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Henri begins most of his days by surveying and visiting his domains and the homesteads he owns. The commoners appreciate their lord coming down from his castle and visit them, which creates a bond of loyalty and sense of community amongst the peasants and the beloved La Valette, de la Rocheforte family. Religious as Oleon is, the countryside and roads are littered with small wayshrines invoking the praise of one, or more, Saints and Deities, watching over travellers and protecting the land.

Here, Henri Antoine pays his respect to a wayshrine of Zeus to invoke his blessings and guide him during his coming endeavors. This wayshrine was only recently build, commissioned by the La Valette family themselves.



It's a very small MOC to sort of introduce my character. It's not really his natural habitat, but it is an important aspect of his (family's) life. The pictures are kind of crappy, though :sceptic: . I really need to get me some of those decent white lightbulbs. The ones I have always give off this yellow-ish lighting instead of white...


Nice little build, the flesh color works very well, and the white details are a great touch! I'm not quite sure about the light gray studs in the pillars which seem a tad out of place, but I certainly can see shrines like this being all over Oleon's mainland :thumbup:


Thanks for the comments! I know there isn't a lot to comment on, so I appreciate it :sweet: .

Nice little build, the flesh color works very well, and the white details are a great touch! I'm not quite sure about the light gray studs in the pillars which seem a tad out of place, but I certainly can see shrines like this being all over Oleon's mainland :thumbup:

Yeah, I tried it with white studs and then I did the light grey studs and didn't really know what color to choose in the end :tongue: . In hindsight, you're probably right and white studs would've been the better choice.


That's a nicely built shrine and a unique way to introduce a character. I especially like the details on the front, and while the grey plates between the round white bricks don't look bad, I think pearl gold would look best. I also think it would be nice to get a shot showing the character's face if possible. Neat idea overall, and good job tilting the toadstool!


This overly religious Oleon gives my character the creeps though :look:

Haha! It'd give me the creeps, too, if it were a real place :tongue: .

That's a nicely built shrine and a unique way to introduce a character. I especially like the details on the front, and while the grey plates between the round white bricks don't look bad, I think pearl gold would look best. I also think it would be nice to get a shot showing the character's face if possible. Neat idea overall, and good job tilting the toadstool!

Thanks :thumbup: . It could've used a shot of my character's face to be more of a proper introduction, but it was weird (and disrespectful :tongue: ) to have my character stand with his back to the shrine. There's picture of my character in my signature, though.


I like it! It would easily double as a Greco-roman shrine!

Thanks :thumbup: . Greco-Roman architecture definitely inspired me for this build. I wanted to build something in this style since Oleon's pantheon seems kind of copy-pasted from the actual Greek one :tongue: . The style also fits Oleon, I think. A bit grand.


Nice shrine, very suitable for the Oleon countryside!

Regarding the color temperature of the light it doesnt really matter as long as all light has the same color (don't mix fluorescent and incandescent bulbs!).

You should easily be able to adjust the white balance in the computer afterwards (especially if you shoot in RAW where you preserve all information) in Lightroom or Picasa or similar with some white reference in one of the photos. I used to use a folded white paper but now I've bought a proper 18% gray card, it was only a handful of euros. It might also help to set the camera's white balance setting manually to the type of light you are using if the auto setting fails you, which is extra good if you are only shooting in jpeg and therefore "settle on a white balance" already when the file is saved in the camera.

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