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Choose bublible's new LEGO Ideas project - 2016, January 23 members have voted

  1. 1. MOC for LEGO Ideas - 2016, January

    • 691305 Decontamination Base
    • 691522 Geckoentaur Traxformer
    • 681502 Caterpillar Spacecraft
    • 681501 Kozmik Tower Station
    • 691512 Space Hydroasis Delta
    • 691502 Intercom Repair Vehicle
    • 691514 Scootoover Refill Dock
    • 691513 Drone Transporter
    • 691510 Wheeled Photon Plow
    • 691509 Ionosphere Absorber

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Hey guys

I would like to ask you helping me to choose one of my MOCs becoming my next/new LEGO Ideas project by expressing your thoughts (vote in a poll): please, see the poll and make your choice - thanx a lot! (fingers crossed hoping it does not break any EB forum rules once again :look::blush: )

So to show you what those MOCs actually look like, here are small thumbnails for each + direct link to their respective topic here on Eurobricks as all of them were posted here first (click on the MOC title for that). :wink:

691305 Decontamination Base


691522 Geckoentaur Traxformer


681502 Caterpillar Spacecraft


681501 Kozmik Tower Station


691512 Space Hydroasis Delta


691502 Intercom Repair Vehicle


691514 Scootoover Refill Dock


691513 Drone Transporter


691510 Wheeled Photon Plow


691509 Ionosphere Absorber


You forgot to add this choice: "Promoting LEGO Ideas project on Eurobricks is against the site guidelines"

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You forgot to add this choice: "Promoting LEGO Ideas project on Eurobricks is against the site guidelines"

Bob, but I am not promoting anything here :look: : I am just asking what would ppl choose for LEGO ideas project if they were me, that is all - I am not asking for voting on LEGO Ideas...strange if this is considered as promoting. :sceptic:

Edited by bublible

It's just a reminder. I didn't locked the thread or anything... :wink:

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It's just a reminder. I didn't locked the thread or anything... :wink:

Ah, so...OK then - I thought you are saying I did promoted my LEGO Ideas stuff here with that poll (as I already know promoting LEGO Ideas project is forbidden here having probs with it some time ago)...or maybe my english is really not that good to express myself right all the time, silly me. :grin:

Edited by bublible

It's not fobidden... It's just that you can't make a thread like "My new LEGO Ideas project" and ask for support, but you can make a thread like "My new awesome MOC" in which you'll present your MOC in detail, and then add a link to the Ideas project... The important part being: put the MOC in highlight, not the Ideas project. If people like your MOC, they'll vote for it.

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It's not fobidden... It's just that you can't make a thread like "My new LEGO Ideas project" and ask for support, but you can make a thread like "My new awesome MOC" in which you'll present your MOC in detail, and then add a link to the Ideas project... The important part being: put the MOC in highlight, not the Ideas project. If people like your MOC, they'll vote for it.

So if I understood it right basically the main prob is with the title wording? if so no problem: I would change it accordingly but as you know I am not able changing the topic title once set, unfortunately. :sceptic:

Edited by bublible

It's ok. I have no problem with your poll, just don't start a thread after to ask people to support your project :wink:

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It's ok. I have no problem with your poll, just don't start a thread after to ask people to support your project :wink:

Sure, I never do that - if you by any chance click any of my MOC topics you will see that as advised by some other Eurobricks OP I only add one line to the LEGO Ideas project site in that respective MOC topic page if such MOC have one, nothing else. :wink:

Edited by bublible


Edited by whitswj

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I like your style of MOCs- Especially the minifigs. It really is unique.

Thanx, whitswj - appreciated! :classic:

If you don't mind, I think I will run with this tread and post a few MOCs I make replicating this style.

Sure, no problem - I'd be pleased to see others consider my pseud-subtheme interesting enough to make their MOCs according to it...when you have some, please, feel free to show it! :thumbup:

The only thing that I would somehow "require" (ehm, just a suggestion) is placing some tiny little info somewhere in your future post about the fact that the sub-theme is called Techtroners and is developed by "bublible" - you know: obvious ridiculous small man tastes of a good swagger. :grin::laugh:

As far as Ideas- I wish there was a little more tolerance toward self promoting. I ran into a little push-back at classic-space.com in regard to a CUUSSO project some years ago. I sort of understand the intent, however in the classic space community Ideas is really our only mechanism for getting new parts made in the spirit of classic space. We are a small niche.

Yes, I have the same personal feeling sometime... :sceptic::sadnew::hmpf_bad:

I hope you have success should you choose to submit an ideas project.

Fingers crossed. :laugh:

Edited by bublible


Edited by whitswj
Image too big. Please deeplink smaller size.

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@ Bubible- I will credit you and the Techtroner's sub-theme. In fact I will just post the images when I am done to this thread. I should have the first one in a few days. Another thing I like about this sub-theme is that I have a good reason to use my collection of non-production parts. Below is a few of my non-production parts I have posted to flickr:

Gee! Wow, wait a sec: as my english is not that good so maybe I did not understand it right BUT am I corrrect that you have these parts that were not made for public??? If so how did you manage having them?? Incredible if it is like that - can not wait to see your MOCs using these non-stabndard trans parts in Techtroners style!!!!

Aren't you some kind of TLG brick parts prototype designer? Once again: WOW!!!

BTW: now I am really thrilled cos quite funily those two trans dark blue panels were some I decided not to use cos simply it looks too unimaginable to me having them exactly in this color thinking this would never happen in real life, an now voila you showed me exactly those in real bricks - ABSOLUTELY ASTONISHING EXPERIENCE that I am having now, beautiful, my friend!


Oh ,man oh man, now I looked your Flickr account and I almost literally fell down from my chair - you seem to be extremely good MOCer yourself, please take it as my big adore to your models tho some are just your modern custom vesions of known CS sets, still perfect! Your version of iconic #6951 is breath taking!!! :thumbup:

+ hahaha, that IcePlanet2000 looking vehicle with 2 rocket containers, is it just coinsidence that one of my latest MOC I still did not released as a final one is in concept EXACTLY THE SAME (tho design is different, Techtroners-like, of course)? :laugh::thumbup:

Edited by bublible


Edited by whitswj

Is this one already on Ideas?

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Is this one already on Ideas?

Yes, it was there 2 times already (initial concept and later newer version resembling more the final one you are linking to): unfortunately, both ended up under 100 likes over a year. :sceptic:

I am not sure, maybe I am doing something wrong but, for example, my latest 2 addition were gaining likes like 25+ per day and then - in both cases - it stops almost suddenly, like 1 per month or so (at the moment, first one has 231 likes after cca. 160 days, second one has 161 likes after cca. 130 days). :look:

Edited by bublible

I love the yellow white design it reminds me a lot of seatron

  • Author

I love the yellow white design it reminds me a lot of seatron

Thank you - I am glad you like my Techtroners color scheme. :wink:

  • Author

@ Bubible- I will credit you and the Techtroner's sub-theme. In fact I will just post the images when I am done to this thread. I should have the first one in a few days. Another thing I like about this sub-theme is that I have a good reason to use my collection of non-production parts. Below is a few of my non-production parts I have posted to flickr:

Things that Lego let slip out by Walter Whiteside Jr., on Flickr

Ehm, there is just one thing that is REQUIRED if you really want to say it is in Techtroners style (I kind of developed this "recognision things" for my subtheme - besides color and the minifig - that needs to be ALWAYS APPLIED for the MOC being Techtroners one):

  • there always need to be one black "Antena" (2569) on left side (facing model front) + one trans red "Whip aerial" (30064, or in older sets it was 3957 - simply the one with rounded end tip) on right side (facing model front)
  • cockpit seat and stuff needs to be in color 151 "Sand Green" (if possible)
  • if applicable use at least one 4865 "Wall element" in color 40 "Trans Clear" inside cockpit (for example funcitoning as a kind of HUD in front of the pilot etc.)
  • at least 2 pieces of trans clear 44676 "Banner" need to be present
  • there always need to be at least one pair (2 pieeces) of 4345 "Mailbox, casing" in color 26 "Black" + 4346 "Mailbox, front" in color 40 "Trans Clear"
  • there always need to be at least one pair (2 pieces) of some flexible hoses in color 43 "Trans Dark Blue" of any kind (if those are chains they always need to be in 126 "Trans Bluish Bright Violet")
  • in case brick 6562 "Connector Peg/Cross Axle" is used for attaching wheels then it needs to be in color 23 "Bright Blue"
  • wheels/tyres/treads need to be always in color 26 "Black"
  • always try to use rather those old school bricks (but of course you are ABSOLUTELY FREE to use any brick you like, it's just that for example if you are deciding what canopy to use try to select some of those old ones if you can)
  • when it goes to some stuff like camera/laser-gun or metal detector, you have to use 2 "OLD GRAY" for those (or that new "Light Gray" in case you are unable find the old one color)
  • MOC need to have at least some simple modularity (for example: front part is separable from main "unit" etc.)

Edited by bublible


Edited by whitswj

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I'm not sure if I have all the needed elements- or the time : ) to meet all of these criteria. (After this I need to spend the next year working on either Steam-punk Projects or historical builds).

This is a fun theme and has a real potential in Lego Ideas and it also has the potential to bring builders many wanted elements in classic space colors. My vote is for the 691522 Geckoentaur Traxformer. You have a real masterpiece with that one.

Below is my first of 3 MOCs- It is a type of utility vehicle. My other two will be a very small base & large base. I like the idea of a stand alone small base because it was only done once in Lego space- the Explorien's Nebula Outpost.

Idea inspired by bublible's Techtroner's style by Walter Whiteside Jr., on Flickr

Idea inspired by bublible's Techtroner's style by Walter Whiteside Jr., on Flickr

Idea inspired by bublible's Techtroner's style by Walter Whiteside Jr., on Flickr

Thank you for your very kind words - I take it with pride from such an experienced MOC-er! :wink:

As of #691522 - thanx once again: I like it too tho some FB user pointed out - and I agreed on that - that in fact with real brick model its neck would most probably not be able withstand that weight of the cabin and would most probably fall down BUT it could be fixed quite easily be it with different approach to the neck connection technique OR simply by TLG designing new more sturdy LEGO piece specificaly for this set. :laugh::grin:

As of your Techroners inspired MOCs: I will check them more carefully a bit later (right now I am doing some webdesign stuff...you know, one needs to live form something "real" from time to time, earning some money and such the more I just loose a lot of them on complete NEXO NIGHTS line purchasing this weak, I guess Thursday will be the D-day :grin: ) BUT I have such an idea: as the fact is I really like your MOC building style (at least many of the MOCs I saw on your Flickr style) what if we kind of join our efforts and I would pick let's say one of your Techtroners inspired MOCs that I like most, "transport" them into digital world of LDD/BR (with your guide, of course, as one can hardly guess exact build process of such MOC), make some changes (you know, to implement Techtroners feeling a bit more :grin: ) and then I would show it to you and if you'd agree I would put it out here on FB unde rmy name as our team work, hm (that is credited you as the main author and me basically just as some subtheme oversight)? :wink: To me it seems quite interesting idea...BTW it would be interesting from the point that it basically imitate process in TLG itself, when one designer comes with something, then it is passed to other one adding/changing some stuff, then to others etc.

Edited by bublible

Below is my first of 3 MOCs- It is a type of utility vehicle.

Wow that is fantastic!

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+ BTW now as I look into that model I have to say it is very very interesting one indeed and I guess most of all quite original in concept (I do not remember none from SPACE theme that would be any close to your vision, maybe some stuff from MARS MISSION but still it looks quite unique tho I would change some bulkiness ffrom the design: you see not that it would look bad - not at all!!! - but to fit more into Techroners style...as it is basically made in that 80's plates style than bricks, you know when you have such an "airy"/light feeling from things although your MOC is airy quite enough right away which is very good!), so as I said earlier above: I WOULD BE VERY INTERESTED IN SLIGHTLY MODIFYING YOUR MOC so it becomes our team work, gee! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

+ I would of course added as much modularities to it as possible... :grin:

Edited by bublible


Edited by whitswj

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I like the idea! Are you suggesting a collaborative Build or a Collaborative IDEAS project?

SUPERB!!! Actually both of them: first we would make the MOC, presented it here and if it got some attention we could post it to LEGO Ideas afterwards... :wink::thumbup:

BUT NOW II hope you won't be angry or go mad cos I couldn't resist and already ported your great Techtroners inspired "grippler" build into LDD by guess with kind of "reverse engineering" way by inspecting all your available pictures you already posted :sweet::laugh::grin: + I ALREADY APPLIED MY CHANGES TO IT like better/more exact Techtroners color implementation, adding rotation ability to the crane with aretation (so it wont go tutning around by itself), adding one black container with trans lid beneath that yellow Aquazone brick you used in the front, changed the way the cabin and the side small thank are connected so now it is more sturdy and can be folded/rotated in any direction etc., working on it right now still perfecting it more and more + I was really astonished you have possesed those strange 45 degree brick 15706 (or at least that was the only possible way I could think of to achieve that 45 angle front wheels and still being solidly connected as a rock - bravo, really original use of that brick...in fact I was never able even imagine how this brick could be used, uff + BTW it gave me quite a head ache just to come up with that idea you have used :grin: ).

The last part that still missing is the end part of the crane which I am going to port now...

Edited by bublible

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