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¬ From the Journal of Jack Jones, Entry Date Lost, Named Day 4



Another day, another night. They passed as if they were naught but glimpses of life. The Stairs, as slowly as we were moving, seemed to have become our everything - an impossible task that even the bravest of heart could not conquer. Light was sparse, thus shadows ran rampant, as did fear. More than once did I see one of the brave members of my party be nearly reduced to a trembling babe. If this story was to have a darkest point so far (of course, writing this from the future, I know that things would only get darker, figuratively and literally), this point would be it. Yet my point was illustrated to near, unfortunate perfection when Duke Bowman, generally a sly megablocks, began to mutter to himself...muttering about the “cold”...how it felt as though his mind was freezing.


Duke, a brave agent, felt to the ground, his head splitting open in a gruesome display, the blood freezing as it split open, as though a fissure had burst and frozen over. But, glowing in front of our eyes, we saw that not only was Duke a brave agent, but he was also a sleeper agent. For his soul was red as the blood that had cascaded from his skull. Thus far we had seen fire twice kill comrades, and now ice. What malignant powers did the Shadows possess...and what would make them kill their own? Were we even seeing these things from the right angle?


We were getting deeper and deeper underground, and the air was getting slightly warmer. In the glow of Duke’s soul, I saw Dougal look at me, and he told me that we were near approaching the Steaming Caverns, a place full of fire and smoke, yet closer to the Sanctum. I put my head down and carried on.

¬ End Journal Entry

Characters (and Players)


Jack Jones (JackJonespaw) - Jack was the leader of a choir, and now, one of the two leaders in the Hall. Moderately courageous, and definitely handsome, his entire life is now making sure that he, his wife, and the kids can survive and, God willing, get rescued. He is a tenor, but his voice can sing at all male ranges. Useful skill for the male choir instructor.


Dougal Logan (DannyLongLegs) - Dougal has been in the Hall for two years, and has dedicated that time, aside from keeping the survivors of the First Crash alive, to grooming the perfect beard and hair. He believes he has accomplished this, and now spends his time searching through the gigantic Hall looking for a pair of eyebrow tweezers so that his countenance might finally be perfected. Brave and somewhat grumpy, Dougal is a kind soul, and will try his best to keep a new lot of people alive. Dougal does sing, but his range is currently unknown, as his fierce eyebrows keep those kinds of questions at bay.


Julia Jones (CallMePie) - The wife of Jack, and the much more level-headed of the couple, Julia tends to take control when Jack can’t or won’t. Or when she thinks he’s wrong. Which is often. She is also a fantastic Soprano singer, and she trains the girls of the choir. She has always secretly wanted to shatter glass with her voice, but she’s always felt guilty that she would break something valuable or expensive.


Gale Appleton (Piratedave84) - Gale is one of the youngest bass singers in the United Kingdom, as well as one of the fattest. He enjoys his eats, in other words. AfterPer arriving in the Hall, Gale located and raided the kitchen, until Dink caught him and threw him out of there, angrily cursing. Not much about Gale’s personality is known, as most of his time is spent eating or singing, sometimes at the same time, much to Jack’s distaste.


Foorth Dyke (Tamamono) - Foorth is a robot with heightened intelligence and a fetish for scarves. His intelligence is so high that he is aware that this is merely a Mafia game on Eurobricks, not his actual life. He was awakened a bit over two years ago, promptly got on a plane, which crashed into Braeriach. He constantly tries to tell his fellow survivors that they can just walk off the brick-built set and they’ll be fine, but the only reply he gets is “shut up Foorth, stop metagaming”.


Molly Tolbert (Lady K) - Molly is the oldest of the choir, and no doubt the most beautiful, as she likes to let people know. She also is the main soloist of the choir, with a soprano to rival Julia’s. She’s very interested in the Hall’s history, as her father tells her brave stories about her ancestor, an ancient Scandanavian warrior who said he was Thor’s son. Believing to be descended from such God-ly roots doesn’t help her ego become more tolerable.


Lage “Dink” Skjeggestad (TinyPieRUs) - Dink is Norwegian, although he was raised in England, and his last name is nearly unpronounceable for any non-Norwegian. Since childhood, Dink has loved to cook, and although he isn’t very successful at it, still he tries, and that’s more than anyone else in the Hall does. Dink happily cooks alone, in peace, and hums to himself with his pleasant baritone. It’s rumored that Dink had a family who died in the first crash First Crash, but no one dares to ask him about it.


Woodcock (Bob) - Woodcock is an ancient automaton and guardian of the Hall, given life some old magic. He was awoken by the First Crash, and his memory is quite sparse. He remembers the first letter of the man who gave him life...started with an ‘H’, but that is nearly the extent of his remembered origins. As automatons go, Woodcock is one of the happier sort, ending many sentences with words like “splendid” and “fantastic”, despite the subject.


Quincy Easton (KingoftheZempk) - Qunicy is cursed with hyperhidrosis of the body, an exceedingly rare disorder. As such, he is constantly soaked with sweat, and usually isolated, since no one wants to touch him or be near enough to smell his salty sweat. Even in the choir, he sings alone, the sole countertenor in the choir.


Lusk Eccleston (fhomess) - Lusk is the type of man to look in the mirror and get an erection at his own moustache. His moustache is his pride and joy, as is his dazzling smile. He constantly drops hints in Mike’s direction that he is deeply in love with him, but Mike is too proud to even notice him. Lusk searches for a way to have Mike fall in love with him and his moustache.


Doctor Wynn (Tariq j) - Doctor Wynn is a curious sort. A few days after the First Crash, he walked into the Hall, and everyone assumed he had just woken up from some sort of coma after the Crash and had found his way into the Hall. The good Doctor knows a lot about a lot, and has absolutely no problem babbling frantically, in a varying accent from the British Isles, about just about anything while doctoring. The doctor is deeply altruistic, caring about everything and everyone, although on the rare occasion that someone annoys him, he begins to spout on about “stupid apes” and “onyx”. No one is really sure what he means, nor why he hates monkeys and gemstones so much.


Elijah (def) - Elijah didn’t want to tell anyone his last name, and no one asked after that. However, mysterious reasoning aside, without Elijah, the survivors of the First Crash would have starved to death long ago. A passionate gardener, Elijah has rows and rows of crops beneath the Hall, and he fervently forbids anyone to go down there, except Dink, who he works very closely with, to make sure that his plants are cooked as best as possible. Elijah, despite his mystery, is not a cruel man, and he makes sure that everyone is happy, well, as far as plants are concerned. Elijah also has a large interest in some sort of “special grass”, an interest that is shared by Duke.


Ray Christiansen (Dragonfire) - Ray was a Broadway star before the First Crash. A star, he’ll say, stressing the “s” and looking into your eye with an intensity not seen by many. A performer, Ray is quite flamboyant and over-dramatic, thus he loves being on the mountain and in the Hall, a perfect stage for the production he believes that he’s in. Personality-wise, nobody's quite sure, as Ray is always pursuing different characters and pretending he has been and always will be that character.


Ewan Breckenridge (mostlytechnic) - If you asked anyone who they thought was the coolest, most survival-oriented, bravest, strongest, and least-forgotten, there’s no doubt that they’d mention Ewan. Compared to Ewan, even Delwyn and Dougal seem like amateurs. Ewan is...well...badass. He solely takes on scouting missions around Braerich, and although he can get down the mountain with little effort, many of the residents of the Hall could not...he gets quite angry at how easy it could be to get down, but how unwilling everyone else seems to try.



Perce Triggs (Tachyon) - Town


Anthony Dixon (jluck) - Shadows


Delwyn Couch (RangeroftheForest) - Town


Mike Johnson (mediumsnowman) - Town


Duke Bowman (Cutcobra) - Shadows


1. Each player will be given a character to play, who will be aligned with either the Town or the Shadows. To win the game, the Town must kill all enemy factions, while the Shadows must outnumber all enemy factions.

2. Each day you will be able to vote to lynch a player. Voting should be done in the following format; Vote: Character (Player). Similarly, unvoting is to be done in the format; Unvote: Character (Player). No other format will be accepted. A majority vote is required to lynch a player.

3. A game day will last for 72 hours. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. After the day has concluded, a night stage will commence, which will last a maximum of 48 hours. Night actions must be sent to the host in the first 24 hours of the night stage.

4. The alignment of lynched players, as well as those that died during the night, will be revealed at the beginning of the next day.

5. You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to or from you in PM with the game host. This includes all the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage.

6. Do not play the game outside the thread. Similarly, do not post out of character inside the thread; you must always play the role given to you. Game tactics and roles may only be discussed in the game thread or via PM with other players. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game.

7. If you are dead, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any of the players. Any information you had becomes void and may not be passed on.

8. You may not edit your posts. Editing your post will result in a vote penalty on the first two occasions, and a mod-kill on the third.

9. You must post in every day thread.

10. If you encounter a problem or have any further questions, feel free to contact either Danny or me via PM.

11. Generally, there are no gameplay mechanics in the pictures. However, in each opening Day's pictures, there will be something that is relevant only to those with roles that pertain to it. To every other role, it will mean nothing. There are not clues in the character flavor text. I wrote that stuff before I even decided on alignments and roles.

12. Role Play. I tried my best to make all of the characters pretty fun to role play as, so go crazy. Give them your own personality; become your character. Have fun with it and relax.

12. Get ready. The fun begins...now!

Well, I guess all's well that ends well; it's a shame there was no lynch yesterday, but at least we got Duke at night. :thumbup:

I wonder what the Shadows were up to last night? :look: This also suggests they have no protector since Lady K announced his death sentence in the thread yesterday... and that they don't know who the vigilante is.

  On 12/12/2015 at 9:10 PM, Cutcobra said:

So, as far as I can see, the first few votes were based on nothing so I won't be looking into them that much. The fact that Perce Triggs just voted Doctor Wynn out of the blue seems to seem like a typical newbie mistake, nothing special. But the way that Ray Christianen responded to Perce's random vote makes me curious:

You aren't adding anything to discussion. It just seems like fluff to make it seem like you are actually part of the discussion.

And Delwyn already said what I was going to say about Quincy and if it comes to it, I will vote for her so that we can have a majority as I do find her scummy, but not as scummy as I find Ray here.

Vote: Ray Chistiansen (Dragonfire)

Duke seemed awfully ready to jump on Ray right from the start. Could be a bus of course, but at this point I don't see a scum trying to immediately start something on another scum.

  On 12/12/2015 at 10:42 PM, Cutcobra said:

Sorry. I was still writing my post when you posted that last message and it didn't feel like fluff to me this time.

Unvote: Ray Christiansen

I would vote for Quincy now but I don't want to jump to conclusions since my only reasoning is fluff and I thought that Ray was scummy for posting fluff in the beginning (I was clearly wrong).

But then he unvotes right after with a BS excuse about cross-posting, which could suggest otherwise...

  On 12/13/2015 at 6:10 PM, Cutcobra said:

I haven't played too many games so I don't know what the default "too much" is considered.

I did, actually. Just like you are thinking that I am scum for "posting fluff" I also thought that Ray was scum for posting fluff until I was proven wrong (He seems like he is contributing. To me, at least)

I didn't want to vote for Quincy since I don't want to jump right in to something from a mere suggestion of scumminess. I realize I need little more than just fluff as a reason to vote for someone. Up until now, though, he hasn't contributed to anything. Only voted for Perce, who seemed like he (Perce) was getting a bandwagon of votes behind him. So:

Vote: Quincy Easton (KingoftheZempk)

I also have you on my radar, since your sudden focus on me seems like a desperate measure to get the attention away from you, and the already added up evidence against you. But you don't really strike me as scum since you are contributing a lot to the discussion.

He doesn't want to vote for Quincy so soon, but does it anyway... Quincy at this point probably looks like an easy lynch target for him, or a safe vote with a quieter member of the town at the very least.

  On 12/18/2015 at 9:35 PM, Cutcobra said:

The accusations against def (at least I think they are) are practically pointless. In my mind, scum plan every single detail of their post to make sure he/she doesn't seem scummy or doesn't and def seems to experience to let something like "no chance that I am godfather" thing slip up.

Then, there is mostlytechnic, He was 'pointing out' that there was a possibility that def was a godfather and it wasn't confirmed that he was scum. Then, as soon as Anthony is confirmed scum:

Then he just seems to continue discussing with RangeroftheForest.

Seems to be buddying def, for better or for worse. Noob scum like to get close to him in these games, but we can't be sure; would he outright defend him if he was his scum buddy?

He talks about mostlytechnic as well, but I honestly can't tell what he thinks of him from this post. This could be a scumtell for MT - I always talk about my teammates but remain very ambivalent on them.


Speaking of Quincy (Yes, I am starting every observation with "Speaking of". Sue me), all you did that is of notice was to defend yourself from accusations until you could "hug it out", demand an update on claims and just seem to try and sneakily instill suspicion about Ewan:

And you also just continued adding what was already said about mediumsnowman.

Still talking about Quincy, and this time he's more ambivalent, as with MT... but taken in the context of what he said on Day One, I feel this statement to be a bit different from the previous one.


Speaking of two mafia teams (Yes I know I didn't mention them but still): My only reason to believe that there is only one mafia team is that Danny and Jack clearly stated that it doesn't matter if we did Mafia School or not. Wouldn't it be too complicated for a newbie who only knew the basics? I know this is weak reasoning so don't count me on this.

I'd vote for any of the above but honestly there is no point so I'll continue my discussion tomorrow.

But here he says the above people (MT and King of the Zempk among some dead people) warrant a vote. With a list that big, I wouldn't be surprised if one scum is in there, and since he was after Zempk from day one, I wouldn't be surprised at all if it was mostly technic.

  On 1/2/2016 at 1:16 AM, Tamamono said:

I wonder what the Shadows were up to last night? :look:

Dying? :laugh: My money is on Duke having been their killer.

We're doing damn well so far.

  On 1/2/2016 at 1:16 AM, Tamamono said:

But here he says the above people (MT and King of the Zempk among some dead people) warrant a vote. With a list that big, I wouldn't be surprised if one scum is in there, and since he was after Zempk from day one, I wouldn't be surprised at all if it was mostly technic.

Thank you for the analysis Foorth. Interesting that yesterday's discussion put some attention on these two, and it turns out Duke gave them some as well. I remain highly suspicious of Ewan for the reasons I pointed out (a bit later than I should've) yesterday.

Score! Another Shadow down!

As for Ewan, Julia did an excellent job yesterday of analyzing him. What I do want to mention is at the very end of the day, he switches his vote from Woodcock to Duke. He switched with only 30 minutes left. To me, even though it looked like a no lynch, I think it was a calculated move by him to seem less scummy and hide his role. If there is no scum protector and they knew that Duke was to be killed in the night, he could say "Well look! I voted for scum! Barely anyone else did."

Another good day to sing about! We will have some more good info for you, as soon as we have analyzed all our night results.

Yesterday the late vote was my fault. I waited too long to give you the needed information. After the long trekking down these stairs, I fell asleep (before the host time stamp of 14hrs left) and didn't notice time passing quickly. I wanted us all to sing together more instead of just trekking along eerily quiet......

So today I will that information to you all more quickly.

  On 1/2/2016 at 3:48 PM, Lady K said:

Another good day to sing about! We will have some more good info for you, as soon as we have analyzed all our night results.

Yesterday the late vote was my fault. I waited too long to give you the needed information. After the long trekking down these stairs, I fell asleep (before the host time stamp of 14hrs left) and didn't notice time passing quickly. I wanted us all to sing together more instead of just trekking along eerily quiet......

So today I will that information to you all more quickly.

For the sake of not having another no-lynch, could you or a mouthpiece for the block please share whatever it is you think you stumbled upon?

... Anyone else want to talk? :look: I see Molly is on and you're probably writing/collecting stuff, but does anyone have anything to say?

We are working on piecing together some interesting results from last night. I'll give out the info as soon as we have it all.

In the meantime, why is there so little conversation? The new day has been underway for several hours.......sitting quietly on these dark stairs and not singing will drive us all crazy. I would like to hear everyones' lovely voices in unison singing together so we can keep these nasty shadows at bay.

Any speculations on anyone? We know Anthony and Duke were Shadows, so who were they against? Who were they seemly trying to protect? Any helpful insight into what Perce, Delwyn, and Mike had to say? Mike and Deiwyn were both very talkative when they were still with us.

I agree with Foorth's analysis, it seems likely that either Quincy or Ewan are scum.

It's odd that Duke decided to claim tracker. Normally I would assume that this means the scum have a tracker, but the fact his result was wrong seems to suggest he inexplicably made up the whole thing. We know Anthony claimed vanilla, I wonder if any other scum would take as big a risk as Duke and claim a PR.

  On 1/2/2016 at 10:56 PM, TinyPiesRUs said:

It's odd that Duke decided to claim tracker. Normally I would assume that this means the scum have a tracker, but the fact his result was wrong seems to suggest he inexplicably made up the whole thing. We know Anthony claimed vanilla, I wonder if any other scum would take as big a risk as Duke and claim a PR.

Excellent point - whenever I play scum I make sure it's pretty even for our claims unless we're in a tight space. I would say there's probably one more scum among the more incredible claims - maybe something like bomb?? I remember using that one. :laugh:

Let me pull up some other posts from more of the deceased...

  On 12/11/2015 at 3:28 PM, jluck said:

Vote for Elijah on day one,

It will be wonderfully fun!

Because the moment he's lynched,

He becomes "Jluck's B**ch",

And his Mafia days will be done.

All this fuckery is pretty asinine, but do we think it's a bus? I think no - that happens with the substantive votes, not with the random Day One votes. I would say def is town.

  On 12/12/2015 at 4:44 AM, jluck said:

If you think I'm the best candidate and you have reasons to vote for me, do it. If you have reasons for your voting for doctor Wynn, share them. I just want you to contribute to the conversation in a useful manner. Day 1 is hard enough to get right without mindless voting.

  On 12/12/2015 at 10:27 AM, Tariq j said:

Honestly, Jluck hasn't actually pinged me that much, he posts haven't been normal for sure but I see it as his role playing personality than scummy posts. But what I do find suspicious is you quickly jumping on the easiest bandwagon. So for that reason: Vote: Delwyn Couch (Ranger of the Forest)

This is somewhat interesting, although may not be worth following up on; jluck subtly asks for justification on the Tariq J vote, and Tariq J quasi-defending him... opinions? I also did not have the greatest Day One, as we discussed yesterday, so it may not mean much, but this type of subtlety is a bit more scum-like.

  On 12/13/2015 at 2:08 PM, jluck said:

So are you saying you have a town lean on perce? I want to get your stance nailed down for future reference, either good or bad.

This was directed at Tariq, however, and does not necessarily feel like a scum interaction. What do you all think?

  On 12/13/2015 at 10:04 PM, jluck said:

I've already voted for my strongest read and don't want to change my vote unless a split is imminent. I will monitor the progression for that purpose. How are we on time?

Also, I'm mildly concerned with your pm quote, is that allowed?

Would he bring up a possible rules infraction for one of his own (Dragonfire, in this instance)? I think not...

  On 12/16/2015 at 1:32 AM, jluck said:

I can speak for myself on this. I PMed 8 people last night the following message:

How many of those on this list are scum? He pointed out CMP and Bob as scummy; I remember because I received the message too. I feel like there might be a scum in there. Since I also suspect MT, who CMP has made a rather eloquent case for, I'm leaning Bob on the one here, if there is one


I was in the middle of constructing a post with this info when the day ended. I wanted to get this info out just in case I didn't survive the night because I genuinely believed it was relevant. Of course the no night kill thing coulda helped had I read it :shy:

I sent this PM to 8 people, including the accused, to keep everything fair since the post was meant for the message board. I mostly chose people who'd posted in the last few pages because they were easy to click on. Those receiving the message were:





Lady k




We know snowman is dead and Lady K is town, so the remaining recipients are:







I'm town (but you don't have to believe that - I don't mind), and I think DF and def are town as mentioned earlier, which leaves CMP/Bob/TPRU as the possible scum in this circle if there are any. Again, CMP is less likely since MT is very likely, making it between Bob and TPRU, both of whom I think are scummy-ish anyway.

So out of Bob, MT, TPRU, and Zempk I think we have our scum - I would bet on two out of the first three.

Now the issue arises, however, of bad moves, like Cutcobra's. All of the former three are smart, well-seasoned players. Would they let Cutcobra make such a horrible claim? And one that's so easily verifiable at that! Perhaps he went rogue and did it himself?

Things to think about...

Tariq J is a possibility too - forgot him in final analysis. Sorry!

  On 12/15/2015 at 10:01 PM, Tariq j said:

Did we though? I still can't understand why everyone decided to change their votes to him.

  On 12/15/2015 at 10:20 PM, Bob said:

Having a lynch on Day One is always important, I'm afraid! Day One lynches reveal a lot of wonderful information, for instance, people seem to think I'm suspect because I wasn't entirely convinced that Perce was all that scummy.

  On 12/15/2015 at 10:26 PM, Tariq j said:

Fair point :blush: . I suppose I was just wondering why everyone went for him.

Interaction worth looking at. This doesn't seem like a scum interaction - of course it could be, but I would venture that Tariq and Bob are not a team.

  On 12/16/2015 at 7:49 PM, Bob said:

Oh yes, because all early Day One votes are completely airtight cases that are founded upon fantastic evidence. Why haven't you called out any other early Day One votes? Anthony voted for Elijah just for laughs. You don't find that suspicious?

Are you just calling out my votes because I'm the one who went after you? Did I perhaps strike a nerve? Excellent!

This is a point in Bob's favor, mentioning jluck's scumminess before the investigation result, although it was less of an accusation and more of a sideline - a way to get the attention off of himself.

  On 12/29/2015 at 5:46 PM, Tariq j said:

This also seems suspicious, in my mind Ray asked a simple question regarding the logic behind Foorth's "ping" and for that he got voted for, not understanding the logic here. It also surprises me how Duke seems to subtly defend Foorth here by implying his logic is correct.

Here's Tariq implying that Bob is scum. Again, probably not a team.

Bob and TPRU had a long interaction in Days 2-3 which I would think is uncharacteristic for scum as well - I can quote it if desired.

  • Author

Voting is now open!

Another fabulous morning! We've caught another Shadow! Splendid!

  On 1/3/2016 at 1:11 AM, Tamamono said:

So out of Bob, MT, TPRU, and Zempk I think we have our scum - I would bet on two out of the first three.

I happen to not be scum, thank you. I can't speak for the other three, although I'm fairly certain that Ewan and potentially Lusk are scum. You might be as well, sir!

Where is everyone, by the way? We shouldn't eagerly await for the results from the town block. The rest of us need to work on our own to try and root out the scum.

  On 1/3/2016 at 1:11 AM, Tamamono said:
How many of those on this list are scum? He pointed out CMP and Bob as scummy; I remember because I received the message too. I feel like there might be a scum in there. Since I also suspect MT, who CMP has made a rather eloquent case for, I'm leaning Bob on the one here, if there is one

We know snowman is dead and Lady K is town, so the remaining recipients are:







I don't think I'd realised before that Anthony directly PMed Woodcock and Julia about their votes. Assuming they responded to his accusations via PM, I wonder if Woodcock and Julia could provide evidence of their conversation for us?

  On 1/3/2016 at 3:47 AM, TinyPiesRUs said:

I don't think I'd realised before that Anthony directly PMed Woodcock and Julia about their votes. Assuming they responded to his accusations via PM, I wonder if Woodcock and Julia could provide evidence of their conversation for us?

Good idea. :thumbup:

  On 1/3/2016 at 1:11 AM, Tamamono said:

All this fuckery is pretty asinine, but do we think it's a bus? I think no - that happens with the substantive votes, not with the random Day One votes. I would say def is town.

This is somewhat interesting, although may not be worth following up on; jluck subtly asks for justification on the Tariq J vote, and Tariq J quasi-defending him... opinions? I also did not have the greatest Day One, as we discussed yesterday, so it may not mean much, but this type of subtlety is a bit more scum-like.

It's funny you say that Foorth, because on Day One you also subtly defended Anthony:

  On 12/12/2015 at 2:21 AM, Tamamono said:

Vote: Molly (Lady K)

Pinged me before, and seems off. The vote for Anthony doesn't feel right - no read on him for now, and I've never played with him before, but Molly's vote feels disingenuous.

So to me this whole post feels like an attempt to shift the focus on to someone else other than yourself...

I have something interesting to share.... this morning, I was informed by the Host that I would be unable to post for the first 24 hours of the day. Has anyone else had this happen to them on previous days? It looks like we may have a prankster role or a role that can curse people in this game....

  On 1/2/2016 at 1:16 AM, Tamamono said:

Duke seemed awfully ready to jump on Ray right from the start. Could be a bus of course, but at this point I don't see a scum trying to immediately start something on another scum.

But then he unvotes right after with a BS excuse about cross-posting, which could suggest otherwise...

That's why I initially scumread him. He made a bad accusation against me and then immediately did a 180 and retracted it as soon as I called him out for it. To me it looked like a poor attempt to get a wagon started, which was quickly suppressed when he got even a smidgeon of suspicion. It's quite typical scum behaviour, but I don't think it necessarily paints me as scum too.

  On 1/2/2016 at 3:30 PM, KingoftheZempk said:

Score! Another Shadow down!

As for Ewan, Julia did an excellent job yesterday of analyzing him. What I do want to mention is at the very end of the day, he switches his vote from Woodcock to Duke. He switched with only 30 minutes left. To me, even though it looked like a no lynch, I think it was a calculated move by him to seem less scummy and hide his role. If there is no scum protector and they knew that Duke was to be killed in the night, he could say "Well look! I voted for scum! Barely anyone else did."

Another poor accusation from you. Once again, you're jumping on an easy bandwagon and trying to look helpful by saying something. Utterly transparent :hmpf_bad:

  On 1/3/2016 at 1:11 AM, Tamamono said:

I'm town (but you don't have to believe that - I don't mind), and I think DF and def are town as mentioned earlier, which leaves CMP/Bob/TPRU as the possible scum in this circle if there are any. Again, CMP is less likely since MT is very likely, making it between Bob and TPRU, both of whom I think are scummy-ish anyway.

So out of Bob, MT, TPRU, and Zempk I think we have our scum - I would bet on two out of the first three.

Now the issue arises, however, of bad moves, like Cutcobra's. All of the former three are smart, well-seasoned players. Would they let Cutcobra make such a horrible claim? And one that's so easily verifiable at that! Perhaps he went rogue and did it himself?

Things to think about...

Tariq J is a possibility too - forgot him in final analysis. Sorry!

How many scum do we think there are? With seventeen initial players, I can't think there would be any more than four scum, especially since last game was so unbalanced. Two down, so two (probably) left. What if the team is Quincy, Wynn, Duke and Anthony? In that scenario Duke would probably be allowed to claim tracker....

Either way, I think you have a good point: the scum are likely to be in Quincy, Wynn, Woodcock and Ewan. Possibly Gale, Lusk and Dink, but those three are somewhat less likely.

  On 1/3/2016 at 3:15 AM, Bob said:

I happen to not be scum, thank you. I can't speak for the other three, although I'm fairly certain that Ewan and potentially Lusk are scum. You might be as well, sir!

Where is everyone, by the way? We shouldn't eagerly await for the results from the town block. The rest of us need to work on our own to try and root out the scum.

You can say that, but it's not as if you've given any sort of analysis or tried to help the town....

You keep dodging your "suspicion" of me from the last three days. You failed to explain why what you accused me of (questioning logic) is scummy, and you only made yourself look bad. Now you've apparently dropped all suspicion of me - probably because you want to pursue an easier bandwagon like Ewan's. And then you bring Lusk's name out of the blue - you've never said zat you suspect him before, or why you suspect him.....

Hi, I'm here! Been partying with the special herbs. I'm up to vote out Ewan. I thought his response to my vote on him was deliberately obtuse; that is, he said I was voting for him for no reason, when actually I've been accusing him since day one. But that's not a great reason to lead a vote, and I'll follow Molly's lead.

Due to lack of participation by several, it is difficult to get a good reason on anyone! A concert can not be held with just a few choir members. Why are some of you sitting on the dark stairs just waiting to be overtaken by the shadow?

  On 1/3/2016 at 12:28 PM, def said:

Hi, I'm here! Been partying with the special herbs. I'm up to vote out Ewan. I thought his response to my vote on him was deliberately obtuse; that is, he said I was voting for him for no reason, when actually I've been accusing him since day one. But that's not a great reason to lead a vote, and I'll follow Molly's lead.

Ok, lets get this party started!

Vote: Ewan Breckenridge (mostlytechnic)

I won't give specifics yet, as I want to hear what Ewan has to say in his own defense......and because he was here this morning...... back from another scouting expedition and didn't bother to leave any kind of report at all!

No other votes? I see others here and over there by the stairs, in the dark.....no votes?.....no thoughts?......

  On 1/3/2016 at 5:09 AM, Tamamono said:

Good idea. :thumbup:

I checked back and I got the message, but I ignored it in PM. I honestly thought at first he had mis-sent it because it wasn't personalized at all: it didn't appear he was conscious of the fact that his message said "hey, these two people are suspicious" while I was one of the two people. I think I remarked on the accusation early on Day Two, but nothing ever came of it and then later that day we nailed Anthony.

I'll Vote: Ewan Breckenridge (mostlytechnic).

  On 1/3/2016 at 12:21 PM, Dragonfire said:

I have something interesting to share.... this morning, I was informed by the Host that I would be unable to post for the first 24 hours of the day. Has anyone else had this happen to them on previous days? It looks like we may have a prankster role or a role that can curse people in this game....

That is quite interesting considering that we haven't seen anything like it in the past three days unless I'm misremembering.

Also, can I request that we lynch Gale tomorrow? He was not here at all yesterday and since he's not going to get mod-killed I feel like we shouldn't be leaving him off to the side, I feel as though he's slipped everyone minds. :sceptic:

Vote: Ewan (mostlytechnic)

  On 1/3/2016 at 8:15 AM, Tariq j said:

It's funny you say that Foorth, because on Day One you also subtly defended Anthony:

So to me this whole post feels like an attempt to shift the focus on to someone else other than yourself...

I specifically said I had a bad Day One, but you're free to believe anything you like. :thumbup:

  On 1/3/2016 at 12:21 PM, Dragonfire said:

How many scum do we think there are? With seventeen initial players, I can't think there would be any more than four scum, especially since last game was so unbalanced. Two down, so two (probably) left. What if the team is Quincy, Wynn, Duke and Anthony? In that scenario Duke would probably be allowed to claim tracker....

Either way, I think you have a good point: the scum are likely to be in Quincy, Wynn, Woodcock and Ewan. Possibly Gale, Lusk and Dink, but those three are somewhat less likely.

Excellent point; I think we're looking for two right now, which means we have to look for teams.

  On 1/3/2016 at 3:36 PM, CallMePie said:

I checked back and I got the message, but I ignored it in PM. I honestly thought at first he had mis-sent it because it wasn't personalized at all: it didn't appear he was conscious of the fact that his message said "hey, these two people are suspicious" while I was one of the two people. I think I remarked on the accusation early on Day Two, but nothing ever came of it and then later that day we nailed Anthony.

I'll Vote: Ewan Breckenridge (mostlytechnic).

That is quite interesting considering that we haven't seen anything like it in the past three days unless I'm misremembering.

Also, can I request that we lynch Gale tomorrow? He was not here at all yesterday and since he's not going to get mod-killed I feel like we shouldn't be leaving him off to the side, I feel as though he's slipped everyone minds. :sceptic:

Thank you, at least we now have two votes and a good observation. Some here are active in private, some in thread, and only a small few (of which two are now dead) have been active in both. And Ewan and Lusk have been almost absent from both. I know both of them to be far more active in the past. While Gale is a concern, if we were not going after Ewan for today then I would say Lusk. So for tomorrow I would like to look closer at Lusk as well as the others who are sadly sitting in the dark awaiting the shadows to take them over, no one should be forgotten at this point.

Foorth, why do you want to look for teams? At this point wouldn't the shadows try to distance themselves from each other so one can survive? Also what about the possibility of an SK? That hasn't been brought up as much here as other times in the past, the lack of kills hasn't even been discussed as much at all.....like some are trying to keep that thought in the dark? We may very well have 3 left not just 2. The rules are specific.....all enemy factions. I don't think it would be worded so clearly if it wasn't a possibility.

Sorry Foorth....we now have three votes for Ewan.

  On 1/3/2016 at 4:34 PM, Lady K said:

Foorth, why do you want to look for teams? At this point wouldn't the shadows try to distance themselves from each other so one can survive? Also what about the possibility of an SK? That hasn't been brought up as much here as other times in the past, the lack of kills hasn't even been discussed as much at all.....like some are trying to keep that thought in the dark? We may very well have 3 left not just 2. The rules are specific.....all enemy factions. I don't think it would be worded so clearly if it wasn't a possibility.

I don't see an SK happening with lack of kills. If anything it's a survivor/jester and latter is too audacious, former we don't really have to worry about if there is one since it can't do anything most of the time.

Although I agree that "all enemy factions" doesn't bode well. Maybe 3 Shadows and 2 of some other faction?

I think looking in teams for Shadows is helpful in Day 1-3 behavior, but yeah they'll try to distance today. There's a lot we can get from early interactions. :thumbup:

I don't want another no lynch so Vote: Ewan (mostlytechnic)

But I think the bandwagon formed too quickly.

What I mean by that is that at least one person I am (as are others) suspicious of voted in on the bandwagon already and I would wager that the other person I suspect will vote in the bandwagon before day's end.

What I mean by that is that at least one person I am (as are others) suspicious of voted in on the bandwagon already and I would wager that the other person I suspect will vote in the bandwagon before day's end.

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