death of his wealthy father, young Guy took over leadership of the Merchant’s Colonial Trading Company’s Board. Energetic and sometimes a little too reckless, he often has trouble getting the other merchants to agree with his expansionistic schemes and would have been deposed long ago but for the influence of his Uncle. Under Guy’s leadership, the Merchant’s Colonial Trading Company stopped playing its losing game on the mainland with the ETWC and started planting dozens of new colonies in the New World. However, when Guy's Uncle took a voyage to who knows where, Guy decided that being leader of the MCTC was too much for him and stepped down. Well, that was his given reason, but rumor has it that he found a secret treasure map. Colonial Council The Colonial Council governs Eslandola's New World. It consists of eight members - three appointed by the Trade Companies, three elected regionally, one elected by members not affiliated with a Trade Company, and one, the Admius Legistrad, elected by Eslandola at large. The Colonial Council has not yet had its first cycle. 2 - Official DocumentsMagna Charta: Although in the ages of barbarianism and serfdom a King was essential to secure Eslandola from ravages without, the time has now come to require assurances from the King against ravages within. The rights of a law-abiding citizen to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, demand that government be for the people; and to assure that, it must be by the people. To achieve such a government in New Eslandola a convention is hereby authorized, whose decisions will become law. In recognition of the validity of this document, I, King Augusto Fernando VIII, do hereby sign my name:Fernando AugustoFernando Augusto VII, King, Eslandola Constitution: The Kingdom of Eslandola will be governed by two councils, the Continental Council and the Colonial Council. The Continental Council, Section I: a) The Continental Council will consist of the relevant BoBS leaders. b) The Continental Council determines locations for troops, ships, and forts, but may be overruled up to half of the force in dispute by the Colonial Council. c) The Continental Council alone has the prerogative to declare war, but may not do so without the express consent of the Colonial Council. d) The Continental Council alone may sign treaties, but they must be ratified by the Colonial Council prior to signing. e) The Continental Council may veto any monopoly. f) The Continental Council has as its sole prerogative the granting of charters, including but not necessarily limited to charters for Trade Companies, Settlements, and Royal Properties. A grant may be vetoed by the Colonial Council. g) The Continental Council must supervise elections to the Colonial Council and must insure that elections be completed in a timely fashion. Establishment of the Colonial Council, Section II: a) The Colonial Council shall consist of eight positions; one position shall be granted to each recognized Trade Company (at the time of signing, East Trade-Wind Company, Merchant’s Colonial Trading Company, and Mpya-Stedor All-Encompassing Science, Trade & Resources Organization); one position shall be granted to independents; one position shall be granted to the representatives of each of the three regions; one position shall be reserved for the Admius Legistrad, elected by all citizens of Eslandola. b) Each Trade Company may decide internally how and when to appoint or elect a member to its position. c) The Independent Position shall be voted upon by all interested members of Eslandola not affiliated with a Trade Company. d) The Regional Positions shall be voted upon by members of a region. No member may vote in more than one region. No member holding a position as Governor or Mayor may vote in a region outside of that in which he exercises authority. No member may vote in a region in which he has not placed a build. Regional Positions may be added by vote of the Colonial Council. e) The Admius Legistrad shall be elected by all citizens of Eslandola. He shall be responsible for seeing bills through to their conclusion, for announcing the results of a vote, for communication with the Continental Council, and for keeping peace within the Colonial Council. f) Each position shall consist of three seats, equal to three votes, to be used as the member holding the position deems fit, except in the case of the Admius Legistrad who shall have one seat with three votes and the power of breaking any tie. g) Elections shall be held once every four months, except for the Admius Legistrad, which shall be held once every sixth months. h) Campaigns shall begin two weeks before the election begins. Campaigners must present a minifigure and a speech; further propaganda is left to each campaigner’s discretion. i) Council members may resign with two weeks of prior notice. Vacancies shall not be filled until the next election, except in the case of Trade Company positions, or in the case of Admius Legistrad, for whom a replacement shall be found by the remaining members of the Council from one of their number until the end of the term only. No member, after having resigned, may campaign in the following election. Operation of the Colonial Council, Section III: a) Each position shall be granted a salary of 25 DBs monthly, except in the case of Admius Legistrad, who will be granted 50 DBs a month. b) Any member who fails to register either a vote or an abstention, and has not sent a letter of excuse, shall be fined 100 DBs, except in the case of the Admius Legistrad, whose disappearance without a letter of excuse shall be penalized by 500 DBs. Two letters of excuse in succession from the Admius Legistrad shall result in a fine of 500 DBs. c) Any resolution shall be passed by a majority of 51% of votes cast, save in the case of veto upon the Continental Council, which shall be passed when relevant by a majority of 66% of votes cast. d) The Colonial Council shall hold its meetings in a designated thread, but may adjourn by vote to a private thread for a specific length of time. e) The Colonial Council shall vote openly, but may determine by vote upon a secret ballot at any time. Prerogatives of the Colonial Council, Section IV: a) The Colonial Council shall decide by vote when and how many troops, ships, or forts to build, raise, disband, or sell, above the automatic thresholds. b) The Colonial Council may overrule (up to half of the forces available) the disposition of forces made by the Continental Council by a veto vote. c) The Colonial Council may not declare war, but must approve for any war to be declared. d) The Colonial Council may not sign treaties, but must ratify prior to their signing. e) The Colonial Council may propose and vote upon new monopolies, but the Continental Council possesses veto power. f) The Colonial Council may veto any charter granted by the Continental Council. g) The Colonial Council may determine when to recognize a chartered Trade Company, admitting them to a permanent seat on the Colonial Council. h) The Colonial Council may raise or lower taxes by vote without let or hindrance. i) Veto upon the Continental Council may only be considered for one month subsequent to the Continental Council’s decision. j) The above provisions notwithstanding, the Colonial Council shall take no action disapproved by the leadership of the Brick Seas. Judicial System, Section V: a) All judicial cases will be decided by a jury randomly chosen from among active Eslandian members and presided over by a member of the Continental Council as judge. b) The jury shall determine guilt; the judge shall pronounce the sentence. c) Any citizen of Eslandola in good standing may bring a case to trial at the relevant time (quarterly). Bill of Rights: I. The right of each citizen of Eslandola to his own form of religion shall not be infringed. II. The right of each citizen of Eslandola to a free expression of his sentiments upon his own property or upon public property shall not be infringed. III. The right of each citizen of Eslandola to raise troops, establish forts, and license ships shall not be infringed. IV. Private property of Eslandian citizens shall not be taken for public use without the consent of the owner. V. This Bill of Rights notwithstanding, no member shall take action disapproved by the leadership of EuroBricks and/or the Brick Seas. 3 – GeographyThe Southeastern Coast: Major Ports and Capital This is where Eslandola's capital, Terreli, is located. This is the wealthiest region of the world, thus giving it the nickname Diamond Coast. It boasts the world's largest ports, with Terreli being the biggest. Most people live in the ports and towns, but some reside in the beautiful isolated countryside. The southeastern coast of Eslandola is the most populated region of with most citizens being traders, merchants, sailors, or nobles. Terreli is also the headquarters of the East Trade-Wind Company. Generally, buildings resemble Mediterranean and Western European styles. Eslandians prefer mud, brick, or rock structures over wood.The Northwestern Coast: Smaller Ports and Coastal Towns The northwestern coast is a quite different place. With the royal government and both trade companies focusing their effort on the eastern coast and the colonies, the western coast has been historically neglected – making it a hot spot for smugglers and the occasional pirate. Every man on the northwestern coast fends for himself, as the army's presence is virtually nil.The Colonies Since the signing of the Magna Charta, the colonies have been mostly left to govern themselves with the Colonial Council. The largest city in the New World, Nova Terreli, was established as a crown colony but took a leading part in dethroning the King. In size, it rivals most of the ports of the Old World. Its mayor sides with the MCTC and in good MCTC tradition is always ready to expand influence on the island, but the ETWC controls its own settlement here too. A couple other islands are in the hands of MAESTRO, but the majority are settled by the Merchant’s Colonial Trading Company. Adventurers head for the colonies to find income through trade or resource factories such as plantations, mining, or tanneries. Given the diverse backgrounds of settlers, just about every architectural style has been allowed to flourish in the colonies, with preference being given to those that are the simplest and quickest to build. 4 – Military Continental Army These men are directly loyal to the Councils and have no affiliation with the trade companies. Some regiments and commanding officers still wear armor, which they believe is a symbol of might, and it is not a rarity to see officers on horseback. The standard uniform color is green.Militias The majority of the troops of Eslandola are militia, financed and trained by the trade companies or local leaders. Their uniforms are usually quite diverse and depend mainly on the region they are in and their leader - though green is generally used as it is one of the official colors. East Trade-Wind Company These elite, elusive troops are fielded by the ETWC whenever the need arises - which it doesn't happen very often. By the law of the land, they are not a standing army, but they've still helped the nation out various times in a pinch. Among other things, they were sent out in the battles against Mardier on Isla de Victoria, and were instrumental in taking down the enemy forts on the island. Their colors are green and dark green. Nova Terreli The Golden Nellisei are elite troops and Román Fontonajo's personal guard unit in Nova Terreli MAESTRO MAESTRO maintains several militia units. Here are Royal MAESTRO Engineers under the command of General Whitedragon. Merchant's Colonial Trading CompanyWhite Glove Order The White Glove Order, headquartered in the MCTC settlement of Bardo, maintains its own troops. Here they are seen marching into Nova Malto. The Governor's Musketeers Willem Guilder, director of the MCTC and governor of An Holli, maintains an elite unit of musketeers, capable with musket and sword, on horse and on foot. Here they are seen on parade in front of Weelond's local militia unit. Others There are many other militia units in Eslandola. As you can see, some of these units can be very individualistic. Navy While the trade companies maintain a few heavily armed ships for escort duty, the majority of Eslandola's warships are owned and operated by the Councils. These ships have been used most often in the past for escort duty with large merchant convoys. Eslandola's navy currently consists of the following ships: Active MOC'd ships:The Dread Treasure II - Class 5HA (class 7)Oscuridad - Class 5HA (class 6)La Raya Venenosa - Class 5HA (class 6)Stormbringer II - Class 5A (class 6)Beluga II - Class 5HA (class 5)Golden Grasshopper (class 5)Victoria - Class 5LA (class 5)Firefly - Class 5LA (class 5)La Salamandra - Class 4A (class 4)Asesino II - Class 4A (class 4)The Gallant - Class 4A (class 4)Maiden of the Deep - Class 4A (class 4) Active un-MOC'd ships: Cannonball - Class 5HA Logan's Nightmare - Class 5LA Argenta - Class 5LA Inactive / licenses only: Blood Diamond - Class 4A Inflexible - Class 4A Long Beard - Class 4A Plump Patty - Class 4A 5 – History and Foreign RelationsHistory Eslandians love their monarch, but they don’t like him bothering them. They are individualistic, and, especially in the colonies, tend to ignore royal orders. However, when the nation needs to defend itself, its large sprawling noble class is eager to respond. Honor is found in both war and business – but business is preferred. Fifty years ago the East Trade Wind Company foreclosed on much of the royal possessions due to excessive debt levels. To get them off his back, the King established Renato, a newly knighted explorer, as Viceroy of all the royal ports. Now Renato has to try to curb the ETWC’s power, no easy task! The ETWC dominates the High Council, and the aims of the empire are divided between the monarch’s ambitions and desires of those who control the purse strings. Recently, however, the fairly conservative and slow-to-expand ETWC has been challenged by the rapidly exploding Merchant’s Colonial Trading Company, which has also managed to grab several seats in the council. For this reason, much of the foreign policy of Eslandola has been to acquire as many new territories in the resource rich New World as possible. Despite the large trading companies, smuggling is rampant and small competition abounds. The Eslandians are a romantic and freedom loving people, cherishing long and winding stories. Nobility still loves to dress in armor, even though those days are over. The horse is also a useful tool, especially when dealing with natives, and most Eslandians know how to ride a horse and shoot at the same time. Eslandola has no state religion, but leaves such matters entirely to the desires of its people.Foreign Relations Eslandola has excellent relationships with other nations both because it provides big trading partners and because it is not militaristic. (Note: Relationships are judged on a 1 to 5 scale; Very Friendly, Friendly, Indifferent, Unfriendly, Hostile)Eslandola's relationship with... Pirates: Unfriendly Corrington: Friendly Oleon: FriendlyOther nation’s relationship with Eslandola... Pirates: Indifferent Corrington: Friendly Oleon: Friendly Ready to expand Eslandola’s land and extend Eslandola’s wealth? Go ahead, let’s get bricking! Quote
kabel Posted December 23, 2015 Author Posted December 23, 2015 6 – Trading CompaniesEast Trade-Wind Company (ETWC) Leader: Sir Edward Thomas Wilkinson de ChauncourtoisLocation: The Southeastern Coast and the West Coast of NelissaColors: Green and Dark GreenGeneral Discussion Almost since the beginning of its charter, the ETWC has been the most powerful trading company of Eslandola, with the MCTC only recently challenging its position. It controls almost all the major Eslandian Old World ports and Wilkinson saw to it that most of the High Council seats were filled with board members. However, the ETWC began to rest on its laurels and was only stirred to vigorous measures when it saw port after port of the New World being founded and controlled by its rival, the MCTC. Now finally awakened to the threat, the ETWC board is in a frantic scramble to get its act together for a stronger position in New Eslandola.Monopolies: The ETWC holds a monopoly on copper, wheat, and oat. What does that mean? Although any player is welcome to build a copper mine, wheat plantation, or oat plantation, ETWC members will receive a special bonus if they are participating in the Economic Game System. More information on that can be found in the Economic Game System thread.Merchant's Colonial Trading Company (MCTC)Leader: Guy K. WyndzonLocation: A few ports on the Southeastern Coast and most of New EslandolaColors: Green and BlackGeneral Discussion When Guy K. Wyndzon’s father got a royal charter to found the Merchant's Colonial Trading Company, he did so because he was tired of the delays it took for ETWC to organize colonial expeditions. However, he had no plans to seriously rival the ETWC, and it was not until his death that MCTC really began to expand. Although fairly young, Guy already had years of experience in the business and with the help of his rich Uncle, managed to convince the rest of the board members to allow him to lead. Colonization boomed and dozens of New World ports are already under MCTC control. Guy passed off the lead to Governor Guilder, who plans to continue expansion and to extend MCTC influence right up into the Colonial Council.Monopolies: The MCTC holds a monopoly on iron, textiles, and cotton. What does that mean? Although any player is welcome to build an iron mine, textile factory, or cotton plantation, MCTC members will receive a special bonus if they are participating in the Economic Game System. More information on that can be found in the Economic Game System thread.Player Created Trade Company: Mpya-Stedor All-Encompassing Science, Trade & Resources Organisation (MAESTRO)Leader: Lord Maximilian DamaximusLocation: Mpya Stedor, with a presence throughout New Eslandola, particularly BerreliGeneral Discussion Recently established by Lord Maximilian Damaximus, Governor of Stedor, MAESTRO has quickly garnered support among small traders eager to make their own way. This player created Trade Company has expansive projects and is constantly looking for ways to further development. It has taken the novel step of reaching out to non-Eslandians. Occasionally viewed as aggressive and belligerent, it boasts the largest Eslandian navy under that of the crown. Time will tell whether this new threat will spur MCTC and the ETWC to greater activity!Monopolies: MAESTRO has a monopoly on apple plantations. What does that mean? Although any player is welcome to build an apple plantation, MAESTRO members will receive a special bonus if they are participating in the Economic Game System. More information on that can be found in the Economic Game System thread.Other Trading Companies If you’re thinking to yourself, "I want to ride my own wave – I want to start my own trading company!" – then go right ahead! Just make sure you receive a royal charter. How do you do that? Easy! Just message the Continental Council (@kabel @Garmadon and/or @Capt Wolf) with an application that includes your trading company name, logo, colors (one of those must also be a color of Eslandola), location, and leader. Please note that per the Economic Game System rules, you must have built three MOCs before applying for a company; see the rules page or the FAQs below for more specifics. Once your company has gathered enough speed (as determined by the Council), it will be added to this list. That can take time; since trade is so influential to the culture of Eslandola, not just any merchant company can win the ear of the King. Be patient and keep MOCing! 7 - Eslandian IslandsThe Empire of Eslandola controls the following islands:An HolliGeneral Description: Discovered in 560, An Holli (along with An Toli) is the oldest colonial possession of Eslandola. It is a long, narrow island that barely rises out of the sea. It is home to many cotton and sugar farmers, and a significant fishing industry. Originally exclusive to the MCTC, it now is open to all and has become the main stepping stone in the Sea of Storms for Eslandolan ships heading to Nellisa and points east. As such, it is home to seamen of all types.Geographical Features: An Holli is less than 90 miles long from north to south, and less than 40 miles across at its widest point. The island can easily be broken into thirds. The southern portion of the island is marked by coastal dunes, and cotton grows easily in plantations along the Weelond River. The Bay of Weelond is not only a fine anchorage, but is a bountiful fishing area as well. The middle section of the island is marked by hills and tropical forest. The northern portion of the island sports fertile soil for sugarcane along the Motelli River, but the coast is rocky, especially at the northern tip.Famous Structures: Eslandola’s royal textile factory is in Weelond, taking advantage of the many cotton plantations on the southern third of the island. Colonial Hall, previously a lecture hall in Weelond, served as the first home of Eslandola’s Colonial Council, the first democratically elected governing body in the Brick Seas. The rocky northern coast is home to the King’s Lighthouse.Rumors: The western coast of the island has many shoals and is dangerous to navigate. There are several stories of ghost ships being seen in the area.Settlements: WeelondAn ToliGeographical Features: An Toli has a diverse geology and fauna. The climate is mostly warm, and wet, but there have been periods of drought. The middle of the island is surrounded by several mountains, that catch a lot of low rainclouds, making the forest dense and humid. The lakes in Bardine Creek and in the mountain are the main source of freshwater on the island. There are a variety of fruits growing wild on the island, the rivers are full of fish and the occasional crocodile.Settlements: BardoFerro AzureNickname: Far IslandGeographical Features: Fifty miles long, good coves and plenty of natural bays. Most likely a strategic location, but the climate is good for tropical crops.Rumors: Some say that this island is perfect for indigo, others that it is most likely inhabited by natives. Rumor has it that iron can be found on this island fairly easily.Settlements: Salida Este Isla PhillipeNickname: The PigGeographical Features: Named after the King of Oleon (for obvious reasons), this island is about thirty-five miles across, with good soft shore beaches. The elevation is high enough for farming. It has no natural cove or bay, and waters are shallow surrounding the island for a few miles.Rumors: As its nickname suggests, Isla Phillipe is practically haunted by wild boars. It is unknown if there are natives on the island. The soil is a bit rocky, but likely can produce common foodstuffs like wheat. Silver flakes were found in one of the streams.Settlements: NoneNellisaGeneral Description: The flat island has an almost circular shape with a diameter of about 80 miles. With almost 20 years of age Nellisa is one of the oldest islands in the colonies. There are two major settlements: The colourful Nova Terreli on the west coast, and Pontelli, the pride of the ETWC, on the east coast (also called the Company Coast). The newly founded settlement of Montario in the north is the seat of the island's governor, and some other minor settlements are distributed over Nellisa. A well-maintained road leads all the way from Nova Terreli to Pontelli.Geographical Features: The shores are soft, and the island is mostly flat. The Terreli Hills with a maximum height of no more than 350 metres elevate east of Nova Terreli. On the Kings Coast in the southwest, where many crops are grown, another minor ridge can be found. There is a swampy region in the northeast and three main rivers, all emerging from a deep jungle in the centre of the island.Famous Structures: Castillo de Nova Terreli (Royal Fortress), Governor's Palace in Montario, Grand Road of Nellisa.Rumors: In 605 AE it was rumored that gold had been found on Nellisa - but huge deposits have yet to be discovered. Crops (like oat and cotton) have proven to grow decently, but not extraordinarily. The jungle in the centre has yet to reveal its secrets.Settlements: Nova Terreli, Montario, PontelliTorrach BonnNickname: Moon IslandGeographical Features: This island has a very high elevation compared to the surrounding islands. It has a mix of dense jungles, plains, and small mountains. While there is no great harbor on Torrach Bonn, there are many safe anchorages. It possesses a good water supply, good soil, and a hardwood that rivals the old world in quality.Rumors: This island is inhabited, but it is so large, that there probably is plenty of land for everyone!Settlements: Puerto AlijoOtoñoNickname: The Autumn IsleGeographical Features: This forested island earned its nickname from a unique species of tree only found here that has dark red foliage year-round, resembling a deciduous tree in fall. It is an old volcano, long since dormant.Rumors: The tree color may indicate strange metals in the soil. It is suspected that this island holds rare earth elements.Settlements: HojarojaLa SombraNickname: The ShadowGeographical Features: This island has a natural bay ideal for a trading post. It is well guarded by steep rocky coasts on most sides, and the water is deep.Famous Structures: Truachesh neh Triuri AltarRumors: More than one sailor has independently reported seeing a massive black shadow in the sea circling around the island. The more suspicious of sailors suspect this is a sea monster, or sea monsters, lurking beneath the foam to swallow their ships whole, while the more academic postulate this could be a school of fish, indicating good fishing waters, or even a pod of whales, drawn to this island for unknown reasons. Nevertheless, sailors, and the natives, have avoided this island.Settlements: TradorThe Empire of Eslandola claims but does de facto control the following islands:Berreli Settlements: Elysabethtown Isla de la VictoriaNickname: Skaford HeightsGeographical Features: Mostly jungle on the inside, this large island boasts an excellent natural bay on its south side at the island's thinnest point. The north-east coast, however is very shallow, and rife with sandbars. The south-west coasts are rocky, but host naturally occurring groves of citrus fruit. In the center of the island towers a tall volcano that occasionally shakes the land.Rumors: The natives of this island fear the deeper waters to the south. While they are more than happy to sail their catamarans in the northern shallow water, they refuse to do so on the southern coast.Settlements: Fuerte Unido, Fortaleza Victoria 8 – Chartered ColoniesSettlements: The following colonies have settlement status. This means that they are owned by the Kingdom of Eslandola directly and not by any members.Name: Nova TerreliOwnership: CrownLocation: NellisaMayor: Román Esteban Fontonajo - @ElostirionWho can own property in Nova Terreli: Anyone.Who can freebuild in Nova Terreli: Anyone.Nova Terreli ThreadName: Fortaleza VictoriaOwnership: CrownLocation: Isla de la VictoriaMayor: NoneWho can own property in Fortaleza Victoria: Anyone, except for Mardier.Who can freebuild in Fortaleza Victoria: Anyone, except for Mardier.Unique Status: Fort OnlyFortaleza Victoria ThreadName: Fuerte UnidoOwnership: CrownLocation: Isla de la VictoriaMayor: Jerome Monezterell - @LegostoneWho can own property in Fuerte Unido: Anyone, except for Mardier.Who can freebuild in Fuerte Unido: Anyone, except for Mardier.Fuerte Unido Thread Name: MontarioOwnership: CrownLocation: NelissaMayor: NoneWho can own property in Montario: AnyoneWho can freebuild in Montario: AnyoneMontario ThreadName: Salida EsteOwnership: MCTCLocation: Ferro AzureMayor: Revon de Crocodil - @Umbra-ManisWho can own property in Salida Este: Anyone, from any faction.Who can freebuild in Salida Este: Anyone, from any faction.Salida Este ThreadInclusive Colonies: This type of colony is part owned by unrelated chartered individuals. Anyone can MOC in these colonies, but any in-game economic benefits will be divided up between charter holders.Name: Puerto AlijoOwnership: TBDLocation: Torrach BonnMayor: None, yetWho can own property in Puerto Alijo: Anyone, from any faction.Who can freebuild in Puerto Alijo: Anyone, from any faction.Puerto Alijo ThreadJoint Exclusive Colonies: This type of colony is owned by a group of Eslandola members. Anyone can MOC in these colonies, but the owning group will receive any in-game economic benefits from the colony.Name: BardoOwnership: MCTCLocation: An ToliMayor: Colonel Oystrigde - @Sir StigWho can own property in Bardo: Anyone.Who can freebuild in Bardo: Anyone.Bardo ThreadName: ElysabethtownOwnership: MAESTROLocation: BerelliMayor: @TitusVWho can own property in Weelond: Anyone.Who can freebuild in Weelond: Anyone.Elysabethtown Thread Name: HojarojaOwnership: MCTCLocation: OtoñoMayor: TBDWho can own property in Hojaroja: Anyone.Who can freebuild in Hojaroja: Anyone. Hojaroja ThreadName: PontelliOwnership: ETWCLocation: NellisaMayor: Alberto da Pontelli - @Captain BraunsfeldWho can own property in Pontelli: Any ETWC memberWho can freebuild in Pontelli: Anyone.Pontelli ThreadName: TradorOwnership: MAESTROLocation: La SombraMayor: TBD - @Maxim IWho can own property in Trador: AnyoneWho can freebuild in Trador: AnyoneTrador ThreadName: WeelondOwnership: MCTCLocation: An HolliMayor: Willem Guilder - @Capt WolfWho can own property in Weelond: Anyone.Who can freebuild in Weelond: Anyone.Weelond ThreadExclusive Colonies: This type of colony is owned by a single citizen of Eslandola. Anyone can MOC in these colonies, but the owner will receive any in-game economic benefits from the colony. So far, there are no Exclusive Colonies. 9 – Citizens@Alfadas - Alfonso di Dubloniere - ETWC Member@Aventador - Kenway Cuervo - MCTC Member@Captain Braunsfeld - Colonel William Oswald Brickinson - ETWC Member@Captain Green Hair - Captain Green Hair - MAESTRO Member@Capt Wolf - Philip "Pip" Janszen - MCTC Leader, Mayor of Weelond@Elostirion - Román Esteban Fontonajo - MCTC Member@Faladrin - Felipe De La Manzana - MAESTRO Member@Garmadon - Myles Bowditch - ETWC Leader@gedren_y - Dearji the Windsong@kabel - Renato Filamento - Viceroy of New Eslandola@Kai NRG - Guy Wyndzon - Former MCTC Leader@Legostone - Jerome Monezterell - MAESTRO Member, Mayor of Fuerte Unido@Maxim I - Governor Damaximus - MAESTRO Leader@Phadeout - Alejandro de la Calle - MCTC Member@Sir Iron - Francisco Iron of Ironia - MCTC Member@Sir Stig - Victor Servadac - MCTC Member, Mayor of Bardo@SkyPie - Lyell Lucerna@Stash2Sixx - Atticus Cuervo - MCTC Member@Tiddlymouthwash - Jim Cuervo - MCTC Member@TitusV - Lady Elysabeth of the House of Drondil - MAESTRO Member, Mayor of Elysabethtown@Tuben - Ulrich von Koehler - MCTC Member@Umbra-Manis - Revon de Crocodil - MCTC Member@Windusky - Sir Windar Baerbald - ETWC Member 10 – The Colonial CouncilEslandola Colonial Council - First Cycle, 617, In Session Quote
kabel Posted December 24, 2015 Author Posted December 24, 2015 FAQ's:Note: Much of this information is scattered throughout the Economic Game System rules. However, the parts relevant to Eslandola have been collected here for easier reference, and several other bits of information have been added. Also, not all questions deal solely with the EGS.1. I'm eager to have my own Trading Company! Tell me more! What do I need to do? First of all, you must build a warehouse, a trading company headquarters, and a trade ship. Then, you need to apply for a royal charter. Message @kabel with an application that includes your trading company name, logo, colors (one of these must also be a color of Eslandola, that is, green or gold), location, leader, and links to the three completed builds. Once you are approved, voila! you have your company.2. So... I did all that. Why is my company not on the front post? Patience, young grasshopper. That wasn't part of the deal! You have your own company, but like any small business, it will take time and work before you can expect front line advertisement. Don't expect that sort of promotion too soon, and don't be disappointed if it takes a long time. To give you an idea of what the King and Council will be looking for, here are a few guidelines that they will probably expect your company to meet before considering you a serious contender worthy of a slot on the royal roster. First, you should have a few other members participating in your company; second, as a company you should have a consistent build record (not just one MOC every three months or so); third, you should be making a tolerably high profit turn-over. Fourth, you should be showing yourself a loyal Eslandian worthy of the King's notice.3. Do I have to participate in the Economic Game System to own and operate a trading company? Absolutely not. However, you do still have to complete the three build requirement (see above). It may also be easier to attract company members if you participate in the game system.4. I've read that ETWC and MCTC both own monopolies, but apparently that doesn't mean that no one else can build with what they monopolize. So... what does it mean? What good do their monopolies do them? If you belong to the Eslandolian Eastern Trade-Wind Company you will receive an additional 50% return on oat and wheat plantations and an additional 75% return on any copper mine you discover. If you belong to the Eslandolian Merchant's Colonial Trading Company you will receive an additional 50% return should you choose to build a cotton plantation or a textile factory, and an additional 75% return on any iron mine you discover. If you belong to MAESTRO you will recieve an additional 50% return on any apple plantations you license. Obviously, these benefits accrue within the Economic Game System only.5. I want my own colony! How can I create one legally? In Eslandola, the way to set up a colony is through a royal charter - just like a trading company. Requests for charters will be reviewed upon a case by case basis. The crown currently grants three different kind of charters:Inclusive Charters - If you receive an inclusive charter, that means that other applicants may also receive a charter for a share in the same colony. In other words, you will not be sole owner. Any in-game economic benefits will be divided up between charter holders.Joint Exclusive Charters - These are group charters. If you have recruited a group of fellow-Eslandians interested in founding a colony, this is the charter you want to apply for. In your application, specify who the other group members are. If you successfully apply for this type of charter, then you and your group have sole rights to any economic benefits accruing from your colony unless or until it is sold. These benefits will be delivered to one designated member of the group who is responsible for dividing up the profits. However, the group will not have sole MOCing rights within the colony.Exclusive Charters - If you receive an exclusive charter, that means that you are sole owner of your new colony. It's a heavy responsibility, so don't be too eager for the honor! Moreover, even if you are sole owner, other builders are still free to build in or visit your colony. If or when you are ready to apply for a charter, PM @Garmadon or @Capt Wolf with your preferred location and any other group members. Once you have been approved for a certain location you or your group will have to create a settlement thread.6. I have a really cool colony name, but I don't want to step on anyone else's toes by using it - what is the right protocol to follow for naming a colony? If you have an exclusive charter, she's all yours! Name the colony as you please. If you have a joint exclusive charter, consult with your group before naming your colony. If you have an inclusive charter, then be sure to get the approval of everyone else who owns an inclusive charter to the same colony.7. I don't like Eslandola's dumb colony rules, but I like everything else. Is there a way to get around this, or do I just have to join the Sea Rats? Well... you didn't hear this from me, but you can create a squatter colony. That's illegal, of course, and you could be brought to court (see below for more information on how that works in Eslandola). Another disadvantage is that you will have no navy protection, and traders might be leery about visiting an illegal colony.8. I'd like to participate in founding a colony with a charter, but I don't want to be part of the Economic Game System. Can I? No, chartered colonies are for EGS purposes. If you're not participating in the EGS, there's no reason for you to charter your colony - you can just pick a spot and start building without restrictions! If you want a charter for story purposes, that can be worked out - PM the faction leaders for help or answers!9. I'm tired of all this Economic Game System nonsense. I've posted my sig-fig and included a bit of a back story and am eager to get building. What should I do next? Just start building! There's no need to participate in the Economic Game System - and if you want to later, you can join up then. Look over some of the first page MOCs or read up on the lore to get inspired! And then show the other factions what Eslandola can do!10. There seem to be lots of restrictions as to what can go where in the Economic Game System. I've chosen not to participate in the EGS; do I have to worry about these restrictions? Nope! You're quite welcome to build whatever wherever as long as you are considerate of other players and any story lines they may have in operation. However, if you build in another faction's territory, you may be forced out through either resolution or leadership.11. I don't understand the EGS right now, but I'm afraid that if I start building right away without joining it, I'll lose out in the future. How can I avoid that? Although people starting right away will inevitably be ahead of those who start later, there are very few advantages to the extra Doubloons the early birds will have. They'll be able to register more licenses faster, but that's about it. You will still have a good shot at success even if you don't choose to participate in the EGS until further down the road. What's more, you can grandfather any BoBS build into the EGS by buying it a license.12. I want to participate in the Economic Game System really bad, but I'm not sure where to start. Everything seems to cost Doubloons and I don't have any! What to do? Here's the best way to start: create a sig fig and post it; that's 25 DBs. Make your first two free builds (10 DBs each). Your first vessel license is free, so go ahead and build that. Your first small property license is free, so you've got an open door there too. Participate in the MRCA (see more about that here). Then, just keep free building and posting to continue to earn DBs throughout the month.13. I've been thinking about doing -insert illegal activity here-. What are the risks connected with that? What apparatus does Eslandola have to bring me to justice? Eslandola operates on the principle, innocent until proven guilty. So Eslandola leaders will not be poking noses around trying to find no-nos. That said, other members have the right to report any violations of EGS and/or Eslandola rules that they can find. By committing an infraction, you agree to not be angry at anyone for bringing you to trial. Obviously, activities that infringe upon the rights of another player fall into a different category, as do any violations of EB Terms of Service. Those will be dealt with quickly and fairly.14. I just noticed that another member is -insert illegal activity here-. I feel that this activity directly concerns me. What should I do? Bring it to court! If the infraction is really serious, then you should probably start by talking to a few of the faction leaders. If it's just a small in-game blooper, then play it out. In Eslandola, hearings will take place quarterly, so report violations at those times (March, June, September, December). For this type of crime, one which directly concerns you, the plaintiff, you are not required to build any MOCs relating to the trial, but are encouraged to do so.15. I just noticed that another member is -insert illegal activity here-. This activity doesn't concern me directly. What do I do? If you notice a legal infraction within the EGS, you are welcome to report it. These sorts of infractions would include squatting on Eslandola land, failing to pay taxes, or failing to build that MOC from the last court session (see immediately below). Of course, if the other member's violation of the rules has been unwitting, opportunity will be given for him/her to correct his/her error. Hearings will take place quarterly, so report violations at those times (March, June, September, December). You, the plaintiff, are required to build at least one MOC relating to the trial, should the case be brought to court.16. What kind of court system does Eslandola posses? Eslandola recruits impartial juries when deciding a case, and an available faction leader will act as judge. That means that the jury determines guilt or innocence while the judge pronounces the penalty. The jury might not necessarily be full count, however.> A note about Eslandola's court system: Be nice. Don't abuse the system. Don't go around looking for problems. Don't report because someone else has reported you. We highly recommend that you speak to the person you intend to bring to court first and be sure that he/she is not going to be offended.17. I know Eslandola is all about traders and merchants and that sort of thing, but I really want to be an army man. Am I welcome? And how do I get into the army or advance through it? Of course you're welcome! Eslandola has its own Royal Army which is always in need of dashing officers. Your character can be in the army right from the get go. Unlike Corrington, Eslandola does not have an elaborate ranking system which means you can title yourself anything short of Commander-in-Chief from the start. If you wish to participate in the Economic Game System, you will probably want to focus on things like Armed Galleys, War Brigantines, and Forts. Alternatively, you could create a side character and play him/her as a trader or artisan.18. I seem to have read something about taxes. That scared me. Should I go join the Sea Rats instead? No need! It is true that Eslandola has a flat 20% rate off property and trade runs, but this does not come out of your pocket. If you earn say 100 DB, you receive the full 100 DB and Eslandola also receives 20 DB. This base tax will never come out of your pocket, but if it were ever to be raised, then the raise would come out of your pocket. Don't be alarmed, however; Eslandola's current leaders are far more interested in maintaining a brisk trade than in siphoning money toward the crown.19. I've built a lot and waited patiently, but nothing seems to be happening to my income. Did I do something wrong? Every build for the EGS must be submitted via a webform. If you missed this vital step, your build will not earn you DBs.20. I want to arrange a trading company, settlement expedition, voyage, duel, etc., with a few other members. How can I talk to them privately without giving away my plans to everyone? Use the PM (Personal Messenger) function. Depending on the amount of posts you have made on EuroBricks, you will be able to PM from 1-5 other members. If you want to speak to more members than you are able to PM, contact a faction leader and he will set up the conversation for you (or get someone else to).21. So and so said that Corrington was the only cool faction and Eslandians were just a lot of money grubbing scummy misers. What should I say? Tell him that Eslandola is the only cool faction and the Corries are just a bunch of red-vested strutting peacocks that like to make a lot of noise but can't turn an honest penny. Seriously, he was probably just throwing around a bit of trash-talk. Take it in the light-hearted spirit it was written in and come up with a witty response! Always try to interpret other people's posts in their most favorable light. It never does any good to walk around reading in offenses. If you have a serious problem, contact a faction leader.22. I still have questions! Feel free to ask! Quote
Garmadon Posted December 24, 2015 Posted December 24, 2015 Myles Bowditch, mathematician, navigator, and first mate of the Henri is signing up for Eslandola and the East Trade Wind Company! For gold and country! - and the ETWC. Eslandola's Diamond Coast (click link or picture to see topic) Quote
Kai NRG Posted December 24, 2015 Posted December 24, 2015 Guy K. Wyndzon - After the death of his wealthy father, young Guy took over leadership of the Merchant’s Colonial Trading Company’s Board. Energetic and sometimes a little too reckless, he often has trouble getting the other merchants to agree with his expansionistic schemes and would have been deposed long ago but for the influence of his Uncle. Under Guy’s leadership, the Merchant’s Colonial Trading Company has stopped playing its losing game on the mainland with the ETWC and started planting dozens of new colonies in the New World. And a free-build from me! Quote
Captain Green Hair Posted December 26, 2015 Posted December 26, 2015 Captain Green Hair Formely a pirate that has now turned to a more quiet life and acts as a merchant. He is very rich from his former looting and plundering and seeks new ways to enlarge his riches. But be aware, the merchant part might just be a disguise...... Quote
TitusV Posted December 26, 2015 Posted December 26, 2015 (edited) A letter to our most honored King Fernando arrives at the palace: Dearest King Fernando, I, Elysabeth of Drondil, beg your help. I was raised in the New World, were my father governed an isle. There, live was hard and I was raised with a sword in my hand. When my father found some cupper, the trade income doubled and we became prosperous. I could even study engeneering and fort building (my passion) at the university of Terreli. This was not unnoticed by the ETCW, who wanted to keep their cupper monopoly. So when my mother died and my father dived into the alcohol, and later debts, they saw a chance. My father had to sell the island to pay of his debts, but when he realised what he had done, died too. Now I'm the only one of the House of Drondil left, and I have nothing but my skills. Rumor has reached my ears that you try to increase your power and influence in a race agaist the ETCW. Maybe my skills can be of use to you. Therefor, I beg you for a place at your court. I'm not asking for a place at the High Council, just a little place in your palace I can call mine, and the chance to prove myself and restore the name of the House of Drondil to the height IT had under Alric I. Yours sincerely, (Lady) Elysabeth of (the House of) Drondil I'm so excited: BoBS is finally up, and I can join Eslandola! I'm going to be honest with you: GoH will still be my most important project, but I'll try to make as much time as possible free for our mighty land. That said, I was curious about the rules for freebuilds already registered in GoH. There I have a city (Hamlet) wich would fit perfectly for this time too. Can i register IT? This time, I chose for a female sigfig because I saw what an alliance by marriage can do (see the Aeswäld Saga in GoH) (of course this is also possible without marriage, but I think it's Cooler with) and because of variation. I'm still waitong for a bricklink order to arrive so won't post my sigfig and official entry yet, but you can count me in! Cheers, Titus Edited December 26, 2015 by TitusV Quote
Kai NRG Posted December 26, 2015 Posted December 26, 2015 Welcome Commander Red Hat and Titus! ...I'm so excited: BoBS is finally up, and I can join Eslandola! I'm going to be honest with you: GoH will still be my most important project, but I'll try to make as much time as possible free for our mighty land. That said, I was curious about the rules for freebuilds already registered in GoH. There I have a city (Hamlet) wich would fit perfectly for this time too. Can i register IT? ... Hmm... what exactly do you mean by register? You can't earn profit from it in the EGS and you won't be granted a charter for it and you can't put it in New Eslandola. Theoretically you could make it a sort of for-story-purposes-only city, located on the mainland, but there's not much point to that. Personally, I'd keep GoH cities in GoH. It's not like you can post the same MOC twice on EB anyways. Quote
TitusV Posted December 26, 2015 Posted December 26, 2015 Welcome Commander Red Hat and Titus! Hmm... what exactly do you mean by register? You can't earn profit from it in the EGS and you won't be granted a charter for it and you can't put it in New Eslandola. Theoretically you could make it a sort of for-story-purposes-only city, located on the mainland, but there's not much point to that. Personally, I'd keep GoH cities in GoH. It's not like you can post the same MOC twice on EB anyways. OK, thank you! Quote
Alfadas Posted December 26, 2015 Posted December 26, 2015 (edited) I, Alfonso di dubloniere, pledge alligience to Eslandola and the ETWC. EDIT: Here is the story of Alfonso. Alfonso di Dubloniere. At age 10, he lost his parents and siblings in a house fire. He lived on the streets for 5 years, stealing food, sometimes pick-pocketing to get money for clothes. He was very smart, eager to learn everything. He also loved the ocean and was often in the harbor, looking at all the Merchant ships. On his 16th birthday he got the opportunity to serve as the personal "slave" of the captain of a big Merchant ship. The captain was impressed by the intelligence of this street rat. It turned out the captain was an old friend of the Di Dubloniere family. Partly because of that, Alfonso soon found himself as the second helmsman of the ship. He loved it. He studied all the maps he could find, even learned how to read. When the ship found itself in a very bad storm, the captain, first helmsman and half the crew drowned. Alfonso was very lucky to survive, only loosing his left hand. The remaining of the crew wanted to have Alfonso as their captain, as he really cared about the crew. Also he stayed calm in this time of need. The ship was badly damaged, the main mast snapped off, big holes from bow to stern. They somehow managed to get back to land. Luck or not, the harbor they found was Terreli, the capital. They repaired the ship, found new crew members and joined the East Wind Trade Company. Now Alfonso always sails his ship in company of other, more experienced captains. He still loves to read, is always amongst the crew. Edited December 27, 2015 by Alfadas Quote
Garmadon Posted December 27, 2015 Posted December 27, 2015 Welcome to Eslandola all! I, Alfonso di dubloniere, pledge alligience to Eslandola and the ETWC. Sigfig and story coming tomorrow, due to bad lighting now Aha, someone joining the ETWC! Glad to have you! Quote
kabel Posted December 27, 2015 Author Posted December 27, 2015 Renato Filamento Renato was back on Nelisa. Here he had once founded Eslandola's first colony in the New World, and here, as the newly appointed Viceroy, he would regain power for King again. The trading companies once thought nessecary in order to finance the colonization effort of the newly found territories were taking things way too far for the King's taste. He needed to know what was happening out here and Renato was eager to fulfill his duty! However, he was not fully sure how he would be able to achieve this, he definetely needed some allies to help him. Still, he was the one who knew Nelisa's waters, forests and mountains the best! And now that he was back again there was nothing that could stop him! Quote
Maxim I Posted December 27, 2015 Posted December 27, 2015 (edited) Governor Maximilian Damaximus Governor of the city of Stedor (old continent trade port) I also would like to found the MAESTRO trading company :) I think Stedor has all the requirements for its Trading Company (I know I don't get db's or pip's for things build in the past, that's why Stedor is perfect as city on the old continent and as base for my new adventures) Lord Damaximus is loyal to the king of Eslandola! The City of Stedor Stedor @ Bricktricks 2015 by Maxim, on Flickr Already in medieval times, Stedor (back then known as Mpya Stedor) was a busy trade hub with merchants from all-over the world. Now, a few ages later, Stedor still is a rich and flourishing trade city, unbound to any nation. Due some recent changes in the Global politics, with the rise of Corrington and Oleon, time has come to pledge alledgiance to the glorious Kingdom of Eslandola, famous for its merchants! Government of Stedor Government of Stedor by Maxim, on Flickr Left to Right: - Commander Wilfried Drakrydar - Admiral Adrian Bostoximus - Lord Mattheus Tomvaximus - Governor Maximilian Damaximus - Commander Basil Rydog - General Reinart Whisximus - Commander Yohannes Samu Governor Maximilian Damaximus Governor Maximilian Damaximus of Stedor by Maxim, on Flickr Maximilian Damaximus inherited the city of Stedor by his father. As a young governor, it is his duty to take care of the glorious trading city and to make sure he will earn his place in history books. Although Stedor has always been it's own City-State, Maximilian choosed to pledge Alledgiance to Eslandola as he saw the new opportunities it could bring to his city. General Reinart Whisximus General Reinart Whisximus of Stedor by Maxim, on Flickr Notorious for 2 things: - Fancy clothing - Genius battle tactics So you better wacht out on the battle field! Admiral Adrian Bostoximus Admiral Adrian Bostoximus of Stedor by Maxim, on Flickr Not only blinds his golden helmet his opponents, it prevents him for getting sunburned. Born at the sea, he can read the weather like no one else. Commander Yohannes Samu of the Stedor Elite Guards Commander Yohannes Samu of the Stedor Elite Guards by Maxim, on Flickr Commander Wilfried Drakrydar of the Stedor Gate Halberdiers Commander Wilfried Drakrydar of the Stedor Gate Halberdiers by Maxim, on Flickr Commander Basil Rydog of the Stedor Dragoons Commander Basil Rydog of the Stedor Dragoons by Maxim, on Flickr Lord Mattheus Tomvaximus of MAESTRO Lord Mattheus Tomvaximus of MAESTRO by Maxim, on Flickr Mpya Stedor (the old name of Stedor) All-Encompassing Science, Trade & Research Organisation Maestro has been there since the beginning of Stedor in medieval times. Nowadays it is one of the biggest Trade Organisation of the known world. Has many daughter companies like - SOTO (Stedor-Oleon Trade Organisation) - SCTC (Stedor-Corrington Trade Organisation) Also many privateers are sailing under the flag of MAESTRO Stedor - Corrington Trade Company Stedor - Corrington Trade Company by Maxim, on Flickr Admiral Henry Tomvaximus Stedor - Oleon Trade Organisation Stedor - Oleon Trading Organisation by Maxim, on Flickr Left: Capt. Ben d'Anvers Right: Commander Xavier Hazard The Amazon Privateers Privateer Soldiers by Maxim, on Flickr Front Left: Capt. Dave Le Compte Front Right: Commander Alfonso Herbertson The Flying Arrow Privateers Corsair Flying Arrow by Maxim, on Flickr Captain Matt Lenoir Spoiler: soldier of Oleon & Corrington I have. As said before, I have more redcoats and bluecoats then greencoats, still I choose Eslandola :) Bonus: Oleon Soldiers Oleon Soldiers by Maxim, on Flickr To be used in Oleon related stories Bonus: Corrington Soldiers Corrington Soldiers by Maxim, on Flickr To be used in Corrington related stories Edited December 27, 2015 by Maxim I Quote
gedren_y Posted December 28, 2015 Posted December 28, 2015 (edited) Dearji the Windsong is a citizen of Eslandola. Today Dearji is celebrating. The High Priestesses of the Crahaish neh Triuri (Ministry of the Triple Goddess) have bestowed upon her the title of Wandering Acolyte. Her mission will be to spread the faith of her people with joyful story and song. (OCC) Sorry about the poor image, but I wanted to get my character going. Read more about the start of Dearji's adventure here. Maxim, where on the mainland is Stedor located? Dearji will want to go there at some point. Edited December 30, 2015 by gedren_y Quote
Capt Wolf Posted December 28, 2015 Posted December 28, 2015 (edited) May I introduce Philip "Pip" Janszen, citizen of Eslandola. Philip was born in Oleon, and his grandfather fought in the 49 Years War, but his family did not believe in "The Faith." Because of this, when he was a very young child, his family fled to Eslandola to escape persecution. Philip has only faint memories of Oleon, and when he was only 10, his parents succumbed to an outbreak of the Halosian Flu and Philip was orphaned. He survived on the docks until a ship captain with the Merchant's Colonial Trading Company took him under his wing. Philip has been at sea with the MCTC ever since. Now 25, the sea life is all he knows, and he dreams of discovering new lands to the east. He wears his grandfather's blue coat, but the plume in his hat is green as a sign of his allegiance to Eslandola and the MCTC. Edited December 28, 2015 by Capt Wolf Quote
kabel Posted December 28, 2015 Author Posted December 28, 2015 Bienvenidos a Eslandola amigos! @Maxim: as much as we appreaciate Stedor to be part of this game in order to start your own trading company you actually need three new mocs. Until then you can either join the preexisting trade companies or support the King (represented in New Terra) by viceroy Renato Filamento. Quote
Maxim I Posted December 28, 2015 Posted December 28, 2015 I understand :) daammit my 2 wips (which would qualify for the requirements when finished) are enormious projects... If I make a building and place it in Stedor, it counts as a legit building, right? Quote
Kai NRG Posted December 28, 2015 Posted December 28, 2015 Welcome to Eslandola everyone! And good to see another MCTC member, Capt Wolf! ..If I make a building and place it in Stedor, it counts as a legit building, right? You can't license anything in the Old World, but I think it would count as a legit building. I'll get back to you on that though. Quote
Tezclatipoca Posted December 28, 2015 Posted December 28, 2015 Hi, May I present to you el Senor Felipe De La Manzana : Issued from a wealthy merchant familiy, Felipe had got all the good education a little rich boy could have. He entered in the service of the king as a little groom when he was just a child and heard the stories of Renato Filamento discoveries. He entered as soon as he could in the exploration team lead to Nellisa in order to map the Island. In the deep of the Nellisa's forest, he lost himself and his crew. He managed to go outside this terrible jungle with just one crewman, his actually faithfull 1st officer, Basil. This challenge made the 2 men friends and changed their way to think exploration and colonization. His idea is to auto financed himself by planning a great plantation system. Through the madness of the jungle it appeared to him that the solution was to replace the trees by Apple trees plantations ! (Note : Manzana is the spanish word for Apple) After some rest and some calm, here is the time to Felipe De La Manzana to plan this new way of colonization. He has already made a strange banner with his now new family symbol : an apple ! Felipe De La Manzana in civilian outfits. Felipe De La Manzana in his armor riding his horse. So, here I am playing for money and for Eslandola (and for apples) ! I am hopping some kind of humoristic character is not out of context in this game as it seemed very serious to me when I read the rules. This said, I think great serious rules could work fine with a touch of humour and fantasy. Quote
Alfadas Posted December 28, 2015 Posted December 28, 2015 Nice flag Faladrin! I have one question. Can I also use dark green flags? I don't have normal green flags... I could use plant pieces as I do now in GoH, but flags are nicer, right? Quote
Kai NRG Posted December 28, 2015 Posted December 28, 2015 Nice flag Faladrin! I have one question. Can I also use dark green flags? I don't have normal green flags... I could use plant pieces as I do now in GoH, but flags are nicer, right? ...Good Eslandians strive to show their pride by including one or more of the nation’s colors in each build, but if they slip up, no one will track them down... We're not too picky. It would be ideal if you could get a green flag later on, but for the meantime dark green is fine. Do keep in mind that dk green is one of the ETWC colors though. Quote
Alfadas Posted December 28, 2015 Posted December 28, 2015 We're not too picky. It would be ideal if you could get a green flag later on, but for the meantime dark green is fine. Do keep in mind that dk green is one of the ETWC colors though. Oky, nice. I am part of the ETWC, so that's very useful! Quote
kabel Posted December 28, 2015 Author Posted December 28, 2015 I am hopping some kind of humoristic character is not out of context in this game as it seemed very serious to me when I read the rules. This said, I think great serious rules could work fine with a touch of humour and fantasy. Humor is the essence of all these games here on EB! And humorous trash talk against the other teams highly encouraged! So bienvenidos en Nelisa, Hombre de la Manzana! @all: lads, can we make sure the face of my character isn't used too often in this game? I think I've seen it like three times or so already. Quote
Tezclatipoca Posted December 28, 2015 Posted December 28, 2015 Thank you for the rapid answer ! I have some questions concerning the properties and the residence rules : - As a citizen of Eslandola, do I need a house in the mother land from the begining or am I authorised to have a residence immediately in Nelisa ? - Directly linked to that, how can I begin to claim some territory to deforest in order to plant Apple orchards ? Is the territory must be close to my residence ? - Will it be possible, by the MCRA game, to explore new lands by doing the exploration action ? or the discovery of land will be reserved for the challenges ? The question is : if I want to explore a bit, am I authorised to add an island somewhere it is not planned to be ? Thank you again. Quote
Kai NRG Posted December 28, 2015 Posted December 28, 2015 No, you do not need property in the mother country (in fact, you are not allowed to own licenses for any builds in the old world). You may immediately begin to build in Nellisa. Claiming territory: we're working on mapping things out and all. Right now there are four Eslandian settlements, see the second post in this thread. Over the course of the next couple weeks we will create settlement threads. Each settlement will have a map. For now, go ahead and build; you can buy the license and assign yourself a plot later on. For now, you are not allowed to make up islands, but those will be revealed by leadership. As for other exploration; you can charter a new settlement on a current island, provided you get approval, and you can free-build wherever. But you will only be able to buy licenses for free-builds that are in chartered settlements; unless you want to do things illegally, in which case, well, don't expect me to help you! Seriously though, I'm not sure what the rules relative illegal squatter settlements are... ...that sounds funny. Quote
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