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Is DSL worth adding to the Glossary?

Phes, isn't that common knowledge???? Everyone knows what it is even though they don't know what the acronym stands for ;)

But we can include it if you wish ;)

  • Governor

I thought IMO was common knowlegde too.

However we must bare in mind some parts of the world are not as technically advanced as other parts and not everybody has access to DSL. Myself only using a 56K dial up connect, though this is due to my own laziness and stupidity as it probably would be cheaper for me sign up for a DSL plan. Mind you DSL has only be avaiable in my area for just over 12 months now. But that's not the point!

The point is some places DSL isn't in wide spread use and many may not know what it is. Further more it many regions its also know as "broadband" or ADSL which may lead to some confusion. Now techically they are slightly different things (which I'm not going into right this moment) however different places have slightly different interpretations on what they actually are.

I think what we're providing here is "clarity".

  • Governor

Excellent! You have done well Master Yoda.

I can assure you my granny wouldn't know what DSL was. Even if you explained it to her she'd be completely and utterly and distinctly and absolutely and astounding baffled.

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well this link might be useful... notable extras it features:

"CRAPP: Crummy Ramp and Pit Plate - the baseplate with a ramp and pit."

"ALE: Adult LEGO Enthusiast. This term was coined as an alternative to AFOL, since it is easier to pronounce."

"BSB: Black Seas Barracuda, 6285." SES,RBR etc (Phes, how could you miss the ships? ; )

"MIB: Mint In Box/bag"

"MISB: Mint In Sealed Box/bag"

"NLSO: Non-Lego Significant Other."

"POOP: Piece [that can or should be made] of Other Pieces." (this one is new to me, but I like it...)

"S@H: LEGO Shop at Home"

and for Mr Yoda:

"SPUD: Special/Single Piece/Purpose Ugly/Useless/UnLEGOish Design/Decorative. Many people think that the many meanings of this acronym make it a great one, as it is not Single Purpose at all."

God Bless,


  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

How about IMHO - In My Humble Opinion. Or is humility not the EB way?


SW - Star Wars (obviously)

LULS - Light-Up Lightsabers

NJO - New Jedi Order (post Episode 6 SW that LEGO really should make)

UCS - Ultimate Collector Series

AIVC - As I Vaguely Recall

IIRC - If I Remember Correctly

CT - Captain Tau X-D

EB - Eurobricks (obvious I know, but some folks are thick)

FBTB - Don't go there (take this any way you want to! ;-) )

RGS - Republic Gunship

JC - Jedi Council

DS / DS2 - Death Star / Death Star 2

ISD - Imperial Star Destroyer

TIE - Twin Ion Engine

ARC - Aggressive Reconnisance (as in ARC 170)

ARC Trooper - Advanced Recon Commando (Trooper)

TPM - The Phantom Menace

AOTC - Attack of the Clones

ROTS - Revenge of the Sith

ANH - A New Hope

TESB - The Empire Strikes Back

ROTJ - Return of the Jedi

HS - Han Solo

PL - Princess Leia

LS - Luke Skywalker / Lightsaber

JTH - Jabba the Hutt

CTT - Clone Turbo Tank

AT-TE - All Terrain Tactical Enforcer

AT-AT - All Terrain Armoured Transport

AT-ST - All Terrain Scout Transport

AT-PT - All Terrain Personal Transport

ULD - Ultimate Lightsaber Duel

DVT - Darth Vader Transformation / Deep Vein Thrombosis (possible from excessive LEGO building with lack of leg movement)

BL - Bricklink

MF - millennium Falcon

FIIK - F***ed if I know!

OMYK - Only Master Yoda Knows!

RD - Red Dwarf (theme LEGO MUST make)

RRP - Recommended Retail Price

DS - Darth Sidious

DM - Darth Maul

DT - Darth Tyranus

DV - Darth Vader

RN - Registered Nurse (what CT is. Also a minifig sadly lacking)

Does this help?


That's quite a list, Tua! It did help me for some things, until now I couldn't figure what IIRC meant. :-$

I'm surprised Yoda didn't add "OMYK - Only Master Yoda Knows!" to the list. :-P


I agree that captaintau's acronym list is great, but I did not incorporate all the SW acronyms just because we are a generalist site ;-)

However this post is a valuable asset *sweet* !!!

And Dillon, no need to add that because its a known fact X-D :-P


I agree that captaintau's acronym list is great, but I did not incorporate all the SW acronyms just because we are a generalist site ;-)

However this post is a valuable asset *sweet* !!!

Oh, wow. Thanks for feedback. My post was a combination of trying to be helpful and also having a bit a of a laff.

I'm glad if I've helped! *sweet*

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